path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 585 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6754e83..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,585 +0,0 @@
- # N A large safe prime (N = 2q+1, where q is prime)
- # All arithmetic is done modulo N.
- # g A generator modulo N
- # k Multiplier parameter (k = H(N, g) in SRP-6a, k = 3 for legacy SRP-6)
- # s User's salt
- # I Username
- # p Cleartext Password
- # H() One-way hash function
- # ^ (Modular) Exponentiation
- # u Random scrambling parameter
- # a,b Secret ephemeral values
- # A,B Public ephemeral values
- # x Private key (derived from p and s)
- # v Password verifier
-import os
-import sys
-import hashlib
-import random
-import ctypes
-import time
-SHA1 = 0
-SHA224 = 1
-SHA256 = 2
-SHA384 = 3
-SHA512 = 4
-NG_1024 = 0
-NG_2048 = 1
-NG_4096 = 2
-NG_8192 = 3
-_hash_map = { SHA1 : hashlib.sha1,
- SHA224 : hashlib.sha224,
- SHA256 : hashlib.sha256,
- SHA384 : hashlib.sha384,
- SHA512 : hashlib.sha512 }
-_ng_const = (
-# 1024-bit
-# 2048
-# 4096
-# 8192
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
-#G_HEX = "2"
-#HNxorg = None
-dlls = list()
-if 'win' in sys.platform:
- for d in ('libeay32.dll', 'libssl32.dll', 'ssleay32.dll'):
- try:
- dlls.append( ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(d) )
- except:
- pass
- dlls.append( ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('') )
-class BIGNUM_Struct (ctypes.Structure):
- _fields_ = [ ("d", ctypes.c_void_p),
- ("top", ctypes.c_int),
- ("dmax", ctypes.c_int),
- ("neg", ctypes.c_int),
- ("flags", ctypes.c_int) ]
-class BN_CTX_Struct (ctypes.Structure):
- _fields_ = [ ("_", ctypes.c_byte) ]
-BIGNUM = ctypes.POINTER( BIGNUM_Struct )
-BN_CTX = ctypes.POINTER( BN_CTX_Struct )
-def load_func( name, args, returns = ctypes.c_int):
- d = sys.modules[ __name__ ].__dict__
- f = None
- for dll in dlls:
- try:
- f = getattr(dll, name)
- f.argtypes = args
- f.restype = returns
- d[ name ] = f
- return
- except:
- pass
- raise ImportError('Unable to load required functions from SSL dlls')
-load_func( 'BN_new', [], BIGNUM )
-load_func( 'BN_free', [ BIGNUM ], None )
-load_func( 'BN_init', [ BIGNUM ], None )
-load_func( 'BN_clear', [ BIGNUM ], None )
-load_func( 'BN_CTX_new', [] , BN_CTX )
-load_func( 'BN_CTX_init', [ BN_CTX ], None )
-load_func( 'BN_CTX_free', [ BN_CTX ], None )
-load_func( 'BN_cmp', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM ], ctypes.c_int )
-load_func( 'BN_num_bits', [ BIGNUM ], ctypes.c_int )
-load_func( 'BN_add', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM ] )
-load_func( 'BN_sub', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM ] )
-load_func( 'BN_mul', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BN_CTX ] )
-load_func( 'BN_div', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BN_CTX ] )
-load_func( 'BN_mod_exp', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BN_CTX ] )
-load_func( 'BN_rand', [ BIGNUM, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int ] )
-load_func( 'BN_bn2bin', [ BIGNUM, ctypes.c_char_p ] )
-load_func( 'BN_bin2bn', [ ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, BIGNUM ], BIGNUM )
-load_func( 'BN_hex2bn', [ ctypes.POINTER(BIGNUM), ctypes.c_char_p ] )
-load_func( 'BN_bn2hex', [ BIGNUM ], ctypes.c_char_p )
-load_func( 'CRYPTO_free', [ ctypes.c_char_p ] )
-load_func( 'RAND_seed', [ ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int ] )
-def BN_num_bytes(a):
- return ((BN_num_bits(a)+7)/8)
-def BN_mod(rem,m,d,ctx):
- return BN_div(None, rem, m, d, ctx)
-def BN_is_zero( n ):
- return n[0].top == 0
-def bn_to_bytes( n ):
- b = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n) )
- BN_bn2bin(n, b)
- return b.raw
-def bytes_to_bn( dest_bn, bytes ):
- BN_bin2bn(bytes, len(bytes), dest_bn)
-def H_str( hash_class, dest_bn, s ):
- d = hash_class(s).digest()
- buff = ctypes.create_string_buffer( s )
- BN_bin2bn(d, len(d), dest)
-def H_bn( hash_class, dest, n ):
- bin = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n) )
