#!/usr/bin/env python """This launches an echoing rep socket device using zmq.devices.ThreadDevice, and runs a blocking numpy action. The rep socket should remain responsive to pings during this time. Use ping.py to see how responsive it is. Authors ------- * MinRK """ import time import numpy import zmq from zmq import devices ctx = zmq.Context() dev = devices.ThreadDevice(zmq.FORWARDER, zmq.REP, -1) dev.bind_in('tcp://') dev.setsockopt_in(zmq.IDENTITY, "whoda") dev.start() #wait for connections time.sleep(1) A = numpy.random.random((2**11,2**12)) print "starting blocking loop" while True: tic = time.time() numpy.dot(A,A.transpose()) print "blocked for %.3f s"%(time.time()-tic)