path: root/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db
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16 files changed, 0 insertions, 3669 deletions
diff --git a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/ b/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/
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-# Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-import json
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db.errors import InvalidJSON, InvalidContent
-__version_info__ = (13, 9)
-__version__ = '.'.join(map(lambda x: '%02d' % x, __version_info__))
-def open(path, create, document_factory=None):
- """Open a database at the given location.
- Will raise u1db.errors.DatabaseDoesNotExist if create=False and the
- database does not already exist.
- :param path: The filesystem path for the database to open.
- :param create: True/False, should the database be created if it doesn't
- already exist?
- :param document_factory: A function that will be called with the same
- parameters as Document.__init__.
- :return: An instance of Database.
- """
- from leap.soledad.client._db import sqlite
- return sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.open_database(
- path, create=create, document_factory=document_factory)
-# constraints on database names (relevant for remote access, as regex)
-DBNAME_CONSTRAINTS = r"[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.-]*"
-# constraints on doc ids (as regex)
-# (no slashes, and no characters outside the ascii range)
-DOC_ID_CONSTRAINTS = r"[a-zA-Z0-9.%_-]+"
-class Database(object):
- """A JSON Document data store.
- This data store can be synchronized with other u1db.Database instances.
- """
- def set_document_factory(self, factory):
- """Set the document factory that will be used to create objects to be
- returned as documents by the database.
- :param factory: A function that returns an object which at minimum must
- satisfy the same interface as does the class DocumentBase.
- Subclassing that class is the easiest way to create such
- a function.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.set_document_factory)
- def set_document_size_limit(self, limit):
- """Set the maximum allowed document size for this database.
- :param limit: Maximum allowed document size in bytes.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.set_document_size_limit)
- def whats_changed(self, old_generation=0):
- """Return a list of documents that have changed since old_generation.
- This allows APPS to only store a db generation before going
- 'offline', and then when coming back online they can use this
- data to update whatever extra data they are storing.
- :param old_generation: The generation of the database in the old
- state.
- :return: (generation, trans_id, [(doc_id, generation, trans_id),...])
- The current generation of the database, its associated transaction
- id, and a list of of changed documents since old_generation,
- represented by tuples with for each document its doc_id and the
- generation and transaction id corresponding to the last intervening
- change and sorted by generation (old changes first)
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.whats_changed)
- def get_doc(self, doc_id, include_deleted=False):
- """Get the JSON string for the given document.
- :param doc_id: The unique document identifier
- :param include_deleted: If set to True, deleted documents will be
- returned with empty content. Otherwise asking for a deleted
- document will return None.
- :return: a Document object.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.get_doc)
- def get_docs(self, doc_ids, check_for_conflicts=True,
- include_deleted=False):
- """Get the JSON content for many documents.
- :param doc_ids: A list of document identifiers.
- :param check_for_conflicts: If set to False, then the conflict check
- will be skipped, and 'None' will be returned instead of True/False.
- :param include_deleted: If set to True, deleted documents will be
- returned with empty content. Otherwise deleted documents will not
- be included in the results.
- :return: iterable giving the Document object for each document id
- in matching doc_ids order.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.get_docs)
- def get_all_docs(self, include_deleted=False):
- """Get the JSON content for all documents in the database.
- :param include_deleted: If set to True, deleted documents will be
- returned with empty content. Otherwise deleted documents will not
- be included in the results.
- :return: (generation, [Document])
- The current generation of the database, followed by a list of all
- the documents in the database.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.get_all_docs)
- def create_doc(self, content, doc_id=None):
- """Create a new document.
- You can optionally specify the document identifier, but the document
- must not already exist. See 'put_doc' if you want to override an
- existing document.
- If the database specifies a maximum document size and the document
- exceeds it, create will fail and raise a DocumentTooBig exception.
- :param content: A Python dictionary.
- :param doc_id: An optional identifier specifying the document id.
- :return: Document
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.create_doc)
- def create_doc_from_json(self, json, doc_id=None):
- """Create a new document.
- You can optionally specify the document identifier, but the document
- must not already exist. See 'put_doc' if you want to override an
- existing document.
- If the database specifies a maximum document size and the document
- exceeds it, create will fail and raise a DocumentTooBig exception.
- :param json: The JSON document string
- :param doc_id: An optional identifier specifying the document id.
- :return: Document
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.create_doc_from_json)
- def put_doc(self, doc):
- """Update a document.
- If the document currently has conflicts, put will fail.
- If the database specifies a maximum document size and the document
- exceeds it, put will fail and raise a DocumentTooBig exception.
- :param doc: A Document with new content.
- :return: new_doc_rev - The new revision identifier for the document.
- The Document object will also be updated.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.put_doc)
- def delete_doc(self, doc):
- """Mark a document as deleted.
- Will abort if the current revision doesn't match doc.rev.
- This will also set doc.content to None.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.delete_doc)
- def create_index(self, index_name, *index_expressions):
- """Create an named index, which can then be queried for future lookups.
- Creating an index which already exists is not an error, and is cheap.
- Creating an index which does not match the index_expressions of the
- existing index is an error.
- Creating an index will block until the expressions have been evaluated
- and the index generated.
- :param index_name: A unique name which can be used as a key prefix
- :param index_expressions: index expressions defining the index
- information.
- Examples:
- "fieldname", or "fieldname.subfieldname" to index alphabetically
- sorted on the contents of a field.
- "number(fieldname, width)", "lower(fieldname)"
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.create_index)
- def delete_index(self, index_name):
- """Remove a named index.
- :param index_name: The name of the index we are removing
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.delete_index)
- def list_indexes(self):
- """List the definitions of all known indexes.
- :return: A list of [('index-name', ['field', 'field2'])] definitions.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.list_indexes)
- def get_from_index(self, index_name, *key_values):
- """Return documents that match the keys supplied.
- You must supply exactly the same number of values as have been defined
- in the index. It is possible to do a prefix match by using '*' to
- indicate a wildcard match. You can only supply '*' to trailing entries,
- (eg 'val', '*', '*' is allowed, but '*', 'val', 'val' is not.)
- It is also possible to append a '*' to the last supplied value (eg
- 'val*', '*', '*' or 'val', 'val*', '*', but not 'val*', 'val', '*')
- :param index_name: The index to query
- :param key_values: values to match. eg, if you have
- an index with 3 fields then you would have:
- get_from_index(index_name, val1, val2, val3)
- :return: List of [Document]
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.get_from_index)
- def get_range_from_index(self, index_name, start_value, end_value):
- """Return documents that fall within the specified range.
- Both ends of the range are inclusive. For both start_value and
- end_value, one must supply exactly the same number of values as have
- been defined in the index, or pass None. In case of a single column
- index, a string is accepted as an alternative for a tuple with a single
- value. It is possible to do a prefix match by using '*' to indicate
- a wildcard match. You can only supply '*' to trailing entries, (eg
- 'val', '*', '*' is allowed, but '*', 'val', 'val' is not.) It is also
- possible to append a '*' to the last supplied value (eg 'val*', '*',
- '*' or 'val', 'val*', '*', but not 'val*', 'val', '*')
- :param index_name: The index to query
- :param start_values: tuples of values that define the lower bound of
- the range. eg, if you have an index with 3 fields then you would
- have: (val1, val2, val3)
- :param end_values: tuples of values that define the upper bound of the
- range. eg, if you have an index with 3 fields then you would have:
- (val1, val2, val3)
- :return: List of [Document]
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.get_range_from_index)
- def get_index_keys(self, index_name):
- """Return all keys under which documents are indexed in this index.
- :param index_name: The index to query
- :return: [] A list of tuples of indexed keys.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.get_index_keys)
- def get_doc_conflicts(self, doc_id):
- """Get the list of conflicts for the given document.
- The order of the conflicts is such that the first entry is the value
- that would be returned by "get_doc".
- :return: [doc] A list of the Document entries that are conflicted.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.get_doc_conflicts)
- def resolve_doc(self, doc, conflicted_doc_revs):
- """Mark a document as no longer conflicted.
- We take the list of revisions that the client knows about that it is
- superseding. This may be a different list from the actual current
- conflicts, in which case only those are removed as conflicted. This
- may fail if the conflict list is significantly different from the
- supplied information. (sync could have happened in the background from
- the time you GET_DOC_CONFLICTS until the point where you RESOLVE)
- :param doc: A Document with the new content to be inserted.
- :param conflicted_doc_revs: A list of revisions that the new content
- supersedes.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.resolve_doc)
- def get_sync_target(self):
- """Return a SyncTarget object, for another u1db to synchronize with.
- :return: An instance of SyncTarget.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.get_sync_target)
- def close(self):
- """Release any resources associated with this database."""
- raise NotImplementedError(self.close)
- def sync(self, url, creds=None, autocreate=True):
- """Synchronize documents with remote replica exposed at url.
- :param url: the url of the target replica to sync with.
- :param creds: optional dictionary giving credentials
- to authorize the operation with the server. For using OAuth
- the form of creds is:
- {'oauth': {
- 'consumer_key': ...,
- 'consumer_secret': ...,
- 'token_key': ...,
- 'token_secret': ...
- }}
- :param autocreate: ask the target to create the db if non-existent.
- :return: local_gen_before_sync The local generation before the
- synchronisation was performed. This is useful to pass into
- whatschanged, if an application wants to know which documents were
- affected by a synchronisation.
- """
- from u1db.sync import Synchronizer
- from u1db.remote.http_target import HTTPSyncTarget
- return Synchronizer(self, HTTPSyncTarget(url, creds=creds)).sync(
- autocreate=autocreate)
- def _get_replica_gen_and_trans_id(self, other_replica_uid):
- """Return the last known generation and transaction id for the other db
- replica.
- When you do a synchronization with another replica, the Database keeps
- track of what generation the other database replica was at, and what
- the associated transaction id was. This is used to determine what data
- needs to be sent, and if two databases are claiming to be the same
- replica.
- :param other_replica_uid: The identifier for the other replica.
- :return: (gen, trans_id) The generation and transaction id we
- encountered during synchronization. If we've never synchronized
- with the replica, this is (0, '').
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self._get_replica_gen_and_trans_id)
- def _set_replica_gen_and_trans_id(self, other_replica_uid,
- other_generation, other_transaction_id):
- """Set the last-known generation and transaction id for the other
- database replica.
- We have just performed some synchronization, and we want to track what
- generation the other replica was at. See also
- _get_replica_gen_and_trans_id.
- :param other_replica_uid: The U1DB identifier for the other replica.
- :param other_generation: The generation number for the other replica.
- :param other_transaction_id: The transaction id associated with the
- generation.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self._set_replica_gen_and_trans_id)
- def _put_doc_if_newer(self, doc, save_conflict, replica_uid, replica_gen,
- replica_trans_id=''):
- """Insert/update document into the database with a given revision.
- This api is used during synchronization operations.
- If a document would conflict and save_conflict is set to True, the
- content will be selected as the 'current' content for doc.doc_id,
- even though doc.rev doesn't supersede the currently stored revision.
- The currently stored document will be added to the list of conflict
- alternatives for the given doc_id.
- This forces the new content to be 'current' so that we get convergence
- after synchronizing, even if people don't resolve conflicts. Users can
- then notice that their content is out of date, update it, and
- synchronize again. (The alternative is that users could synchronize and
- think the data has propagated, but their local copy looks fine, and the
- remote copy is never updated again.)
- :param doc: A Document object
- :param save_conflict: If this document is a conflict, do you want to
- save it as a conflict, or just ignore it.
- :param replica_uid: A unique replica identifier.
- :param replica_gen: The generation of the replica corresponding to the
- this document. The replica arguments are optional, but are used
- during synchronization.
- :param replica_trans_id: The transaction_id associated with the
- generation.
- :return: (state, at_gen) - If we don't have doc_id already,
- or if doc_rev supersedes the existing document revision,
- then the content will be inserted, and state is 'inserted'.
- If doc_rev is less than or equal to the existing revision,
- then the put is ignored and state is respecitvely 'superseded'
- or 'converged'.
- If doc_rev is not strictly superseded or supersedes, then
- state is 'conflicted'. The document will not be inserted if
- save_conflict is False.
- For 'inserted' or 'converged', at_gen is the insertion/current
- generation.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self._put_doc_if_newer)
-class DocumentBase(object):
- """Container for handling a single document.
- :ivar doc_id: Unique identifier for this document.
- :ivar rev: The revision identifier of the document.
- :ivar json_string: The JSON string for this document.
