path: root/docs/source/unicode.rst
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authorMicah Anderson <>2014-11-11 11:52:45 -0500
committerMicah Anderson <>2014-11-11 11:52:45 -0500
commit44be832c5708baadd146cb954befbc3dcad8d463 (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /docs/source/unicode.rst
parent76755110103988258ec37afbb4c022f7ac3ddf54 (diff)
prepare for upgrade to new upstream
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/unicode.rst b/docs/source/unicode.rst
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index a0c7878..0000000
--- a/docs/source/unicode.rst
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-.. PyZMQ Unicode doc, by Min Ragan-Kelley, 2010
-.. _unicode:
-PyZMQ and Unicode
-PyZMQ is built with an eye towards an easy transition to Python 3, and part of
-that is dealing with unicode strings. This is an overview of some of what we
-found, and what it means for PyZMQ.
-First, Unicode in Python 2 and 3
-In Python < 3, a ``str`` object is really a C string with some sugar - a
-specific series of bytes with some fun methods like ``endswith()`` and
-``split()``. In 2.0, the ``unicode`` object was added, which handles different
-methods of encoding. In Python 3, however, the meaning of ``str`` changes. A
-``str`` in Python 3 is a full unicode object, with encoding and everything. If
-you want a C string with some sugar, there is a new object called ``bytes``,
-that behaves much like the 2.x ``str``. The idea is that for a user, a string is
-a series of *characters*, not a series of bytes. For simple ascii, the two are
-interchangeable, but if you consider accents and non-Latin characters, then the
-character meaning of byte sequences can be ambiguous, since it depends on the
-encoding scheme. They decided to avoid the ambiguity by forcing users who want
-the actual bytes to specify the encoding every time they want to convert a
-string to bytes. That way, users are aware of the difference between a series of
-bytes and a collection of characters, and don't confuse the two, as happens in
-Python 2.x.
-The problems (on both sides) come from the fact that regardless of the language
-design, users are mostly going to use ``str`` objects to represent collections
-of characters, and the behavior of that object is dramatically different in
-certain aspects between the 2.x ``bytes`` approach and the 3.x ``unicode``
-approach. The ``unicode`` approach has the advantage of removing byte ambiguity
-- it's a list of characters, not bytes. However, if you really do want the
-bytes, it's very inefficient to get them. The ``bytes`` approach has the
-advantage of efficiency. A ``bytes`` object really is just a char* pointer with
-some methods to be used on it, so when interacting with, so interacting with C
-code, etc is highly efficient and straightforward. However, understanding a
-bytes object as a string with extended characters introduces ambiguity and
-possibly confusion.
-To avoid ambiguity, hereafter we will refer to encoded C arrays as 'bytes' and
-abstract unicode objects as 'strings'.
-Unicode Buffers
-Since unicode objects have a wide range of representations, they are not stored
-as the bytes according to their encoding, but rather in a format called UCS (an
-older fixed-width Unicode format). On some platforms (OS X, Windows), the storage
-is UCS-2, which is 2 bytes per character. On most \*ix systems, it is UCS-4, or
-4 bytes per character. The contents of the *buffer* of a ``unicode`` object are
-not encoding dependent (always UCS-2 or UCS-4), but they are *platform*
-dependent. As a result of this, and the further insistence on not interpreting
-``unicode`` objects as bytes without specifying encoding, ``str`` objects in
-Python 3 don't even provide the buffer interface. You simply cannot get the raw
-bytes of a ``unicode`` object without specifying the encoding for the bytes. In
-Python 2.x, you can get to the raw buffer, but the platform dependence and the
-fact that the encoding of the buffer is not the encoding of the object makes it
-very confusing, so this is probably a good move.
-The efficiency problem here comes from the fact that simple ascii strings are 4x
-as big in memory as they need to be (on most Linux, 2x on other platforms).
-Also, to translate to/from C code that works with char*, you always have to copy
-data and encode/decode the bytes. This really is horribly inefficient from a
-memory standpoint. Essentially, Where memory efficiency matters to you, you
-should never ever use strings; use bytes. The problem is that users will almost
-always use ``str``, and in 2.x they are efficient, but in 3.x they are not. We
-want to make sure that we don't help the user make this mistake, so we ensure
-that zmq methods don't try to hide what strings really are.
