path: root/client/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'client/src')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 732 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/leap/soledad/client/ b/client/src/leap/soledad/client/
deleted file mode 100644
index 046af089..00000000
--- a/client/src/leap/soledad/client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2015 LEAP
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-A U1DB backend for encrypting data before sending to server and decrypting
-after receiving.
-import json
-import base64
-import logging
-import warnings
-from uuid import uuid4
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.web.error import Error
-from twisted.web.client import _ReadBodyProtocol
-from twisted.web.client import PartialDownloadError
-from twisted.web._newclient import ResponseDone
-from twisted.web._newclient import PotentialDataLoss
-from u1db import errors
-from u1db import SyncTarget
-from u1db.remote import utils
-from u1db.remote import http_errors
-from leap.common.http import HTTPClient
-from leap.soledad.common.document import SoledadDocument
-from leap.soledad.common.errors import InvalidAuthTokenError
-from leap.soledad.client.crypto import is_symmetrically_encrypted
-from import emit
-from leap.soledad.client.encdecpool import SyncDecrypterPool
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# we want to make sure that HTTP errors will raise appropriate u1db errors,
-# that is, fire errbacks with the appropriate failures, in the context of
-# twisted. Because of that, we redefine the http body reader used by the HTTP
-# client below.
-class ReadBodyProtocol(_ReadBodyProtocol):
- def __init__(self, response, deferred):
- """
- Initialize the protocol, additionally storing the response headers.
- """
- _ReadBodyProtocol.__init__(
- self, response.code, response.phrase, deferred)
- self.headers = response.headers
- # ---8<--- snippet from u1db.remote.http_client, modified to use errbacks
- def _error(self, respdic):
- descr = respdic.get("error")
- exc_cls = errors.wire_description_to_exc.get(descr)
- if exc_cls is not None:
- message = respdic.get("message")
- self.deferred.errback(exc_cls(message))
- # ---8<--- end of snippet from u1db.remote.http_client
- def connectionLost(self, reason):
- """
- Deliver the accumulated response bytes to the waiting L{Deferred}, if
- the response body has been completely received without error.
- """
- if reason.check(ResponseDone):
- body = b''.join(self.dataBuffer)
- # ---8<--- snippet from u1db.remote.http_client
- if self.status in (200, 201):
- self.deferred.callback(body)
- elif self.status in http_errors.ERROR_STATUSES:
- try:
- respdic = json.loads(body)
- except ValueError:
- self.deferred.errback(
- errors.HTTPError(self.status, body, self.headers))
- else:
- self._error(respdic)
- # special cases
- elif self.status == 503:
- self.deferred.errback(errors.Unavailable(body, self.headers))
- else:
- self.deferred.errback(
- errors.HTTPError(self.status, body, self.headers))
- # ---8<--- end of snippet from u1db.remote.http_client
- elif reason.check(PotentialDataLoss):
- self.deferred.errback(
- PartialDownloadError(self.status, self.message,
- b''.join(self.dataBuffer)))
- else:
- self.deferred.errback(reason)
-def readBody(response):
- """
- Get the body of an L{IResponse} and return it as a byte string.
- This is a helper function for clients that don't want to incrementally
- receive the body of an HTTP response.
- @param response: The HTTP response for which the body will be read.
- @type response: L{IResponse} provider
- @return: A L{Deferred} which will fire with the body of the response.
- Cancelling it will close the connection to the server immediately.
- """
- def cancel(deferred):
- """
- Cancel a L{readBody} call, close the connection to the HTTP server
- immediately, if it is still open.
- @param deferred: The cancelled L{defer.Deferred}.
- """
- abort = getAbort()
- if abort is not None:
- abort()
- d = defer.Deferred(cancel)
- protocol = ReadBodyProtocol(response, d)
- def getAbort():
- return getattr(protocol.transport, 'abortConnection', None)
- response.deliverBody(protocol)
- if protocol.transport is not None and getAbort() is None:
- warnings.warn(
- 'Using readBody with a transport that does not have an '
- 'abortConnection method',
- category=DeprecationWarning,
- stacklevel=2)
- return d
-class SoledadHTTPSyncTarget(SyncTarget):
- """
- A SyncTarget that encrypts data before sending and decrypts data after
- receiving.
