path: root/docs/sphinxext/
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authorMicah Anderson <>2014-11-11 11:52:45 -0500
committerMicah Anderson <>2014-11-11 11:52:45 -0500
commit44be832c5708baadd146cb954befbc3dcad8d463 (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /docs/sphinxext/
parent76755110103988258ec37afbb4c022f7ac3ddf54 (diff)
prepare for upgrade to new upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/sphinxext/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 441 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sphinxext/ b/docs/sphinxext/
deleted file mode 100644
index b06e3d4..0000000
--- a/docs/sphinxext/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-"""Attempt to generate templates for module reference with Sphinx
-XXX - we exclude extension modules
-To include extension modules, first identify them as valid in the
-``_uri2path`` method, then handle them in the ``_parse_module`` script.
-We get functions and classes by parsing the text of .py files.
-Alternatively we could import the modules for discovery, and we'd have
-to do that for extension modules. This would involve changing the
-``_parse_module`` method to work via import and introspection, and
-might involve changing ``discover_modules`` (which determines which
-files are modules, and therefore which module URIs will be passed to
-NOTE: this is a modified version of a script originally shipped with the
-PyMVPA project, which we've adapted for NIPY use. PyMVPA is an MIT-licensed
-# Stdlib imports
-import os
-import re
-# Functions and classes
-class ApiDocWriter(object):
- ''' Class for automatic detection and parsing of API docs
- to Sphinx-parsable reST format'''
- # only separating first two levels
- rst_section_levels = ['*', '=', '-', '~', '^']
- def __init__(self,
- package_name,
- rst_extension='.rst',
- package_skip_patterns=None,
- module_skip_patterns=None,
- ):
- ''' Initialize package for parsing
- Parameters
- ----------
- package_name : string
- Name of the top-level package. *package_name* must be the
- name of an importable package
- rst_extension : string, optional
- Extension for reST files, default '.rst'
- package_skip_patterns : None or sequence of {strings, regexps}
- Sequence of strings giving URIs of packages to be excluded
- Operates on the package path, starting at (including) the
- first dot in the package path, after *package_name* - so,
- if *package_name* is ``sphinx``, then ``sphinx.util`` will
- result in ``.util`` being passed for earching by these
- regexps. If is None, gives default. Default is:
- ['\.tests$']
- module_skip_patterns : None or sequence
- Sequence of strings giving URIs of modules to be excluded
- Operates on the module name including preceding URI path,
- back to the first dot after *package_name*. For example
- ``sphinx.util.console`` results in the string to search of
- ``.util.console``
- If is None, gives default. Default is:
- ['\.setup$', '\._']
- '''
- if package_skip_patterns is None:
- package_skip_patterns = ['\\.tests$']
- if module_skip_patterns is None:
- module_skip_patterns = ['\\.setup$', '\\._']
- self.package_name = package_name
- self.rst_extension = rst_extension
- self.package_skip_patterns = package_skip_patterns
- self.module_skip_patterns = module_skip_patterns
- def get_package_name(self):
- return self._package_name
- def set_package_name(self, package_name):
- ''' Set package_name
- >>> docwriter = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
- >>> import sphinx
- >>> docwriter.root_path == sphinx.__path__[0]
- True
- >>> docwriter.package_name = 'docutils'
- >>> import docutils
- >>> docwriter.root_path == docutils.__path__[0]
- True
- '''
- # It's also possible to imagine caching the module parsing here
- self._package_name = package_name
- self.root_module = __import__(package_name)
- self.root_path = self.root_module.__path__[0]
- self.written_modules = None
- package_name = property(get_package_name, set_package_name, None,
- 'get/set package_name')
- def _get_object_name(self, line):
- ''' Get second token in line
- >>> docwriter = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
- >>> docwriter._get_object_name(" def func(): ")
- 'func'
- >>> docwriter._get_object_name(" class Klass(object): ")
- 'Klass'
- >>> docwriter._get_object_name(" class Klass: ")
- 'Klass'
- '''
- if line.startswith('cdef'):
- line = line.split(None,1)[1]
- name = line.split()[1].split('(')[0].strip()
- # in case we have classes which are not derived from object
- # ie. old style classes
- return name.rstrip(':')
- def _uri2path(self, uri):
- ''' Convert uri to absolute filepath
- Parameters
- ----------
- uri : string
- URI of python module to return path for
- Returns
- -------
- path : None or string
- Returns None if there is no valid path for this URI
- Otherwise returns absolute file system path for URI
- Examples
- --------
- >>> docwriter = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
- >>> import sphinx
- >>> modpath = sphinx.__path__[0]
- >>> res = docwriter._uri2path('sphinx.builder')
- >>> res == os.path.join(modpath, '')
- True
- >>> res = docwriter._uri2path('sphinx')
- >>> res == os.path.join(modpath, '')
- True
- >>> docwriter._uri2path('sphinx.does_not_exist')
- '''
- if uri == self.package_name:
- return os.path.join(self.root_path, '')
- path = uri.replace('.', os.path.sep)
- path = path.replace(self.package_name + os.path.sep, '')
- path = os.path.join(self.root_path, path)
- # XXX maybe check for extensions as well?
