From 4bd0fa843176a112c054929fbe6dd99f45d718a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kali Kaneko Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:52:50 -0500 Subject: Imported Upstream version 1.3.1 --- docs/_build/html/gnupg.html | 2721 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2721 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/_build/html/gnupg.html (limited to 'docs/_build/html/gnupg.html') diff --git a/docs/_build/html/gnupg.html b/docs/_build/html/gnupg.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63e8513 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/_build/html/gnupg.html @@ -0,0 +1,2721 @@ + + + + + + + + gnupg package — gnupg unknown documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

gnupg package


gnupg module


This module contains public classes for working with GnuPG. To get started, +do:

>>> import gnupg
+>>> gpg = gnupg.GPG()
+class GPG(binary=None, homedir=None, verbose=False, use_agent=False, keyring=None, secring=None, options=None)

Bases: gnupg._meta.GPGBase


Python interface for handling interactions with GnuPG, including keyfile +generation, keyring maintainance, import and export, encryption and +decryption, sending to and recieving from keyservers, and signing and +verification.


Initialize a GnuPG process wrapper.

+ +++ + + + + + +
  • binary (str) – Name for GnuPG binary executable. If the absolute +path is not given, the environment variable +$PATH is searched for the executable and +checked that the real uid/gid of the user has +sufficient permissions.
  • +
  • homedir (str) – Full pathname to directory containing the public +and private keyrings. Default is whatever GnuPG +defaults to.
  • +
  • verbose (str or int or bool) – String or numeric value to pass to GnuPG’s +--debug-level option. See the GnuPG man page for +the list of valid options. If False, debug output is +not generated by the GnuPG binary. If True, defaults +to --debug-level basic.
  • +
  • keyring (str) – Name of keyring file containing public key data. +If unspecified, defaults to pubring.gpg in +the homedir directory.
  • +
  • secring (str) – Name of alternative secret keyring file to use. If +left unspecified, this will default to using +secring.gpg in the homedir directory, +and create that file if it does not exist.
  • +
  • options (list) – A list of additional options to pass to the GnuPG +binary.
  • +

A RuntimeError with explanation message +if there is a problem invoking GnuPG.



>>> import gnupg
+GnuPG logging disabled...
+>>> gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir='doctests')
+>>> gpg.keyring
+>>> gpg.secring
+>>> gpg.use_agent
+>>> gpg.binary
+_batch_limit = 25
+ +

Create the trustdb file in our homedir, if it doesn’t exist.

+ +

Export ownertrust to a trustdb file.


If there is already a file named trustdb.gpg in the current GnuPG +homedir, it will be renamed to trustdb.gpg.bak.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:trustdb (string) – The path to the trustdb.gpg file. If not given, +defaults to 'trustdb.gpg' in the current GnuPG +homedir.
+ +

Attempt to repair a broken trustdb.gpg file.


GnuPG>=2.0.x has this magical-seeming flag: –fix-trustdb. You’d think +it would fix the the trustdb. Hah! It doesn’t. Here’s what it does +instead:

(gpg)~/code/python-gnupg $ gpg2 --fix-trustdb
+gpg: You may try to re-create the trustdb using the commands:
+gpg:   cd ~/.gnupg
+gpg:   gpg2 --export-ownertrust > otrust.tmp
+gpg:   rm trustdb.gpg
+gpg:   gpg2 --import-ownertrust < otrust.tmp
+gpg: If that does not work, please consult the manual

Brilliant piece of software engineering right there.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:trustdb (str) – The path to the trustdb.gpg file. If not given, +defaults to trustdb.gpg in the current GnuPG +homedir.
+ +

Import ownertrust from a trustdb file.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:trustdb (str) – The path to the trustdb.gpg file. If not given, +defaults to trustdb.gpg in the current GnuPG +homedir.
+ +
+decrypt(message, **kwargs)

Decrypt the contents of a string or file-like object message.

