path: root/server/src/leap/soledad/server/
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/src/leap/soledad/server/')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 378 deletions
diff --git a/server/src/leap/soledad/server/ b/server/src/leap/soledad/server/
index b0764569..b5744fe9 100644
--- a/server/src/leap/soledad/server/
+++ b/server/src/leap/soledad/server/
@@ -15,383 +15,156 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-Authentication facilities for Soledad Server.
+Twisted http token auth.
-import httplib
-import json
-from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
-from routes.mapper import Mapper
-from leap.soledad.common.log import getLogger
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import DBNAME_CONSTRAINTS, errors as u1db_errors
-from leap.soledad.common import SHARED_DB_NAME
-from leap.soledad.common import USER_DB_PREFIX
-logger = getLogger(__name__)
-class URLToAuthorization(object):
- """
- Verify if actions can be performed by a user.
- """
- def __init__(self, uuid):
- """
- Initialize the mapper.
- The C{uuid} is used to create the rules that will either allow or
- disallow the user to perform specific actions.
- @param uuid: The user uuid.
- @type uuid: str
- @param user_db_prefix: The string prefix of users' databases.
- @type user_db_prefix: str
- """
- self._map = Mapper(controller_scan=None)
- self._user_db_name = "%s%s" % (USER_DB_PREFIX, uuid)
- self._uuid = uuid
- self._register_auth_info()
- def is_authorized(self, environ):
- """
- Return whether an HTTP request that produced the CGI C{environ}
- corresponds to an authorized action.
- @param environ: Dictionary containing CGI variables.
- @type environ: dict
- @return: Whether the action is authorized or not.
- @rtype: bool
- """
- return self._map.match(environ=environ) is not None
- def _register(self, pattern, http_methods):
- """
- Register a C{pattern} in the mapper as valid for C{http_methods}.
- @param pattern: The URL pattern that corresponds to the user action.
- @type pattern: str
- @param http_methods: A list of authorized HTTP methods.
- @type http_methods: list of str
- """
- self._map.connect(
- None, pattern, http_methods=http_methods,
- conditions=dict(method=http_methods),
- requirements={'dbname': DBNAME_CONSTRAINTS})
- def _register_auth_info(self):
- """
- Register the authorization info in the mapper using C{SHARED_DB_NAME}
- as the user's database name.
- This method sets up the following authorization rules:
- URL path | Authorized actions
- --------------------------------------------------
- / | GET
- /shared-db | GET
- /shared-db/docs | -
- /shared-db/doc/{any_id} | GET, PUT, DELETE
- /shared-db/sync-from/{source} | -
- /user-db | GET, PUT, DELETE
- /user-db/docs | -
- /user-db/doc/{id} | -
- /user-db/sync-from/{source} | GET, PUT, POST
- """
- # auth info for global resource
- self._register('/', [self.HTTP_METHOD_GET])
- # auth info for shared-db database resource
- self._register(
- '/%s' % SHARED_DB_NAME,
- # auth info for shared-db doc resource
- self._register(
- '/%s/doc/{id:.*}' % SHARED_DB_NAME,
- # auth info for user-db database resource
- self._register(
- '/%s' % self._user_db_name,
- # auth info for user-db sync resource
- self._register(
- '/%s/sync-from/{source_replica_uid}' % self._user_db_name,
- # generate the regular expressions
- self._map.create_regs()
-class SoledadAuthMiddleware(object):
- """
- Soledad Authentication WSGI middleware.
- This class must be extended to implement specific authentication methods
- (see SoledadTokenAuthMiddleware below).
- It expects an HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header containing the concatenation of
- the following strings:
- 1. The authentication scheme. It will be verified by the
- _verify_authentication_scheme() method.
- 2. A space character.
- 3. The base64 encoded string of the concatenation of the user uuid with
- the authentication data, separated by a collon, like this:
- base64("<uuid>:<auth_data>")
- After authentication check, the class performs an authorization check to
- verify whether the user is authorized to perform the requested action.
- On client-side, 2 methods must be implemented so the soledad client knows
- how to send authentication headers to server:
- * set_<method>_credentials: store authentication credentials in the
- class.
- * _sign_request: format and include custom authentication data in
- See leap.soledad.auth and u1db.remote.http_client.HTTPClient to understand
- how to do it.
- """
- __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
- CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = ('content-type', 'application/json')
- def __init__(self, app):
- """
- Initialize the Soledad Authentication Middleware.
- @param app: The application to run on successfull authentication.
- @type app: u1db.remote.http_app.HTTPApp
- @param prefix: Auth app path prefix.
- @type prefix: str
- """
- self._app = app
- def _error(self, start_response, status, description, message=None):
- """
- Send a JSON serialized error to WSGI client.
