from __future__ import unicode_literals from decimal import Decimal from functools import wraps import sys import warnings if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7): # pragma: no cover import unittest2 as unittest else: import unittest from jsonschema import ( PY3, SchemaError, ValidationError, ErrorTree, Validator, iteritems, validate ) if PY3: basestring = unicode = str class ParametrizedTestCase(type): """ A (deliberately naive & specialized) parametrized test. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): attr = {} for k, v in iteritems(attrs): parameters = getattr(v, "_parameters", None) if parameters is not None: for parameter in parameters: parametrized_name, args = parameter[0], parameter[1:] fn = partial(v, *args) names = ["test", k] if parametrized_name: names.append(parametrized_name) fn_name = "_".join(names) if not PY3: fn_name = fn_name.encode('utf8') fn.__name__ = fn_name attr[fn.__name__] = fn else: attr[k] = v if not PY3: name = name.encode('utf8') return super(ParametrizedTestCase, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr) # Inscrutable way to create metaclasses in a Python 2/3 compatible way # See: ParameterizedTestCase = ParametrizedTestCase( 'ParameterizedTestCase', (object,), {} ) def parametrized(*runs): def parametrized_test(fn): fn._parameters = runs return fn return parametrized_test def partial(fn, *args, **kwargs): """ ``functools.partial`` for methods (suitable for binding). """ @wraps(fn) def _partial(self): return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return _partial def validation_test(schema=(), initkwargs=(), **kwschema): schema = dict(schema, **kwschema) initkwargs = dict(initkwargs) def _validation_test(self, expected, instance): if expected == "valid": validate(instance, schema, **initkwargs) elif expected == "invalid": with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): validate(instance, schema, **initkwargs) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("You spelled something wrong.") return _validation_test class TestValidate(ParameterizedTestCase, unittest.TestCase): integer = parametrized( ("integer", "valid", 1), ("number", "invalid", 1.1), ("string", "invalid", "foo"), ("object", "invalid", {}), ("array", "invalid", []), ("boolean", "invalid", True), ("null", "invalid", None), )(validation_test(type="integer")) number = parametrized( ("integer", "valid", 1), ("number", "valid", 1.1), ("string", "invalid", "foo"), ("object", "invalid", {}), ("array", "invalid", []), ("boolean", "invalid", True), ("null", "invalid", None), )(validation_test(type="number")) _string = [ ("integer", "invalid", 1), ("number", "invalid", 1.1), ("unicode", "valid", "foo"), ("object", "invalid", {}), ("array", "invalid", []), ("boolean", "invalid", True), ("null", "invalid", None), ] if not PY3: # The JSON module in Python2 does not always produce unicode objects :/ _string.append(("bytestring", "valid", b"foo")) string = parametrized(*_string)(validation_test(type="string")) object = parametrized( ("integer", "invalid", 1), ("number", "invalid", 1.1), ("string", "invalid", "foo"), ("object", "valid", {}), ("array", "invalid", []), ("boolean", "invalid", True), ("null", "invalid", None), )(validation_test(type="object")) array = parametrized( ("integer", "invalid", 1), ("number", "invalid", 1.1), ("string", "invalid", "foo"), ("object", "invalid", {}), ("array", "valid", []), ("boolean", "invalid", True), ("null", "invalid", None), )(validation_test(type="array")) boolean = parametrized( ("integer", "invalid", 