-What This Means for PyZMQ
-PyZMQ is a wrapper for a C library, so it really should use bytes, since a
-string is not a simple wrapper for ``char *`` like it used to be, but an
-abstract sequence of characters. The representations of bytes in Python are
-either the ``bytes`` object itself, or any object that provides the buffer
-interface (aka memoryview). In Python 2.x, unicode objects do provide the buffer
-interface, but as they do not in Python 3, where pyzmq requires bytes, we
-specifically reject unicode objects.
-The relevant methods here are ``socket.send/recv``, ``socket.get/setsockopt``,
-``socket.bind/connect``. The important consideration for send/recv and
-set/getsockopt is that when you put in something, you really should get the same
-object back with its partner method. We can easily coerce unicode objects to
-bytes with send/setsockopt, but the problem is that the pair method of
-recv/getsockopt will always be bytes, and there should be symmetry. We certainly
-shouldn't try to always decode on the retrieval side, because if users just want
-bytes, then we are potentially using up enormous amounts of excess memory
-unnecessarily, due to copying and larger memory footprint of unicode strings.
-Still, we recognize the fact that users will quite frequently have unicode
-strings that they want to send, so we have added ``socket.<method>_string()``
-wrappers. These methods simply wrap their bytes counterpart by encoding
-to/decoding from bytes around them, and they all take an `encoding` keyword
-argument that defaults to utf-8. Since encoding and decoding are necessary to
-translate between unicode and bytes, it is impossible to perform non-copying
-actions with these wrappers.
-``socket.bind/connect`` methods are different from these, in that they are
-strictly setters and there is not corresponding getter method. As a result, we
-feel that we can safely coerce unicode objects to bytes (always to utf-8) in
-these methods.
-.. note::
- For cross-language symmetry (including Python 3), the ``_unicode`` methods
- are now ``_string``. Many languages have a notion of native strings, and
- the use of ``_unicode`` was wedded too closely to the name of such objects
- in Python 2. For the time being, anywhere you see ``_string``, ``_unicode``
- also works, and is the only option in pyzmq ≤ 2.1.11.
-The Methods
-Overview of the relevant methods:
-.. py:function:: socket.bind(self, addr)
- `addr` is ``bytes`` or ``unicode``. If ``unicode``,
- encoded to utf-8 ``bytes``
-.. py:function:: socket.connect(self, addr)
- `addr` is ``bytes`` or ``unicode``. If ``unicode``,
- encoded to utf-8 ``bytes``
-.. py:function:: socket.send(self, object obj, flags=0, copy=True)
- `obj` is ``bytes`` or provides buffer interface.
- if `obj` is ``unicode``, raise ``TypeError``
-.. py:function:: socket.recv(self, flags=0, copy=True)
- returns ``bytes`` if `copy=True`
- returns ``zmq.Message`` if `copy=False`:
- `message.buffer` is a buffer view of the ``bytes``
- `str(message)` provides the ``bytes``
- `unicode(message)` decodes `message.buffer` with utf-8
-.. py:function:: socket.send_string(self, unicode s, flags=0, encoding='utf-8')
- takes a ``unicode`` string `s`, and sends the ``bytes``
- after encoding without an extra copy, via:
- `socket.send(s.encode(encoding), flags, copy=False)`
-.. py:function:: socket.recv_string(self, flags=0, encoding='utf-8')
- always returns ``unicode`` string
- there will be a ``UnicodeError`` if it cannot decode the buffer
- performs non-copying `recv`, and decodes the buffer with `encoding`
-.. py:function:: socket.setsockopt(self, opt, optval)
- only accepts ``bytes`` for `optval` (or ``int``, depending on `opt`)
- ``TypeError`` if ``unicode`` or anything else
-.. py:function:: socket.getsockopt(self, opt)
- returns ``bytes`` (or ``int``), never ``unicode``
-.. py:function:: socket.setsockopt_string(self, opt, unicode optval, encoding='utf-8')
- accepts ``unicode`` string for `optval`
- encodes `optval` with `encoding` before passing the ``bytes`` to
- `setsockopt`
-.. py:function:: socket.getsockopt_string(self, opt, encoding='utf-8')
- always returns ``unicode`` string, after decoding with `encoding`
- note that `zmq.IDENTITY` is the only `sockopt` with a string value
- that can be queried with `getsockopt`