- @param start_response: Callable of the form start_response(status,
- response_headers, exc_info=None).
- @type start_response: callable
- @param status: Status string of the form "999 Message here"
- @type status: str
- @param response_headers: A list of (header_name, header_value) tuples
- describing the HTTP response header.
- @type response_headers: list
- @param description: The error description.
- @type description: str
- @param message: The error message.
- @type message: str
- @return: List with JSON serialized error message.
- @rtype list
- """
- start_response("%d %s" % (status, httplib.responses[status]),
- err = {"error": description}
- if message:
- err['message'] = message
- return [json.dumps(err)]
- def _unauthorized_error(self, start_response, message):
- """
- Send a unauth error.
- @param message: The error message.
- @type message: str
- @param start_response: Callable of the form start_response(status,
- response_headers, exc_info=None).
- @type start_response: callable
- @return: List with JSON serialized error message.
- @rtype list
- """
- return self._error(
- start_response,
- 401,
- "unauthorized",
- message)
- def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
- """
- Handle a WSGI call to the authentication application.
- @param environ: Dictionary containing CGI variables.
- @type environ: dict
- @param start_response: Callable of the form start_response(status,
- response_headers, exc_info=None).
- @type start_response: callable
- @return: Target application results if authentication succeeds, an
- error message otherwise.
- @rtype: list
- """
- # check for authentication header
- auth = environ.get(self.HTTP_AUTH_KEY)
- if not auth:
- return self._unauthorized_error(
- start_response, "Missing authentication header.")
- # get authentication data
- scheme, encoded = auth.split(None, 1)
- uuid, auth_data = encoded.decode('base64').split(':', 1)
- if not self._verify_authentication_scheme(scheme):
- return self._unauthorized_error(
- start_response, "Wrong authentication scheme")
- # verify if user is athenticated
- try:
- if not self._verify_authentication_data(uuid, auth_data):
- return self._unauthorized_error(
- start_response,
- self._get_auth_error_string())
- except u1db_errors.Unauthorized as e:
- return self._error(
- start_response,
- 401,
- e.wire_description)
- # verify if user is authorized to perform action
- if not self._verify_authorization(environ, uuid):
- return self._unauthorized_error(
- start_response,
- "Unauthorized action.")
- # move on to the real Soledad app
- del environ[self.HTTP_AUTH_KEY]
- return self._app(environ, start_response)
- @abstractmethod
- def _verify_authentication_scheme(self, scheme):
- """
- Verify if authentication scheme is valid.
- @param scheme: Auth scheme extracted from the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION
- header.
- @type scheme: str
- @return: Whether the authentitcation scheme is valid.
- """
- return None
- @abstractmethod
- def _verify_authentication_data(self, uuid, auth_data):
- """
- Verify valid authenticatiion for this request.
- @param uuid: The user's uuid.
- @type uuid: str
- @param auth_data: Authentication data.
- @type auth_data: str
- @return: Whether the token is valid for authenticating the request.
- @rtype: bool
- @raise Unauthorized: Raised when C{auth_data} is not enough to
- authenticate C{uuid}.
- """
- return None
- def _verify_authorization(self, environ, uuid):
- """
- Verify if the user is authorized to perform the requested action over
- the requested database.
- @param environ: Dictionary containing CGI variables.
- @type environ: dict
- @param uuid: The user's uuid.
- @type uuid: str
- @return: Whether the user is authorize to perform the requested action
- over the requested db.
- @rtype: bool
- """
- return URLToAuthorization(uuid).is_authorized(environ)
- @abstractmethod
- def _get_auth_error_string(self):
- """
- Return an error string specific for each kind of authentication method.
- @return: The error string.
- """
- return None
-class SoledadTokenAuthMiddleware(SoledadAuthMiddleware):
- """
- Token based authentication.
- """
- TOKEN_AUTH_ERROR_STRING = "Incorrect address or token."
- def _get_state(self):
- return self._app.state
- def _set_state(self, state):
- self._app.state = state
- state = property(_get_state, _set_state)
- def _verify_authentication_scheme(self, scheme):
- """
- Verify if authentication scheme is valid.
- @param scheme: Auth scheme extracted from the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION
- header.
- @type scheme: str
- @return: Whether the authentitcation scheme is valid.
- """
- if scheme.lower() != 'token':
- return False
- return True
- def _verify_authentication_data(self, uuid, auth_data):
- """
- Extract token from C{auth_data} and proceed with verification of
- C{uuid} authentication.
- @param uuid: The user UID.
- @type uuid: str
- @param auth_data: Authentication data (i.e. the token).