- Normally encryption will have been written to the sync database upon
- document modification. The sync database is also used to write temporarily
- the parsed documents that the remote send us, before being decrypted and
- written to the main database.
- """
- def __init__(self, url, source_replica_uid, creds, crypto, cert_file,
- sync_db=None, sync_enc_pool=None):
- """
- Initialize the sync target.
- :param url: The server sync url.
- :type url: str
- :param source_replica_uid: The source replica uid which we use when
- deferring decryption.
- :type source_replica_uid: str
- :param creds: A dictionary containing the uuid and token.
- :type creds: creds
- :param crypto: An instance of SoledadCrypto so we can encrypt/decrypt
- document contents when syncing.
- :type crypto: soledad.crypto.SoledadCrypto
- :param cert_file: Path to the certificate of the ca used to validate
- the SSL certificate used by the remote soledad
- server.
- :type cert_file: str
- :param sync_db: Optional. handler for the db with the symmetric
- encryption of the syncing documents. If
- None, encryption will be done in-place,
- instead of retreiving it from the dedicated
- database.
- :type sync_db: Sqlite handler
- :param sync_enc_pool: The encryption pool to use to defer encryption.
- If None is passed the encryption will not be
- deferred.
- :type sync_enc_pool: leap.soledad.client.encdecpool.SyncEncrypterPool
- """
- if url.endswith("/"):
- url = url[:-1]
- self._url = str(url) + "/sync-from/" + str(source_replica_uid)
- self.source_replica_uid = source_replica_uid
- self._auth_header = None
- self.set_creds(creds)
- self._crypto = crypto
- self._sync_db = sync_db
- self._sync_enc_pool = sync_enc_pool
- self._insert_doc_cb = None
- # asynchronous encryption/decryption attributes
- self._decryption_callback = None
- self._sync_decr_pool = None
- self._http = HTTPClient(cert_file)
- def close(self):
- self._http.close()
- def set_creds(self, creds):
- """
- Update credentials.
- :param creds: A dictionary containing the uuid and token.
- :type creds: dict
- """
- uuid = creds['token']['uuid']
- token = creds['token']['token']
- auth = '%s:%s' % (uuid, token)
- b64_token = base64.b64encode(auth)
- self._auth_header = {'Authorization': ['Token %s' % b64_token]}
- @property
- def _base_header(self):
- return self._auth_header.copy() if self._auth_header else {}
- @property
- def _defer_encryption(self):
- return self._sync_enc_pool is not None
- #
- # SyncTarget API
- #
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_sync_info(self, source_replica_uid):
- """
- Return information about known state of remote database.
- Return the replica_uid and the current database generation of the
- remote database, and its last-seen database generation for the client
- replica.
- :param source_replica_uid: The client-size replica uid.
- :type source_replica_uid: str
- :return: A deferred which fires with (target_replica_uid,
- target_replica_generation, target_trans_id,
- source_replica_last_known_generation,
- source_replica_last_known_transaction_id)
- :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
- """
- raw = yield self._http_request(self._url)
- res = json.loads(raw)
- defer.returnValue((
- res['target_replica_uid'],
- res['target_replica_generation'],
- res['target_replica_transaction_id'],
- res['source_replica_generation'],
- res['source_transaction_id']
- ))
- def record_sync_info(
- self, source_replica_uid, source_replica_generation,
- source_replica_transaction_id):
- """
- Record tip information for another replica.
- After sync_exchange has been processed, the caller will have
- received new content from this replica. This call allows the
- source replica instigating the sync to inform us what their
- generation became after applying the documents we returned.
- This is used to allow future sync operations to not need to repeat data
- that we just talked about. It also means that if this is called at the
- wrong time, there can be database records that will never be
- synchronized.
- :param source_replica_uid: The identifier for the source replica.
- :type source_replica_uid: str
- :param source_replica_generation: The database generation for the
- source replica.
- :type source_replica_generation: int
- :param source_replica_transaction_id: The transaction id associated
- with the source replica
- generation.
- :type source_replica_transaction_id: str
- :return: A deferred which fires with the result of the query.
