===================== soledad-create-userdb ===================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Create a user database for use with Soledad Server in the LEAP Platform. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ :Author: The LEAP Encryption Access Project https://leap.se :Copyright: GPLv3+ :Manual section: 1 :Manual group: General Commands Manual SYNOPSIS ======== ``soledad-create-userdb`` [-h] `dbname` DESCRIPTION =========== ``soledad-create-userdb`` is a command used by Soledad Server to create user databases for use with the LEAP Platform. The current database backend used by the LEAP Platform is CouchDB. This command will parse the Soledad Server configuration file to find the path for a netrc file with the administrative CouchDB credentials. See the **FILES** section below for more information on this. This command is meant to be run by the `soledad` user in the system, which should have special privileges so it can read the CouchDB administrative credentials from the netrc file pointed by the Soledad Server configuration file. OPTIONS ======= `dbname` The name of the database to be created. -h, --help Print a help message and exit. FILES ===== /etc/soledad/soledad-server.conf The Soledad Server configuration file. The path to a netrc file with CouchDB administrative credentials should be set in this file with the option ``admin_netrc`` under the section ``[soledad-server]``. ENVIRONMENT =========== SOLEDAD_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE If set, the command will parse the configuration file pointed by this variable instead of the default one in */etc/soledad/soledad-server.conf*. SOLEDAD_BYPASS_AUTH If set, the command will not try to load the CouchDB administrative credentials and URI from a configuration file. Instead, it will use ```` as URI (without username and password). BUGS ==== Please report any bugs to https://leap.se/code/projects/report-issues