# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # target.py # Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ A U1DB backend for encrypting data before sending to server and decrypting after receiving. """ import binascii import cStringIO import gzip import hashlib import hmac import logging import urllib import threading import simplejson as json from time import sleep from uuid import uuid4 from u1db.remote import utils, http_errors from u1db.errors import BrokenSyncStream from u1db import errors from u1db.remote.http_target import HTTPSyncTarget from u1db.remote.http_client import _encode_query_parameter from leap.soledad.common import soledad_assert from leap.soledad.common.crypto import ( EncryptionSchemes, UnknownEncryptionScheme, MacMethods, UnknownMacMethod, WrongMac, ENC_JSON_KEY, ENC_SCHEME_KEY, ENC_METHOD_KEY, ENC_IV_KEY, MAC_KEY, MAC_METHOD_KEY, ) from leap.soledad.common.document import SoledadDocument from leap.soledad.client.auth import TokenBasedAuth from leap.soledad.client.crypto import ( EncryptionMethods, UnknownEncryptionMethod, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # # Exceptions # class DocumentNotEncrypted(Exception): """ Raised for failures in document encryption. """ pass # # Crypto utilities for a SoledadDocument. # def mac_doc(crypto, doc_id, doc_rev, ciphertext, mac_method): """ Calculate a MAC for C{doc} using C{ciphertext}. Current MAC method used is HMAC, with the following parameters: * key: sha256(storage_secret, doc_id) * msg: doc_id + doc_rev + ciphertext * digestmod: sha256 :param crypto: A SoledadCryto instance used to perform the encryption. :type crypto: leap.soledad.crypto.SoledadCrypto :param doc_id: The id of the document. :type doc_id: str :param doc_rev: The revision of the document. :type doc_rev: str :param ciphertext: The content of the document. :type ciphertext: str :param mac_method: The MAC method to use. :type mac_method: str :return: The calculated MAC. :rtype: str """ if mac_method == MacMethods.HMAC: return hmac.new( crypto.doc_mac_key(doc_id), str(doc_id) + str(doc_rev) + ciphertext, hashlib.sha256).digest() # raise if we do not know how to handle this MAC method raise UnknownMacMethod('Unknown MAC method: %s.' % mac_method) def encrypt_doc(crypto, doc): """ Encrypt C{doc}'s content. Encrypt doc's contents using AES-256 CTR mode and return a valid JSON string representing the following: { ENC_JSON_KEY: '', ENC_SCHEME_KEY: 'symkey', ENC_METHOD_KEY: EncryptionMethods.AES_256_CTR, ENC_IV_KEY: '', MAC_KEY: '' MAC_METHOD_KEY: 'hmac' } :param crypto: A SoledadCryto instance used to perform the encryption. :type crypto: leap.soledad.crypto.SoledadCrypto :param doc: The document with contents to be encrypted. :type doc: SoledadDocument :return: The JSON serialization of the dict representing the encrypted content. :rtype: str """ soledad_assert(doc.is_tombstone() is False) # encrypt content using AES-256 CTR mode iv, ciphertext = crypto.encrypt_sym( str(doc.get_json()), # encryption/decryption routines expect str crypto.doc_passphrase(doc.doc_id), method=EncryptionMethods.AES_256_CTR) # Return a representation for the encrypted content. In the following, we # convert binary data to hexadecimal representation so the JSON # serialization does not complain about what it tries to serialize. hex_ciphertext = binascii.b2a_hex(ciphertext) return json.dumps({ ENC_JSON_KEY: hex_ciphertext, ENC_SCHEME_KEY: EncryptionSchemes.SYMKEY, ENC_METHOD_KEY: EncryptionMethods.AES_256_CTR, ENC_IV_KEY: iv, # store the mac as hex. MAC_KEY: binascii.b2a_hex( mac_doc( crypto, doc.doc_id, doc.rev, ciphertext, MacMethods.HMAC)), MAC_METHOD_KEY: MacMethods.HMAC, }) def decrypt_doc(crypto, doc): """ Decrypt C{doc}'s content. Return the JSON string representation of the document's decrypted content. The content of the document should have the following structure: { ENC_JSON_KEY: '', ENC_SCHEME_KEY: '', ENC_METHOD_KEY: '', ENC_IV_KEY: '', # (optional) MAC_KEY: '' MAC_METHOD_KEY: 'hmac' } C{enc_blob} is the encryption of the JSON serialization of the document's content. For now Soledad just deals with documents whose C{enc_scheme} is EncryptionSchemes.SYMKEY and C{enc_method} is EncryptionMethods.AES_256_CTR. :param crypto: A SoledadCryto instance to perform the encryption. :type crypto: leap.soledad.crypto.SoledadCrypto :param doc: The document to be decrypted. :type doc: SoledadDocument :return: The JSON serialization of the decrypted content. :rtype: str """ soledad_assert(doc.is_tombstone() is False) soledad_assert(ENC_JSON_KEY in doc.content) soledad_assert(ENC_SCHEME_KEY in doc.content) soledad_assert(ENC_METHOD_KEY in doc.content) soledad_assert(MAC_KEY in doc.content) soledad_assert(MAC_METHOD_KEY