#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Allow or deny clients based on IP address. Strawhouse, which is plain text with filtering on IP addresses. It still uses the NULL mechanism, but we install an authentication hook that checks the IP address against a whitelist or blacklist and allows or denies it accordingly. Author: Chris Laws ''' import logging import sys import zmq import zmq.auth from zmq.auth.thread import ThreadAuthenticator def run(): '''Run strawhouse client''' allow_test_pass = False deny_test_pass = False ctx = zmq.Context().instance() # Start an authenticator for this context. auth = ThreadAuthenticator(ctx) auth.start() # Part 1 - demonstrate allowing clients based on IP address auth.allow('') server = ctx.socket(zmq.PUSH) server.zap_domain = b'global' # must come before bind server.bind('tcp://*:9000') client_allow = ctx.socket(zmq.PULL) client_allow.connect('tcp://') server.send(b"Hello") msg = client_allow.recv() if msg == b"Hello": allow_test_pass = True client_allow.close() # Part 2 - demonstrate denying clients based on IP address auth.stop() auth = ThreadAuthenticator(ctx) auth.start() auth.deny('') client_deny = ctx.socket(zmq.PULL) client_deny.connect('tcp://') if server.poll(50, zmq.POLLOUT): server.send(b"Hello") if client_deny.poll(50): msg = client_deny.recv() else: deny_test_pass = True else: deny_test_pass = True client_deny.close() auth.stop() # stop auth thread if allow_test_pass and deny_test_pass: logging.info("Strawhouse test OK") else: logging.error("Strawhouse test FAIL") if __name__ == '__main__': if zmq.zmq_version_info() < (4,0): raise RuntimeError("Security is not supported in libzmq version < 4.0. libzmq version {0}".format(zmq.zmq_version())) if '-v' in sys.argv: level = logging.DEBUG else: level = logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=level, format="[%(levelname)s] %(message)s") run()