2011-01-16 -- pycryptopp v0.5.28 * re-enable the ECDSA module, but please do not rely on it as it is expected to change in backwards-incompatible ways in future releases * several changes to the build system to make it tidier and less error-prone -- see revision control history for details 2010-09-20 -- pycryptopp v0.5.25 * make setup backwards-compatible to Python 2.4 * fix incompatibilities between setup script and older versions of darcsver * don't attempt to compile Mac OS X extended attribute files (this fixes the build breaking) * include a version number of the specific version of Crypto++ in extraversion.h * small changes to docs 2010-09-18 -- pycryptopp v0.5.20 * fix bugs in assembly implementation of SHA-256 from Crypto++ * fix it to compile on *BSD (#39) * improve doc strings * add a quick start-up-self-test of SHA256 (#43) * execute the quick start-up-self-tests of AES and SHA256 on module import