Benchmarks python graphs ======================== This page documents an example of how to query elasticsearch and plot the results with python. We are currently using ``kibana`` to plot and show graphs, but in the future we might want/need the flexibility of python for that. Generated image --------------- .. image:: benchmarks-python-graphs.png :alt: Example of image generated with the code above. Code example ------------ Some notes about the code example: * Depends on ``elasticsearch`` for querying and ``matplotlib`` for plotting. * Searches need to be scrolled to get all results using a ``scroll_id``. * Commit datetime ranges (`1 <>`_, `2 <>`_, `3 <>`_) can be put in place to limit results. .. code:: python #!/usr/bin/env python import os from math import sqrt from dateutil.parser import parse from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from elasticsearch.exceptions import NotFoundError import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def sort_commits(a, b): ta = parse(a['_source']['commit_info']['author_time']) tb = parse(b['_source']['commit_info']['author_time']) return -1 if ta < tb else 1 def _query_elasticsearch(): http_auth = os.environ.get('ES_CREDS').split(':') es = Elasticsearch([{ 'host': '', 'port': 9200, 'use_ssl': True, 'http_auth': http_auth, }]) q = "commit_info.project:soledad " \ "AND'weasel' " \ "AND name='test_async_create_1000_10k' " \ "AND commit_info.time:[\"now-1d\" TO \"now\"]" res ='benchmark', q=q, scroll='1m', size=50) total = res['hits']['total'] scroll_size = total scroll_id = res['_scroll_id'] hits = res['hits']['hits'][:] print("There are %d hits to get." % total) print("(got %d...)" % len(hits)) # scroll to get all results print("(started scrolling...)") while scroll_size > 0: try: res = es.scroll(scroll_id=scroll_id, scroll='1m') scroll_size = len(res['hits']['hits']) scroll_id = res['_scroll_id'] print("(got %d more...)" % scroll_size) hits += res['hits']['hits'][:] except NotFoundError: print("(finished scrolling.)") pass break print("Found %d hits." % len(hits)) hits.sort(sort_commits) stats = [] means = [] for hit in hits: st = hit['_source']['stats'] commit_id = hit['_source']['commit_info']['id'][:7] item = {} item["label"] = commit_id item["mean"] = st['mean'] item["med"] = st['median'] item["q1"] = st['q1'] item["q3"] = st['q3'] # item["cilo"] = 5.3 # not required # item["cihi"] = 5.7 # not required item["whislo"] = st['mean'] - st['stddev'] item["whishi"] = st['mean'] + st['stddev'] item["fliers"] = [] # required if showfliers=True stats.append(item) means.append(st['mean']) # print(hit['_source']['commit_info']) return stats, means def mean(lst): return sum(lst) / len(lst) def stddev(lst): mn = mean(lst) variance = sum([(e - mn)**2 for e in lst]) / len(lst) return sqrt(variance) def _plot_graph(results): print("Plotting graph...") stats, means = results fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) plt.grid() axes.bxp(stats) mmean = mean(means) mstddev = stddev(means) plt.axhline(y=mmean + (1.5 * mstddev), color='b', linestyle='--') plt.axhline(y=mmean - (1.5 * mstddev), color='b', linestyle='--') plt.axhline(y=mmean, color='b', linestyle='-') axes.set_title('Time taken for test_async_create_1000_10k') plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right', size='small') plt.ylim(ymin=0) plt.tight_layout() # boxplot filename = '/tmp/test.png' print("Saving to %s" % filename) plt.savefig(filename) # plt.figure() # if __name__ == '__main__': results = _query_elasticsearch() _plot_graph(results)