--- stages: - code-check - build - tests - package variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay # Cache a folder between builds. # Tox sets it to be our pip cache. cache: untracked: true key: soledad-shared-pip-cache paths: - .cache/ before_script: - echo "Running on ${HOST_HOSTNAME:=$(hostname)}" # # "code-check" stage # code-check: stage: code-check except: - schedules image: 0xacab.org:4567/leap/soledad:latest script: - tox -e code-check # # "build" stage # build_docker_image: stage: build except: - schedules image: 0xacab.org:4567/leap/soledad:latest services: - docker:dind tags: - docker-in-docker script: - scripts/docker/build-docker-image.sh # # "tests" stage # tests: stage: tests except: - schedules image: 0xacab.org:4567/leap/soledad:latest services: - couchdb script: - tox -- --couch-url http://couchdb:5984 #e2e: # stage: tests # except: # - schedules # image: 0xacab.org:4567/leap/soledad:latest # script: # - tox -e e2e # # "package" stage # .job_template: &package stage: package except: - schedules image: "0xacab.org:4567/leap/gitlab-buildpackage:build_${DIST}_${ARCH}" script: - /usr/bin/unbuffer scripts/packaging/run-packaging-ci-job.sh | /usr/bin/ts -s # sleep 1h to allow debugging of running container # - sleep 3600 artifacts: expire_in: 1w paths: - '*_*.xz' - '*_*.dsc' - '*_amd64.changes' - '*.deb' - 'results/*' cache: policy: pull package:amd64_stretch: variables: ARCH: "amd64" DIST: "stretch" REPONAMES: "platform,client" # Default is to fail on warnings, we disable it here # unless a manpage is included (see #8895) LINTIAN_OPTS: "--fail-on-warnings -X filename-length,manpages,standards-version" <<: *package package:amd64_buster: variables: ARCH: "amd64" DIST: "buster" REPONAMES: "client" # Default is to fail on warnings, we disable it here # unless a manpage is included (see #8895) # Also, ignore the `build-depends-on-obsolete-package` tag # until we can deprecate jessie and take out the dh-systemd # build-depends (see #8963) LINTIAN_OPTS: "--fail-on-warnings -X filename-length,manpages --suppress-tags build-depends-on-obsolete-package" <<: *package package:amd64_sid: variables: ARCH: "amd64" DIST: "sid" REPONAMES: "client" # Default is to fail on warnings, we disable it here # unless a manpage is included (see #8895) LINTIAN_OPTS: "--fail-on-warnings -X filename-length,manpages --suppress-tags build-depends-on-obsolete-package" <<: *package package:amd64_artful: variables: ARCH: "amd64" DIST: "artful" REPONAMES: "client" # Default is to fail on warnings, we disable it here # unless a manpage is included (see #8895) LINTIAN_OPTS: "--fail-on-warnings -X filename-length,manpages --suppress-tags build-depends-on-obsolete-package" <<: *package package:amd64_bionic: variables: ARCH: "amd64" DIST: "bionic" REPONAMES: "client" # Default is to fail on warnings, we disable it here # unless a manpage is included (see #8895) LINTIAN_OPTS: "--fail-on-warnings -X filename-length,manpages --suppress-tags build-depends-on-obsolete-package" <<: *package