- :ivar has_conflicts: Boolean indicating if this document has conflicts
- """
- def __init__(self, doc_id, rev, json_string, has_conflicts=False):
- self.doc_id = doc_id
- self.rev = rev
- if json_string is not None:
- try:
- value = json.loads(json_string)
- except ValueError:
- raise InvalidJSON
- if not isinstance(value, dict):
- raise InvalidJSON
- self._json = json_string
- self.has_conflicts = has_conflicts
- def same_content_as(self, other):
- """Compare the content of two documents."""
- if self._json:
- c1 = json.loads(self._json)
- else:
- c1 = None
- if other._json:
- c2 = json.loads(other._json)
- else:
- c2 = None
- return c1 == c2
- def __repr__(self):
- if self.has_conflicts:
- extra = ', conflicted'
- else:
- extra = ''
- return '%s(%s, %s%s, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.doc_id,
- self.rev, extra, self.get_json())
- def __hash__(self):
- raise NotImplementedError(self.__hash__)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, Document):
- return NotImplemented
- return (
- self.doc_id == other.doc_id and self.rev == other.rev and
- self.same_content_as(other) and self.has_conflicts ==
- other.has_conflicts)
- def __lt__(self, other):
- """This is meant for testing, not part of the official api.
- It is implemented so that sorted([Document, Document]) can be used.
- It doesn't imply that users would want their documents to be sorted in
- this order.
- """
- # Since this is just for testing, we don't worry about comparing
- # against things that aren't a Document.
- return ((self.doc_id, self.rev, self.get_json()) <
- (other.doc_id, other.rev, other.get_json()))
- def get_json(self):
- """Get the json serialization of this document."""
- if self._json is not None:
- return self._json
- return None
- def get_size(self):
- """Calculate the total size of the document."""
- size = 0
- json = self.get_json()
- if json:
- size += len(json)
- if self.rev:
- size += len(self.rev)
- if self.doc_id:
- size += len(self.doc_id)
- return size
- def set_json(self, json_string):
- """Set the json serialization of this document."""
- if json_string is not None:
- try:
- value = json.loads(json_string)
- except ValueError:
- raise InvalidJSON
- if not isinstance(value, dict):
- raise InvalidJSON
- self._json = json_string
- def make_tombstone(self):
- """Make this document into a tombstone."""
- self._json = None
- def is_tombstone(self):
- """Return True if the document is a tombstone, False otherwise."""
- if self._json is not None:
- return False
- return True
-class Document(DocumentBase):
- """Container for handling a single document.
- :ivar doc_id: Unique identifier for this document.
- :ivar rev: The revision identifier of the document.
- :ivar json: The JSON string for this document.
- :ivar has_conflicts: Boolean indicating if this document has conflicts
- """
- # The following part of the API is optional: no implementation is forced to
- # have it but if the language supports dictionaries/hashtables, it makes
- # Documents a lot more user friendly.
- def __init__(self, doc_id=None, rev=None, json='{}', has_conflicts=False):
- # TODO: We convert the json in the superclass to check its validity so
- # we might as well set _content here directly since the price is
- # already being paid.
- super(Document, self).__init__(doc_id, rev, json, has_conflicts)
- self._content = None
- def same_content_as(self, other):
- """Compare the content of two documents."""
- if self._json:
- c1 = json.loads(self._json)
- else:
- c1 = self._content
- if other._json:
- c2 = json.loads(other._json)
- else:
- c2 = other._content
- return c1 == c2
- def get_json(self):
- """Get the json serialization of this document."""
- json_string = super(Document, self).get_json()
- if json_string is not None:
- return json_string
- if self._content is not None:
- return json.dumps(self._content)
- return None
- def set_json(self, json):
- """Set the json serialization of this document."""
- self._content = None
- super(Document, self).set_json(json)
- def make_tombstone(self):
- """Make this document into a tombstone."""
- self._content = None
- super(Document, self).make_tombstone()
- def is_tombstone(self):
- """Return True if the document is a tombstone, False otherwise."""
- if self._content is not None:
- return False
- return super(Document, self).is_tombstone()
- def _get_content(self):
- """Get the dictionary representing this document."""
- if self._json is not None:
- self._content = json.loads(self._json)
- self._json = None
- if self._content is not None:
- return self._content
- return None
- def _set_content(self, content):
- """Set the dictionary representing this document."""
- try:
- tmp = json.dumps(content)
- except TypeError:
- raise InvalidContent(
- "Can not be converted to JSON: %r" % (content,))
- if not tmp.startswith('{'):
- raise InvalidContent(
- "Can not be converted to a JSON object: %r." % (content,))
- # We might as well store the JSON at this point since we did the work
- # of encoding it, and it doesn't lose any information.
- self._json = tmp
- self._content = None
- content = property(
- _get_content, _set_content, doc="Content of the Document.")
- # End of optional part.
-class SyncTarget(object):
- """Functionality for using a Database as a synchronization target."""
- def get_sync_info(self, source_replica_uid):
- """Return information about known state.
- Return the replica_uid and the current database generation of this
- database, and the last-seen database generation for source_replica_uid
- :param source_replica_uid: Another replica which we might have
- synchronized with in the past.
- :return: (target_replica_uid, target_replica_generation,
- target_trans_id, source_replica_last_known_generation,
- source_replica_last_known_transaction_id)
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.get_sync_info)
- def record_sync_info(self, source_replica_uid, source_replica_generation,
- source_replica_transaction_id):
- """Record tip information for another replica.
- After sync_exchange has been processed, the caller will have
- received new content from this replica. This call allows the
- source replica instigating the sync to inform us what their
- generation became after applying the documents we returned.
- This is used to allow future sync operations to not need to repeat data
- that we just talked about. It also means that if this is called at the
- wrong time, there can be database records that will never be
- synchronized.
- :param source_replica_uid: The identifier for the source replica.
- :param source_replica_generation:
- The database generation for the source replica.
- :param source_replica_transaction_id: The transaction id associated
- with the source replica generation.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.record_sync_info)
- def sync_exchange(self, docs_by_generation, source_replica_uid,
- last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id,
- return_doc_cb, ensure_callback=None):
- """Incorporate the documents sent from the source replica.
- This is not meant to be called by client code directly, but is used as
- part of sync().
- This adds docs to the local store, and determines documents that need
- to be returned to the source replica.
- Documents must be supplied in docs_by_generation paired with
- the generation of their latest change in order from the oldest
- change to the newest, that means from the oldest generation to
- the newest.
- Documents are also returned paired with the generation of
- their latest change in order from the oldest change to the
- newest.
- :param docs_by_generation: A list of [(Document, generation,
- transaction_id)] tuples indicating documents which should be
- updated on this replica paired with the generation and transaction
- id of their latest change.
- :param source_replica_uid: The source replica's identifier
- :param last_known_generation: The last generation that the source
- replica knows about this target replica
- :param last_known_trans_id: The last transaction id that the source
- replica knows about this target replica
- :param: return_doc_cb(doc, gen): is a callback
- used to return documents to the source replica, it will
- be invoked in turn with Documents that have changed since
- last_known_generation together with the generation of
- their last change.
- :param: ensure_callback(replica_uid): if set the target may create
- the target db if not yet existent, the callback can then
- be used to inform of the created db replica uid.
- :return: new_generation - After applying docs_by_generation, this is
- the current generation for this replica
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.sync_exchange)
- def _set_trace_hook(self, cb):
- """Set a callback that will be invoked to trace database actions.
- The callback will be passed a string indicating the current state, and
- the sync target object. Implementations do not have to implement this
- api, it is used by the test suite.
- :param cb: A callable that takes cb(state)
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self._set_trace_hook)
- def _set_trace_hook_shallow(self, cb):
- """Set a callback that will be invoked to trace database actions.
- Similar to _set_trace_hook, for implementations that don't offer
- state changes from the inner working of sync_exchange().
- :param cb: A callable that takes cb(state)
- """
- self._set_trace_hook(cb)
diff --git a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/backends/ b/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/backends/
deleted file mode 100644
index c731c3d3..00000000
--- a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/backends/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-"""Abstract classes and common implementations for the backends."""
-import re
-import json
-import uuid
-from leap.soledad.common import l2db
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import sync as l2db_sync
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import errors
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db.vectorclock import VectorClockRev
-check_doc_id_re = re.compile("^" + l2db.DOC_ID_CONSTRAINTS + "$", re.UNICODE)
-class CommonSyncTarget(l2db_sync.LocalSyncTarget):
- pass
-class CommonBackend(l2db.Database):
- document_size_limit = 0
- def _allocate_doc_id(self):
- """Generate a unique identifier for this document."""
- return 'D-' + uuid.uuid4().hex # 'D-' stands for document
- def _allocate_transaction_id(self):
- return 'T-' + uuid.uuid4().hex # 'T-' stands for transaction
- def _allocate_doc_rev(self, old_doc_rev):
- vcr = VectorClockRev(old_doc_rev)
- vcr.increment(self._replica_uid)
- return vcr.as_str()
- def _check_doc_id(self, doc_id):
- if not check_doc_id_re.match(doc_id):
- raise errors.InvalidDocId()
- def _check_doc_size(self, doc):
- if not self.document_size_limit:
- return
- if doc.get_size() > self.document_size_limit:
- raise errors.DocumentTooBig
- def _get_generation(self):
- """Return the current generation.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self._get_generation)
- def _get_generation_info(self):
- """Return the current generation and transaction id.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self._get_generation_info)
- def _get_doc(self, doc_id, check_for_conflicts=False):
- """Extract the document from storage.
- This can return None if the document doesn't exist.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self._get_doc)
- def _has_conflicts(self, doc_id):
- """Return True if the doc has conflicts, False otherwise."""
- raise NotImplementedError(self._has_conflicts)
- def create_doc(self, content, doc_id=None):
- if not isinstance(content, dict):
- raise errors.InvalidContent
- json_string = json.dumps(content)
- return self.create_doc_from_json(json_string, doc_id)
- def create_doc_from_json(self, json, doc_id=None):
- if doc_id is None:
- doc_id = self._allocate_doc_id()
- doc = self._factory(doc_id, None, json)
- self.put_doc(doc)
- return doc
- def _get_transaction_log(self):
- """This is only for the test suite, it is not part of the api."""
- raise NotImplementedError(self._get_transaction_log)
- def _put_and_update_indexes(self, doc_id, old_doc, new_rev, content):
- raise NotImplementedError(self._put_and_update_indexes)
- def get_docs(self, doc_ids, check_for_conflicts=True,
- include_deleted=False):
- for doc_id in doc_ids:
- doc = self._get_doc(
- doc_id, check_for_conflicts=check_for_conflicts)
- if doc.is_tombstone() and not include_deleted:
- continue
- yield doc
- def _get_trans_id_for_gen(self, generation):
- """Get the transaction id corresponding to a particular generation.
- Raises an InvalidGeneration when the generation does not exist.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self._get_trans_id_for_gen)
- def validate_gen_and_trans_id(self, generation, trans_id):
- """Validate the generation and transaction id.
- Raises an InvalidGeneration when the generation does not exist, and an
- InvalidTransactionId when it does but with a different transaction id.
- """
- if generation == 0:
- return
- known_trans_id = self._get_trans_id_for_gen(generation)
- if known_trans_id != trans_id:
- raise errors.InvalidTransactionId
- def _validate_source(self, other_replica_uid, other_generation,
- other_transaction_id):
- """Validate the new generation and transaction id.
- other_generation must be greater than what we have stored for this
- replica, *or* it must be the same and the transaction_id must be the
- same as well.