1), ("number", "invalid", 1.1), ("string", "invalid", "foo"), ("object", "invalid", {}), ("array", "invalid", []), ("true", "valid", True), ("false", "valid", False), ("null", "invalid", None), )(validation_test(type="boolean")) null = parametrized( ("integer", "invalid", 1), ("number", "invalid", 1.1), ("string", "invalid", "foo"), ("object", "invalid", {}), ("array", "invalid", []), ("boolean", "invalid", True), ("null", "valid", None), )(validation_test(type="null")) any = parametrized( ("integer", "valid", 1), ("number", "valid", 1.1), ("string", "valid", "foo"), ("object", "valid", {}), ("array", "valid", []), ("boolean", "valid", True), ("null", "valid", None), )(validation_test(type="any")) multiple_types = parametrized( ("integer", "valid", 1), ("string", "valid", "foo"), ("number", "invalid", 1.1), ("object", "invalid", {}), ("array", "invalid", []), ("boolean", "invalid", True), ("null", "invalid", None), )(validation_test(type=["integer", "string"])) multiple_types_schema = parametrized( ("match", "valid", [1, 2]), ("other_match", "valid", {"foo" : "bar"}), ("number", "invalid", 1.1), ("boolean", "invalid", True), ("null", "invalid", None), )(validation_test(type=["array", {"type" : "object"}])) multiple_types_subschema = parametrized( ("integer", "valid", 1), ("object_right_type", "valid", {"foo" : None}), ("object_wrong_type", "invalid", {"foo" : 1}), ("object_another_wrong_type", "invalid", {"foo" : 1.1}), )(validation_test( type=["integer", {"properties" : {"foo" : {"type" : "null"}}}] )) def test_multiple_types_nonobject(self): """ Regression test for issue #18. """ validate( [1, 2, 3], {"type" : [{"type" : ["string"]}, {"type" : ["array", "null"]}]} ) properties = parametrized( ("", "valid", {"foo" : 1, "bar" : "baz"}), ("extra_property", "valid", {"foo" : 1, "bar" : "baz", "quux" : 42}), ("invalid_type", "invalid", {"foo" : 1, "bar" : []}), )(validation_test( { "properties" : { "foo" : {"type" : "number"}, "bar" : {"type" : "string"}, } } )) patternProperties = parametrized( ("single_match", "valid", {"foo" : 1}), ("multiple_match", "valid", {"foo" : 1, "fah" : 2, "bar" : "baz"}), ("single_mismatch", "invalid", {"foo" : "bar"}), ("multiple_mismatch", "invalid", {"foo" : 1, "fah" : "bar"}), )(validation_test(patternProperties={"f.*" : {"type" : "integer"}})) multiple_patternProperties = parametrized( ("match", "valid", {"a" : 21}), ("other_match", "valid", {"aaaa" : 18}), ("multiple_match", "valid", {"a" : 21, "aaaa" : 18}), ("mismatch", "invalid", {"aaa" : "bar"}), ("other_mismatch", "invalid", {"aaaa" : 31}), ("multiple_mismatch", "invalid", {"aaa" : "foo", "aaaa" : 32}), )(validation_test(patternProperties={ "a*" : {"type" : "integer"}, "aaa*" : {"maximum" : 20}, } )) def test_additionalProperties_allowed_by_default(self): schema = { "properties" : { "foo" : {"type" : "number"}, "bar" : {"type" : "string"}, } } validate({"foo" : 1, "bar" : "baz", "quux" : False}, schema) @parametrized( ("", False), ("schema", {"type" : "boolean"}), ) def additionalProperties(self, aP): schema = { "properties" : { "foo" : {"type" : "number"}, "bar" : {"type" : "string"}, }, "additionalProperties" : aP, } with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): validate({"foo" : 1, "bar" : "baz", "quux" : "boom"}, schema) def test_additionalProperties_ignores_nonobjects(self): validate(None, {"additionalProperties" : False}) @parametrized( ("single_extra", {"foo" : 2}, ["'foo' was unexpected)"]), ("multiple_extras", dict.fromkeys(["foo", "bar", "quux"]), ["'bar'", "'foo'", "'quux'", "were