- :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
- """
- data = json.dumps({
- 'generation': source_replica_generation,
- 'transaction_id': source_replica_transaction_id
- })
- return self._http_request(
- self._url,
- method='PUT',
- body=data,
- content_type='application/json')
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def sync_exchange(self, docs_by_generation, source_replica_uid,
- last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id,
- insert_doc_cb, ensure_callback=None,
- defer_decryption=True, sync_id=None):
- """
- Find out which documents the remote database does not know about,
- encrypt and send them. After that, receive documents from the remote
- database.
- :param docs_by_generations: A list of (doc_id, generation, trans_id)
- of local documents that were changed since
- the last local generation the remote
- replica knows about.
- :type docs_by_generations: list of tuples
- :param source_replica_uid: The uid of the source replica.
- :type source_replica_uid: str
- :param last_known_generation: Target's last known generation.
- :type last_known_generation: int
- :param last_known_trans_id: Target's last known transaction id.
- :type last_known_trans_id: str
- :param insert_doc_cb: A callback for inserting received documents from
- target. If not overriden, this will call u1db
- insert_doc_from_target in synchronizer, which
- implements the TAKE OTHER semantics.
- :type insert_doc_cb: function
- :param ensure_callback: A callback that ensures we know the target
- replica uid if the target replica was just
- created.
- :type ensure_callback: function
- :param defer_decryption: Whether to defer the decryption process using
- the intermediate database. If False,
- decryption will be done inline.
- :type defer_decryption: bool
- :return: A deferred which fires with the new generation and
- transaction id of the target replica.
- :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
- """
- self._ensure_callback = ensure_callback
- if sync_id is None:
- sync_id = str(uuid4())
- self.source_replica_uid = source_replica_uid
- # save a reference to the callback so we can use it after decrypting
- self._insert_doc_cb = insert_doc_cb
- gen_after_send, trans_id_after_send = yield self._send_docs(
- docs_by_generation,
- last_known_generation,
- last_known_trans_id,
- sync_id)
- cur_target_gen, cur_target_trans_id = yield self._receive_docs(
- last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id,
- ensure_callback, sync_id,
- defer_decryption=defer_decryption)
- # update gen and trans id info in case we just sent and did not
- # receive docs.
- if gen_after_send is not None and gen_after_send > cur_target_gen:
- cur_target_gen = gen_after_send
- cur_target_trans_id = trans_id_after_send
- defer.returnValue([cur_target_gen, cur_target_trans_id])
- #
- # methods to send docs
- #
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _send_docs(self, docs_by_generation, last_known_generation,
- last_known_trans_id, sync_id):
- if not docs_by_generation:
- defer.returnValue([None, None])
- # add remote replica metadata to the request
- initial_body = RequestBody(
- last_known_generation=last_known_generation,
- last_known_trans_id=last_known_trans_id,
- sync_id=sync_id,
- ensure=self._ensure_callback is not None)
- total = len(docs_by_generation)
- entries = yield self._entries_from_docs(
- initial_body, docs_by_generation)
- while len(entries):
- result = yield self._http_request(
- self._url,
- method='POST',
- body=entries.remove(1),
- content_type='application/x-soledad-sync-put')
- idx = total - len(entries)
- if self._defer_encryption:
- self._delete_sent(idx, docs_by_generation)
- _emit_send(idx, total)
- response_dict = json.loads(result)[0]
- gen_after_send = response_dict['new_generation']
- trans_id_after_send = response_dict['new_transaction_id']
- defer.returnValue([gen_after_send, trans_id_after_send])
- def _delete_sent(self, idx, docs_by_generation):
- doc = docs_by_generation[idx][0]
- self._sync_enc_pool.delete_encrypted_doc(
- doc.doc_id, doc.rev)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _entries_from_docs(self, initial_body, docs_by_generation):
- number_of_docs = len(docs_by_generation)
- for idx, (doc, gen, trans_id) in enumerate(docs_by_generation, 1):
- content = yield self._encrypt_doc(doc)
- initial_body.insert_info(
- id=doc.doc_id, rev=doc.rev, content=content, gen=gen,
- trans_id=trans_id, number_of_docs=number_of_docs,
- doc_idx=idx)
- defer.returnValue(initial_body)
- def _encrypt_doc(self, doc):
- d = None
- if doc.is_tombstone():
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- elif not self._defer_encryption:
- # fallback case, for tests
- d = defer.succeed(self._crypto.encrypt_doc(doc))
- else:
- def _maybe_encrypt_doc_inline(doc_json):
- if doc_json is None:
- # the document is not marked as tombstone, but we got
- # nothing from the sync db. As it is not encrypted
- # yet, we force inline encryption.
