SYSTRAY := STAGING := staging SYSTRAY_BIN := bitmask-systray HELPER_BIN := bitmask_helper APP_NAME := RiseupVPN BUILD_RELEASE?=no OSX_CERT = "Developer ID Installer: LEAP Encryption Access Project" VERSION = $(shell cat version) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Windows # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- deps_win: choco install -y golang python upx nssm nsis wget 7zip openvpn_win: if not exist staging\openvpn mkdir staging\openvpn wget -O staging/openvpn/tap-windows.exe # eventually, this should be built statically and cross compiled in the same pipeline that we build the installer. wget -O staging/openvpn/openvpn.tar.bz2 7z e -y -ostaging/openvpn/ staging/openvpn/openvpn.tar.bz2 7z e -y -r -ostaging/openvpn/ staging/openvpn/openvpn.tar *.dll 7z e -y -r -ostaging/openvpn/ staging/openvpn/openvpn.tar *.exe copy .\staging\openvpn\openvpn.exe .\staging copy .\staging\openvpn\*.dll .\staging helper_win: go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o $(STAGING)/$(HELPER_BIN).exe .\helper upx $(STAGING)/$(HELPER_BIN).exe systray_win: go get -tags "standalone" -u $(SYSTRAY) go build -tags "standalone" -ldflags "-H windowsgui -s -w" -o $(STAGING)/$(SYSTRAY_BIN).exe $(SYSTRAY) build_win: staging\nssm.exe helper_win systray_win # since it's tedious, I assume you did bootstrap openvpn_win manually already. echo "[+] building windows" if not exist dist mkdir dist make -C win "C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\makensis.exe" win/RiseupVPN-installer.nsi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OSX # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- deps_osx: # TODO - bootstrap homebrew if not there brew install python golang make upx openvpn_osx: echo "[+] downloading openvpn..." wget -O $(STAGING)/openvpn helper_osx: go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o $(STAGING)/$(HELPER_BIN) ./helper upx $(STAGING)/$(HELPER_BIN) systray_osx: go get -tags "standalone" -u $(SYSTRAY) go build -tags "standalone" -o $(STAGING)/$(SYSTRAY_BIN) $(SYSTRAY) upx $(STAGING)/$(SYSTRAY_BIN) bundle_osx: mkdir -p dist make -C osx pkg_osx: osx/quickpkg --output dist/$(APP_NAME)-$(VERSION)_unsigned.pkg --scripts osx/scripts/ dist/$(APP_NAME).app/ @if [ $(BUILD_RELEASE) = no ]; then\ echo "[!] BUILD_RELEASE=no, skipping signature";\ else\ echo "[+] Signing the bundle";\ productsign --sign $(OSX_CERT) dist/$(APP_NAME)-$(VERSION)_unsigned.pkg dist/$(APP_NAME)-$(VERSION).pkg;\ fi build_osx: helper_osx systray_osx bundle_osx pkg_osx echo "[+] building osx..." # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Linux # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- build_snap: # TODO migrate here the snap folder in bitmask-dev. # We should transition pushing *this one* to edge (via launchpad) for some time, and when it's sufficiently tested # we can pin this repo as the only source for the snap. echo "[+] building snap..." # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utils # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- clean: rm -rf dist/ staging\nssm.exe: xcopy /y "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\NSSM\tools\nssm.exe" $(STAGING)