0.3.2 Sep 6:
  o Use dirspec instead of plain xdg. Closes #3574.
  o Fix the init script for soledad server so that it uses the new
    package namespace.

0.3.1 Aug 23:
  o Add libsqlite3-dev requirement for soledad.
  o Check for None in private methods that depend on _db. Closes:
  o Add XSalsa20 symmetric encryption method.
  o Use pycryptopp for symmetric encryption.
  o Add public method to access the saved password. Closes #3118.
  o Split soledad package into common, client and server. Closes
  o Add versioneer, parse_requirements
  o Split soledad package into common, client and server. Closes
  o Add versioneer, parse_requirements
  o Split soledad package into common, client and server. Closes
  o Add versioneer, parse_requirements

0.3.0 Aug 9:
  o Thread safe wrapper for pysqlcipher.
  o Fix a couple of typos that prevented certain functionality to
    work. Fixes #3306
  o A plaintext port is not opened by soledad server initscript call
    to twistd web anymore. Closes #3254.

0.2.3 Jul 26:
  o Avoid possible timing attack in document's mac comparison by
    comparing hashes instead of plain macs. Closes #3243.
  o Refactor server side auth classes to make it possible for other
    kinds of authentication to be easily implemented. Closes #2621.
  o Fix double specified /etc/leap/soledad-server.pem in initscript by
    pointing the PRIVKEY_PATH to /etc/leap/soledad-server.key. Fixes

0.2.2 Jul 12:
  o Add method for password change.
  o Use the right name as the WSGI server

0.2.1 Jun 28:
  o Do not list the backends in the __init__'s __all__ to allow not
    supporting couch on the client side until the code is diveded into
    client and server.  o Fix bad dependencies in setup.py.
  o Fix broken pip install
  o Database request have default timeout too high, a
    soledad.SOLEDAD_TIMEOUT variable has been added in order to have
    more control over this. Fixes #2713
  o Add validation and authorization of actions upon interaction with
  o Add MAC authentication to encrypted representation of documents.
  o Add SQLCipher API to SQLCipher backend (allow for use of raw keys,
    add better encrypted db assertion, add cipher, kdf_iter,
    cipher_page_size and rekey PRAGMAS).
  o Change symmetric encryption method to AES-256 CTR mode.
  o Change the local storage of the storage secret:
      * Use scrypt to derive a key for the encryption of the storage
      * Store secret in a file called 'soledad.json' by default.
      * Also store the salt and encryption details, as defined in the
      * This change is not backwards compatible (i.e. all previously
        stored secrets are incompatible with this new encryption and
        storage scheme).
  o Improve tests coverage.
  o Split soledad client and server into two different packages.
  o Use scrypt to derive the key for local encryption.

  o Add a `status` option to Soledad init script.
  o Allow to initialize soledad with a blank server
  o b64 encode all U1DB data in couch backend to avoid utf8 encoding
    * init.d script improvements:
    * Add LSB (Linux Standards Base) 3.1 compliant header
    * Remove unnecessary backslashes in variable definitions
    * Replace environment variables with more standard upper-cased names
    * Make a TWISTD_PATH environment variable to replace hard-coded
    * Pull environment variables together into one block o Remove strict
      dependency on leap.common.