""" pycryptopp - Python wrappers for Crypto++ """ __version__ = "unknown" try: from _version import __version__ except ImportError: # We're running in a tree that hasn't run "./setup.py darcsver", and didn't # come with a _version.py, so we don't know what our version is. This should # not happen very often. pass # we import our glue .so here, and then other modules use the copy in # sys.modules. import _pycryptopp __doc__ = _pycryptopp.__doc__ def _import_my_names(thismodule, prefix): for name in dir(_pycryptopp): if name.startswith(prefix): myname = name[len(prefix):] thismodule[myname] = getattr(_pycryptopp, name) import publickey, hash, cipher quiet_pyflakes=[__version__, publickey, hash, cipher, _pycryptopp, __doc__, _import_my_names] del quiet_pyflakes