# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # api.py # Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Soledad - Synchronization Of Locally Encrypted Data Among Devices. This module holds the public api for Soledad. Soledad is the part of LEAP that manages storage and synchronization of application data. It is built on top of U1DB reference Python API and implements (1) a SQLCipher backend for local storage in the client, (2) a SyncTarget that encrypts data before syncing, and (3) a CouchDB backend for remote storage in the server side. """ import binascii import errno import httplib import logging import os import socket import ssl import urlparse try: import cchardet as chardet except ImportError: import chardet from u1db.remote import http_client from u1db.remote.ssl_match_hostname import match_hostname from zope.interface import implements from twisted.python import log from leap.common.config import get_path_prefix from leap.soledad.common import SHARED_DB_NAME from leap.soledad.common import soledad_assert from leap.soledad.common import soledad_assert_type from leap.soledad.client import adbapi from leap.soledad.client import events as soledad_events from leap.soledad.client import interfaces as soledad_interfaces from leap.soledad.client.crypto import SoledadCrypto from leap.soledad.client.secrets import SoledadSecrets from leap.soledad.client.shared_db import SoledadSharedDatabase from leap.soledad.client.sqlcipher import SQLCipherOptions, SQLCipherU1DBSync logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__) # # Constants # """ Path to the certificate file used to certify the SSL connection between Soledad client and server. """ SOLEDAD_CERT = None class Soledad(object): """ Soledad provides encrypted data storage and sync. A Soledad instance is used to store and retrieve data in a local encrypted database and synchronize this database with Soledad server. This class is also responsible for bootstrapping users' account by creating cryptographic secrets and/or storing/fetching them on Soledad server. Soledad uses ``leap.common.events`` to signal events. The possible events to be signaled are: SOLEDAD_CREATING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when key generation starts. SOLEDAD_DONE_CREATING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when key generation finishes. SOLEDAD_UPLOADING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when soledad starts sending keys to server. SOLEDAD_DONE_UPLOADING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when soledad finishes sending keys to server. SOLEDAD_DOWNLOADING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when soledad starts to retrieve keys from server. SOLEDAD_DONE_DOWNLOADING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when soledad finishes downloading keys from server. SOLEDAD_NEW_DATA_TO_SYNC: emitted upon call to C{need_sync()} when there's indeed new data to be synchronized between local database replica and server's replica. SOLEDAD_DONE_DATA_SYNC: emitted inside C{sync()} method when it has finished synchronizing with remote replica. """ implements(soledad_interfaces.ILocalStorage, soledad_interfaces.ISyncableStorage, soledad_interfaces.ISecretsStorage) local_db_file_name = 'soledad.u1db' secrets_file_name = "soledad.json" default_prefix = os.path.join(get_path_prefix(), 'leap', 'soledad') def __init__(self, uuid, passphrase, secrets_path, local_db_path, server_url, cert_file, auth_token=None, defer_encryption=False, syncable=True): """ Initialize configuration, cryptographic keys and dbs. :param uuid: User's uuid. :type uuid: str :param passphrase: The passphrase for locking and unlocking encryption secrets for local and remote storage. :type passphrase: unicode :param secrets_path: Path for storing encrypted key used for symmetric encryption. :type secrets_path: str :param local_db_path: Path for local encrypted storage db. :type local_db_path: str :param server_url: URL for Soledad server. This is used either to sync with the user's remote db and to interact with the shared recovery database. :type server_url: str :param cert_file: Path to the certificate of the ca used to validate the SSL certificate used by the remote soledad server. :type cert_file: str :param auth_token: Authorization token for accessing remote databases. :type auth_token: str :param defer_encryption: Whether to defer encryption/decryption of documents, or do it inline while syncing. :type defer_encryption: bool :param syncable: If set to ``False``, this database will not attempt to synchronize with remote replicas (default is ``True``) :type syncable: bool :raise BootstrapSequenceError: Raised when the secret generation and storage on server sequence has failed for some reason. """ # store config params self._uuid = uuid self._passphrase = passphrase self._local_db_path = local_db_path self._server_url = server_url self._defer_encryption = defer_encryption self._secrets_path = None self.shared_db = None # configure SSL certificate global SOLEDAD_CERT SOLEDAD_CERT = cert_file # init crypto variables self._set_token(auth_token) self._crypto = SoledadCrypto(self) self._init_config_with_defaults() self._init_working_dirs() self._secrets_path = secrets_path # Initialize shared recovery database self.init_shared_db(server_url, uuid, self._creds, syncable=syncable) # The following can raise BootstrapSequenceError, that will be # propagated upwards. self._init_secrets() self._init_u1db_sqlcipher_backend() if syncable: self._init_u1db_syncer() # # initialization/destruction methods # def _init_config_with_defaults(self): """ Initialize configuration using default values for missing params. """ soledad_assert_type(self._passphrase, unicode) initialize = lambda attr, val: getattr( self, attr, None) is None and setattr(self, attr, val) initialize("_secrets_path", os.path.join( self.default_prefix, self.secrets_file_name)) initialize("_local_db_path", os.path.join( self.default_prefix, self.local_db_file_name)) # initialize server_url soledad_assert(self._server_url is not None, 'Missing URL for Soledad server.') def _init_working_dirs(self): """ Create work directories. :raise OSError: in case file exists and is not a dir. """ paths = map(lambda x: os.path.dirname(x), [ self._local_db_path, self._secrets_path]) for path in paths: create_path_if_not_exists(path) def _init_secrets(self): self._secrets = SoledadSecrets( self.uuid, self._passphrase, self._secrets_path, self.shared_db, self._crypto) self._secrets.bootstrap() def _init_u1db_sqlcipher_backend(self): """ Initialize the U1DB SQLCipher database for local storage, by instantiating a modified twisted adbapi that will maintain a threadpool with a u1db-sqclipher connection for each thread, and will return deferreds for each u1db query. Currently, Soledad uses the default SQLCipher cipher, i.e. 'aes-256-cbc'. We use scrypt to derive a 256-bit encryption key, and internally the SQLCipherDatabase initialization uses the 'raw PRAGMA key' format to handle the key to SQLCipher. """ tohex = binascii.b2a_hex # sqlcipher only accepts the hex version key = tohex(self._secrets.get_local_storage_key()) sync_db_key = tohex(self._secrets.get_sync_db_key()) opts = SQLCipherOptions( self._local_db_path, key, is_raw_key=True, create=True, defer_encryption=self._defer_encryption, sync_db_key=sync_db_key, ) self._soledad_opts = opts self._dbpool = adbapi.getConnectionPool(opts) def _init_u1db_syncer(self): replica_uid = self._dbpool.replica_uid print "replica UID (syncer init)", replica_uid self._dbsyncer = SQLCipherU1DBSync( self._soledad_opts, self._crypto, replica_uid, self._defer_encryption) # # Closing methods # def close(self): """ Close underlying U1DB database. """ logger.debug("Closing soledad") self._dbpool.close() # TODO close syncers >>>>>> # # ILocalStorage # def _defer(self, meth, *args, **kw): return self._dbpool.runU1DBQuery(meth, *args, **kw) def put_doc(self, doc): """ ============================== WARNING ============================== This method converts the document's contents to unicode in-place. This means that after calling `put_doc(doc)`, the contents of the document, i.e. `doc.content`, might be different from before the call. ============================== WARNING ============================== """ doc.content = _convert_to_unicode(doc.content) return self._defer("put_doc", doc) def delete_doc(self, doc): # XXX what does this do when fired??? return self._defer("delete_doc", doc) def get_doc(self, doc_id, include_deleted=False): return self._defer( "get_doc", doc_id, include_deleted=include_deleted) def get_docs( self, doc_ids, check_for_conflicts=True, include_deleted=False): return self._defer( "get_docs", doc_ids, check_for_conflicts=check_for_conflicts, include_deleted=include_deleted) def get_all_docs(self, include_deleted=False): return self._defer("get_all_docs", include_deleted) def create_doc(self, content, doc_id=None): return self._defer( "create_doc", _convert_to_unicode(content), doc_id=doc_id) def create_doc_from_json(self, json, doc_id=None): return self._defer("create_doc_from_json", json, doc_id=doc_id) def create_index(self, index_name, *index_expressions): return self._defer("create_index", index_name, *index_expressions) def delete_index(self, index_name): return self._defer("delete_index", index_name) def list_indexes(self): return self._defer("list_indexes") def get_from_index(self, index_name, *key_values): return self._defer("get_from_index", index_name, *key_values) def get_count_from_index(self, index_name, *key_values): return self._defer("get_count_from_index", index_name, *key_values) def get_range_from_index(self, index_name, start_value, end_value): return self._defer( "get_range_from_index", index_name, start_value, end_value) def get_index_keys(self, index_name): return self._defer("get_index_keys", index_name) def