#!/bin/bash # Update pip and install LEAP base/testing requirements. # For convenience, $insecure_packages are allowed with insecure flags enabled. # Use at your own risk. # See $usage for help insecure_packages="u1db dirspec" leap_wheelhouse=https://lizard.leap.se/wheels show_help() { usage="Usage: $0 [--testing] [--use-leap-wheels]\n --testing\t\tInstall dependencies from requirements-testing.pip\n \t\t\tOtherwise, it will install requirements.pip\n --use-leap-wheels\tUse wheels from leap.se" echo -e $usage exit 1 } process_arguments() { testing=false while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do # From http://stackoverflow.com/a/31443098 case "$1" in --help) show_help;; --testing) testing=true; shift 1;; --use-leap-wheels) use_leap_wheels=true; shift 1;; -h) show_help;; -*) echo "unknown option: $1" >&2; exit 1;; esac done } return_wheelhouse() { if $use_leap_wheels ; then WHEELHOUSE=$leap_wheelhouse elif [ "$WHEELHOUSE" = "" ]; then WHEELHOUSE=$HOME/wheelhouse fi # Tested with bash and zsh if [[ $WHEELHOUSE != http* && ! -d "$WHEELHOUSE" ]]; then mkdir $WHEELHOUSE fi echo "$WHEELHOUSE" } return_install_options() { wheelhouse=`return_wheelhouse` install_options="-U --find-links=$wheelhouse" if $use_leap_wheels ; then install_options="$install_options --trusted-host lizard.leap.se" fi echo $install_options } return_insecure_flags() { for insecure_package in $insecure_packages; do flags="$flags --allow-external $insecure_package --allow-unverified $insecure_package" done echo $flags } return_packages() { if $testing ; then packages="-r pkg/requirements-testing.pip" else packages="-r pkg/requirements.pip" fi echo $packages } process_arguments $@ install_options=`return_install_options` insecure_flags=`return_insecure_flags` packages=`return_packages` pip install -U wheel pip install $install_options pip pip install $install_options $insecure_flags $packages