- BN_bn2bin(n, bin)
- d = hash_class( bin.raw ).digest()
- BN_bin2bn(d, len(d), dest)
-def H_bn_bn( hash_class, dest, n1, n2 ):
- h = hash_class()
- bin1 = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n1) )
- bin2 = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n2) )
- BN_bn2bin(n1, bin1)
- BN_bn2bin(n2, bin2)
- h.update( bin1.raw )
- h.update( bin2.raw )
- d = h.digest()
- BN_bin2bn(d, len(d), dest)
-def H_bn_str( hash_class, dest, n, s ):
- h = hash_class()
- bin = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n) )
- BN_bn2bin(n, bin)
- h.update( bin.raw )
- h.update( s )
- d = h.digest()
- BN_bin2bn(d, len(d), dest)
-def calculate_x( hash_class, dest, salt, username, password ):
- up = hash_class('%s:%s' % (username, password )).digest()
- H_bn_str( hash_class, dest, salt, up )
-def update_hash( ctx, n ):
- buff = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n) )
- BN_bn2bin(n, buff)
- ctx.update( buff.raw )
-def calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, I, s, A, B, K ):
- h = hash_class()
- h.update( HNxorg( hash_class, N, g ) )
- h.update( hash_class(I).digest() )
- update_hash( h, s )
- update_hash( h, A )
- update_hash( h, B )
- h.update( K )
- return h.digest()
-def calculate_H_AMK( hash_class, A, M, K ):
- h = hash_class()
- update_hash( h, A )
- h.update( M )
- h.update( K )
- return h.digest()
-def HNxorg( hash_class, N, g ):
- bN = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(N) )
- bg = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(g) )
- BN_bn2bin(N, bN)
- BN_bn2bin(g, bg)
- hN = hash_class( bN.raw ).digest()
- hg = hash_class( bg.raw ).digest()
- return ''.join( chr( ord(hN[i]) ^ ord(hg[i]) ) for i in range(0,len(hN)) )
-def get_ngk( hash_class, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex ):
- if ng_type < NG_CUSTOM:
- n_hex, g_hex = _ng_const[ ng_type ]
- N = BN_new()
- g = BN_new()
- k = BN_new()
- BN_hex2bn( N, n_hex )
- BN_hex2bn( g, g_hex )
- H_bn_bn(hash_class, k, N, g)
- return N, g, k
-def create_salted_verification_key( username, password, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None ):
- if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
- raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
- s = BN_new()
- v = BN_new()
- x = BN_new()
- ctx = BN_CTX_new()
- hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
- N,g,k = get_ngk( hash_class, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- BN_rand(s, 32, -1, 0);
- calculate_x( hash_class, x, s, username, password )
- BN_mod_exp(v, g, x, N, ctx)
- salt = bn_to_bytes( s )
- verifier = bn_to_bytes( v )
- BN_free(s)
- BN_free(v)
- BN_free(x)
- BN_free(N)
- BN_free(g)
- BN_free(k)
- BN_CTX_free(ctx)
- return salt, verifier
-class Verifier (object):
- def __init__(self, username, bytes_s, bytes_v, bytes_A, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None):
- if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
- raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
- self.A = BN_new()
- self.B = BN_new()
- self.K = None
- self.S = BN_new()
- self.u = BN_new()
- self.b = BN_new()
- self.s = BN_new()
- self.v = BN_new()
- self.tmp1 = BN_new()
- self.tmp2 = BN_new()
- self.ctx = BN_CTX_new()
- self.I = username
- self.M = None
- self.H_AMK = None
- self._authenticated = False
- self.safety_failed = False
- hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
- N,g,k = get_ngk( hash_class, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- self.hash_class = hash_class
- self.N = N
- self.g = g
- self.k = k
- bytes_to_bn( self.s, bytes_s )
- bytes_to_bn( self.v, bytes_v )
- bytes_to_bn( self.A, bytes_A )
- # SRP-6a safety check
- BN_mod(self.tmp1, self.A, N, self.ctx)
- if BN_is_zero(self.tmp1):
- self.safety_failed = True
- else:
- BN_rand(self.b, 256, -1, 0)
- # B = kv + g^b
- BN_mul(self.tmp1, k, self.v, self.ctx)
- BN_mod_exp(self.tmp2, g, self.b, N, self.ctx)
- BN_add(self.B, self.tmp1, self.tmp2)
- H_bn_bn(hash_class, self.u, self.A, self.B)
- # S = (A *(v^u)) ^ b
