path: root/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/leap/soledad/client/_db/')
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 LEAP
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+A U1DB backend that uses SQLCipher as its persistence layer.
+The SQLCipher API ( is fully implemented,
+with the exception of the following statements:
+ * PRAGMA cipher_use_hmac
+ * PRAGMA cipher_default_use_mac
+SQLCipher 2.0 introduced a per-page HMAC to validate that the page data has
+not be tampered with. By default, when creating or opening a database using
+SQLCipher 2, SQLCipher will attempt to use an HMAC check. This change in
+database format means that SQLCipher 2 can't operate on version 1.1.x
+databases by default. Thus, in order to provide backward compatibility with
+SQLCipher 1.1.x, PRAGMA cipher_use_hmac can be used to disable the HMAC
+functionality on specific databases.
+In some very specific cases, it is not possible to call PRAGMA cipher_use_hmac
+as one of the first operations on a database. An example of this is when
+trying to ATTACH a 1.1.x database to the main database. In these cases PRAGMA
+cipher_default_use_hmac can be used to globally alter the default use of HMAC
+when opening a database.
+So, as the statements above were introduced for backwards compatibility with
+SQLCipher 1.1 databases, we do not implement them as all SQLCipher databases
+handled by Soledad should be created by SQLCipher >= 2.0.
+import os
+import sys
+from functools import partial
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
+from leap.soledad.common.log import getLogger
+from leap.soledad.common.l2db import errors as u1db_errors
+from leap.soledad.common.errors import DatabaseAccessError
+from leap.soledad.client.http_target import SoledadHTTPSyncTarget
+from leap.soledad.client.sync import SoledadSynchronizer
+from .._document import Document
+from . import sqlite
+from . import pragmas
+if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ from pysqlcipher import dbapi2 as sqlcipher_dbapi2
+ from pysqlcipher3 import dbapi2 as sqlcipher_dbapi2
+logger = getLogger(__name__)
+# Monkey-patch u1db.backends.sqlite with pysqlcipher.dbapi2
+sqlite.dbapi2 = sqlcipher_dbapi2
+# we may want to collect statistics from the sync process
+DO_STATS = False
+if os.environ.get('SOLEDAD_STATS'):
+ DO_STATS = True
+def initialize_sqlcipher_db(opts, on_init=None, check_same_thread=True):
+ """
+ Initialize a SQLCipher database.
+ :param opts:
+ :type opts: SQLCipherOptions
+ :param on_init: a tuple of queries to be executed on initialization
+ :type on_init: tuple
+ :return: pysqlcipher.dbapi2.Connection
+ """
+ # Note: There seemed to be a bug in sqlite 3.5.9 (with python2.6)
+ # where without re-opening the database on Windows, it
+ # doesn't see the transaction that was just committed
+ # Removing from here now, look at the pysqlite implementation if the
+ # bug shows up in windows.
+ if not os.path.isfile(opts.path) and not opts.create:
+ raise u1db_errors.DatabaseDoesNotExist()
+ conn = sqlcipher_dbapi2.connect(
+ opts.path, check_same_thread=check_same_thread)
+ pragmas.set_init_pragmas(conn, opts, extra_queries=on_init)
+ return conn
+def initialize_sqlcipher_adbapi_db(opts, extra_queries=None):
+ from leap.soledad.client import sqlcipher_adbapi
+ return sqlcipher_adbapi.getConnectionPool(
+ opts, extra_queries=extra_queries)
+class SQLCipherOptions(object):
+ """
+ A container with options for the initialization of an SQLCipher database.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def copy(cls, source, path=None, key=None, create=None,
+ is_raw_key=None, cipher=None, kdf_iter=None,
+ cipher_page_size=None, sync_db_key=None):
+ """
+ Return a copy of C{source} with parameters different than None
+ replaced by new values.
+ """
+ local_vars = locals()
+ args = []
+ kwargs = {}
+ for name in ["path", "key"]:
+ val = local_vars[name]
+ if val is not None:
+ args.append(val)
+ else:
+ args.append(getattr(source, name))
+ for name in ["create", "is_raw_key", "cipher", "kdf_iter",
+ "cipher_page_size", "sync_db_key"]:
+ val = local_vars[name]
+ if val is not None:
+ kwargs[name] = val
+ else:
+ kwargs[name] = getattr(source, name)
+ return SQLCipherOptions(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __init__(self, path, key, create=True, is_raw_key=False,
+ cipher='aes-256-cbc', kdf_iter=4000, cipher_page_size=1024,
+ sync_db_key=None):
+ """
+ :param path: The filesystem path for the database to open.
+ :type path: str
+ :param create:
+ True/False, should the database be created if it doesn't
+ already exist?