- """
- (old_generation,
- old_transaction_id) = self._get_replica_gen_and_trans_id(
- other_replica_uid)
- if other_generation < old_generation:
- raise errors.InvalidGeneration
- if other_generation > old_generation:
- return
- if other_transaction_id == old_transaction_id:
- return
- raise errors.InvalidTransactionId
- def _put_doc_if_newer(self, doc, save_conflict, replica_uid, replica_gen,
- replica_trans_id=''):
- cur_doc = self._get_doc(doc.doc_id)
- doc_vcr = VectorClockRev(doc.rev)
- if cur_doc is None:
- cur_vcr = VectorClockRev(None)
- else:
- cur_vcr = VectorClockRev(cur_doc.rev)
- self._validate_source(replica_uid, replica_gen, replica_trans_id)
- if doc_vcr.is_newer(cur_vcr):
- rev = doc.rev
- self._prune_conflicts(doc, doc_vcr)
- if doc.rev != rev:
- # conflicts have been autoresolved
- state = 'superseded'
- else:
- state = 'inserted'
- self._put_and_update_indexes(cur_doc, doc)
- elif doc.rev == cur_doc.rev:
- # magical convergence
- state = 'converged'
- elif cur_vcr.is_newer(doc_vcr):
- # Don't add this to seen_ids, because we have something newer,
- # so we should send it back, and we should not generate a
- # conflict
- state = 'superseded'
- elif cur_doc.same_content_as(doc):
- # the documents have been edited to the same thing at both ends
- doc_vcr.maximize(cur_vcr)
- doc_vcr.increment(self._replica_uid)
- doc.rev = doc_vcr.as_str()
- self._put_and_update_indexes(cur_doc, doc)
- state = 'superseded'
- else:
- state = 'conflicted'
- if save_conflict:
- self._force_doc_sync_conflict(doc)
- if replica_uid is not None and replica_gen is not None:
- self._do_set_replica_gen_and_trans_id(
- replica_uid, replica_gen, replica_trans_id)
- return state, self._get_generation()
- def _ensure_maximal_rev(self, cur_rev, extra_revs):
- vcr = VectorClockRev(cur_rev)
- for rev in extra_revs:
- vcr.maximize(VectorClockRev(rev))
- vcr.increment(self._replica_uid)
- return vcr.as_str()
- def set_document_size_limit(self, limit):
- self.document_size_limit = limit
diff --git a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/backends/ b/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/backends/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fd251af..00000000
--- a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/backends/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-"""The in-memory Database class for U1DB."""
-import json
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import (
- Document, errors,
- query_parser, vectorclock)
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db.backends import CommonBackend, CommonSyncTarget
-def get_prefix(value):
- key_prefix = '\x01'.join(value)
- return key_prefix.rstrip('*')
-class InMemoryDatabase(CommonBackend):
- """A database that only stores the data internally."""
- def __init__(self, replica_uid, document_factory=None):
- self._transaction_log = []
- self._docs = {}
- # Map from doc_id => [(doc_rev, doc)] conflicts beyond 'winner'
- self._conflicts = {}
- self._other_generations = {}
- self._indexes = {}
- self._replica_uid = replica_uid
- self._factory = document_factory or Document
- def _set_replica_uid(self, replica_uid):
- """Force the replica_uid to be set."""
- self._replica_uid = replica_uid
- def set_document_factory(self, factory):
- self._factory = factory
- def close(self):
- # This is a no-op, We don't want to free the data because one client
- # may be closing it, while another wants to inspect the results.
- pass
- def _get_replica_gen_and_trans_id(self, other_replica_uid):
- return self._other_generations.get(other_replica_uid, (0, ''))
- def _set_replica_gen_and_trans_id(self, other_replica_uid,
- other_generation, other_transaction_id):
- self._do_set_replica_gen_and_trans_id(
- other_replica_uid, other_generation, other_transaction_id)
- def _do_set_replica_gen_and_trans_id(self, other_replica_uid,
- other_generation,
- other_transaction_id):
- # TODO: to handle race conditions, we may want to check if the current
- # value is greater than this new value.
- self._other_generations[other_replica_uid] = (other_generation,
- other_transaction_id)
- def get_sync_target(self):
- return InMemorySyncTarget(self)
- def _get_transaction_log(self):
- # snapshot!
- return self._transaction_log[:]
- def _get_generation(self):
- return len(self._transaction_log)
- def _get_generation_info(self):
- if not self._transaction_log:
- return 0, ''
- return len(self._transaction_log), self._transaction_log[-1][1]
- def _get_trans_id_for_gen(self, generation):
- if generation == 0:
- return ''
- if generation > len(self._transaction_log):
- raise errors.InvalidGeneration
- return self._transaction_log[generation - 1][1]
- def put_doc(self, doc):
- if doc.doc_id is None:
- raise errors.InvalidDocId()
- self._check_doc_id(doc.doc_id)
- self._check_doc_size(doc)
- old_doc = self._get_doc(doc.doc_id, check_for_conflicts=True)
- if old_doc and old_doc.has_conflicts:
- raise errors.ConflictedDoc()
- if old_doc and doc.rev is None and old_doc.is_tombstone():
- new_rev = self._allocate_doc_rev(old_doc.rev)
- else:
- if old_doc is not None:
- if old_doc.rev != doc.rev:
- raise errors.RevisionConflict()
- else:
- if doc.rev is not None:
- raise errors.RevisionConflict()
- new_rev = self._allocate_doc_rev(doc.rev)
- doc.rev = new_rev
- self._put_and_update_indexes(old_doc, doc)
- return new_rev
- def _put_and_update_indexes(self, old_doc, doc):
- for index in self._indexes.itervalues():
- if old_doc is not None and not old_doc.is_tombstone():
- index.remove_json(old_doc.doc_id, old_doc.get_json())
- if not doc.is_tombstone():
- index.add_json(doc.doc_id, doc.get_json())
- trans_id = self._allocate_transaction_id()
- self._docs[doc.doc_id] = (doc.rev, doc.get_json())
- self._transaction_log.append((doc.doc_id, trans_id))
- def _get_doc(self, doc_id, check_for_conflicts=False):
- try:
- doc_rev, content = self._docs[doc_id]
- except KeyError:
- return None
- doc = self._factory(doc_id, doc_rev, content)
- if check_for_conflicts:
- doc.has_conflicts = (doc.doc_id in self._conflicts)
- return doc
- def _has_conflicts(self, doc_id):
- return doc_id in self._conflicts
- def get_doc(self, doc_id, include_deleted=False):
- doc = self._get_doc(doc_id, check_for_conflicts=True)
- if doc is None:
- return None
- if doc.is_tombstone() and not include_deleted:
- return None
- return doc
- def get_all_docs(self, include_deleted=False):
- """Return all documents in the database."""
- generation = self._get_generation()
- results = []
- for doc_id, (doc_rev, content) in self._docs.items():
- if content is None and not include_deleted:
- continue
- doc = self._factory(doc_id, doc_rev, content)
- doc.has_conflicts = self._has_conflicts(doc_id)
- results.append(doc)
- return (generation, results)
- def get_doc_conflicts(self, doc_id):
- if doc_id not in self._conflicts:
- return []
- result = [self._get_doc(doc_id)]
- result[0].has_conflicts = True
- result.extend([self._factory(doc_id, rev, content)
- for rev, content in self._conflicts[doc_id]])
- return result
- def _replace_conflicts(self, doc, conflicts):
- if not conflicts:
- del self._conflicts[doc.doc_id]
- else:
- self._conflicts[doc.doc_id] = conflicts
- doc.has_conflicts = bool(conflicts)
- def _prune_conflicts(self, doc, doc_vcr):
- if self._has_conflicts(doc.doc_id):
- autoresolved = False
- remaining_conflicts = []
- cur_conflicts = self._conflicts[doc.doc_id]
- for c_rev, c_doc in cur_conflicts:
- c_vcr = vectorclock.VectorClockRev(c_rev)
- if doc_vcr.is_newer(c_vcr):
- continue
- if doc.same_content_as(Document(doc.doc_id, c_rev, c_doc)):
- doc_vcr.maximize(c_vcr)
- autoresolved = True
- continue
- remaining_conflicts.append((c_rev, c_doc))
- if autoresolved:
- doc_vcr.increment(self._replica_uid)
- doc.rev = doc_vcr.as_str()
- self._replace_conflicts(doc, remaining_conflicts)
- def resolve_doc(self, doc, conflicted_doc_revs):
- cur_doc = self._get_doc(doc.doc_id)
- if cur_doc is None:
- cur_rev = None
- else:
- cur_rev = cur_doc.rev
- new_rev = self._ensure_maximal_rev(cur_rev, conflicted_doc_revs)
- superseded_revs = set(conflicted_doc_revs)
- remaining_conflicts = []
- cur_conflicts = self._conflicts[doc.doc_id]
- for c_rev, c_doc in cur_conflicts:
- if c_rev in superseded_revs:
- continue
- remaining_conflicts.append((c_rev, c_doc))
- doc.rev = new_rev
- if cur_rev in superseded_revs:
- self._put_and_update_indexes(cur_doc, doc)
- else:
- remaining_conflicts.append((new_rev, doc.get_json()))
- self._replace_conflicts(doc, remaining_conflicts)
- def delete_doc(self, doc):
- if doc.doc_id not in self._docs:
- raise errors.DocumentDoesNotExist
- if self._docs[doc.doc_id][1] in ('null', None):
- raise errors.DocumentAlreadyDeleted
- doc.make_tombstone()
- self.put_doc(doc)
- def create_index(self, index_name, *index_expressions):
- if index_name in self._indexes:
- if self._indexes[index_name]._definition == list(
- index_expressions):
- return
- raise errors.IndexNameTakenError
- index = InMemoryIndex(index_name, list(index_expressions))
- for doc_id, (doc_rev, doc) in self._docs.iteritems():
- if doc is not None:
- index.add_json(doc_id, doc)
- self._indexes[index_name] = index
- def delete_index(self, index_name):
- try:
- del self._indexes[index_name]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def list_indexes(self):
- definitions = []
- for idx in self._indexes.itervalues():
- definitions.append((idx._name, idx._definition))
- return definitions
- def get_from_index(self, index_name, *key_values):
- try:
- index = self._indexes[index_name]
- except KeyError:
- raise errors.IndexDoesNotExist
- doc_ids = index.lookup(key_values)
- result = []
- for doc_id in doc_ids:
- result.append(self._get_doc(doc_id, check_for_conflicts=True))
- return result
- def get_range_from_index(self, index_name, start_value=None,
- end_value=None):
- """Return all documents with key values in the specified range."""
- try:
- index = self._indexes[index_name]
- except KeyError:
- raise errors.IndexDoesNotExist
- if isinstance(start_value, basestring):
- start_value = (start_value,)
- if isinstance(end_value, basestring):
- end_value = (end_value,)
- doc_ids = index.lookup_range(start_value, end_value)
- result = []
- for doc_id in doc_ids:
- result.append(self._get_doc(doc_id, check_for_conflicts=True))
- return result
- def get_index_keys(self, index_name):
- try:
- index = self._indexes[index_name]
- except KeyError:
- raise errors.IndexDoesNotExist
- keys = index.keys()
- # XXX inefficiency warning
- return list(set([tuple(key.split('\x01')) for key in keys]))
- def whats_changed(self, old_generation=0):
- changes = []
- relevant_tail = self._transaction_log[old_generation:]
- # We don't use len(self._transaction_log) because _transaction_log may
- # get mutated by a concurrent operation.
- cur_generation = old_generation + len(relevant_tail)
- last_trans_id = ''
- if relevant_tail:
- last_trans_id = relevant_tail[-1][1]
- elif self._transaction_log:
- last_trans_id = self._transaction_log[-1][1]
- seen = set()
- generation = cur_generation
- for doc_id, trans_id in reversed(relevant_tail):
- if doc_id not in seen:
- changes.append((doc_id, generation, trans_id))
- seen.add(doc_id)
- generation -= 1
- changes.reverse()
- return (cur_generation, last_trans_id, changes)
- def _force_doc_sync_conflict(self, doc):
- my_doc = self._get_doc(doc.doc_id)
- self._prune_conflicts(doc, vectorclock.VectorClockRev(doc.rev))
- self._conflicts.setdefault(doc.doc_id, []).append(
- (my_doc.rev, my_doc.get_json()))
- doc.has_conflicts = True
- self._put_and_update_indexes(my_doc, doc)
-class InMemoryIndex(object):
- """Interface for managing an Index."""
- def __init__(self, index_name, index_definition):
- self._name = index_name
- self._definition = index_definition
- self._values = {}
- parser = query_parser.Parser()
- self._getters = parser.parse_all(self._definition)
- def evaluate_json(self, doc):
- """Determine the 'key' after applying this index to the doc."""
- raw = json.loads(doc)
- return self.evaluate(raw)
- def evaluate(self, obj):
- """Evaluate a dict object, applying this definition."""
- all_rows = [[]]
- for getter in self._getters:
- new_rows = []
- keys = getter.get(obj)
- if not keys:
- return []
- for key in keys:
- new_rows.extend([row + [key] for row in all_rows])
- all_rows = new_rows
- all_rows = ['\x01'.join(row) for row in all_rows]
- return all_rows
- def add_json(self, doc_id, doc):
- """Add this json doc to the index."""
