path: root/doc/srp.rst
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authorTom Cocagne <devnull@localhost>2011-04-01 11:28:13 -0400
committerTom Cocagne <devnull@localhost>2011-04-01 11:28:13 -0400
commit402cdc063b662982d748d72319fa4d8895801d02 (patch)
tree0e40aa4a9a25afd1ee683109eafa980bd6065263 /doc/srp.rst
parentdf477f67f50cfbbd6ed189ea983a2c991e4cb143 (diff)
ready for 1.0
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/doc/srp.rst b/doc/srp.rst
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index 9cdd967..0000000
--- a/doc/srp.rst
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-:mod:`srp` --- Secure Remote Password
-.. module:: srp
- :synopsis: Secure Remote Password
-.. moduleauthor:: Tom Cocagne <>
-.. sectionauthor:: Tom Cocagne <>
-The Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP) is a cryptographically
-strong authentication protocol for password-based, mutual
-authentication over an insecure network connection. Successful SRP
-authentication requires both sides of the connection to have knowledge
-of the user's password. In addition to password verification, the SRP
-protocol also performs a secure key exchange during the authentication
-process. This key may be used to protect network traffic via symmetric
-key encryption.
-SRP offers security and deployment advantages over other
-challenge-response protocols, such as Kerberos and SSL, in that it
-does not require trusted key servers or certificate infrastructures.
-Instead, small verification keys derived from each user's password are
-stored and used by each SRP server application. SRP provides a
-near-ideal solution for many applications requiring simple and secure
-password authentication that does not rely on an external
-Another favorable aspect of the SRP protocol is that compromized
-verification keys are of little value to an attacker. Possesion of a
-verification key does not allow a user to be impersonated
-and it cannot be used to obtain the users password except by way of a
-computationally infeasible dictionary attack. A compromized key would,
-however, allow an attacker to impersonate the server side of an SRP
-authenticated connection. Consequently, care should be taken to
-prevent unauthorized access to verification keys for applications in
-which the client side relies on the server being genuine.
-SRP usage begins with *create_salted_verification_key()*. This function
-creates a salted verification key from the user's password. The resulting salt
-and key are stored by the server application and will be used during the
-authentication process.
-The authentication process occurs as an exchange of messages between the clent
-and the server. The :ref:`example` below provides a simple demonstration of the
-protocol. A comprehensive description of the SRP protocol is contained in the
-:ref:`protocol-description` section.
-The *User* & *Verifier* constructors, as well as the
-*create_salted_verification_key()* function, accept optional arguments
-to specify which hashing algorithm and prime number arguments should
-be used during the authentication process. These options may be used
-to tune the security/performance tradeoff for an application.
-Generally speaking, specifying arguments with a higher number of bits
-will result in a greater level of security. However, it will come at
-the cost of increased computation time. The default values of SHA1
-hashes and 2048 bit prime numbers strike a good balance between
-performance and security. These values should be sufficient for most
-applications. Regardless of which values are used, the parameters
-passed to the *User* and *Verifier* constructors must exactly match
-those passed to *create_salted_verification_key()*
-.. _constants:
-.. table:: Hashing Algorithm Constants
- ============== ==============
- Hash Algorithm Number of Bits
- ============== ==============
- SHA1 160
- SHA224 224
- SHA256 256
- SHA384 384
- SHA512 512
- ============== ==============
-.. note::
- Larger hashing algorithms will result in larger session keys.
-.. table:: Prime Number Constants
- ================= ==============
- Prime Number Size Number of Bits
- ================= ==============
- NG_1024 1024
- NG_2048 2048
- NG_4096 4096
- NG_8192 8192
- NG_CUSTOM User Supplied
- ================= ==============
-.. note::
- If NG_CUSTOM is used, the 'n_hex' and 'g_hex' parameters are required.
- These parameters must be ASCII text containing hexidecimal notation of the
- prime number 'n_hex' and the corresponding generator number 'g_hex'. Appendix
- A of RFC 5054 contains several large prime number, generator pairs that may
- be used with NG_CUSTOM.
-.. function:: create_salted_verification_key ( username, password[, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None] )
- *username* Name of the user
- *password* Plaintext user password
- *hash_alg*, *ng_type*, *n_hex*, *g_hex* Refer to the :ref:`constants` section.
- Generate a salted verification key for the given username and password and return the tuple:
- (salt_bytes, verification_key_bytes)
-:class:`Verifier` Objects
-A :class:`Verifier` object is used to verify the identity of a remote
-.. note::
- The standard SRP 6 protocol allows only one password attempt per
- connection.
-.. class:: Verifier( username, bytes_s, bytes_v, bytes_A[, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None] )
- *username* Name of the remote user being authenticated.
- *bytes_s* Salt generated by :func:`create_salted_verification_key`.
- *bytes_v* Verification Key generated by :func:`create_salted_verification_key`.
- *bytes_A* Challenge from the remote user. Generated by
- :meth:`User.start_authentication`
- *hash_alg*, *ng_type*, *n_hex*, *g_hex* Refer to the :ref:`constants` section.
- .. method:: Verifier.authenticated()
- Return True if the authentication succeeded. False
- otherwise.
- .. method:: Verifier.get_username()
- Return the name of the user this :class:`Verifier` object is for.
- .. method:: Verifier.get_session_key()
- Return the session key for an authenticated user or None if the
- authentication failed or has not yet completed.
- .. method:: Verifier.get_challenge()
- Return (bytes_s, bytes_B) on success or (None, None) if
- authentication has failed.
- .. method:: Verifier.verify_session( user_M )
- Complete the :class:`Verifier` side of the authentication
- process. If the authentication succeded the return result,
- bytes_H_AMK should be returned to the remote user. On failure,
- this method returns None.