- return self._crypto.encrypt_doc(doc)
- return doc_json
- d = self._sync_enc_pool.get_encrypted_doc(doc.doc_id, doc.rev)
- d.addCallback(_maybe_encrypt_doc_inline)
- return d
- #
- # methods to receive doc
- #
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _receive_docs(self, last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id,
- ensure_callback, sync_id, defer_decryption):
- self._queue_for_decrypt = defer_decryption \
- and self._sync_db is not None
- new_generation = last_known_generation
- new_transaction_id = last_known_trans_id
- if self._queue_for_decrypt:
- logger.debug(
- "Soledad sync: will queue received docs for decrypting.")
- if defer_decryption:
- self._setup_sync_decr_pool()
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- # maybe receive the first document
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- # we fetch the first document before fetching the rest because we need
- # to know the total number of documents to be received, and this
- # information comes as metadata to each request.
- doc = yield self._receive_one_doc(
- last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id,
- sync_id, 0)
- self._received_docs = 0
- number_of_changes, ngen, ntrans = self._insert_received_doc(doc, 1, 1)
- # update the target gen and trans_id in case a document was received
- if ngen:
- new_generation = ngen
- new_transaction_id = ntrans
- if defer_decryption:
- self._sync_decr_pool.start(number_of_changes)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- # maybe receive the rest of the documents
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- # launch many asynchronous fetches and inserts of received documents
- # in the temporary sync db. Will wait for all results before
- # continuing.
- received = 1
- deferreds = []
- while received < number_of_changes:
- d = self._receive_one_doc(
- last_known_generation,
- last_known_trans_id, sync_id, received)
- d.addCallback(
- self._insert_received_doc,
- received + 1, # the index of the current received doc
- number_of_changes)
- deferreds.append(d)
- received += 1
- results = yield defer.gatherResults(deferreds)
- # get generation and transaction id of target after insertions
- if deferreds:
- _, new_generation, new_transaction_id = results.pop()
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- # wait for async decryption to finish
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if defer_decryption:
- yield self._sync_decr_pool.deferred
- self._sync_decr_pool.stop()
- defer.returnValue([new_generation, new_transaction_id])
- def _receive_one_doc(self, last_known_generation,
- last_known_trans_id, sync_id, received):
- # add remote replica metadata to the request
- body = RequestBody(
- last_known_generation=last_known_generation,
- last_known_trans_id=last_known_trans_id,
- sync_id=sync_id,
- ensure=self._ensure_callback is not None)
- # inform server of how many documents have already been received
- body.insert_info(received=received)
- # send headers
- return self._http_request(
- self._url,
- method='POST',
- body=str(body),
- content_type='application/x-soledad-sync-get')
- def _insert_received_doc(self, response, idx, total):
- """
- Insert a received document into the local replica.
- :param response: The body and headers of the response.
- :type response: tuple(str, dict)
- :param idx: The index count of the current operation.
- :type idx: int
- :param total: The total number of operations.
- :type total: int
- """
- new_generation, new_transaction_id, number_of_changes, doc_id, \
- rev, content, gen, trans_id = \
- self._parse_received_doc_response(response)
- if doc_id is not None:
- # decrypt incoming document and insert into local database
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # symmetric decryption of document's contents
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # If arriving content was symmetrically encrypted, we decrypt it.
- # We do it inline if defer_decryption flag is False or no sync_db
- # was defined, otherwise we defer it writing it to the received
- # docs table.
- doc = SoledadDocument(doc_id, rev, content)
- if is_symmetrically_encrypted(doc):
- if self._queue_for_decrypt:
- self._sync_decr_pool.insert_encrypted_received_doc(
- doc.doc_id, doc.rev, doc.content, gen, trans_id,
- idx)
- else:
- # defer_decryption is False or no-sync-db fallback
- doc.set_json(self._crypto.decrypt_doc(doc))
- self._insert_doc_cb(doc, gen, trans_id)
- else:
- # not symmetrically encrypted doc, insert it directly
- # or save it in the decrypted stage.