- keys = self.evaluate_json(doc)
- if not keys:
- return
- for key in keys:
- self._values.setdefault(key, []).append(doc_id)
- def remove_json(self, doc_id, doc):
- """Remove this json doc from the index."""
- keys = self.evaluate_json(doc)
- if keys:
- for key in keys:
- doc_ids = self._values[key]
- doc_ids.remove(doc_id)
- if not doc_ids:
- del self._values[key]
- def _find_non_wildcards(self, values):
- """Check if this should be a wildcard match.
- Further, this will raise an exception if the syntax is improperly
- defined.
- :return: The offset of the last value we need to match against.
- """
- if len(values) != len(self._definition):
- raise errors.InvalidValueForIndex()
- is_wildcard = False
- last = 0
- for idx, val in enumerate(values):
- if val.endswith('*'):
- if val != '*':
- # We have an 'x*' style wildcard
- if is_wildcard:
- # We were already in wildcard mode, so this is invalid
- raise errors.InvalidGlobbing
- last = idx + 1
- is_wildcard = True
- else:
- if is_wildcard:
- # We were in wildcard mode, we can't follow that with
- # non-wildcard
- raise errors.InvalidGlobbing
- last = idx + 1
- if not is_wildcard:
- return -1
- return last
- def lookup(self, values):
- """Find docs that match the values."""
- last = self._find_non_wildcards(values)
- if last == -1:
- return self._lookup_exact(values)
- else:
- return self._lookup_prefix(values[:last])
- def lookup_range(self, start_values, end_values):
- """Find docs within the range."""
- # TODO: Wildly inefficient, which is unlikely to be a problem for the
- # inmemory implementation.
- if start_values:
- self._find_non_wildcards(start_values)
- start_values = get_prefix(start_values)
- if end_values:
- if self._find_non_wildcards(end_values) == -1:
- exact = True
- else:
- exact = False
- end_values = get_prefix(end_values)
- found = []
- for key, doc_ids in sorted(self._values.iteritems()):
- if start_values and start_values > key:
- continue
- if end_values and end_values < key:
- if exact:
- break
- else:
- if not key.startswith(end_values):
- break
- found.extend(doc_ids)
- return found
- def keys(self):
- """Find the indexed keys."""
- return self._values.keys()
- def _lookup_prefix(self, value):
- """Find docs that match the prefix string in values."""
- # TODO: We need a different data structure to make prefix style fast,
- # some sort of sorted list would work, but a plain dict doesn't.
- key_prefix = get_prefix(value)
- all_doc_ids = []
- for key, doc_ids in sorted(self._values.iteritems()):
- if key.startswith(key_prefix):
- all_doc_ids.extend(doc_ids)
- return all_doc_ids
- def _lookup_exact(self, value):
- """Find docs that match exactly."""
- key = '\x01'.join(value)
- if key in self._values:
- return self._values[key]
- return ()
-class InMemorySyncTarget(CommonSyncTarget):
- def get_sync_info(self, source_replica_uid):
- source_gen, source_trans_id = self._db._get_replica_gen_and_trans_id(
- source_replica_uid)
- my_gen, my_trans_id = self._db._get_generation_info()
- return (
- self._db._replica_uid, my_gen, my_trans_id, source_gen,
- source_trans_id)
- def record_sync_info(self, source_replica_uid, source_replica_generation,
- source_transaction_id):
- if self._trace_hook:
- self._trace_hook('record_sync_info')
- self._db._set_replica_gen_and_trans_id(
- source_replica_uid, source_replica_generation,
- source_transaction_id)
diff --git a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/ b/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/
deleted file mode 100644
index b502fc2d..00000000
--- a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2012 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-"""A list of errors that u1db can raise."""
-class U1DBError(Exception):
- """Generic base class for U1DB errors."""
- # description/tag for identifying the error during transmission (http,...)
- wire_description = "error"
- def __init__(self, message=None):
- self.message = message
-class RevisionConflict(U1DBError):
- """The document revisions supplied does not match the current version."""
- wire_description = "revision conflict"
-class InvalidJSON(U1DBError):
- """Content was not valid json."""
-class InvalidContent(U1DBError):
- """Content was not a python dictionary."""
-class InvalidDocId(U1DBError):
- """A document was requested with an invalid document identifier."""
- wire_description = "invalid document id"
-class MissingDocIds(U1DBError):
- """Needs document ids."""
- wire_description = "missing document ids"
-class DocumentTooBig(U1DBError):
- """Document exceeds the maximum document size for this database."""
- wire_description = "document too big"
-class UserQuotaExceeded(U1DBError):
- """Document exceeds the maximum document size for this database."""
- wire_description = "user quota exceeded"
-class SubscriptionNeeded(U1DBError):
- """User needs a subscription to be able to use this replica.."""
- wire_description = "user needs subscription"
-class InvalidTransactionId(U1DBError):
- """Invalid transaction for generation."""
- wire_description = "invalid transaction id"
-class InvalidGeneration(U1DBError):
- """Generation was previously synced with a different transaction id."""
- wire_description = "invalid generation"
-class InvalidReplicaUID(U1DBError):
- """Attempting to sync a database with itself."""
- wire_description = "invalid replica uid"
-class ConflictedDoc(U1DBError):
- """The document is conflicted, you must call resolve before put()"""
-class InvalidValueForIndex(U1DBError):
- """The values supplied does not match the index definition."""
-class InvalidGlobbing(U1DBError):
- """Raised if wildcard matches are not strictly at the tail of the request.
- """
-class DocumentDoesNotExist(U1DBError):
- """The document does not exist."""
- wire_description = "document does not exist"
-class DocumentAlreadyDeleted(U1DBError):
- """The document was already deleted."""
- wire_description = "document already deleted"
-class DatabaseDoesNotExist(U1DBError):
- """The database does not exist."""
- wire_description = "database does not exist"
-class IndexNameTakenError(U1DBError):
- """The given index name is already taken."""
-class IndexDefinitionParseError(U1DBError):
- """The index definition cannot be parsed."""
-class IndexDoesNotExist(U1DBError):
- """No index of that name exists."""
-class Unauthorized(U1DBError):
- """Request wasn't authorized properly."""
- wire_description = "unauthorized"
-class HTTPError(U1DBError):
- """Unspecific HTTP errror."""
- wire_description = None
- def __init__(self, status, message=None, headers={}):
- self.status = status
- self.message = message
- self.headers = headers
- def __str__(self):
- if not self.message:
- return "HTTPError(%d)" % self.status
- else:
- return "HTTPError(%d, %r)" % (self.status, self.message)
-class Unavailable(HTTPError):
- """Server not available not serve request."""
- wire_description = "unavailable"
- def __init__(self, message=None, headers={}):
- super(Unavailable, self).__init__(503, message, headers)
- def __str__(self):
- if not self.message:
- return "Unavailable()"
- else:
- return "Unavailable(%r)" % self.message
-class BrokenSyncStream(U1DBError):
- """Unterminated or otherwise broken sync exchange stream."""
- wire_description = None
-class UnknownAuthMethod(U1DBError):
- """Unknown auhorization method."""
- wire_description = None
-# mapping wire (transimission) descriptions/tags for errors to the exceptions
-wire_description_to_exc = dict(
- (x.wire_description, x) for x in globals().values()
- if getattr(x, 'wire_description', None) not in (None, "error"))
-wire_description_to_exc["error"] = U1DBError
-# wire error descriptions not corresponding to an exception
-DOCUMENT_DELETED = "document deleted"
diff --git a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/ b/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/
deleted file mode 100644
index 15a9ac80..00000000
--- a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
-# Copyright 2016 LEAP Encryption Access Project
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-Code for parsing Index definitions.
-import re
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import errors
-class Getter(object):
- """Get values from a document based on a specification."""
- def get(self, raw_doc):
- """Get a value from the document.
- :param raw_doc: a python dictionary to get the value from.
- :return: A list of values that match the description.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.get)
-class StaticGetter(Getter):
- """A getter that returns a defined value (independent of the doc)."""
- def __init__(self, value):
- """Create a StaticGetter.
- :param value: the value to return when get is called.
- """
- if value is None:
- self.value = []
- elif isinstance(value, list):
- self.value = value
- else:
- self.value = [value]
- def get(self, raw_doc):
- return self.value
-def extract_field(raw_doc, subfields, index=0):
- if not isinstance(raw_doc, dict):
- return []
- val = raw_doc.get(subfields[index])
- if val is None:
- return []
- if index < len(subfields) - 1:
- if isinstance(val, list):
- results = []
- for item in val:
- results.extend(extract_field(item, subfields, index + 1))
- return results
- if isinstance(val, dict):
- return extract_field(val, subfields, index + 1)
- return []
- if isinstance(val, dict):
- return []
- if isinstance(val, list):
- # Strip anything in the list that isn't a simple type
- return [v for v in val if not isinstance(v, (dict, list))]
- return [val]
-class ExtractField(Getter):
- """Extract a field from the document."""
- def __init__(self, field):
- """Create an ExtractField object.
- When a document is passed to get() this will return a value
- from the document based on the field specifier passed to
- the constructor.
- None will be returned if the field is nonexistant, or refers to an
- object, rather than a simple type or list of simple types.
- :param field: a specifier for the field to return.
- This is either a field name, or a dotted field name.
- """
- self.field = field.split('.')
- def get(self, raw_doc):
- return extract_field(raw_doc, self.field)
-class Transformation(Getter):
- """A transformation on a value from another Getter."""
- name = None
- arity = 1
- args = ['expression']
- def __init__(self, inner):
- """Create a transformation.
- :param inner: the argument(s) to the transformation.
- """
- self.inner = inner
- def get(self, raw_doc):
- inner_values = self.inner.get(raw_doc)
- assert isinstance(inner_values, list),\
- 'get() should always return a list'
- return self.transform(inner_values)
- def transform(self, values):
- """Transform the values.
- This should be implemented by subclasses to transform the
- value when get() is called.
- :param values: the values from the other Getter
- :return: the transformed values.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(self.transform)
-class Lower(Transformation):
- """Lowercase a string.
- This transformation will return None for non-string inputs. However,
- it will lowercase any strings in a list, dropping any elements
- that are not strings.
- """
- name = "lower"
- def _can_transform(self, val):
- return isinstance(val, basestring)
- def transform(self, values):
- if not values:
- return []
- return [val.lower() for val in values if self._can_transform(val)]
-class Number(Transformation):
- """Convert an integer to a zero padded string.
- This transformation will return None for non-integer inputs. However, it
- will transform any integers in a list, dropping any elements that are not
- integers.
- """
- name = 'number'
- arity = 2
- args = ['expression', int]
- def __init__(self, inner, number):
- super(Number, self).__init__(inner)
- self.padding = "%%0%sd" % number
- def _can_transform(self, val):
- return isinstance(val, int) and not isinstance(val, bool)
- def transform(self, values):
- """Transform any integers in values into zero padded strings."""
- if not values:
- return []
- return [self.padding % (v,) for v in values if self._can_transform(v)]
-class Bool(Transformation):
- """Convert bool to string."""
- name = "bool"
- args = ['expression']
- def _can_transform(self, val):
- return isinstance(val, bool)
- def transform(self, values):
- """Transform any booleans in values into strings."""
- if not values:
- return []
- return [('1' if v else '0') for v in values if self._can_transform(v)]
-class SplitWords(Transformation):
- """Split a string on whitespace.
- This Getter will return [] for non-string inputs. It will however
- split any strings in an input list, discarding any elements that
- are not strings.
- """
- name = "split_words"
- def _can_transform(self, val):
- return isinstance(val, basestring)
- def transform(self, values):
- if not values:
- return []
- result = set()
- for value in values:
- if self._can_transform(value):
- for word in value.split():
- result.add(word)
- return list(result)
-class Combine(Transformation):
- """Combine multiple expressions into a single index."""
- name = "combine"
- # variable number of args
- arity = -1
- def __init__(self, *inner):
- super(Combine, self).__init__(inner)
- def get(self, raw_doc):
- inner_values = []
- for inner in self.inner:
- inner_values.extend(inner.get(raw_doc))
- return self.transform(inner_values)
- def transform(self, values):
- return values
-class IsNull(Transformation):
- """Indicate whether the input is None.
- This Getter returns a bool indicating whether the input is nil.