- @type auth_data: str
- @return: Whether the token is valid for authenticating the request.
- @rtype: bool
- @raise Unauthorized: Raised when C{auth_data} is not enough to
- authenticate C{uuid}.
- """
- token = auth_data # we expect a cleartext token at this point
+import binascii
+import time
+from hashlib import sha512
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.cred import error
+from twisted.cred.checkers import ICredentialsChecker
+from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernamePassword
+from twisted.cred.credentials import IAnonymous
+from twisted.cred.credentials import Anonymous
+from twisted.cred.credentials import UsernamePassword
+from twisted.cred.portal import IRealm
+from twisted.cred.portal import Portal
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.web.iweb import ICredentialFactory
+from twisted.web.resource import IResource
+from leap.soledad.common.couch import couch_server
+from ._resource import SoledadResource, SoledadAnonResource
+from ._config import get_config
+log = Logger()
+class SoledadRealm(object):
+ def __init__(self, sync_pool, conf=None):
+ assert sync_pool is not None
+ if conf is None:
+ conf = get_config()
+ blobs = conf['blobs']
+ self.anon_resource = SoledadAnonResource(
+ enable_blobs=blobs)
+ self.auth_resource = SoledadResource(
+ enable_blobs=blobs,
+ sync_pool=sync_pool)
+ def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
+ # Anonymous access
+ if IAnonymous.providedBy(avatarId):
+ return (IResource, self.anon_resource,
+ lambda: None)
+ # Authenticated access
+ else:
+ if IResource in interfaces:
+ return (IResource, self.auth_resource,
+ lambda: None)
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class TokenChecker(object):
+ credentialInterfaces = [IUsernamePassword, IAnonymous]
+ TOKENS_DB_PREFIX = "tokens_"
+ TOKENS_DB_EXPIRE = 30 * 24 * 3600 # 30 days in seconds
+ TOKENS_TYPE_KEY = "type"
+ TOKENS_USER_ID_KEY = "user_id"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._couch_url = get_config().get('couch_url')
+ def _get_server(self):
+ return couch_server(self._couch_url)
+ def _tokens_dbname(self):
+ # the tokens db rotates every 30 days, and the current db name is
+ # "tokens_NNN", where NNN is the number of seconds since epoch
+ # divide dby the rotate period in seconds. When rotating, old and
+ # new tokens db coexist during a certain window of time and valid
+ # tokens are replicated from the old db to the new one. See:
+ #
+ dbname = self.TOKENS_DB_PREFIX + \
+ str(int(time.time() / self.TOKENS_DB_EXPIRE))
+ return dbname
+ def _tokens_db(self):
+ dbname = self._tokens_dbname()
+ # TODO -- leaking abstraction here: this module shouldn't need
+ # to known anything about the context manager. hide that in the couch
+ # module
+ with self._get_server() as server:
+ db = server[dbname]
+ return db
+ def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
+ if IAnonymous.providedBy(credentials):
+ return defer.succeed(Anonymous())
+ uuid = credentials.username
+ token = credentials.password
+ # lookup key is a hash of the token to prevent timing attacks.
+ # TODO cache the tokens already!
+ db = self._tokens_db()
+ token = db.get(sha512(token).hexdigest())
+ if token is None:
+ return
+ # TODO -- use cryptography constant time builtin comparison.
+ # we compare uuid hashes to avoid possible timing attacks that
+ # might exploit python's builtin comparison operator behaviour,
+ # which fails immediatelly when non-matching bytes are found.
+ couch_uuid_hash = sha512(token[self.TOKENS_USER_ID_KEY]).digest()
+ req_uuid_hash = sha512(uuid).digest()
+ if token[self.TOKENS_TYPE_KEY] != self.TOKENS_TYPE_DEF \
+ or couch_uuid_hash != req_uuid_hash:
+ return
+ return defer.succeed(uuid)
+class TokenCredentialFactory(object):
+ scheme = 'token'
+ def getChallenge(self, request):
+ return {}
+ def decode(self, response, request):
- return self.state.verify_token(uuid, token)
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error(e)
- return False
- def _get_auth_error_string(self):
- """
- Get the error string for token auth.
- @return: The error string.
- """
+ creds = binascii.a2b_base64(response + b'===')
+ except binascii.Error:
+ raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid credentials')
+ creds = creds.split(b':', 1)
+ if len(creds) == 2:
+ return UsernamePassword(*creds)
+ else:
+ raise error.LoginFailed('Invalid credentials')
+def portalFactory(sync_pool):
+ realm = SoledadRealm(sync_pool=sync_pool)
+ checker = TokenChecker()
+ return Portal(realm, [checker])
+credentialFactory = TokenCredentialFactory()