- if self._queue_for_decrypt:
- self._sync_decr_pool.insert_received_doc(
- doc.doc_id, doc.rev, doc.content, gen, trans_id,
- idx)
- else:
- self._insert_doc_cb(doc, gen, trans_id)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # end of symmetric decryption
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- self._received_docs += 1
- _emit_received(self._received_docs, total)
- return number_of_changes, new_generation, new_transaction_id
- def _parse_received_doc_response(self, response):
- """
- Parse the response from the server containing the received document.
- :param response: The body and headers of the response.
- :type response: tuple(str, dict)
- :return: (new_gen, new_trans_id, number_of_changes, doc_id, rev,
- content, gen, trans_id)
- :rtype: tuple
- """
- # decode incoming stream
- parts = response.splitlines()
- if not parts or parts[0] != '[' or parts[-1] != ']':
- raise errors.BrokenSyncStream
- data = parts[1:-1]
- # decode metadata
- try:
- line, comma = utils.check_and_strip_comma(data[0])
- metadata = None
- except (IndexError):
- raise errors.BrokenSyncStream
- try:
- metadata = json.loads(line)
- new_generation = metadata['new_generation']
- new_transaction_id = metadata['new_transaction_id']
- number_of_changes = metadata['number_of_changes']
- except (ValueError, KeyError):
- raise errors.BrokenSyncStream
- # make sure we have replica_uid from fresh new dbs
- if self._ensure_callback and 'replica_uid' in metadata:
- self._ensure_callback(metadata['replica_uid'])
- # parse incoming document info
- doc_id = None
- rev = None
- content = None
- gen = None
- trans_id = None
- if number_of_changes > 0:
- try:
- entry = json.loads(data[1])
- doc_id = entry['id']
- rev = entry['rev']
- content = entry['content']
- gen = entry['gen']
- trans_id = entry['trans_id']
- except (IndexError, KeyError):
- raise errors.BrokenSyncStream
- return new_generation, new_transaction_id, number_of_changes, \
- doc_id, rev, content, gen, trans_id
- def _setup_sync_decr_pool(self):
- """
- Set up the SyncDecrypterPool for deferred decryption.
- """
- if self._sync_decr_pool is None and self._sync_db is not None:
- # initialize syncing queue decryption pool
- self._sync_decr_pool = SyncDecrypterPool(
- self._crypto,
- self._sync_db,
- insert_doc_cb=self._insert_doc_cb,
- source_replica_uid=self.source_replica_uid)
- def _http_request(self, url, method='GET', body=None, headers=None,
- content_type=None):
- headers = headers or self._base_header
- if content_type:
- headers.update({'content-type': [content_type]})
- d = self._http.request(url, method, body, headers, readBody)
- d.addErrback(_unauth_to_invalid_token_error)
- return d
-def _unauth_to_invalid_token_error(failure):
- """
- An errback to translate unauthorized errors to our own invalid token
- class.
- :param failure: The original failure.
- :type failure: twisted.python.failure.Failure
- :return: Either the original failure or an invalid auth token error.
- :rtype: twisted.python.failure.Failure
- """
- failure.trap(Error)
- if failure.getErrorMessage() == "401 Unauthorized":
- raise InvalidAuthTokenError
- return failure
-def _emit_send(idx, total):
- msg = "%d/%d" % (idx, total)
- emit(
- "Soledad sync send status: %s" % msg)
- logger.debug("Sync send status: %s" % msg)
-def _emit_received(received_docs, total):
- msg = "%d/%d" % (received_docs, total)
- logger.debug("Sync receive status: %s" % msg)
-class RequestBody(object):
- def __init__(self, **header_dict):
- self.headers = header_dict
- self.entries = []
- def insert_info(self, **entry_dict):
- entry = json.dumps(entry_dict)
- self.entries.append(entry)
- return len(entry)
- def remove(self, number=1):
- entries = [self.entries.pop(0) for i in xrange(number)]
- return self.entries_to_str(entries)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.entries_to_str(self.entries)
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.entries)
- def entries_to_str(self, entries=None):
- data = '[\r\n' + json.dumps(self.headers)
- data += ''.join(',\r\n' + entry for entry in entries)
- return data + '\r\n]'