+ :param create: bool
+ :param is_raw_key:
+ Whether ``password`` is a raw 64-char hex string or a passphrase
+ that should be hashed to obtain the encyrption key.
+ :type raw_key: bool
+ :param cipher: The cipher and mode to use.
+ :type cipher: str
+ :param kdf_iter: The number of iterations to use.
+ :type kdf_iter: int
+ :param cipher_page_size: The page size.
+ :type cipher_page_size: int
+ """
+ self.path = path
+ self.key = key
+ self.is_raw_key = is_raw_key
+ self.create = create
+ self.cipher = cipher
+ self.kdf_iter = kdf_iter
+ self.cipher_page_size = cipher_page_size
+ self.sync_db_key = sync_db_key
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ Return string representation of options, for easy debugging.
+ :return: String representation of options.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ attr_names = filter(lambda a: not a.startswith('_'), dir(self))
+ attr_str = []
+ for a in attr_names:
+ attr_str.append(a + "=" + str(getattr(self, a)))
+ name = self.__class__.__name__
+ return "%s(%s)" % (name, ', '.join(attr_str))
+# The SQLCipher database
+class SQLCipherDatabase(sqlite.SQLitePartialExpandDatabase):
+ """
+ A U1DB implementation that uses SQLCipher as its persistence layer.
+ """
+ # The attribute _index_storage_value will be used as the lookup key for the
+ # implementation of the SQLCipher storage backend.
+ _index_storage_value = 'expand referenced encrypted'
+ def __init__(self, opts):
+ """
+ Connect to an existing SQLCipher database, creating a new sqlcipher
+ database file if needed.
+ *** IMPORTANT ***
+ Don't forget to close the database after use by calling the close()
+ method otherwise some resources might not be freed and you may
+ experience several kinds of leakages.
+ *** IMPORTANT ***
+ :param opts: options for initialization of the SQLCipher database.
+ :type opts: SQLCipherOptions
+ """
+ # ensure the db is encrypted if the file already exists
+ if os.path.isfile(opts.path):
+ self._db_handle = _assert_db_is_encrypted(opts)
+ else:
+ # connect to the sqlcipher database
+ self._db_handle = initialize_sqlcipher_db(opts)
+ # TODO ---------------------------------------------------
+ # Everything else in this initialization has to be factored
+ # out, so it can be used from SoledadSQLCipherWrapper.__init__
+ # too.
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------
+ self._ensure_schema()
+ self.set_document_factory(doc_factory)
+ self._prime_replica_uid()
+ def _prime_replica_uid(self):
+ """
+ In the u1db implementation, _replica_uid is a property
+ that returns the value in _real_replica_uid, and does
+ a db query if no value found.
+ Here we prime the replica uid during initialization so
+ that we don't have to wait for the query afterwards.
+ """
+ self._real_replica_uid = None
+ self._get_replica_uid()
+ def _extra_schema_init(self, c):
+ """
+ Add any extra fields, etc to the basic table definitions.
+ This method is called by u1db.backends.sqlite_backend._initialize()
+ method, which is executed when the database schema is created. Here,
+ we use it to include the "syncable" property for LeapDocuments.
+ :param c: The cursor for querying the database.
+ :type c: dbapi2.cursor
+ """
+ c.execute(
+ 'ALTER TABLE document '
+ #
+ # SQLCipher API methods
+ #
+ # Extra query methods: extensions to the base u1db sqlite implmentation.
+ def get_count_from_index(self, index_name, *key_values):
+ """
+ Return the count for a given combination of index_name
+ and key values.
+ Extension method made from similar methods in u1db version 13.09
+ :param index_name: The index to query
+ :type index_name: str
+ :param key_values: values to match. eg, if you have
+ an index with 3 fields then you would have:
+ get_from_index(index_name, val1, val2, val3)
+ :type key_values: tuple
+ :return: count.
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ c = self._db_handle.cursor()
+ definition = self._get_index_definition(index_name)
+ if len(key_values) != len(definition):
+ raise u1db_errors.InvalidValueForIndex()
+ tables = ["document_fields d%d" % i for i in range(len(definition))]
+ novalue_where = ["d.doc_id = d%d.doc_id"
+ " AND d%d.field_name = ?"