- if os.path.exists(path + '.py'): # file
- path += '.py'
- elif os.path.exists(path + '.pyx'): # file
- path += '.pyx'
- elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '')):
- path = os.path.join(path, '')
- else:
- return None
- return path
- def _path2uri(self, dirpath):
- ''' Convert directory path to uri '''
- relpath = dirpath.replace(self.root_path, self.package_name)
- if relpath.startswith(os.path.sep):
- relpath = relpath[1:]
- return relpath.replace(os.path.sep, '.')
- def _parse_module(self, uri):
- ''' Parse module defined in *uri* '''
- filename = self._uri2path(uri)
- if filename is None:
- # nothing that we could handle here.
- return ([],[])
- f = open(filename, 'rt')
- functions, classes = self._parse_lines(f)
- f.close()
- return functions, classes
- def _parse_lines(self, linesource):
- ''' Parse lines of text for functions and classes '''
- functions = []
- classes = []
- for line in linesource:
- if line.startswith('def ') and line.count('('):
- # exclude private stuff
- name = self._get_object_name(line)
- if not name.startswith('_'):
- functions.append(name)
- elif line.startswith('class '):
- # exclude private stuff
- name = self._get_object_name(line)
- if not name.startswith('_'):
- classes.append(name)
- elif line.startswith('cpdef ') and line.count('('):
- # exclude private stuff
- name = self._get_object_name(line)
- if not name.startswith('_'):
- functions.append(name)
- elif line.startswith('cdef class '):
- # exclude private stuff
- name = self._get_object_name(line)
- if not name.startswith('_'):
- classes.append(name)
- else:
- pass
- functions.sort()
- classes.sort()
- return functions, classes
- def generate_api_doc(self, uri):
- '''Make autodoc documentation template string for a module
- Parameters
- ----------
- uri : string
- python location of module - e.g 'sphinx.builder'
- Returns
- -------
- S : string
- Contents of API doc
- '''
- # get the names of all classes and functions
- functions, classes = self._parse_module(uri)
- if not len(functions) and not len(classes):
- print 'WARNING: Empty -',uri # dbg
- return ''
- # Make a shorter version of the uri that omits the package name for
- # titles
- uri_short = re.sub(r'^%s\.' % self.package_name,'',uri)
- chap_title = uri_short
- ad += (chap_title+'\n'+ self.rst_section_levels[1] * len(chap_title)
- + '\n\n')
- # Set the chapter title to read 'module' for all modules except for the
- # main packages
- if '.' in uri:
- title = 'Module: :mod:`' + uri_short + '`'
- else:
- title = ':mod:`' + uri_short + '`'
- ad += title + '\n' + self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(title)
- # if len(classes):
- # ad += '\nInheritance diagram for ``%s``:\n\n' % uri
- # ad += '.. inheritance-diagram:: %s \n' % uri
- # ad += ' :parts: 3\n'
- ad += '\n.. automodule:: ' + uri + '\n'
- ad += '\n.. currentmodule:: ' + uri + '\n'
- multi_class = len(classes) > 1
- multi_fx = len(functions) > 1
- if multi_class:
- ad += '\n' + 'Classes' + '\n' + \
- self.rst_section_levels[2] * 7 + '\n'
- elif len(classes) and multi_fx:
- ad += '\n' + 'Class' + '\n' + \
- self.rst_section_levels[2] * 5 + '\n'
- for c in classes:
- ad += '\n:class:`' + c + '`\n' \
- + self.rst_section_levels[multi_class + 2 ] * \
- (len(c)+9) + '\n\n'
- ad += '\n.. autoclass:: ' + c + '\n'
- # must NOT exclude from index to keep cross-refs working
- ad += ' :members:\n' \
- ' :undoc-members:\n' \
- ' :inherited-members:\n' \
- '\n'
- # skip class.__init__()
- # ' .. automethod:: __init__\n'
- if multi_fx:
- ad += '\n' + 'Functions' + '\n' + \
- self.rst_section_levels[2] * 9 + '\n\n'
- elif len(functions) and multi_class:
- ad += '\n' + 'Function' + '\n' + \
- self.rst_section_levels[2] * 8 + '\n\n'
- for f in functions:
- # must NOT exclude from index to keep cross-refs working
- ad += '\n.. autofunction:: ' + uri + '.' + f + '\n\n'
- return ad
- def _survives_exclude(self, matchstr, match_type):
- ''' Returns True if *matchstr* does not match patterns
- ``self.package_name`` removed from front of string if present
- Examples
- --------
- >>> dw = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
- >>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.okpkg', 'package')
