path: root/win/RiseupVPN-installer.nsi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'win/RiseupVPN-installer.nsi')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/win/RiseupVPN-installer.nsi b/win/RiseupVPN-installer.nsi
deleted file mode 100755
index 5c17018..0000000
--- a/win/RiseupVPN-installer.nsi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
-!define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "LEAP Encryption Access Project"
-!include "MUI2.nsh"
-Name "RiseupVPN"
-Outfile "..\dist\RiseupVPN-installer.exe"
-;TODO make the installdir configurable - and set it in the registry.
-InstallDir "C:\Program Files\RiseupVPN\"
-RequestExecutionLevel admin
-!include FileFunc.nsh
-!insertmacro GetParameters
-!insertmacro GetOptions
-!macro SelectByParameter SECT PARAMETER DEFAULT
- ${GetOptions} $R0 "/${PARAMETER}=" $0
- ${If} ${DEFAULT} == 0
- ${If} $0 == 1
- !insertmacro SelectSection ${SECT}
- ${EndIf}
- ${Else}
- ${If} $0 != 0
- !insertmacro SelectSection ${SECT}
- ${EndIf}
- ${EndIf}
-!define BITMAP_FILE riseupvpn.bmp
-!define MUI_ICON "..\assets\riseupvpn.ico"
-!define MUI_UNICON "..\assets\riseupvpn.ico"
-!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "This will install RiseupVPN in your computer. RiseupVPN is a simple, fast and secure VPN Client, powered by Bitmask. \n This VPN service is run by donations from people like you."
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
-Section "InstallFiles"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- WriteUninstaller $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe
- ;Start Menu
- createDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\RiseupVPN\"
- createShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\RiseupVPN\RiseupVPN.lnk" "$INSTDIR\bitmask-systray.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\riseupvpn.ico"
- File "readme.txt"
- File "..\staging\nssm.exe"
- File "..\assets\riseupvpn.ico"
- File ..\staging\bitmask_helper.exe
- File ..\staging\bitmask-systray.exe
- File ..\staging\libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
- File ..\staging\liblzo2-2.dll
- File ..\staging\libpkcs11-helper-1.dll
- File ..\staging\libssl-1_1-x64.dll
- File ..\staging\padlock.dll
- File ..\staging\openvpn\openvpn.exe
- File ..\staging\openvpn\tap-windows.exe
-Section "InstallService"
- ; Easy service management thanks to nssm
- ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\nssm.exe" remove riseupvpn-helper confirm'
- ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\nssm.exe" install riseupvpn-helper "$INSTDIR\bitmask_helper.exe"'
- ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\nssm.exe" set riseupvpn-helper AppDirectory "$INSTDIR"'
- ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\nssm.exe" start riseupvpn-helper'
- ; why are these here?
- Delete "C:\riseupvpn.ico"
- Delete "C:\riseupvpn.png"
-Section /o "TAP Virtual Ethernet Adapter" SecTAP
- ; Adapted from the windows nsis installer from OpenVPN (openvpn-build repo).
- DetailPrint "Installing TAP (may need confirmation)..."
- ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\tap-windows.exe" /SELECT_UTILITIES=1'
- ;Making it explicit for now. It looks like the /S flag is "silent", isn't it?
- ;ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\tap-windows.exe" /S /SELECT_UTILITIES=1'
- Pop $R0 # return value/error/timeout
- WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\RiseupVPN" "tap" "installed"
- DetailPrint "TAP installed!"
-Section "Uninstall"
- ExecWait '"$INSTDIR"\nssm.exe stop riseupvpn-helper'
- ExecWait '"$INSTDIR"\nssm.exe remove riseupvpn-helper confirm'
- Delete $INSTDIR\readme.txt
- Delete $INSTDIR\nssm.exe
- Delete $INSTDIR\riseupvpn.ico
- Delete $INSTDIR\openssl.exe
- Delete $INSTDIR\openvpn.exe
- Delete $INSTDIR\ssleay32.dll
- Delete $INSTDIR\libeay32.dll
- Delete $INSTDIR\liblzo2-2.dll
- Delete $INSTDIR\libpkcs11-helper-1.dll
- Delete $INSTDIR\bitmask_helper.exe
- Delete $INSTDIR\bitmask-systray.exe
- Delete $INSTDIR\tap-windows.exe
- ; uninstaller must be always the last thing to remove
- Delete $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe
-Function .onInit
- !insertmacro SelectByParameter ${SecTAP} SELECT_TAP 1
-!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"