unexpected)"], ), ) def additionalProperties_errorMessage(self, instance, errs): schema = {"additionalProperties" : False} with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as error: validate(instance, schema) self.assertTrue(all(err in unicode(error.exception) for err in errs)) items = parametrized( ("", "valid", [1, 2, 3]), ("wrong_type", "invalid", [1, "x"]), )(validation_test(items={"type" : "integer"})) items_tuple_typing = parametrized( ("", "valid", [1, "foo"]), ("wrong_type", "invalid", ["foo", 1]) )(validation_test(items=[{"type" : "integer"}, {"type" : "string"}])) def test_additionalItems_allowed_by_default(self): validate( [1, "foo", False], {"items" : [{"type" : "integer"}, {"type" : "string"}]} ) additionalItems = parametrized( ("no_additional", "valid", [1, "foo"]), ("additional", "invalid", [1, "foo", False]), )(validation_test({ "items" : [{"type" : "integer"}, {"type" : "string"}], "additionalItems" : False, })) additionalItems_schema = parametrized( ("match", "valid", [1, "foo", 3]), ("mismatch", "invalid", [1, "foo", "bar"]), )(validation_test({ "items" : [{"type" : "integer"}, {"type" : "string"}], "additionalItems" : {"type" : "integer"}, })) def test_additionalItems_ignores_nonarrays(self): validate(None, {"additionalItems" : False}) @parametrized( ("single_extra", [2], "(2 was unexpected)"), ("multiple_extras", [1, 2, 3], "(1, 2, 3 were unexpected)"), ) def additionalItems_errorMessage(self, instance, err): schema = {"additionalItems" : False} self.assertRaisesRegexp( ValidationError, err, validate, instance, schema ) @parametrized( ("false_by_default", "valid", {}, {}), ("false_explicit", "valid", {"required" : False}, {}), ("one", "valid", {"required" : True}, {}), ("other", "invalid", {}, {"required" : True}), ("both", "invalid", {"required" : True}, {"required" : True}), ) def required(self, expect, foo, bar): schema = { "properties" : { "foo" : {"type" : "number"}, "bar" : {"type" : "string"}, } } schema["properties"]["foo"].update(foo) schema["properties"]["bar"].update(bar) test = validation_test(schema) test(self, expect, {"foo" : 1}) dependencies = parametrized( ("neither", "valid", {}), ("nondependant", "valid", {"foo" : 1}), ("with_dependency", "valid", {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2}), ("missing_dependency", "invalid", {"bar" : 2}), )(validation_test(dependencies={"bar": "foo"})) multiple_dependencies = parametrized( ("neither", "valid", {}), ("nondependants", "valid", {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2}), ("with_dependencies", "valid", {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : 3}), ("missing_dependency", "invalid", {"foo" : 1, "quux" : 2}), ("missing_other_dependency", "invalid", {"bar" : 1, "quux" : 2}), ("missing_both_dependencies", "invalid", {"quux" : 1}), )(validation_test( dependencies={"quux" : ["foo", "bar"]} )) multiple_dependencies_subschema = parametrized( ("", "valid", {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2}), ("wrong_type", "invalid", {"foo" : "quux", "bar" : 2}), ("wrong_type_other", "invalid", {"foo" : 2, "bar" : "quux"}), ("wrong_type_both", "invalid", {"foo" : "quux", "bar" : "quux"}), )(validation_test(dependencies={ "bar" : { "properties" : { "foo" : {"type" : "integer"}, "bar" : {"type" : "integer"}, }}})) def test_dependencies_error_message_has_single_element_not_list(self): with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as e: validate({"bar" : 2}, {"dependencies" : {"bar" : "foo"}}) self.assertNotIn("'foo']", e.exception.message) self.assertIn("'foo'", e.exception.message) @parametrized( ("", "valid", {}, 