-:class:`User` Objects
-A :class:`User` object is used to prove a user's identity to a remote :class:`Verifier` and
-verifiy that the remote :class:`Verifier` knows the verification key associated with
-the user's password.
-.. class:: User( username, password[, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None] )
- *username* Name of the user being authenticated.
- *password* Password for the user.
- *hash_alg*, *ng_type*, *n_hex*, *g_hex* Refer to the :ref:`constants` section.
- .. method:: User.authenticated()
- Return True if authentication succeeded. False
- otherwise.
- .. method:: User.get_username()
- Return the username passed to the constructor.
- .. method:: User.get_session_key()
- Return the session key if authentication succeeded or None if the
- authentication failed or has not yet completed.
- .. method:: User.start_authentication()
- Return (username, bytes_A). These should be passed to the
- constructor of the remote :class:`Verifer`
- .. method:: User.process_challenge( bytes_s, bytes_B )
- Processe the challenge returned
- by :meth:`Verifier.get_challenge` on success this method
- returns bytes_M that should be sent
- to :meth:`Verifier.verify_session` if authentication failed,
- it returns None.
- .. method:: User.verify_session( bytes_H_AMK )
- Complete the :class:`User` side of the authentication process. By
- verifying the *bytes_H_AMK* value returned by
- :meth:`Verifier.verify_session`. If the authentication succeded
- :meth:`authenticated` will return True
-.. _example:
-Simple Usage Example::
- import srp
- # The salt and verifier returned from srp.create_salted_verification_key() should be
- # stored on the server.
- salt, vkey = srp.create_salted_verification_key( 'testuser', 'testpassword' )
- class AuthenticationFailed (Exception):
- pass
- # ~~~ Begin Authentication ~~~
- usr = srp.User( 'testuser', 'testpassword' )
- uname, A = usr.start_authentication()
- # The authentication process can fail at each step from this
- # point on. To comply with the SRP protocol, the authentication
- # process should be aborted on the first failure.
- # Client => Server: username, A
- svr = srp.Verifier( uname, salt, vkey, A )
- s,B = svr.get_challenge()
- if s is None or B is None:
- raise AuthenticationFailed()
- # Server => Client: s, B
- M = usr.process_challenge( s, B )
- if M is None:
- raise AuthenticationFailed()
- # Client => Server: M
- HAMK = svr.verify_session( M )
- if HAMK is None:
- raise AuthenticationFailed()
- # Server => Client: HAMK
- usr.verify_session( HAMK )
- # At this point the authentication process is complete.
- assert usr.authenticated()
- assert svr.authenticated()
-Implementation Notes
-This implementation of SRP consists of both a pure-python module and a C-based
-implementation that is approximately 10x faster. By default, the
-C-implementation will be used if it is available. An additional benefit of the C
-implementation is that it can take advantage of of multiple CPUs. For cases in
-which the number of connections per second is an issue, using a small pool of
-threads to perform the authentication steps on multi-core systems will yield a
-substantial performance increase.
-.. _protocol-description:
-SRP 6a Protocol Description
-The original SRP protocol, known as SRP-3, is defined in
-RFC 2945. This implementation, however, uses SRP-6a which is a slight
-improvement over SRP-3. The authoritative definition for the SRP-6a
-protocol is available at An additional
-resource is RFC 5054 which covers the integration of SRP into
-TLS. This RFC is the source of hashing strategy and the predefined N
-and g constants used in this implementation.
-The following is a complete description of the SRP-6a protocol as implemented by
-this library. Note that the ^ symbol indicates exponentiaion and the | symbol
-indicates concatenation.
-.. rubric:: Primary Variables used in SRP 6a
-========= =================================================================
-Variables Description
-========= =================================================================
-N A large, safe prime (N = 2q+1, where q is a Sophie Germain prime)
- All arithmetic is performed in the field of integers modulo N
-g A generator modulo N
-s Small salt for the verification key
-I Username
-p Cleartext password
-H() One-way hash function
-a,b Secret, random values
-K Session key
-========= =================================================================
-.. rubric:: Derived Values used in SRP 6a
-====================================== ====================================
-Derived Values Description
-====================================== ====================================
-k = H(N,g) Multiplier Parameter
-A = g^a Public ephemeral value
-B = kv + g^b Public ephemeral value
-x = H(s, H( I | ':' | p )) Private key (as defined by RFC 5054)
-v = g^x Password verifier
-u = H(A,B) Random scrambling parameter
-M = H(H(N) xor H(g), H(I), s, A, B, K) Session key verifier
-====================================== ====================================
-.. rubric:: Protocol Description
-The server stores the password verifier *v*. Authentication begins with a
-message from the client::
- client -> server: I, A = g^a
-The server replies with the verifier salt and challenge::
- server -> client: s, B = kv + g^b
-At this point, both the client and server calculate the shared session key::
- client & server: u = H(A,B)
- server: K = H( (Av^u) ^ b )
- client: x = H( s, H( I + ':' + p ) )
- client: K = H( (B - kg^x) ^ (a + ux) )
-Now both parties have a shared, strong session key *K*. To complete
-authentication they need to prove to each other that their keys match::
- client -> server: M = H(H(N) xor H(g), H(I), s, A, B, K)
- server -> client: H(A, M, K)
-SRP 6a requires the two parties to use the following safeguards:
-1. The client will abort if it recieves B == 0 (mod N) or u == 0
-2. The server will abort if it detects A == 0 (mod N)
-3. The client must show its proof of K first. If the server detects that this
- proof is incorrect it must abort without showing its own proof of K