- """
- name = "is_null"
- def transform(self, values):
- return [len(values) == 0]
-def check_fieldname(fieldname):
- if fieldname.endswith('.'):
- raise errors.IndexDefinitionParseError(
- "Fieldname cannot end in '.':%s^" % (fieldname,))
-class Parser(object):
- """Parse an index expression into a sequence of transformations."""
- _transformations = {}
- _delimiters = re.compile("\(|\)|,")
- def __init__(self):
- self._tokens = []
- def _set_expression(self, expression):
- self._open_parens = 0
- self._tokens = []
- expression = expression.strip()
- while expression:
- delimiter =
- if delimiter:
- idx = delimiter.start()
- if idx == 0:
- result, expression = (expression[:1], expression[1:])
- self._tokens.append(result)
- else:
- result, expression = (expression[:idx], expression[idx:])
- result = result.strip()
- if result:
- self._tokens.append(result)
- else:
- expression = expression.strip()
- if expression:
- self._tokens.append(expression)
- expression = None
- def _get_token(self):
- if self._tokens:
- return self._tokens.pop(0)
- def _peek_token(self):
- if self._tokens:
- return self._tokens[0]
- @staticmethod
- def _to_getter(term):
- if isinstance(term, Getter):
- return term
- check_fieldname(term)
- return ExtractField(term)
- def _parse_op(self, op_name):
- self._get_token() # '('
- op = self._transformations.get(op_name, None)
- if op is None:
- raise errors.IndexDefinitionParseError(
- "Unknown operation: %s" % op_name)
- args = []
- while True:
- args.append(self._parse_term())
- sep = self._get_token()
- if sep == ')':
- break
- if sep != ',':
- raise errors.IndexDefinitionParseError(
- "Unexpected token '%s' in parentheses." % (sep,))
- parsed = []
- for i, arg in enumerate(args):
- arg_type = op.args[i % len(op.args)]
- if arg_type == 'expression':
- inner = self._to_getter(arg)
- else:
- try:
- inner = arg_type(arg)
- except ValueError as e:
- raise errors.IndexDefinitionParseError(
- "Invalid value %r for argument type %r "
- "(%r)." % (arg, arg_type, e))
- parsed.append(inner)
- return op(*parsed)
- def _parse_term(self):
- term = self._get_token()
- if term is None:
- raise errors.IndexDefinitionParseError(
- "Unexpected end of index definition.")
- if term in (',', ')', '('):
- raise errors.IndexDefinitionParseError(
- "Unexpected token '%s' at start of expression." % (term,))
- next_token = self._peek_token()
- if next_token == '(':
- return self._parse_op(term)
- return term
- def parse(self, expression):
- self._set_expression(expression)
- term = self._to_getter(self._parse_term())
- if self._peek_token():
- raise errors.IndexDefinitionParseError(
- "Unexpected token '%s' after end of expression."
- % (self._peek_token(),))
- return term
- def parse_all(self, fields):
- return [self.parse(field) for field in fields]
- @classmethod
- def register_transormation(cls, transform):
- assert not in cls._transformations, (
- "Transform %s already registered for %s"
- % (, cls._transformations[]))
- cls._transformations[] = transform
diff --git a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/remote/ b/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/remote/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f32e381..00000000
--- a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/remote/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
diff --git a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/remote/ b/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/remote/
deleted file mode 100644
index a4eddb36..00000000
--- a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/remote/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2012 Canonical Ltd.
-# Copyright 2016 LEAP Encryption Access Project
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-HTTP Application exposing U1DB.
-# TODO -- deprecate, use twisted/txaio.
-import functools
-import six.moves.http_client as httplib
-import inspect
-import json
-import sys
-import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
-import routes.mapper
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import (
- __version__ as _u1db_version,
- errors, sync)
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db.remote import http_errors, utils
-def parse_bool(expression):
- """Parse boolean querystring parameter."""
- if expression == 'true':
- return True
- return False
-def parse_list(expression):
- if not expression:
- return []
- return [t.strip() for t in expression.split(',')]
-def none_or_str(expression):
- if expression is None:
- return None
- return str(expression)
-class BadRequest(Exception):
- """Bad request."""
-class _FencedReader(object):
- """Read and get lines from a file but not past a given length."""
- MAXCHUNK = 8192
- def __init__(self, rfile, total, max_entry_size):
- self.rfile = rfile
- self.remaining = total
- self.max_entry_size = max_entry_size
- self._kept = None
- def read_chunk(self, atmost):
- if self._kept is not None:
- # ignore atmost, kept data should be a subchunk anyway
- kept, self._kept = self._kept, None
- return kept
- if self.remaining == 0:
- return ''
- data =, atmost))
- self.remaining -= len(data)
- return data
- def getline(self):
- line_parts = []
- size = 0
- while True:
- chunk = self.read_chunk(self.MAXCHUNK)
- if chunk == '':
- break
- nl = chunk.find("\n")
- if nl != -1:
- size += nl + 1
- if size > self.max_entry_size:
- raise BadRequest
- line_parts.append(chunk[:nl + 1])
- rest = chunk[nl + 1:]
- self._kept = rest or None
- break
- else:
- size += len(chunk)
- if size > self.max_entry_size:
- raise BadRequest
- line_parts.append(chunk)
- return ''.join(line_parts)
-def http_method(**control):
- """Decoration for handling of query arguments and content for a HTTP
- method.
- args and content here are the query arguments and body of the incoming
- HTTP requests.
- Match query arguments to python method arguments:
- w = http_method()(f)
- w(self, args, content) => args["content"]=content;
- f(self, **args)
- JSON deserialize content to arguments:
- w = http_method(content_as_args=True,...)(f)
- w(self, args, content) => args.update(json.loads(content));
- f(self, **args)
- Support conversions (e.g int):
- w = http_method(Arg=Conv,...)(f)
- w(self, args, content) => args["Arg"]=Conv(args["Arg"]);
- f(self, **args)
- Enforce no use of query arguments:
- w = http_method(no_query=True,...)(f)
- w(self, args, content) raises BadRequest if args is not empty
- Argument mismatches, deserialisation failures produce BadRequest.
- """
- content_as_args = control.pop('content_as_args', False)
- no_query = control.pop('no_query', False)
- conversions = control.items()
- def wrap(f):
- argspec = inspect.getargspec(f)
- assert argspec.args[0] == "self"
- nargs = len(argspec.args)
- ndefaults = len(argspec.defaults or ())
- required_args = set(argspec.args[1:nargs - ndefaults])
- all_args = set(argspec.args)
- @functools.wraps(f)
- def wrapper(self, args, content):
- if no_query and args:
- raise BadRequest()
- if content is not None:
- if content_as_args:
- try:
- args.update(json.loads(content))
- except ValueError:
- raise BadRequest()
- else:
- args["content"] = content
- if not (required_args <= set(args) <= all_args):
- raise BadRequest("Missing required arguments.")
- for name, conv in conversions:
- if name not in args:
- continue
- try:
- args[name] = conv(args[name])
- except ValueError:
- raise BadRequest()
- return f(self, **args)
- return wrapper
- return wrap
-class URLToResource(object):
- """Mappings from URLs to resources."""
- def __init__(self):
- self._map = routes.mapper.Mapper(controller_scan=None)
- def register(self, resource_cls):
- # register
- self._map.connect(None, resource_cls.url_pattern,
- resource_cls=resource_cls,
- requirements={"dbname": DBNAME_CONSTRAINTS})
- self._map.create_regs()
- return resource_cls
- def match(self, path):
- params = self._map.match(path)
- if params is None:
- return None, None
- resource_cls = params.pop('resource_cls')
- return resource_cls, params
-url_to_resource = URLToResource()
-class GlobalResource(object):
- """Global (root) resource."""
- url_pattern = "/"
- def __init__(self, state, responder):
- self.state = state
- self.responder = responder
- @http_method()
- def get(self):
- info = self.state.global_info()
- info['version'] = _u1db_version
- self.responder.send_response_json(**info)
-class DatabaseResource(object):
- """Database resource."""
- url_pattern = "/{dbname}"
- def __init__(self, dbname, state, responder):
- self.dbname = dbname
- self.state = state
- self.responder = responder
- @http_method()
- def get(self):
- self.state.check_database(self.dbname)
- self.responder.send_response_json(200)
- @http_method(content_as_args=True)
- def put(self):
- self.state.ensure_database(self.dbname)
- self.responder.send_response_json(200, ok=True)
- @http_method()
- def delete(self):
- self.state.delete_database(self.dbname)
- self.responder.send_response_json(200, ok=True)
-class DocsResource(object):
- """Documents resource."""
- url_pattern = "/{dbname}/docs"
- def __init__(self, dbname, state, responder):
- self.responder = responder
- self.db = state.open_database(dbname)
- @http_method(doc_ids=parse_list, check_for_conflicts=parse_bool,
- include_deleted=parse_bool)
- def get(self, doc_ids=None, check_for_conflicts=True,
- include_deleted=False):
- if doc_ids is None:
- raise errors.MissingDocIds
- docs = self.db.get_docs(doc_ids, include_deleted=include_deleted)
- self.responder.content_type = 'application/json'
- self.responder.start_response(200)
- self.responder.start_stream(),
- for doc in docs:
- entry = dict(
- doc_id=doc.doc_id, doc_rev=doc.rev, content=doc.get_json(),
- has_conflicts=doc.has_conflicts)
- self.responder.stream_entry(entry)
- self.responder.end_stream()
- self.responder.finish_response()
-class AllDocsResource(object):
- """All Documents resource."""
- url_pattern = "/{dbname}/all-docs"
- def __init__(self, dbname, state, responder):
- self.responder = responder
- self.db = state.open_database(dbname)
- @http_method(include_deleted=parse_bool)
- def get(self, include_deleted=False):
- gen, docs = self.db.get_all_docs(include_deleted=include_deleted)
- self.responder.content_type = 'application/json'
- # returning a x-u1db-generation header is optional
- # HTTPDatabase will fallback to return -1 if it's missing
- self.responder.start_response(200,
- headers={'x-u1db-generation': str(gen)})
- self.responder.start_stream(),
- for doc in docs:
- entry = dict(
- doc_id=doc.doc_id, doc_rev=doc.rev, content=doc.get_json(),
- has_conflicts=doc.has_conflicts)
- self.responder.stream_entry(entry)
- self.responder.end_stream()
- self.responder.finish_response()
-class DocResource(object):
- """Document resource."""
- url_pattern = "/{dbname}/doc/{id:.*}"
- def __init__(self, dbname, id, state, responder):
- = id
- self.responder = responder
- self.db = state.open_database(dbname)
- @http_method(old_rev=str)
- def put(self, content, old_rev=None):
- doc = Document(, old_rev, content)
- doc_rev = self.db.put_doc(doc)
- if old_rev is None:
- status = 201 # created
- else:
- status = 200
- self.responder.send_response_json(status, rev=doc_rev)
- @http_method(old_rev=str)
- def delete(self, old_rev=None):
- doc = Document(, old_rev, None)
- self.db.delete_doc(doc)
- self.responder.send_response_json(200, rev=doc.rev)
- @http_method(include_deleted=parse_bool)
- def get(self, include_deleted=False):
- doc = self.db.get_doc(, include_deleted=include_deleted)
- if doc is None:
- wire_descr = errors.DocumentDoesNotExist.wire_description
- self.responder.send_response_json(
- http_errors.wire_description_to_status[wire_descr],
- error=wire_descr,
- headers={
- 'x-u1db-rev': '',
- 'x-u1db-has-conflicts': 'false'
- })
- return
- headers = {
- 'x-u1db-rev': doc.rev,
- 'x-u1db-has-conflicts': json.dumps(doc.has_conflicts)
- }
- if doc.is_tombstone():
- self.responder.send_response_json(
- http_errors.wire_description_to_status[
- error=errors.DOCUMENT_DELETED,
- headers=headers)
- else:
- self.responder.send_response_content(
- doc.get_json(), headers=headers)
-class SyncResource(object):
- """Sync endpoint resource."""
