_ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ __ _| (_) |_ ___ | '_ \| | | / __|/ _` | | | __/ _ \ | |_) | |_| \__ \ (_| | | | || __/ | .__/ \__, |___/\__, |_|_|\__\___| |_| |___/ |_| A DB API v2.0 compatible interface to SQLite 3.0 Embedded Relational Database. Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Michael Owens Gerhard Häring Python versions supported: Python 2.1 or later SQLite version required: SQLite 3.0 or later Overview: This is an extension module for the SQLite embedded relational database. It tries to conform to the Python DB-API Spec v2 as far as possible. One problem is that SQLite returns everything as text. This is a result of SQLite's internal representation of data, however it still may be possible to return data in the type specified by the table definitions. I am still working on that, and will require some study of the SQLite source. Installation: Installation should be relatively simple. Following that prescribed by Python, it can be done in two steps: python setup.py build python setup.py install For building PySQLite on Windows, check out the file INSTALL.win32. Other: Check out the doc/rest and examples folders.