#!/usr/bin/env python import random, re import unittest from binascii import a2b_hex, b2a_hex from pkg_resources import resource_string from pycryptopp.cipher import xsalsa20 TEST_XSALSA_RE=re.compile("\nCOUNT=([0-9]+)\nKEY=([0-9a-f]+)\nIV=([0-9a-f]+)\nPLAINTEXT=([0-9a-f]+)\nCIPHERTEXT=([0-9a-f]+)") class XSalsa20Test(unittest.TestCase): enc0="eea6a7251c1e72916d11c2cb214d3c252539121d8e234e652d651fa4c8cff880309e645a74e9e0a60d8243acd9177ab51a1beb8d5a2f5d700c093c5e5585579625337bd3ab619d615760d8c5b224a85b1d0efe0eb8a7ee163abb0376529fcc09bab506c618e13ce777d82c3ae9d1a6f972d4160287cbfe60bf2130fc0a6ff6049d0a5c8a82f429231f0080" def test_zero_XSalsa20(self): key="1b27556473e985d462cd51197a9a46c76009549eac6474f206c4ee0844f68389" iv="69696ee955b62b73cd62bda875fc73d68219e0036b7a0b37" computedcipher=xsalsa20.XSalsa20(a2b_hex(key),a2b_hex(iv)).process('\x00'*139) self.failUnlessEqual(a2b_hex(self.enc0), computedcipher, "enc0: %s, computedciper: %s" % (self.enc0, b2a_hex(computedcipher))) cryptor=xsalsa20.XSalsa20(a2b_hex(key),a2b_hex(iv)) computedcipher1=cryptor.process('\x00'*69) computedcipher2=cryptor.process('\x00'*69) computedcipher3=cryptor.process('\x00') computedcipher12=b2a_hex(computedcipher1)+b2a_hex(computedcipher2)+b2a_hex(computedcipher3) self.failUnlessEqual(self.enc0, computedcipher12) def test_XSalsa(self): # The test vector is from Crypto++'s TestVectors/salsa.txt, comment # there is: Source: created by Wei Dai using naclcrypto-20090308 . # naclcrypto being DJB's crypto library and of course DJB designed # XSalsa20 s = resource_string("pycryptopp", "testvectors/xsalsa20.txt") return self._test_XSalsa(s) def _test_XSalsa(self, vects_str): for mo in TEST_XSALSA_RE.finditer(vects_str): #count = int(mo.group(1)) key = a2b_hex(mo.group(2)) iv = a2b_hex(mo.group(3)) #plaintext = a2b_hex(mo.group(4)) #ciphertext= a2b_hex(mo.group(5)) plaintext = mo.group(4) ciphertext = mo.group(5) computedcipher=xsalsa20.XSalsa20(key,iv).process(a2b_hex(plaintext)) #print "ciphertext", b2a_hex(computedcipher), '\n' #print "computedtext", ciphertext, '\n' #print count, ": \n" self.failUnlessEqual(computedcipher,a2b_hex(ciphertext),"computedcipher: %s, ciphertext: %s" % (b2a_hex(computedcipher), ciphertext)) #the random decomposing plaintext1 = "" plaintext2 = "" length = len(plaintext) rccipher = "" cryptor = xsalsa20.XSalsa20(key,iv) if length > 2: point = random.randint(0,length-3) if (point%2) !=0: point -= 1 plaintext1 += plaintext[:point+2] plaintext2 += plaintext[point+2:] rccipher += b2a_hex(cryptor.process(a2b_hex(plaintext1))) rccipher += b2a_hex(cryptor.process(a2b_hex(plaintext2))) self.failUnlessEqual(rccipher, ciphertext, "random computed cipher: %s, ciphertext: %s" % (rccipher, ciphertext)) #every byte encrypted cryptor = xsalsa20.XSalsa20(key,iv) eccipher="" l = 0 while l<=(length-2): eccipher += b2a_hex(cryptor.process(a2b_hex(plaintext[l:l+2]))) l += 2 self.failUnlessEqual(eccipher, ciphertext, "every byte computed cipher: %s, ciphertext: %s" % (eccipher, ciphertext)) def test_types_and_lengths(self): # the key= argument must be a bytestring exactly 32 bytes long self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, xsalsa20.XSalsa20, None) for i in range(70): key = "a"*i if i != 32: self.failUnlessRaises(xsalsa20.Error, xsalsa20.XSalsa20, key) else: self.failUnless(xsalsa20.XSalsa20(key)) # likewise, iv= (if provided) must be exactly 24 bytes long. Passing # None is not treated the same as not passing the argument at all. key = "a"*32 self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, xsalsa20.XSalsa20, key, None) for i in range(70): iv = "i"*i if i != 24: self.failUnlessRaises(xsalsa20.Error, xsalsa20.XSalsa20, key, iv) else: self.failUnless(xsalsa20.XSalsa20(key, iv)) def test_recursive(self): # Try to use the same technique as: # http://blogs.msdn.com/si_team/archive/2006/05/19/aes-test-vectors.aspx # It's not exactly the same, though, because XSalsa20 is a stream # cipher, whereas the Ferguson code is exercising a block cipher. But # we try to do something similar. # the XSalsa20 internal function uses a 32-byte block. We want to # exercise it twice for each key, to guard against # clobbering-after-key-setup errors. Just doing enc(enc(p)) could let # XOR errors slip through. So to be safe, use B=64. B=64 N=24 K=32 s = "\x00"*(B+N+K) def enc(key, nonce, plaintext): p = xsalsa20.XSalsa20(key=key, iv=nonce) return p.process(plaintext) for i in range(1000): plaintext = s[-K-N-B:-K-N] nonce = s[-K-N:-K] key = s[-K:] ciphertext = enc(key, nonce, plaintext) s += ciphertext s = s[-K-N-B:] output = b2a_hex(s[-B:]) # I've compared this output against pynacl -warner self.failUnlessEqual(output, "77f8e2792dd4f2d44edf469c3a7ad5f7" "5cb373fe0c3d9c8ee570dc91e00f1caa" "25f725c202f3781869a40b8a2c856b55" "8178b6af9576a15799c445c30aeced66") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()