- # maximum allowed request body size
- max_request_size = 15 * 1024 * 1024 # 15Mb
- # maximum allowed entry/line size in request body
- max_entry_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # 10Mb
- url_pattern = "/{dbname}/sync-from/{source_replica_uid}"
- # pluggable
- sync_exchange_class = sync.SyncExchange
- def __init__(self, dbname, source_replica_uid, state, responder):
- self.source_replica_uid = source_replica_uid
- self.responder = responder
- self.state = state
- self.dbname = dbname
- self.replica_uid = None
- def get_target(self):
- return self.state.open_database(self.dbname).get_sync_target()
- @http_method()
- def get(self):
- result = self.get_target().get_sync_info(self.source_replica_uid)
- self.responder.send_response_json(
- target_replica_uid=result[0], target_replica_generation=result[1],
- target_replica_transaction_id=result[2],
- source_replica_uid=self.source_replica_uid,
- source_replica_generation=result[3],
- source_transaction_id=result[4])
- @http_method(generation=int,
- content_as_args=True, no_query=True)
- def put(self, generation, transaction_id):
- self.get_target().record_sync_info(self.source_replica_uid,
- generation,
- transaction_id)
- self.responder.send_response_json(ok=True)
- # Implements the same logic as LocalSyncTarget.sync_exchange
- @http_method(last_known_generation=int, last_known_trans_id=none_or_str,
- content_as_args=True)
- def post_args(self, last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id=None,
- ensure=False):
- if ensure:
- db, self.replica_uid = self.state.ensure_database(self.dbname)
- else:
- db = self.state.open_database(self.dbname)
- db.validate_gen_and_trans_id(
- last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id)
- self.sync_exch = self.sync_exchange_class(
- db, self.source_replica_uid, last_known_generation)
- @http_method(content_as_args=True)
- def post_stream_entry(self, id, rev, content, gen, trans_id):
- doc = Document(id, rev, content)
- self.sync_exch.insert_doc_from_source(doc, gen, trans_id)
- def post_end(self):
- def send_doc(doc, gen, trans_id):
- entry = dict(id=doc.doc_id, rev=doc.rev, content=doc.get_json(),
- gen=gen, trans_id=trans_id)
- self.responder.stream_entry(entry)
- new_gen = self.sync_exch.find_changes_to_return()
- self.responder.content_type = 'application/x-u1db-sync-stream'
- self.responder.start_response(200)
- self.responder.start_stream(),
- header = {"new_generation": new_gen,
- "new_transaction_id": self.sync_exch.new_trans_id}
- if self.replica_uid is not None:
- header['replica_uid'] = self.replica_uid
- self.responder.stream_entry(header)
- self.sync_exch.return_docs(send_doc)
- self.responder.end_stream()
- self.responder.finish_response()
-class HTTPResponder(object):
- """Encode responses from the server back to the client."""
- # a multi document response will put args and documents
- # each on one line of the response body
- def __init__(self, start_response):
- self._started = False
- self._stream_state = -1
- self._no_initial_obj = True
- self.sent_response = False
- self._start_response = start_response
- self._write = None
- self.content_type = 'application/json'
- self.content = []
- def start_response(self, status, obj_dic=None, headers={}):
- """start sending response with optional first json object."""
- if self._started:
- return
- self._started = True
- status_text = httplib.responses[status]
- self._write = self._start_response(
- '%d %s' % (status, status_text),
- [('content-type', self.content_type),
- ('cache-control', 'no-cache')] +
- headers.items())
- # xxx version in headers
- if obj_dic is not None:
- self._no_initial_obj = False
- self._write(json.dumps(obj_dic) + "\r\n")
- def finish_response(self):
- """finish sending response."""
- self.sent_response = True
- def send_response_json(self, status=200, headers={}, **kwargs):
- """send and finish response with json object body from keyword args."""
- content = json.dumps(kwargs) + "\r\n"
- self.send_response_content(content, headers=headers, status=status)
- def send_response_content(self, content, status=200, headers={}):
- """send and finish response with content"""
- headers['content-length'] = str(len(content))
- self.start_response(status, headers=headers)
- if self._stream_state == 1:
- self.content = [',\r\n', content]
- else:
- self.content = [content]
- self.finish_response()
- def start_stream(self):
- "start stream (array) as part of the response."
- assert self._started and self._no_initial_obj
- self._stream_state = 0
- self._write("[")
- def stream_entry(self, entry):
- "send stream entry as part of the response."
- assert self._stream_state != -1
- if self._stream_state == 0:
- self._stream_state = 1
- self._write('\r\n')
- else:
- self._write(',\r\n')
- if type(entry) == dict:
- entry = json.dumps(entry)
- self._write(entry)
- def end_stream(self):
- "end stream (array)."
- assert self._stream_state != -1
- self._write("\r\n]\r\n")
-class HTTPInvocationByMethodWithBody(object):
- """Invoke methods on a resource."""
- def __init__(self, resource, environ, parameters):
- self.resource = resource
- self.environ = environ
- self.max_request_size = getattr(
- resource, 'max_request_size', parameters.max_request_size)
- self.max_entry_size = getattr(
- resource, 'max_entry_size', parameters.max_entry_size)
- def _lookup(self, method):
- try:
- return getattr(self.resource, method)
- except AttributeError:
- raise BadRequest()
- def __call__(self):
- args = urlparse.parse_qsl(self.environ['QUERY_STRING'],
- strict_parsing=False)
- try:
- args = dict(
- (k.decode('utf-8'), v.decode('utf-8')) for k, v in args)
- except ValueError:
- raise BadRequest()
- method = self.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].lower()
- if method in ('get', 'delete'):
- meth = self._lookup(method)
- return meth(args, None)
- else:
- # we expect content-length > 0, reconsider if we move
- # to support chunked enconding
- try:
- content_length = int(self.environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'])
- except (ValueError, KeyError):
- raise BadRequest
- if content_length <= 0:
- raise BadRequest
- if content_length > self.max_request_size:
- raise BadRequest
- reader = _FencedReader(self.environ['wsgi.input'], content_length,
- self.max_entry_size)
- content_type = self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '')
- content_type = content_type.split(';', 1)[0].strip()
- if content_type == 'application/json':
- meth = self._lookup(method)
- body = reader.read_chunk(sys.maxint)
- return meth(args, body)
- elif content_type == 'application/x-u1db-sync-stream':
- meth_args = self._lookup('%s_args' % method)
- meth_entry = self._lookup('%s_stream_entry' % method)
- meth_end = self._lookup('%s_end' % method)
- body_getline = reader.getline
- if body_getline().strip() != '[':
- raise BadRequest()
- line = body_getline()
- line, comma = utils.check_and_strip_comma(line.strip())
- meth_args(args, line)
- while True:
- line = body_getline()
- entry = line.strip()
- if entry == ']':
- break
- if not entry or not comma: # empty or no prec comma
- raise BadRequest
- entry, comma = utils.check_and_strip_comma(entry)
- meth_entry({}, entry)
- if comma or body_getline(): # extra comma or data
- raise BadRequest
- return meth_end()
- else:
- raise BadRequest()
-class HTTPApp(object):
- # maximum allowed request body size
- max_request_size = 15 * 1024 * 1024 # 15Mb
- # maximum allowed entry/line size in request body
- max_entry_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # 10Mb
- def __init__(self, state):
- self.state = state
- def _lookup_resource(self, environ, responder):
- resource_cls, params = url_to_resource.match(environ['PATH_INFO'])
- if resource_cls is None:
- raise BadRequest # 404 instead?
- resource = resource_cls(
- state=self.state, responder=responder, **params)
- return resource
- def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
- responder = HTTPResponder(start_response)
- self.request_begin(environ)
- try:
- resource = self._lookup_resource(environ, responder)
- HTTPInvocationByMethodWithBody(resource, environ, self)()
- except errors.U1DBError as e:
- self.request_u1db_error(environ, e)
- status = http_errors.wire_description_to_status.get(
- e.wire_description, 500)
- responder.send_response_json(status, error=e.wire_description)
- except BadRequest:
- self.request_bad_request(environ)
- responder.send_response_json(400, error="bad request")
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise
- except:
- self.request_failed(environ)
- raise
- else:
- self.request_done(environ)
- return responder.content
- # hooks for tracing requests
- def request_begin(self, environ):
- """Hook called at the beginning of processing a request."""
- pass
- def request_done(self, environ):
- """Hook called when done processing a request."""
- pass
- def request_u1db_error(self, environ, exc):
- """Hook called when processing a request resulted in a U1DBError.
- U1DBError passed as exc.
- """
- pass
- def request_bad_request(self, environ):
- """Hook called when processing a bad request.
- No actual processing was done.
- """
- pass
- def request_failed(self, environ):
- """Hook called when processing a request failed unexpectedly.
- Invoked from an except block, so there's interpreter exception
- information available.
- """
- pass
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1124b038..00000000
--- a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/remote/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2012 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-"""Base class to make requests to a remote HTTP server."""
-import json
-import socket
-import ssl
-import sys
-import urllib
-import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
-import six.moves.http_client as httplib
-from time import sleep
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import errors
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db.remote import http_errors
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db.remote.ssl_match_hostname import match_hostname
-# Ubuntu/debian
-# XXX other...
-CA_CERTS = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
-def _encode_query_parameter(value):
- """Encode query parameter."""
- if isinstance(value, bool):
- if value:
- value = 'true'
- else:
- value = 'false'
- return unicode(value).encode('utf-8')
-class _VerifiedHTTPSConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection):
- """HTTPSConnection verifying server side certificates."""
- # derived from
- def connect(self):
- "Connect to a host on a given (SSL) port."
- sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port),
- self.timeout, self.source_address)
- if self._tunnel_host:
- self.sock = sock
- self._tunnel()
- if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
- cert_opts = {
- 'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
- 'ca_certs': CA_CERTS
- }
- else:
- # XXX no cert verification implemented elsewhere for now
- cert_opts = {}
- self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file,
- ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3,
- **cert_opts
- )
- if cert_opts:
- match_hostname(self.sock.getpeercert(),
-class HTTPClientBase(object):
- """Base class to make requests to a remote HTTP server."""
- # Will use these delays to retry on 503 befor finally giving up. The final
- # 0 is there to not wait after the final try fails.
- _delays = (1, 1, 2, 4, 0)
- def __init__(self, url, creds=None):
- self._url = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
- self._conn = None
- self._creds = {}
- if creds is not None:
- if len(creds) != 1:
- raise errors.UnknownAuthMethod()
- auth_meth, credentials = creds.items()[0]
- try:
- set_creds = getattr(self, 'set_%s_credentials' % auth_meth)
- except AttributeError:
- raise errors.UnknownAuthMethod(auth_meth)
- set_creds(**credentials)
- def _ensure_connection(self):
- if self._conn is not None:
- return
- if self._url.scheme == 'https':
- connClass = _VerifiedHTTPSConnection
- else:
- connClass = httplib.HTTPConnection
- self._conn = connClass(self._url.hostname, self._url.port)
- def close(self):
- if self._conn:
- self._conn.close()
- self._conn = None
- # xxx retry mechanism?
- def _error(self, respdic):
- descr = respdic.get("error")
- exc_cls = errors.wire_description_to_exc.get(descr)
- if exc_cls is not None:
- message = respdic.get("message")
- raise exc_cls(message)
- def _response(self):
- resp = self._conn.getresponse()
- body =
- headers = dict(resp.getheaders())
- if resp.status in (200, 201):
- return body, headers
- elif resp.status in http_errors.ERROR_STATUSES:
- try:
- respdic = json.loads(body)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- self._error(respdic)
- # special case
- if resp.status == 503:
- raise errors.Unavailable(body, headers)
- raise errors.HTTPError(resp.status, body, headers)
- def _sign_request(self, method, url_query, params):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def _request(self, method, url_parts, params=None, body=None,
- content_type=None):
- self._ensure_connection()
- unquoted_url = url_query = self._url.path
- if url_parts:
- if not url_query.endswith('/'):
- url_query += '/'
- unquoted_url = url_query
- url_query += '/'.join(urllib.quote(part, safe='')
- for part in url_parts)
- # oauth performs its own quoting
- unquoted_url += '/'.join(url_parts)
- encoded_params = {}
- if params:
- for key, value in params.items():
- key = unicode(key).encode('utf-8')
- encoded_params[key] = _encode_query_parameter(value)
- url_query += ('?' + urllib.urlencode(encoded_params))
- if body is not None and not isinstance(body, basestring):
- body = json.dumps(body)
- content_type = 'application/json'
- headers = {}
- if content_type:
- headers['content-type'] = content_type
- headers.update(
- self._sign_request(method, unquoted_url, encoded_params))
- for delay in self._delays:
- try:
- self._conn.request(method, url_query, body, headers)
- return self._response()
- except errors.Unavailable as e:
- sleep(delay)
- raise e
- def _request_json(self, method, url_parts, params=None, body=None,
- content_type=None):
- res, headers = self._request(method, url_parts, params, body,
- content_type)
- return json.loads(res), headers
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7e61e5a4..00000000
--- a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/remote/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-"""HTTPDatabase to access a remote db over the HTTP API."""