2.6), ("fail", "invalid", {}, .6), ("exclusiveMinimum", "valid", {"exclusiveMinimum" : True}, 1.2), ("exclusiveMinimum_fail", "invalid", {"exclusiveMinimum" : True}, 1.1), ) def minimum(self, expect, eM, instance): eM["minimum"] = 1.1 test = validation_test(eM) test(self, expect, instance) @parametrized( ("", "valid", {}, 2.6), ("fail", "invalid", {}, 3.5), ("exclusiveMaximum", "valid", {"exclusiveMaximum" : True}, 2.2), ("exclusiveMaximum_fail", "invalid", {"exclusiveMaximum" : True}, 3.0), ) def maximum(self, expect, eM, instance): eM["maximum"] = 3.0 test = validation_test(eM) test(self, expect, instance) minItems = parametrized( ("exact", "valid", [1]), ("longer", "valid", [1, 2]), ("too_short", "invalid", []), ("ignores_strings", "valid", "a"), )(validation_test(minItems=1)) maxItems = parametrized( ("exact", "valid", [1, 2]), ("shorter", "valid", [1]), ("empty", "valid", []), ("too_long", "invalid", [1, 2, 3]), ("ignores_strings", "valid", "aaaa"), )(validation_test(maxItems=2)) uniqueItems = parametrized( ("unique", "valid", [1, 2]), ("not_unique", "invalid", [1, 1]), ("object_unique", "valid", [{"foo" : "bar"}, {"foo" : "baz"}]), ("object_not_unique", "invalid", [{"foo" : "bar"}, {"foo" : "bar"}]), ("array_unique", "valid", [["foo"], ["bar"]]), ("array_not_unique", "invalid", [["foo"], ["foo"]]), ("nested", "valid", [ {"foo" : {"bar" : {"baz" : "quux"}}}, {"foo" : {"bar" : {"baz" : "spam"}}}, ]), ("nested_not_unique", "invalid", [ {"foo" : {"bar" : {"baz" : "quux"}}}, {"foo" : {"bar" : {"baz" : "quux"}}}, ]) )(validation_test(uniqueItems=True)) pattern = parametrized( ("match", "valid", "aaa"), ("mismatch", "invalid", "ab"), ("ignores_other_stuff", "valid", True), )(validation_test(pattern="^a*$")) minLength = parametrized( ("", "valid", "foo"), ("too_short", "invalid", "f"), ("ignores_arrays", "valid", [1]), )(validation_test(minLength=2)) maxLength = parametrized( ("", "valid", "f"), ("too_long", "invalid", "foo"), ("ignores_arrays", "valid", [1, 2, 3]), )(validation_test(maxLength=2)) @parametrized( ("integer", "valid", 1, [1, 2, 3]), ("integer_fail", "invalid", 6, [1, 2, 3]), ("string", "valid", "foo", ["foo", "bar"]), ("string_fail", "invalid", "quux", ["foo", "bar"]), ("bool", "valid", True, [True]), ("bool_fail", "invalid", False, [True]), ("object", "valid", {"foo" : "bar"}, [{"foo" : "bar"}]), ("object_fail", "invalid", {"foo" : "bar"}, [{"foo" : "quux"}]), ) def enum(self, expect, instance, enum): test = validation_test(enum=enum) test(self, expect, instance) @parametrized( ("int_by_int", "valid", 10, 2), ("int_by_int_fail", "invalid", 7, 2), ("number_by_number", "valid", 3.3, 1.1), ("number_by_number_fail", "invalid", 3.5, 1.1), ("number_by_number_small", "valid", .0075, .0001), ("number_by_number_small_fail", "invalid", .00751, .0001), ("number_by_number_again", "valid", 1.09, .01), ("number_by_number_again_2", "valid", 1.89, .01), ) def divisibleBy(self, expect, instance, dB): test = validation_test(divisibleBy=dB) test(self, expect, instance) disallow = parametrized( ("", "valid", "foo"), ("disallowed", "invalid", 1), )(validation_test(disallow="integer")) multiple_disallow = parametrized( ("", "valid", "foo"), ("mismatch", "invalid", 1), ("other_mismatch", "invalid", True), )(validation_test(disallow=["integer", "boolean"])) multiple_disallow_subschema = parametrized( ("match", "valid", 1), ("other_match", "valid", {"foo" : 1}), ("mismatch", "invalid", "foo"), ("other_mismatch", "invalid", {"foo" : "bar"}), )(validation_test( disallow=[ "string", {"type" : "object", "properties" : {"foo" : {"type" : "string"}}}, ] )) @parametrized( ("", "valid", {"foo" : "baz", "bar" : 2}), ("mismatch_extends", "invalid", {"foo" : "baz"}), ("mismatch_extended", "invalid", {"bar" : 2}), ("wrong_type", "invalid", {"foo" : "baz", "bar" : "quux"}), ) def extends(self, expect, instance): schema = { "properties" : {"bar" : {"type" : "integer", "required" : True}}, "extends" : { "properties" : { "foo" : {"type" : "string", "required" : True}, } }, } test = validation_test(**schema) test(self, expect, instance) @parametrized( ("", "valid", {"foo" : "quux", "bar" : 2, "baz" : None}), ("mismatch_first_extends", "invalid", {"bar" : 2, "baz" : None}), ("mismatch_second_extends", "invalid", {"foo" : "quux", "bar" : 2}), ("mismatch_both", "invalid", {"bar" : 2}), ) def multiple_extends(self, expect, instance): schema = { "properties" : {"bar" : {"type" : "integer", "required" : True}}, "extends" : [ { "properties" : { "foo" : {"type" : "string", "required" : True}, } }, { "properties" : { "baz" : {"type" : "null", "required" : True}, } }, ], } test = validation_test(**schema) test(self, expect, instance) extends_simple_types = parametrized( ("", "valid", 25), ("mismatch_extends", "invalid", 35) )(validation_test(minimum=20, extends={"maximum" : 30})) def test_iter_errors(self): instance = [1, 2] schema = { "disallow" : "array", "enum" : [["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]], "minItems" : 3 } if PY3: errors = sorted([ "'array' is disallowed for [1, 2]", "[1, 2] is too short", "[1, 2] is not one of [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]", ]) else: errors = sorted([ "u'array' is disallowed for [1, 2]", "[1, 2] is too short", "[1, 2] is not one of [[u'a', u'b', u'c'], [u'd', u'e', u'f']]", ]) self.assertEqual( sorted(str(e) for e in Validator().iter_errors(instance, schema)), errors, ) def test_unknown_type_error(self): with self.assertRaises(SchemaError): validate(1, {"type" : "foo"}, unknown_type="error") def test_unknown_type_warn(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") validate(1, {"type" : "foo"}, unknown_type="warn") self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) def test_unknown_type_skip(self): validate(1, {"type" : "foo"}, unknown_type="skip") def test_unknown_property_error(self): with self.assertRaises(SchemaError): validate(1, {"foo" : "bar"}, unknown_property="error") def test_unknown_property_warn(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") validate(1, {"foo" : "bar"}, unknown_property="warn") self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) def test_unknown_property_skip(self): validate( 1, {"foo" : "foo", "type" : "integer"}, unknown_property="skip" ) decimal = parametrized( ("integer", "valid", 1), ("number", "valid", 1.1), ("decimal", "valid", Decimal(1) / Decimal(8)), ("string", "invalid", "foo"), ("object", "invalid", {}), ("array", "invalid", []), ("boolean", "invalid", True), ("null", "invalid", None), )(validation_test( initkwargs={"types" : {"number" : (int, float, Decimal)}}, type="number") ) # TODO: we're in need of more meta schema tests def test_invalid_properties(self): with self.assertRaises(SchemaError): validate({}, {"properties": {"test": True}}) def test_minItems_invalid_string(self): with self.assertRaises(SchemaError): validate([1], {"minItems" : "1"}) # needs to be an integer def test_iter_errors_multiple_failures_one_validator(self): instance = {"foo" : 2, "bar" : [1], "baz" : 