Soledad -- Synchronization Of Locally Encrypted Data Among Devices ================================================================== This software is under development. Dependencies ------------ Soledad depends on the following python libraries: * u1db 0.1.4 [1] * python-gnupg 0.3.1 [2] * CouchDB 0.8 [3] * hmac 20101005 [4] * pysqlcipher [5] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Instructions for downloading and installing are below. pysqlcipher ----------- Pysqlcipher is an experimental fork of pysqlite, and is statically linked against sqlcipher. To install it, do the following: git clone git:// cd pysqlcipher python install Tests ----- Right now, there are 3 conditions that have to be met for all Soledad tests to pass without problems: 1. Use nose2. 2. Have CouchDB installed in the system. 3. Have pysqlcipher module properly installed as described above. Soledad's tests should be run with nose2, like this: nose2 leap.soledad.tests