-import json
-import uuid
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import (
- Database,
- Document,
- errors)
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db.remote import (
- http_client,
- http_errors,
- http_target)
-DOCUMENT_DELETED_STATUS = http_errors.wire_description_to_status[
-class HTTPDatabase(http_client.HTTPClientBase, Database):
- """Implement the Database API to a remote HTTP server."""
- def __init__(self, url, document_factory=None, creds=None):
- super(HTTPDatabase, self).__init__(url, creds=creds)
- self._factory = document_factory or Document
- def set_document_factory(self, factory):
- self._factory = factory
- @staticmethod
- def open_database(url, create):
- db = HTTPDatabase(url)
- return db
- @staticmethod
- def delete_database(url):
- db = HTTPDatabase(url)
- db._delete()
- db.close()
- def open(self, create):
- if create:
- self._ensure()
- else:
- self._check()
- def _check(self):
- return self._request_json('GET', [])[0]
- def _ensure(self):
- self._request_json('PUT', [], {}, {})
- def _delete(self):
- self._request_json('DELETE', [], {}, {})
- def put_doc(self, doc):
- if doc.doc_id is None:
- raise errors.InvalidDocId()
- params = {}
- if doc.rev is not None:
- params['old_rev'] = doc.rev
- res, headers = self._request_json('PUT', ['doc', doc.doc_id], params,
- doc.get_json(), 'application/json')
- doc.rev = res['rev']
- return res['rev']
- def get_doc(self, doc_id, include_deleted=False):
- try:
- res, headers = self._request(
- 'GET', ['doc', doc_id], {"include_deleted": include_deleted})
- except errors.DocumentDoesNotExist:
- return None
- except errors.HTTPError as e:
- if (e.status == DOCUMENT_DELETED_STATUS and
- 'x-u1db-rev' in e.headers):
- res = None
- headers = e.headers
- else:
- raise
- doc_rev = headers['x-u1db-rev']
- has_conflicts = json.loads(headers['x-u1db-has-conflicts'])
- doc = self._factory(doc_id, doc_rev, res)
- doc.has_conflicts = has_conflicts
- return doc
- def _build_docs(self, res):
- for doc_dict in json.loads(res):
- doc = self._factory(
- doc_dict['doc_id'], doc_dict['doc_rev'], doc_dict['content'])
- doc.has_conflicts = doc_dict['has_conflicts']
- yield doc
- def get_docs(self, doc_ids, check_for_conflicts=True,
- include_deleted=False):
- if not doc_ids:
- return []
- doc_ids = ','.join(doc_ids)
- res, headers = self._request(
- 'GET', ['docs'], {
- "doc_ids": doc_ids, "include_deleted": include_deleted,
- "check_for_conflicts": check_for_conflicts})
- return self._build_docs(res)
- def get_all_docs(self, include_deleted=False):
- res, headers = self._request(
- 'GET', ['all-docs'], {"include_deleted": include_deleted})
- gen = -1
- if 'x-u1db-generation' in headers:
- gen = int(headers['x-u1db-generation'])
- return gen, list(self._build_docs(res))
- def _allocate_doc_id(self):
- return 'D-%s' % (uuid.uuid4().hex,)
- def create_doc(self, content, doc_id=None):
- if not isinstance(content, dict):
- raise errors.InvalidContent
- json_string = json.dumps(content)
- return self.create_doc_from_json(json_string, doc_id)
- def create_doc_from_json(self, content, doc_id=None):
- if doc_id is None:
- doc_id = self._allocate_doc_id()
- res, headers = self._request_json('PUT', ['doc', doc_id], {},
- content, 'application/json')
- new_doc = self._factory(doc_id, res['rev'], content)
- return new_doc
- def delete_doc(self, doc):
- if doc.doc_id is None:
- raise errors.InvalidDocId()
- params = {'old_rev': doc.rev}
- res, headers = self._request_json(
- 'DELETE', ['doc', doc.doc_id], params)
- doc.make_tombstone()
- doc.rev = res['rev']
- def get_sync_target(self):
- st = http_target.HTTPSyncTarget(self._url.geturl())
- st._creds = self._creds
- return st
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index ee4cfefa..00000000
--- a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/remote/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2012 Canonical Ltd.
-# Copyright 2016 LEAP Encryption Access Project
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-Information about the encoding of errors over HTTP.
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import errors
-# error wire descriptions mapping to HTTP status codes
-wire_description_to_status = dict([
- (errors.InvalidDocId.wire_description, 400),
- (errors.MissingDocIds.wire_description, 400),
- (errors.Unauthorized.wire_description, 401),
- (errors.DocumentTooBig.wire_description, 403),
- (errors.UserQuotaExceeded.wire_description, 403),
- (errors.SubscriptionNeeded.wire_description, 403),
- (errors.DatabaseDoesNotExist.wire_description, 404),
- (errors.DocumentDoesNotExist.wire_description, 404),
- (errors.DocumentAlreadyDeleted.wire_description, 404),
- (errors.RevisionConflict.wire_description, 409),
- (errors.InvalidGeneration.wire_description, 409),
- (errors.InvalidReplicaUID.wire_description, 409),
- (errors.InvalidTransactionId.wire_description, 409),
- (errors.Unavailable.wire_description, 503),
- # without matching exception
- (errors.DOCUMENT_DELETED, 404)
-ERROR_STATUSES = set(wire_description_to_status.values())
-# 400 included explicitly for tests
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deleted file mode 100644
index 38804f01..00000000
--- a/common/src/leap/soledad/common/l2db/remote/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2012 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-"""SyncTarget API implementation to a remote HTTP server."""
-import json
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import Document, SyncTarget
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db.errors import BrokenSyncStream
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db.remote import (
- http_client, utils)
-class HTTPSyncTarget(http_client.HTTPClientBase, SyncTarget):
- """Implement the SyncTarget api to a remote HTTP server."""
- @staticmethod
- def connect(url):
- return HTTPSyncTarget(url)
- def get_sync_info(self, source_replica_uid):
- self._ensure_connection()
- res, _ = self._request_json('GET', ['sync-from', source_replica_uid])
- return (res['target_replica_uid'], res['target_replica_generation'],
- res['target_replica_transaction_id'],
- res['source_replica_generation'], res['source_transaction_id'])
- def record_sync_info(self, source_replica_uid, source_replica_generation,
- source_transaction_id):
- self._ensure_connection()
- if self._trace_hook: # for tests
- self._trace_hook('record_sync_info')
- self._request_json('PUT', ['sync-from', source_replica_uid], {},
- {'generation': source_replica_generation,
- 'transaction_id': source_transaction_id})
- def _parse_sync_stream(self, data, return_doc_cb, ensure_callback=None):
- parts = data.splitlines() # one at a time
- if not parts or parts[0] != '[':
- raise BrokenSyncStream
- data = parts[1:-1]
- comma = False
- if data:
- line, comma = utils.check_and_strip_comma(data[0])
- res = json.loads(line)
- if ensure_callback and 'replica_uid' in res:
- ensure_callback(res['replica_uid'])
- for entry in data[1:]:
- if not comma: # missing in between comma
- raise BrokenSyncStream
- line, comma = utils.check_and_strip_comma(entry)
- entry = json.loads(line)
- doc = Document(entry['id'], entry['rev'], entry['content'])
- return_doc_cb(doc, entry['gen'], entry['trans_id'])
- if parts[-1] != ']':
- try:
- partdic = json.loads(parts[-1])
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- if isinstance(partdic, dict):
- self._error(partdic)
- raise BrokenSyncStream
- if not data or comma: # no entries or bad extra comma
- raise BrokenSyncStream
- return res
- def sync_exchange(self, docs_by_generations, source_replica_uid,
- last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id,
- return_doc_cb, ensure_callback=None):
- self._ensure_connection()
- if self._trace_hook: # for tests
- self._trace_hook('sync_exchange')
- url = '%s/sync-from/%s' % (self._url.path, source_replica_uid)
- self._conn.putrequest('POST', url)
- self._conn.putheader('content-type', 'application/x-u1db-sync-stream')
- for header_name, header_value in self._sign_request('POST', url, {}):
- self._conn.putheader(header_name, header_value)
- entries = ['[']
- size = 1
- def prepare(**dic):
- entry = comma + '\r\n' + json.dumps(dic)
- entries.append(entry)
- return len(entry)
- comma = ''
- size += prepare(
- last_known_generation=last_known_generation,
- last_known_trans_id=last_known_trans_id,
- ensure=ensure_callback is not None)
- comma = ','
- for doc, gen, trans_id in docs_by_generations:
- size += prepare(id=doc.doc_id, rev=doc.rev, content=doc.get_json(),
- gen=gen, trans_id=trans_id)
- entries.append('\r\n]')
- size += len(entries[-1])
- self._conn.putheader('content-length', str(size))
- self._conn.endheaders()
- for entry in entries:
- self._conn.send(entry)
- entries = None
- data, _ = self._response()
- res = self._parse_sync_stream(data, return_doc_cb, ensure_callback)
- data = None
- return res['new_generation'], res['new_transaction_id']
- # for tests
- _trace_hook = None
- def _set_trace_hook_shallow(self, cb):
- self._trace_hook = cb
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-# Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-"""State for servers exposing a set of U1DB databases."""
-class ServerState(object):
- """Passed to a Request when it is instantiated.
- This is used to track server-side state, such as working-directory, open
- databases, etc.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self._workingdir = None
- def set_workingdir(self, path):
- self._workingdir = path
- def global_info(self):
- """Return global information about the server."""
- return {}
- def _relpath(self, relpath):
- # Note: We don't want to allow absolute paths here, because we
- # don't want to expose the filesystem. We should also check that
- # relpath doesn't have '..' in it, etc.
- return self._workingdir + '/' + relpath
- def open_database(self, path):
- """Open a database at the given location."""
- from leap.soledad.client._db import sqlite
- full_path = self._relpath(path)
- return sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.open_database(full_path, create=False)
- def check_database(self, path):
- """Check if the database at the given location exists.
- Simply returns if it does or raises DatabaseDoesNotExist.
- """
- db = self.open_database(path)
- db.close()
- def ensure_database(self, path):
- """Ensure database at the given location."""
- from leap.soledad.client._db import sqlite
- full_path = self._relpath(path)
- db = sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.open_database(full_path, create=True)
- return db, db._replica_uid
- def delete_database(self, path):
- """Delete database at the given location."""
- from leap.soledad.client._db import sqlite
- full_path = self._relpath(path)
- sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.delete_database(full_path)
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-"""The match_hostname() function from Python 3.2, essential when using SSL."""
-# XXX put it here until it's packaged
-import re
-__version__ = '3.2a3'
-class CertificateError(ValueError):
- pass
-def _dnsname_to_pat(dn):
- pats = []
- for frag in dn.split(r'.'):
- if frag == '*':
- # When '*' is a fragment by itself, it matches a non-empty dotless
- # fragment.
- pats.append('[^.]+')
- else:
- # Otherwise, '*' matches any dotless fragment.
- frag = re.escape(frag)
- pats.append(frag.replace(r'\*', '[^.]*'))
- return re.compile(r'\A' + r'\.'.join(pats) + r'\Z', re.IGNORECASE)
-def match_hostname(cert, hostname):
- """Verify that *cert* (in decoded format as returned by
- SSLSocket.getpeercert()) matches the *hostname*. RFC 2818 rules
- are mostly followed, but IP addresses are not accepted for *hostname*.
- CertificateError is raised on failure. On success, the function
- returns nothing.
- """
- if not cert:
- raise ValueError("empty or no certificate")
- dnsnames = []
- san = cert.get('subjectAltName', ())
- for key, value in san:
- if key == 'DNS':
- if _dnsname_to_pat(value).match(hostname):
- return
- dnsnames.append(value)
- if not san:
- # The subject is only checked when subjectAltName is empty
- for sub in cert.get('subject', ()):
- for key, value in sub:
- # XXX according to RFC 2818, the most specific Common Name
- # must be used.
- if key == 'commonName':
- if _dnsname_to_pat(value).match(hostname):
- return
- dnsnames.append(value)
- if len(dnsnames) > 1:
- raise CertificateError(
- "hostname %r doesn't match either of %s"
- % (hostname, ', '.join(map(repr, dnsnames))))
- elif len(dnsnames) == 1:
- raise CertificateError(
- "hostname %r doesn't match %r"
- % (hostname, dnsnames[0]))
- else:
- raise CertificateError(
- "no appropriate commonName or "
- "subjectAltName fields were found")
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-# Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-"""Utilities for details of the procotol."""