- True
- >>> dw.package_skip_patterns.append('^\\.badpkg$')
- >>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badpkg', 'package')
- False
- >>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badpkg', 'module')
- True
- >>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badmod', 'module')
- True
- >>> dw.module_skip_patterns.append('^\\.badmod$')
- >>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badmod', 'module')
- False
- '''
- if match_type == 'module':
- patterns = self.module_skip_patterns
- elif match_type == 'package':
- patterns = self.package_skip_patterns
- else:
- raise ValueError('Cannot interpret match type "%s"'
- % match_type)
- # Match to URI without package name
- L = len(self.package_name)
- if matchstr[:L] == self.package_name:
- matchstr = matchstr[L:]
- for pat in patterns:
- try:
- except AttributeError:
- pat = re.compile(pat)
- if
- return False
- return True
- def discover_modules(self):
- ''' Return module sequence discovered from ``self.package_name``
- Parameters
- ----------
- None
- Returns
- -------
- mods : sequence
- Sequence of module names within ``self.package_name``
- Examples
- --------
- >>> dw = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
- >>> mods = dw.discover_modules()
- >>> 'sphinx.util' in mods
- True
- >>> dw.package_skip_patterns.append('\.util$')
- >>> 'sphinx.util' in dw.discover_modules()
- False
- >>>
- '''
- modules = [self.package_name]
- # raw directory parsing
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.root_path):
- # Check directory names for packages
- root_uri = self._path2uri(os.path.join(self.root_path,
- dirpath))
- for dirname in dirnames[:]: # copy list - we modify inplace
- package_uri = '.'.join((root_uri, dirname))
- if (self._uri2path(package_uri) and
- self._survives_exclude(package_uri, 'package')):
- modules.append(package_uri)
- else:
- dirnames.remove(dirname)
- # Check filenames for modules
- for filename in filenames:
- module_name = filename[:-3]
- module_uri = '.'.join((root_uri, module_name))
- if (self._uri2path(module_uri) and
- self._survives_exclude(module_uri, 'module')):
- modules.append(module_uri)
- return sorted(modules)
- def write_modules_api(self, modules,outdir):
- # write the list
- written_modules = []
- for m in modules:
- api_str = self.generate_api_doc(m)
- if not api_str:
- continue
- # write out to file
- outfile = os.path.join(outdir,
- m + self.rst_extension)
- fileobj = open(outfile, 'wt')
- fileobj.write(api_str)
- fileobj.close()
- written_modules.append(m)
- self.written_modules = written_modules
- def write_api_docs(self, outdir):
- """Generate API reST files.
- Parameters
- ----------
- outdir : string
- Directory name in which to store files
- We create automatic filenames for each module
- Returns
- -------
- None
- Notes
- -----
- Sets self.written_modules to list of written modules
- """
- if not os.path.exists(outdir):
- os.mkdir(outdir)
- # compose list of modules
- modules = self.discover_modules()
- self.write_modules_api(modules,outdir)
- def write_index(self, outdir, froot='gen', relative_to=None):
- """Make a reST API index file from written files
- Parameters
- ----------
- path : string
- Filename to write index to
- outdir : string
- Directory to which to write generated index file
- froot : string, optional
- root (filename without extension) of filename to write to
- Defaults to 'gen'. We add ``self.rst_extension``.
- relative_to : string
- path to which written filenames are relative. This
- component of the written file path will be removed from
- outdir, in the generated index. Default is None, meaning,
- leave path as it is.
- """
- if self.written_modules is None:
- raise ValueError('No modules written')
- # Get full filename path
- path = os.path.join(outdir, froot+self.rst_extension)
- # Path written into index is relative to rootpath
- if relative_to is not None:
- relpath = outdir.replace(relative_to + os.path.sep, '')
- else:
- relpath = outdir
- idx = open(path,'wt')
- w = idx.write
- w('.. toctree::\n\n')
- for f in self.written_modules:
- w(' %s\n' % os.path.join(relpath,f))
- idx.close()