15, "quux" : "spam"} schema = { "properties" : { "foo" : {"type" : "string"}, "bar" : {"minItems" : 2}, "baz" : {"maximum" : 10, "enum" : [2, 4, 6, 8]}, } } errors = list(Validator().iter_errors(instance, schema)) self.assertEqual(len(errors), 4) class TestValidationErrorDetails(unittest.TestCase): # TODO: These really need unit tests for each individual validator, rather # than just these higher level tests. def test_single_nesting(self): instance = {"foo" : 2, "bar" : [1], "baz" : 15, "quux" : "spam"} schema = { "properties" : { "foo" : {"type" : "string"}, "bar" : {"minItems" : 2}, "baz" : {"maximum" : 10, "enum" : [2, 4, 6, 8]}, } } errors = Validator().iter_errors(instance, schema) e1, e2, e3, e4 = sorted_errors(errors) self.assertEqual(e1.path, ["bar"]) self.assertEqual(e2.path, ["baz"]) self.assertEqual(e3.path, ["baz"]) self.assertEqual(e4.path, ["foo"]) self.assertEqual(e1.validator, "minItems") self.assertEqual(e2.validator, "enum") self.assertEqual(e3.validator, "maximum") self.assertEqual(e4.validator, "type") def test_multiple_nesting(self): instance = [1, {"foo" : 2, "bar" : {"baz" : [1]}}, "quux"] schema = { "type" : "string", "items" : { "type" : ["string", "object"], "properties" : { "foo" : {"enum" : [1, 3]}, "bar" : { "type" : "array", "properties" : { "bar" : {"required" : True}, "baz" : {"minItems" : 2}, } } } } } errors = Validator().iter_errors(instance, schema) e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6 = sorted_errors(errors) self.assertEqual(e1.path, []) self.assertEqual(e2.path, [0]) self.assertEqual(e3.path, ["bar", 1]) self.assertEqual(e4.path, ["bar", "bar", 1]) self.assertEqual(e5.path, ["baz", "bar", 1]) self.assertEqual(e6.path, ["foo", 1]) self.assertEqual(e1.validator, "type") self.assertEqual(e2.validator, "type") self.assertEqual(e3.validator, "type") self.assertEqual(e4.validator, "required") self.assertEqual(e5.validator, "minItems") self.assertEqual(e6.validator, "enum") class TestErrorTree(unittest.TestCase): def test_tree(self): instance = [1, {"foo" : 2, "bar" : {"baz" : [1]}}, "quux"] schema = { "type" : "string", "items" : { "type" : ["string", "object"], "properties" : { "foo" : {"enum" : [1, 3]}, "bar" : { "type" : "array", "properties" : { "bar" : {"required" : True}, "baz" : {"minItems" : 2}, } } } } } errors = sorted_errors(Validator().iter_errors(instance, schema)) e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6 = errors tree = ErrorTree(errors) self.assertEqual(len(tree), 6) self.assertIn(0, tree) self.assertIn(1, tree) self.assertIn("bar", tree[1]) self.assertIn("foo", tree[1]) self.assertIn("baz", tree[1]["bar"]) self.assertEqual(tree.errors["type"], e1) self.assertEqual(tree[0].errors["type"], e2) self.assertEqual(tree[1]["bar"].errors["type"], e3) self.assertEqual(tree[1]["bar"]["bar"].errors["required"], e4) self.assertEqual(tree[1]["bar"]["baz"].errors["minItems"], e5) self.assertEqual(tree[1]["foo"].errors["enum"], e6) class TestIgnorePropertiesForIrrelevantTypes(unittest.TestCase): def test_minimum(self): validate("x", {"type": ["string", "number"], "minimum": 10}) def test_maximum(self): validate("x", {"type": ["string", "number"], "maximum": 10}) def test_properties(self): validate(1, {"type": ["integer", "object"], "properties": {"x": {}}}) def test_items(self): validate( 1, {"type": ["integer", "array"], "items": {"type": "string"}} ) def test_divisibleBy(self): validate("x", {"type": ["integer", "string"], "divisibleBy": 10}) def sorted_errors(errors): return sorted(errors, key=lambda e : [str(err) for err in e.path])