- BN_mod_exp(self.tmp1, self.v, self.u, N, self.ctx)
- BN_mul(self.tmp2, self.A, self.tmp1, self.ctx)
- BN_mod_exp(self.S, self.tmp2, self.b, N, self.ctx)
- self.K = hash_class( bn_to_bytes(self.S) ).digest()
- self.M = calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, self.I, self.s, self.A, self.B, self.K )
- self.H_AMK = calculate_H_AMK( hash_class, self.A, self.M, self.K )
- def __del__(self):
- if not hasattr(self, 'A'):
- return # __init__ threw exception. no clean up required
- BN_free(self.A)
- BN_free(self.B)
- BN_free(self.S)
- BN_free(self.u)
- BN_free(self.b)
- BN_free(self.s)
- BN_free(self.v)
- BN_free(self.N)
- BN_free(self.g)
- BN_free(self.k)
- BN_free(self.tmp1)
- BN_free(self.tmp2)
- BN_CTX_free(self.ctx)
- def authenticated(self):
- return self._authenticated
- def get_username(self):
- return self.I
- def get_session_key(self):
- return self.K if self._authenticated else None
- # returns (bytes_s, bytes_B) on success, (None,None) if SRP-6a safety check fails
- def get_challenge(self):
- if self.safety_failed:
- return None, None
- else:
- return (bn_to_bytes(self.s), bn_to_bytes(self.B))
- def verify_session(self, user_M):
- if user_M == self.M:
- self._authenticated = True
- return self.H_AMK
-class User (object):
- def __init__(self, username, password, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None):
- if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
- raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.a = BN_new()
- self.A = BN_new()
- self.B = BN_new()
- self.s = BN_new()
- self.S = BN_new()
- self.u = BN_new()
- self.x = BN_new()
- self.v = BN_new()
- self.tmp1 = BN_new()
- self.tmp2 = BN_new()
- self.tmp3 = BN_new()
- self.ctx = BN_CTX_new()
- self.M = None
- self.K = None
- self.H_AMK = None
- self._authenticated = False
- hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
- N,g,k = get_ngk( hash_class, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- self.hash_class = hash_class
- self.N = N
- self.g = g
- self.k = k
- BN_rand(self.a, 256, -1, 0)
- BN_mod_exp(self.A, g, self.a, N, self.ctx)
- def __del__(self):
- if not hasattr(self, 'a'):
- return # __init__ threw exception. no clean up required
- BN_free(self.a)
- BN_free(self.A)
- BN_free(self.B)
- BN_free(self.s)
- BN_free(self.S)
- BN_free(self.u)
- BN_free(self.x)
- BN_free(self.v)
- BN_free(self.N)
- BN_free(self.g)
- BN_free(self.k)
- BN_free(self.tmp1)
- BN_free(self.tmp2)
- BN_free(self.tmp3)
- BN_CTX_free(self.ctx)
- def authenticated(self):
- return self._authenticated
- def get_username(self):
- return self.username
- def get_session_key(self):
- return self.K if self._authenticated else None
- def start_authentication(self):
- return (self.username, bn_to_bytes(self.A))
- # Returns M or None if SRP-6a safety check is violated
- def process_challenge(self, bytes_s, bytes_B):
- hash_class = self.hash_class
- N = self.N
- g = self.g
- k = self.k
- bytes_to_bn( self.s, bytes_s )
- bytes_to_bn( self.B, bytes_B )
- # SRP-6a safety check
- if BN_is_zero(self.B):
- return None
- H_bn_bn(hash_class, self.u, self.A, self.B)
- # SRP-6a safety check
- if BN_is_zero(self.u):
- return None
- calculate_x( hash_class, self.x, self.s, self.username, self.password )
- BN_mod_exp(self.v, g, self.x, N, self.ctx)
- # S = (B - k*(g^x)) ^ (a + ux)
- BN_mul(self.tmp1, self.u, self.x, self.ctx)
- BN_add(self.tmp2, self.a, self.tmp1) # tmp2 = (a + ux)
- BN_mod_exp(self.tmp1, g, self.x, N, self.ctx)
- BN_mul(self.tmp3, k, self.tmp1, self.ctx) # tmp3 = k*(g^x)
- BN_sub(self.tmp1, self.B, self.tmp3) # tmp1 = (B - K*(g^x))
- BN_mod_exp(self.S, self.tmp1, self.tmp2, N, self.ctx)
- self.K = hash_class( bn_to_bytes(self.S) ).digest()
- self.M = calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, self.username, self.s, self.A, self.B, self.K )
- self.H_AMK = calculate_H_AMK( hash_class, self.A, self.M, self.K )
- return self.M
- def verify_session(self, host_HAMK):
- if self.H_AMK == host_HAMK:
- self._authenticated = True
-# Init
-RAND_seed( os.urandom(32), 32 )