path: root/example
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-08-21updated srp-js after forced pushAzul
2012-08-02make sure our urls still work with srp-jsAzul
2012-08-01bringing in srp-js as a submodule for the exampleAzul
2012-07-26turned server class into authentication module - test green, example brokenAzul
2012-07-03more info and resources on the index pageAzul
2012-07-03fixed workflow and reduced copyAzul
2012-07-03using json instead of xml responsesAzul
2012-06-29adopted srp algo to srp-js way of doing things.Azul
2012-06-28complete ajax flow is working - just auth failsAzul
2012-06-27adjusted user model to use srpAzul
2012-06-27moved to ajax workflow and integrated srp-js - not quite there yetAzul
2012-06-26first steps towards adding a server side srp flow to the exampleAzul
2012-06-26moved user and log class to models, verify prints logsAzul
2012-06-26moved the sample app to it's own subdirectoryAzul