+ % (i, i) for i in range(len(definition))]
+ exact_where = [novalue_where[i] + (" AND d%d.value = ?" % (i,))
+ for i in range(len(definition))]
+ args = []
+ where = []
+ for idx, (field, value) in enumerate(zip(definition, key_values)):
+ args.append(field)
+ where.append(exact_where[idx])
+ args.append(value)
+ tables = ["document_fields d%d" % i for i in range(len(definition))]
+ statement = (
+ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM document d, %s WHERE %s " % (
+ ', '.join(tables),
+ ' AND '.join(where),
+ ))
+ try:
+ c.execute(statement, tuple(args))
+ except sqlcipher_dbapi2.OperationalError as e:
+ raise sqlcipher_dbapi2.OperationalError(
+ str(e) + '\nstatement: %s\nargs: %s\n' % (statement, args))
+ res = c.fetchall()
+ return res[0][0]
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Close db connections.
+ """
+ # TODO should be handled by adbapi instead
+ # TODO syncdb should be stopped first
+ if logger is not None: # logger might be none if called from __del__
+ logger.debug("SQLCipher backend: closing")
+ # close the actual database
+ if getattr(self, '_db_handle', False):
+ self._db_handle.close()
+ self._db_handle = None
+ # indexes
+ def _put_and_update_indexes(self, old_doc, doc):
+ """
+ Update a document and all indexes related to it.
+ :param old_doc: The old version of the document.
+ :type old_doc: u1db.Document
+ :param doc: The new version of the document.
+ :type doc: u1db.Document
+ """
+ sqlite.SQLitePartialExpandDatabase._put_and_update_indexes(
+ self, old_doc, doc)
+ c = self._db_handle.cursor()
+ c.execute('UPDATE document SET syncable=? WHERE doc_id=?',
+ (doc.syncable, doc.doc_id))
+ def _get_doc(self, doc_id, check_for_conflicts=False):
+ """
+ Get just the document content, without fancy handling.
+ :param doc_id: The unique document identifier
+ :type doc_id: str
+ :param include_deleted: If set to True, deleted documents will be
+ returned with empty content. Otherwise asking for a deleted
+ document will return None.
+ :type include_deleted: bool
+ :return: a Document object.
+ :type: u1db.Document
+ """
+ doc = sqlite.SQLitePartialExpandDatabase._get_doc(
+ self, doc_id, check_for_conflicts)
+ if doc:
+ c = self._db_handle.cursor()
+ c.execute('SELECT syncable FROM document WHERE doc_id=?',
+ (doc.doc_id,))
+ result = c.fetchone()
+ doc.syncable = bool(result[0])
+ return doc
+ def __del__(self):
+ """
+ Free resources when deleting or garbage collecting the database.
+ This is only here to minimze problems if someone ever forgets to call
+ the close() method after using the database; you should not rely on
+ garbage collecting to free up the database resources.
+ """
+ self.close()
+class SQLCipherU1DBSync(SQLCipherDatabase):
+ """
+ Soledad syncer implementation.
+ """
+ """
+ The name of the local symmetrically encrypted documents to
+ sync database file.
+ """
+ """
+ Period or recurrence of the Looping Call that will do the encryption to the
+ syncdb (in seconds).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, opts, soledad_crypto, replica_uid, cert_file):
+ self._opts = opts
+ self._path = opts.path
+ self._crypto = soledad_crypto
+ self.__replica_uid = replica_uid
+ self._cert_file = cert_file
+ # storage for the documents received during a sync
+ self.received_docs = []
+ self.running = False
+ self._db_handle = None
+ # initialize the main db before scheduling a start
+ self._initialize_main_db()
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ self._reactor.callWhenRunning(self._start)
+ if DO_STATS:
+ self.sync_phase = None
+ def commit(self):
+ self._db_handle.commit()
+ @property
+ def _replica_uid(self):
+ return str(self.__replica_uid)
+ def _start(self):
+ if not self.running:
+ self.running = True
+ def _initialize_main_db(self):
+ try:
+ self._db_handle = initialize_sqlcipher_db(
+ self._opts, check_same_thread=False)
+ self._real_replica_uid = None
+ self._ensure_schema()
+ self.set_document_factory(doc_factory)
+ except sqlcipher_dbapi2.DatabaseError as e:
+ raise DatabaseAccessError(str(e))
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def sync(self, url, creds=None):
+ """
+ Synchronize documents with remote replica exposed at url.
+ It is not safe to initiate more than one sync process and let them run
+ concurrently. It is responsibility of the caller to ensure that there
+ are no concurrent sync processes running. This is currently controlled
+ by the main Soledad object because it may also run post-sync hooks,
+ which should be run while the lock is locked.
+ :param url: The url of the target replica to sync with.
+ :type url: str
+ :param creds: optional dictionary giving credentials to authorize the
+ operation with the server.
+ :type creds: dict
+ :return:
+ A Deferred, that will fire with the local generation (type `int`)
+ before the synchronisation was performed.