get_doc_conflicts(self, doc_id): return self._defer("get_doc_conflicts", doc_id) def resolve_doc(self, doc, conflicted_doc_revs): return self._defer("resolve_doc", doc, conflicted_doc_revs) def _get_local_db_path(self): return self._local_db_path # XXX Do we really need all this private / property dance? local_db_path = property( _get_local_db_path, doc='The path for the local database replica.') def _get_uuid(self): return self._uuid uuid = property(_get_uuid, doc='The user uuid.') # # ISyncableStorage # def sync(self, defer_decryption=True): # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO this needs work. # Should review/write tests to check that this: # (1) Defer to the syncer pool -- DONE (on dbsyncer) # (2) Return the deferred # (3) Add the callback for signaling the event (executed on reactor # thread) # (4) Check that the deferred is called with the local gen. # TODO document that this returns a deferred # ----------------------------------------------------------------- def on_sync_done(local_gen): soledad_events.signal( soledad_events.SOLEDAD_DONE_DATA_SYNC, self.uuid) return local_gen sync_url = urlparse.urljoin(self._server_url, 'user-%s' % self.uuid) try: d = self._dbsyncer.sync( sync_url, creds=self._creds, autocreate=False, defer_decryption=defer_decryption) d.addCallbacks(on_sync_done, lambda err: log.err(err)) return d # TODO catch the exception by adding an Errback except Exception as e: logger.error("Soledad exception when syncing: %s" % str(e)) def stop_sync(self): self._dbsyncer.stop_sync() @property def syncing(self): return self._dbsyncer.syncing def _set_token(self, token): """ Set the authentication token for remote database access. Internally, this builds the credentials dictionary with the following format: self._{ 'token': { 'uuid': '' 'token': '' } :param token: The authentication token. :type token: str """ self._creds = { 'token': { 'uuid': self.uuid, 'token': token, } } def _get_token(self): """ Return current token from credentials dictionary. """ return self._creds['token']['token'] token = property(_get_token, _set_token, doc='The authentication Token.') # # ISecretsStorage # def init_shared_db(self, server_url, uuid, creds, syncable=True): shared_db_url = urlparse.urljoin(server_url, SHARED_DB_NAME) self.shared_db = SoledadSharedDatabase.open_database( shared_db_url, uuid, creds=creds, create=False, # db should exist at this point. syncable=syncable) @property def storage_secret(self): """ Return the secret used for symmetric encryption. """ return self._secrets.storage_secret @property def remote_storage_secret(self): """ Return the secret used for encryption of remotely stored data. """ return self._secrets.remote_storage_secret @property def secrets(self): return self._secrets def change_passphrase(self, new_passphrase): self._secrets.change_passphrase(new_passphrase) def _convert_to_unicode(content): """ Convert content to unicode (or all the strings in content) NOTE: Even though this method supports any type, it will currently ignore contents of lists, tuple or any other iterable than dict. We don't need support for these at the moment :param content: content to convert :type content: object :rtype: object """ if isinstance(content, unicode): return content elif isinstance(content, str): result = chardet.detect(content) default = "utf-8" encoding = result["encoding"] or default try: content = content.decode(encoding) except UnicodeError as e: logger.error("Unicode error: {0!r}. Using 'replace'".format(e)) content = content.decode(encoding, 'replace') return content else: if isinstance(content, dict): for key in content.keys(): content[key] = _convert_to_unicode(content[key]) return content def create_path_if_not_exists(path): try: if not os.path.isdir(path): logger.info('Creating directory: %s.' % path) os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Monkey patching u1db to be able to provide a custom SSL cert # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We need a more reasonable timeout (in seconds) SOLEDAD_TIMEOUT = 120 class VerifiedHTTPSConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection): """ HTTPSConnection verifying server side certificates. """ # derived from httplib.py def connect(self): """ Connect to a host on a given (SSL) port. """ try: source = self.source_address sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port), SOLEDAD_TIMEOUT, source) except AttributeError: # source_address was introduced in 2.7 sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port), SOLEDAD_TIMEOUT) if self._tunnel_host: self.sock = sock self._tunnel() self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, ca_certs=SOLEDAD_CERT, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED) match_hostname(self.sock.getpeercert(), self.host) old__VerifiedHTTPSConnection = http_client._VerifiedHTTPSConnection http_client._VerifiedHTTPSConnection = VerifiedHTTPSConnection