Quick shelr howto ================= This is how to make automatic recordings without the hassle to type yourself (and fail and start over again). Todo/Ideas ========== * automatically split window and output all comments starting with ":" to one window, and all other cmds to another one Before recording ---------------- * use zsh and _not_ bash, cause zsh+ohmyzsh autosets the window title to the running command * put DISABLE_CORRECTION="true" in .zshrc (otherwise zsh might ask you for correction where it is not needed) * turn off fancy shell prompts * i use a custom "demo" user for recordings, with a clean .zshrc (see above) Setup shelr to use the ttyrec backend ------------------------------------- I realized that the bad timing i encountered earlier was due the default shelr backend "script". I changed it to "ttyrec" and now the timing is ok. please try above shelr play cmd again with updated recording. see [upload to shelr is currently broken](https://github.com/shelr/shelr/issues/21) sudo apt-get install ttyrec shelr backend ttyrec Record ------ * use max. 132x43 resolution in shell sudo su - demo rm -rf ~/leap/demo/example.org rm -rf ~/leap/demo/leap_cli rm -rf ~/leap/demo/leap_platform shelr record # choose a short, intuitive title (use the first comment in the script) * in another termial start: ./shelr-screencast.sh setup/setup.sh Upload ====== * before uploading, edit "meta" and change following keys: `cd /home/demo/.local/share/shelr/RECORD_ID sed -i "s/`hostname`/demobox/g" meta` * uploading sucks. you will always get an 500 error, but sometimes the vid yet shows up on http://shelr.tv. i couldn't login using github oauth, if anyone have an openid account, please try. shelr setup xxxxxxxx # setup upload api key (see pwstore) shelr push RECORD_ID * Description: "see https://leap.se for more details" * Tags: "leap, bitmask" * you can always edit the description, tags and title later Resetting demo machines ======================== * connect to the pistoncloud DC vpn, and souce your credentials for the * cd to your leap_pistonadmin working dir * revert the instances using YOUR key ! for h in chameleon panda seahorse; do ./revert_instance_from_snapshot.sh -i ${h}.testing.bitmask.net -s ${h}_gold -k $USER; done * NOTE: you need to wait maybe 5 minutes for the nodes to be restarted