+ :rtype: Deferred
+ """
+ syncer = self._get_syncer(url, creds=creds)
+ if DO_STATS:
+ self.sync_phase = syncer.sync_phase
+ self.syncer = syncer
+ self.sync_exchange_phase = syncer.sync_exchange_phase
+ local_gen_before_sync = yield syncer.sync()
+ self.received_docs = syncer.received_docs
+ defer.returnValue(local_gen_before_sync)
+ def _get_syncer(self, url, creds=None):
+ """
+ Get a synchronizer for ``url`` using ``creds``.
+ :param url: The url of the target replica to sync with.
+ :type url: str
+ :param creds: optional dictionary giving credentials.
+ to authorize the operation with the server.
+ :type creds: dict
+ :return: A synchronizer.
+ :rtype: Synchronizer
+ """
+ return SoledadSynchronizer(
+ self,
+ SoledadHTTPSyncTarget(
+ url,
+ # XXX is the replica_uid ready?
+ self._replica_uid,
+ creds=creds,
+ crypto=self._crypto,
+ cert_file=self._cert_file))
+ #
+ # Symmetric encryption of syncing docs
+ #
+ def get_generation(self):
+ # XXX this SHOULD BE a callback
+ return self._get_generation()
+class U1DBSQLiteBackend(sqlite.SQLitePartialExpandDatabase):
+ """
+ A very simple wrapper for u1db around sqlcipher backend.
+ Instead of initializing the database on the fly, it just uses an existing
+ connection that is passed to it in the initializer.
+ It can be used in tests and debug runs to initialize the adbapi with plain
+ sqlite connections, decoupled from the sqlcipher layer.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, conn):
+ self._db_handle = conn
+ self._real_replica_uid = None
+ self._ensure_schema()
+ self._factory = Document
+class SoledadSQLCipherWrapper(SQLCipherDatabase):
+ """
+ A wrapper for u1db that uses the Soledad-extended sqlcipher backend.
+ Instead of initializing the database on the fly, it just uses an existing
+ connection that is passed to it in the initializer.
+ It can be used from adbapi to initialize a soledad database after
+ getting a regular connection to a sqlcipher database.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, conn, opts):
+ self._db_handle = conn
+ self._real_replica_uid = None
+ self._ensure_schema()
+ self.set_document_factory(doc_factory)
+ self._prime_replica_uid()
+def _assert_db_is_encrypted(opts):
+ """
+ Assert that the sqlcipher file contains an encrypted database.
+ When opening an existing database, PRAGMA key will not immediately
+ throw an error if the key provided is incorrect. To test that the
+ database can be successfully opened with the provided key, it is
+ necessary to perform some operation on the database (i.e. read from
+ it) and confirm it is success.
+ The easiest way to do this is select off the sqlite_master table,
+ which will attempt to read the first page of the database and will
+ parse the schema.
+ :param opts:
+ """
+ # We try to open an encrypted database with the regular u1db
+ # backend should raise a DatabaseError exception.
+ # If the regular backend succeeds, then we need to stop because
+ # the database was not properly initialized.
+ try:
+ sqlite.SQLitePartialExpandDatabase(opts.path)
+ except sqlcipher_dbapi2.DatabaseError:
+ # assert that we can access it using SQLCipher with the given
+ # key
+ dummy_query = ('SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master',)
+ return initialize_sqlcipher_db(opts, on_init=dummy_query)
+ else:
+ raise DatabaseIsNotEncrypted()
+# Exceptions
+class DatabaseIsNotEncrypted(Exception):
+ """
+ Exception raised when trying to open non-encrypted databases.
+ """
+ pass
+def doc_factory(doc_id=None, rev=None, json='{}', has_conflicts=False,
+ syncable=True):
+ """
+ Return a default Soledad Document.
+ Used in the initialization for SQLCipherDatabase
+ """
+ return Document(doc_id=doc_id, rev=rev, json=json,
+ has_conflicts=has_conflicts, syncable=syncable)
+# twisted.enterprise.adbapi SQLCipher implementation
+def getConnectionPool(opts, extra_queries=None):
+ openfun = partial(
+ pragmas.set_init_pragmas,
+ opts=opts,
+ extra_queries=extra_queries)
+ return SQLCipherConnectionPool(
+ database=opts.path,
+ check_same_thread=False,
+ cp_openfun=openfun,
+class SQLCipherConnection(adbapi.Connection):
+ pass
+class SQLCipherTransaction(adbapi.Transaction):
+ pass
+class SQLCipherConnectionPool(adbapi.ConnectionPool):
+ connectionFactory = SQLCipherConnection
+ transactionFactory = SQLCipherTransaction
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ adbapi.ConnectionPool.__init__(
+ self, "pysqlcipher.dbapi2", *args, **kwargs)