-def check_and_strip_comma(line):
- if line and line[-1] == ',':
- return line[:-1], True
- return line, False
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+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-"""The synchronization utilities for U1DB."""
-from six.moves import zip as izip
-from leap.soledad.common import l2db
-from leap.soledad.common.l2db import errors
-class Synchronizer(object):
- """Collect the state around synchronizing 2 U1DB replicas.
- Synchronization is bi-directional, in that new items in the source are sent
- to the target, and new items in the target are returned to the source.
- However, it still recognizes that one side is initiating the request. Also,
- at the moment, conflicts are only created in the source.
- """
- def __init__(self, source, sync_target):
- """Create a new Synchronization object.
- :param source: A Database
- :param sync_target: A SyncTarget
- """
- self.source = source
- self.sync_target = sync_target
- self.target_replica_uid = None
- self.num_inserted = 0
- def _insert_doc_from_target(self, doc, replica_gen, trans_id):
- """Try to insert synced document from target.
- Implements TAKE OTHER semantics: any document from the target
- that is in conflict will be taken as the new official value,
- while the current conflicting value will be stored alongside
- as a conflict. In the process indexes will be updated etc.
- :return: None
- """
- # Increases self.num_inserted depending whether the document
- # was effectively inserted.
- state, _ = self.source._put_doc_if_newer(
- doc, save_conflict=True,
- replica_uid=self.target_replica_uid, replica_gen=replica_gen,
- replica_trans_id=trans_id)
- if state == 'inserted':
- self.num_inserted += 1
- elif state == 'converged':
- # magical convergence
- pass
- elif state == 'superseded':
- # we have something newer, will be taken care of at the next sync
- pass
- else:
- assert state == 'conflicted'
- # The doc was saved as a conflict, so the database was updated
- self.num_inserted += 1
- def _record_sync_info_with_the_target(self, start_generation):
- """Record our new after sync generation with the target if gapless.
- Any documents received from the target will cause the local
- database to increment its generation. We do not want to send
- them back to the target in a future sync. However, there could
- also be concurrent updates from another process doing eg
- 'put_doc' while the sync was running. And we do want to
- synchronize those documents. We can tell if there was a
- concurrent update by comparing our new generation number
- versus the generation we started, and how many documents we
- inserted from the target. If it matches exactly, then we can
- record with the target that they are fully up to date with our
- new generation.
- """
- cur_gen, trans_id = self.source._get_generation_info()
- last_gen = start_generation + self.num_inserted
- if (cur_gen == last_gen and self.num_inserted > 0):
- self.sync_target.record_sync_info(
- self.source._replica_uid, cur_gen, trans_id)
- def sync(self, callback=None, autocreate=False):
- """Synchronize documents between source and target."""
- sync_target = self.sync_target
- # get target identifier, its current generation,
- # and its last-seen database generation for this source
- try:
- (self.target_replica_uid, target_gen, target_trans_id,
- target_my_gen, target_my_trans_id) = sync_target.get_sync_info(
- self.source._replica_uid)
- except errors.DatabaseDoesNotExist:
- if not autocreate:
- raise
- # will try to ask sync_exchange() to create the db
- self.target_replica_uid = None
- target_gen, target_trans_id = 0, ''
- target_my_gen, target_my_trans_id = 0, ''
- def ensure_callback(replica_uid):
- self.target_replica_uid = replica_uid
- else:
- ensure_callback = None
- if self.target_replica_uid == self.source._replica_uid:
- raise errors.InvalidReplicaUID
- # validate the generation and transaction id the target knows about us
- self.source.validate_gen_and_trans_id(
- target_my_gen, target_my_trans_id)
- # what's changed since that generation and this current gen
- my_gen, _, changes = self.source.whats_changed(target_my_gen)
- # this source last-seen database generation for the target
- if self.target_replica_uid is None:
- target_last_known_gen, target_last_known_trans_id = 0, ''
- else:
- target_last_known_gen, target_last_known_trans_id = (
- self.source._get_replica_gen_and_trans_id( # nopep8
- self.target_replica_uid))
- if not changes and target_last_known_gen == target_gen:
- if target_trans_id != target_last_known_trans_id:
- raise errors.InvalidTransactionId
- return my_gen
- changed_doc_ids = [doc_id for doc_id, _, _ in changes]
- # prepare to send all the changed docs
- docs_to_send = self.source.get_docs(
- changed_doc_ids,
- check_for_conflicts=False, include_deleted=True)
- # TODO: there must be a way to not iterate twice
- docs_by_generation = zip(
- docs_to_send, (gen for _, gen, _ in changes),
- (trans for _, _, trans in changes))
- # exchange documents and try to insert the returned ones with
- # the target, return target synced-up-to gen
- new_gen, new_trans_id = sync_target.sync_exchange(
- docs_by_generation, self.source._replica_uid,
- target_last_known_gen, target_last_known_trans_id,
- self._insert_doc_from_target, ensure_callback=ensure_callback)
- # record target synced-up-to generation including applying what we sent
- self.source._set_replica_gen_and_trans_id(
- self.target_replica_uid, new_gen, new_trans_id)
- # if gapless record current reached generation with target
- self._record_sync_info_with_the_target(my_gen)
- return my_gen
-class SyncExchange(object):
- """Steps and state for carrying through a sync exchange on a target."""
- def __init__(self, db, source_replica_uid, last_known_generation):
- self._db = db
- self.source_replica_uid = source_replica_uid
- self.source_last_known_generation = last_known_generation
- self.seen_ids = {} # incoming ids not superseded
- self.changes_to_return = None
- self.new_gen = None
- self.new_trans_id = None
- # for tests
- self._incoming_trace = []
- self._trace_hook = None
- self._db._last_exchange_log = {
- 'receive': {'docs': self._incoming_trace},
- 'return': None
- }
- def _set_trace_hook(self, cb):
- self._trace_hook = cb
- def _trace(self, state):
- if not self._trace_hook:
- return
- self._trace_hook(state)
- def insert_doc_from_source(self, doc, source_gen, trans_id):
- """Try to insert synced document from source.
- Conflicting documents are not inserted but will be sent over
- to the sync source.
- It keeps track of progress by storing the document source
- generation as well.
- The 1st step of a sync exchange is to call this repeatedly to
- try insert all incoming documents from the source.
- :param doc: A Document object.
- :param source_gen: The source generation of doc.
- :return: None
- """
- state, at_gen = self._db._put_doc_if_newer(
- doc, save_conflict=False,
- replica_uid=self.source_replica_uid, replica_gen=source_gen,
- replica_trans_id=trans_id)
- if state == 'inserted':
- self.seen_ids[doc.doc_id] = at_gen
- elif state == 'converged':
- # magical convergence
- self.seen_ids[doc.doc_id] = at_gen
- elif state == 'superseded':
- # we have something newer that we will return
- pass
- else:
- # conflict that we will returne
- assert state == 'conflicted'
- # for tests
- self._incoming_trace.append((doc.doc_id, doc.rev))
- self._db._last_exchange_log['receive'].update({
- 'source_uid': self.source_replica_uid,
- 'source_gen': source_gen
- })
- def find_changes_to_return(self):
- """Find changes to return.
- Find changes since last_known_generation in db generation
- order using whats_changed. It excludes documents ids that have
- already been considered (superseded by the sender, etc).
- :return: new_generation - the generation of this database
- which the caller can consider themselves to be synchronized after
- processing the returned documents.
- """
- self._db._last_exchange_log['receive'].update({ # for tests
- 'last_known_gen': self.source_last_known_generation
- })
- self._trace('before whats_changed')
- gen, trans_id, changes = self._db.whats_changed(
- self.source_last_known_generation)
- self._trace('after whats_changed')
- self.new_gen = gen
- self.new_trans_id = trans_id
- seen_ids = self.seen_ids
- # changed docs that weren't superseded by or converged with
- self.changes_to_return = [
- (doc_id, gen, trans_id) for (doc_id, gen, trans_id) in changes if
- # there was a subsequent update
- doc_id not in seen_ids or seen_ids.get(doc_id) < gen]
- return self.new_gen
- def return_docs(self, return_doc_cb):
- """Return the changed documents and their last change generation
- repeatedly invoking the callback return_doc_cb.
- The final step of a sync exchange.
- :param: return_doc_cb(doc, gen, trans_id): is a callback
- used to return the documents with their last change generation
- to the target replica.
- :return: None
- """
- changes_to_return = self.changes_to_return
- # return docs, including conflicts
- changed_doc_ids = [doc_id for doc_id, _, _ in changes_to_return]
- self._trace('before get_docs')
- docs = self._db.get_docs(
- changed_doc_ids, check_for_conflicts=False, include_deleted=True)
- docs_by_gen = izip(
- docs, (gen for _, gen, _ in changes_to_return),
- (trans_id for _, _, trans_id in changes_to_return))
- _outgoing_trace = [] # for tests
- for doc, gen, trans_id in docs_by_gen:
- return_doc_cb(doc, gen, trans_id)
- _outgoing_trace.append((doc.doc_id, doc.rev))
- # for tests
- self._db._last_exchange_log['return'] = {
- 'docs': _outgoing_trace,
- 'last_gen': self.new_gen}
-class LocalSyncTarget(l2db.SyncTarget):
- """Common sync target implementation logic for all local sync targets."""
- def __init__(self, db):
- self._db = db
- self._trace_hook = None
- def sync_exchange(self, docs_by_generations, source_replica_uid,
- last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id,
- return_doc_cb, ensure_callback=None):
- self._db.validate_gen_and_trans_id(
- last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id)
- sync_exch = SyncExchange(
- self._db, source_replica_uid, last_known_generation)
- if self._trace_hook:
- sync_exch._set_trace_hook(self._trace_hook)
- # 1st step: try to insert incoming docs and record progress
- for doc, doc_gen, trans_id in docs_by_generations:
- sync_exch.insert_doc_from_source(doc, doc_gen, trans_id)
- # 2nd step: find changed documents (including conflicts) to return
- new_gen = sync_exch.find_changes_to_return()
- # final step: return docs and record source replica sync point
- sync_exch.return_docs(return_doc_cb)
- return new_gen, sync_exch.new_trans_id
- def _set_trace_hook(self, cb):
- self._trace_hook = cb
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@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011 Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is part of u1db.
-# u1db is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# u1db is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with u1db. If not, see <>.
-"""VectorClockRev helper class."""
-class VectorClockRev(object):
- """Track vector clocks for multiple replica ids.
- This allows simple comparison to determine if one VectorClockRev is
- newer/older/in-conflict-with another VectorClockRev without having to
- examine history. Every replica has a strictly increasing revision. When
- creating a new revision, they include all revisions for all other replicas
- which the new revision dominates, and increment their own revision to
- something greater than the current value.
- """
- def __init__(self, value):
- self._values = self._expand(value)
- def __repr__(self):
- s = self.as_str()
- return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, s)
- def as_str(self):
- s = '|'.join(['%s:%d' % (m, r) for m, r
- in sorted(self._values.items())])
- return s
- def _expand(self, value):
- result = {}
- if value is None:
- return result
- for replica_info in value.split('|'):
- replica_uid, counter = replica_info.split(':')
- counter = int(counter)
- result[replica_uid] = counter
- return result
- def is_newer(self, other):
- """Is this VectorClockRev strictly newer than other.
- """
- if not self._values:
- return False
- if not other._values:
- return True
- this_is_newer = False
- other_expand = dict(other._values)
- for key, value in self._values.iteritems():
- if key in other_expand:
- other_value = other_expand.pop(key)
- if other_value > value:
- return False
- elif other_value < value:
- this_is_newer = True
- else:
- this_is_newer = True
- if other_expand:
- return False
- return this_is_newer
- def increment(self, replica_uid):
- """Increase the 'replica_uid' section of this vector clock.
- :return: A string representing the new vector clock value
- """
- self._values[replica_uid] = self._values.get(replica_uid, 0) + 1
- def maximize(self, other_vcr):
- for replica_uid, counter in other_vcr._values.iteritems():
- if replica_uid not in self._values:
- self._values[replica_uid] = counter
- else:
- this_counter = self._values[replica_uid]
- if this_counter < counter:
- self._values[replica_uid] = counter