in doc.content) # verify MAC ciphertext = binascii.a2b_hex( # content is stored as hex. doc.content[ENC_JSON_KEY]) mac = mac_doc( crypto, doc.doc_id, doc.rev, ciphertext, doc.content[MAC_METHOD_KEY]) # we compare mac's hashes to avoid possible timing attacks that might # exploit python's builtin comparison operator behaviour, which fails # immediatelly when non-matching bytes are found. doc_mac_hash = hashlib.sha256( binascii.a2b_hex( # the mac is stored as hex doc.content[MAC_KEY])).digest() calculated_mac_hash = hashlib.sha256(mac).digest() if doc_mac_hash != calculated_mac_hash: raise WrongMac('Could not authenticate document\'s contents.') # decrypt doc's content enc_scheme = doc.content[ENC_SCHEME_KEY] plainjson = None if enc_scheme == EncryptionSchemes.SYMKEY: enc_method = doc.content[ENC_METHOD_KEY] if enc_method == EncryptionMethods.AES_256_CTR: soledad_assert(ENC_IV_KEY in doc.content) plainjson = crypto.decrypt_sym( ciphertext, crypto.doc_passphrase(doc.doc_id), method=enc_method, iv=doc.content[ENC_IV_KEY]) else: raise UnknownEncryptionMethod(enc_method) else: raise UnknownEncryptionScheme(enc_scheme) return plainjson def _gunzip(data): """ Uncompress data that is gzipped. :param data: gzipped data :type data: basestring """ buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() buffer.write(data) buffer.seek(0) try: data = gzip.GzipFile(mode='r', fileobj=buffer).read() except Exception: logger.warning("Error while decrypting gzipped data") buffer.close() return data # # SoledadSyncTarget # class SoledadSyncTarget(HTTPSyncTarget, TokenBasedAuth): """ A SyncTarget that encrypts data before sending and decrypts data after receiving. """ # # Token auth methods. # def set_token_credentials(self, uuid, token): """ Store given credentials so we can sign the request later. :param uuid: The user's uuid. :type uuid: str :param token: The authentication token. :type token: str """ TokenBasedAuth.set_token_credentials(self, uuid, token) def _sign_request(self, method, url_query, params): """ Return an authorization header to be included in the HTTP request. :param method: The HTTP method. :type method: str :param url_query: The URL query string. :type url_query: str :param params: A list with encoded query parameters. :type param: list :return: The Authorization header. :rtype: list of tuple """ return TokenBasedAuth._sign_request(self, method, url_query, params) # # Modified HTTPSyncTarget methods. # @staticmethod def connect(url, crypto=None): return SoledadSyncTarget(url, crypto=crypto) def __init__(self, url, creds=None, crypto=None): """ Initialize the SoledadSyncTarget. :param url: The url of the target replica to sync with. :type url: str :param creds: optional dictionary giving credentials. to authorize the operation with the server. :type creds: dict :param soledad: An instance of Soledad so we can encrypt/decrypt document contents when syncing. :type soledad: soledad.Soledad """ HTTPSyncTarget.__init__(self, url, creds) self._crypto = crypto self._stopped = True self._sync_state = None self._stop_lock = threading.Lock() def _init_post_request(self, url, action, headers, content_length): """ Initiate a syncing POST request. :param url: The syncing URL. :type url: str :param action: The syncing action, either 'get' or 'receive'. :type action: str :param headers: The initial headers to be sent on this request. :type headers: dict :param content_length: The content-length of the request. :type content_length: int """ self._conn.putrequest('POST', url) self._conn.putheader( 'content-type', 'application/x-soledad-sync-%s' % action) for header_name, header_value in headers: self._conn.putheader(header_name, header_value) self._conn.putheader('accept-encoding', 'gzip') self._conn.putheader('content-length', str(content_length)) self._conn.endheaders() def _get_remote_docs(self, url, last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id, headers, return_doc_cb, ensure_callback=None): """ Fetch sync documents from the remote database and insert them in the local database. If an incoming document's encryption scheme is equal to EncryptionSchemes.SYMKEY, then this method will decrypt it with Soledad's symmetric key. :param url: The syncing URL. :type url: str :param last_known_generation: Target's last known generation. :type last_known_generation: int :param last_known_trans_id: Target's last known transaction id. :type last_known_trans_id: str :param headers: The headers of the HTTP request. :type headers: dict :param return_doc_cb: A callback to insert docs from target. :type return_doc_cb: callable :param ensure_callback: A callback to ensure we have the correct target_replica_uid, if it was just created. :type ensure_callback: callable :raise BrokenSyncStream: If C{data} is malformed. :return: A dictionary representing the first line of the response got from remote replica. :rtype: list of str """ def _post_get_doc(): """ Get a sync document from server by means of a POST request. """ entries = ['['] size = 1 # add remote replica metadata to the request size += self._prepare( '', entries, last_known_generation=last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id=last_known_trans_id, ensure=ensure_callback is not None) # inform server of how many documents have already been received size += self._prepare( ',', entries, received=self._sync_state.received) entries.append('\r\n]') size += len(entries[-1]) # send headers self._init_post_request(url, 'get', headers, size) # get document for entry in entries: self._conn.send(entry) return self._response() number_of_changes = None while number_of_changes is None or \ self._sync_state.received < number_of_changes: # bail out if sync process was interrupted if self.stopped is True: return None, None # try to fetch one document from target data, _ = _post_get_doc() self._sync_state.received += 1 # decode incoming stream entries = None try: entries = json.loads(data) except ValueError: raise BrokenSyncStream # bail out if there are no documents to be received try: number_of_changes = entries[0]['number_of_changes'] except IndexError, KeyError: raise BrokenSyncStream if number_of_changes == 0: break # decrypt incoming document and insert into local database entry = None try: entry = entries[1] except IndexError: raise BrokenSyncStream if ensure_callback and 'replica_uid' in res: ensure_callback(res['replica_uid']) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # symmetric decryption of document's contents # ------------------------------------------------------------- # if arriving content was symmetrically encrypted, we decrypt # it. doc = SoledadDocument( entry['id'], entry['rev'], entry['content']) if doc.content and ENC_SCHEME_KEY in doc.content: if doc.content[ENC_SCHEME_KEY] == \ EncryptionSchemes.SYMKEY: doc.set_json(decrypt_doc(self._crypto, doc)) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # end of symmetric decryption # ------------------------------------------------------------- return_doc_cb(doc, entry['gen'], entry['trans_id']) return entries[0]['new_generation'], entries[0]['new_transaction_id'] def _request(self, method, url_parts, params=None, body=None, content_type=None): """ Perform an HTTP request. :param method: The HTTP request method. :type method: str :param url_parts: A list representing the request path. :type url_parts: list :param params: Parameters for the URL query string. :type params: dict :param body: The body of the request. :type body: str :param content-type: The content-type of the request. :type content-type: str """ self._ensure_connection() unquoted_url = url_query = self._url.path if url_parts: if not url_query.endswith('/'): url_query += '/' unquoted_url = url_query url_query += '/'.join(urllib.quote(part, safe='') for part in url_parts) # oauth performs its own quoting unquoted_url += '/'.join(url_parts) encoded_params = {} if params: for key, value in params.items(): key = unicode(key).encode('utf-8') encoded_params[key] = _encode_query_parameter(value) url_query += ('?' + urllib.urlencode(encoded_params)) if body is not None and not isinstance(body, basestring): body = json.dumps(body) content_type = 'application/json' headers = {} if content_type: headers['content-type'] = content_type # Patched: We would like to receive gzip pretty please # ---------------------------------------------------- headers['accept-encoding'] = "gzip" # ---------------------------------------------------- headers.update( self._sign_request(method, unquoted_url, encoded_params)) for delay in self._delays: try: self._conn.request(method, url_query, body, headers) return self._response() except errors.Unavailable, e: sleep(delay) raise e def _response(self): """ Return the response of the (possibly gzipped) HTTP request. :return: The body and headers of the response. :rtype: tuple """ resp = self._conn.getresponse() body = resp.read() headers = dict(resp.getheaders()) # Patched: We would like to decode gzip # ---------------------------------------------------- encoding = headers.get('content-encoding', '') if "gzip" in encoding: body = _gunzip(body) # ---------------------------------------------------- if resp.status in (200, 201): return body, headers elif resp.status in http_errors.ERROR_STATUSES: try: respdic = json.loads(body) except ValueError: pass else: self._error(respdic) # special case if resp.status == 503: raise errors.Unavailable(body, headers) raise errors.HTTPError(resp.status, body, headers) def _prepare(self, comma, entries, **dic): """ Prepare an entry to be sent through a syncing POST request. :param comma: A string to be prepended to the current entry. :type comma: str :param entries: A list of entries accumulated to be sent on the request. :type entries: list :param dic: The data to be included in this entry. :type dic: dict """ entry = comma + '\r\n' + json.dumps(dic) entries.append(entry) return len(entry) def sync_exchange(self, docs_by_generations, source_replica_uid, last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id, return_doc_cb, ensure_callback=None, sync_state=None): """ Find out which documents the remote database does not know about, encrypt and send them. This does the same as the parent's method but encrypts content before syncing. :param docs_by_generations: A list of (doc_id, generation, trans_id) of local documents that were changed since the last local generation the remote replica knows about. :type docs_by_generations: list of tuples :param source_replica_uid: The uid of the source replica. :type source_replica_uid: str :param last_known_generation: Target's last known generation. :type last_known_generation: int :param last_known_trans_id: Target's last known transaction id. :type last_known_trans_id: str :param return_doc_cb: A callback for inserting received documents from target. :type return_doc_cb: function :param ensure_callback: A callback that ensures we know the target replica uid if the target replica was just created. :type ensure_callback: function :return: The new generation and transaction id of the target replica. :rtype: tuple """ self.start() self._sync_state = sync_state self._ensure_connection() if self._trace_hook: # for tests self._trace_hook('sync_exchange') url = '%s/sync-from/%s' % (self._url.path, source_replica_uid) headers = self._sign_request('POST', url, {}) def _post_put_doc(headers, last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id, id, rev, content, gen, trans_id): """ Put a sync document on server by means of a POST request. :param received: How many documents have already been received in this sync session. :type received: int """ # prepare to send the document entries = ['['] size = 1 # add remote replica metadata to the request size += self._prepare( '', entries, last_known_generation=last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id=last_known_trans_id, ensure=ensure_callback is not None) # add the document to the request size += self._prepare( ',', entries, id=id, rev=rev, content=content, gen=gen, trans_id=trans_id) entries.append('\r\n]') size += len(entries[-1]) # send headers self._init_post_request(url, 'put', headers, size) # send document for entry in entries: self._conn.send(entry) data, _ = self._response() data = json.loads(data) return data[0]['new_generation'], data[0]['new_transaction_id'] cur_target_gen = last_known_generation cur_target_trans_id = last_known_trans_id # skip docs that were already sent if self._sync_state.sent > 0: docs_by_generations = docs_by_generations[self._sync_state.sent:] # send docs for doc, gen, trans_id in docs_by_generations: # allow for interrupting the sync process if self.stopped is True: break # skip non-syncable docs if isinstance(doc, SoledadDocument) and not doc.syncable: continue # ------------------------------------------------------------- # symmetric encryption of document's contents # ------------------------------------------------------------- doc_json = doc.get_json() if not doc.is_tombstone(): doc_json = encrypt_doc(self._crypto, doc) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # end of symmetric encryption # ------------------------------------------------------------- cur_target_gen, cur_target_trans_id = _post_put_doc( headers, cur_target_gen, cur_target_trans_id, id=doc.doc_id, rev=doc.rev, content=doc_json, gen=gen, trans_id=trans_id) self._sync_state.sent += 1 # get docs from target cur_target_gen, cur_target_trans_id = self._get_remote_docs( url, last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id, headers, return_doc_cb, ensure_callback) self.stop() return cur_target_gen, cur_target_trans_id def start(self): """ Mark current sync session as running. """ with self._stop_lock: self._stopped = False def stop(self): """ Mark current sync session as stopped. This will eventually interrupt the sync_exchange() method and return enough information to the synchronizer so the sync session can be recovered afterwards. """ with self._stop_lock: self._stopped = True @property def stopped(self): """ Return wether this sync session is stopped. :return: Wether this sync session is stopped. :rtype: bool """ with self._stop_lock: return self._stopped is True