This repository contains some useful scripts and bits for sysdevs. .mrconfig - to use this config the best thing to do is to put this in your ~/.mrconfig: [leap/scripts] checkout = git clone ssh:// scripts && ln -s ${HOME}/leap/scripts/.mrconfig ${HOME}/leap/.mrconfig that way this scripts repository will be checked out and the .mrconfig file will be symlinked into your $HOME/leap directory. Then when in $HOME/leap, you can run 'mr checkout' and 'mr update' to checkout all the repositories, and to get them updated. NOTE: all of this is assuming a certain directory structure, so have a look at that before you go ahead. It is recommended to make a fresh directory to do the 'mr checkout' in . - put this in your $HOME/bin and make it executable, this will allow you to do 'git xpush' when in the root of a submodule and it will push that change to the submodule, and then automatically update the superproject to that latest commit.