+ +++ + + + +
  • message (file or str or io.BytesIO) – A string or file-like object to decrypt.
  • +
  • always_trust (bool) – Instruct GnuPG to ignore trust checks.
  • +
  • passphrase (str) – The passphrase for the secret key used for decryption.
  • +
  • output (str) – A filename to write the decrypted output to.
  • +
+ +
+decrypt_file(filename, always_trust=False, passphrase=None, output=None)

Decrypt the contents of a file-like object filename .

+ +++ + + + +
  • filename (str) – A file-like object to decrypt.
  • +
  • always_trust (bool) – Instruct GnuPG to ignore trust checks.
  • +
  • passphrase (str) – The passphrase for the secret key used for decryption.
  • +
  • output (str) – A filename to write the decrypted output to.
  • +
+ +
+delete_keys(fingerprints, secret=False, subkeys=False)

Delete a key, or list of keys, from the current keyring.


The keys must be referred to by their full fingerprints for GnuPG to +delete them. If secret=True, the corresponding secret keyring will +be deleted from secring.

+ +++ + + + +
  • fingerprints (str or list or tuple) – A string, or a list/tuple of strings, +representing the fingerprint(s) for the key(s) +to delete.
  • +
  • secret (bool) – If True, delete the corresponding secret key(s) +also. (default: False)
  • +
  • subkeys (bool) – If True, delete the secret subkey first, then the +public key. (default: False) Same as: +$gpg –delete-secret-and-public-key 0x12345678.
  • +
+ +
+encrypt(data, *recipients, **kwargs)

Encrypt the message contained in data to recipients.

+ +++ + + + +
  • data (str) – The file or bytestream to encrypt.
  • +
  • recipients (str) – The recipients to encrypt to. Recipients must +be specified keyID/fingerprint. Care should be taken in Python2.x +to make sure that the given fingerprint is in fact a string and +not a unicode object.
  • +
  • default_key (str) – The keyID/fingerprint of the key to use for +signing. If given, data will be encrypted and signed.
  • +
  • passphrase (str) – If given, and default_key is also given, +use this passphrase to unlock the secret portion of the +default_key to sign the encrypted data. Otherwise, if +default_key is not given, but symmetric=True, then use +this passphrase as the passphrase for symmetric +encryption. Signing and symmetric encryption should not be +combined when sending the data to other recipients, else the +passphrase to the secret key would be shared with them.
  • +
  • armor (bool) – If True, ascii armor the output; otherwise, the +output will be in binary format. (Default: True)
  • +
  • encrypt (bool) – If True, encrypt the data using the +recipients public keys. (Default: True)
  • +
  • symmetric (bool) – If True, encrypt the data to recipients +using a symmetric key. See the passphrase parameter. Symmetric +encryption and public key encryption can be used simultaneously, +and will result in a ciphertext which is decryptable with either +the symmetric passphrase or one of the corresponding private +keys.
  • +
  • always_trust (bool) – If True, ignore trust warnings on recipient +keys. If False, display trust warnings. (default: True)
  • +
  • output (str) – The output file to write to. If not specified, the +encrypted output is returned, and thus should be stored as an +object in Python. For example:
  • +
>>> import shutil
+>>> import gnupg
+>>> if os.path.exists("doctests"):
+...     shutil.rmtree("doctests")
+>>> gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir="doctests")
+>>> key_settings = gpg.gen_key_input(key_type='RSA',
+...     key_length=1024,
+...     key_usage='ESCA',
+...     passphrase='foo')
+>>> key = gpg.gen_key(key_settings)
+>>> message = "The crow flies at midnight."
+>>> encrypted = str(gpg.encrypt(message, key.printprint))
+>>> assert encrypted != message
+>>> assert not encrypted.isspace()
+>>> decrypted = str(gpg.decrypt(encrypted))
+>>> assert not decrypted.isspace()
+>>> decrypted
+'The crow flies at midnight.'
+ +++ + + + +
  • cipher_algo (str) – The cipher algorithm to use. To see available +algorithms with your version of GnuPG, do: +$ gpg –with-colons –list-config ciphername. +The default cipher_algo, if unspecified, is 'AES256'.
  • +
  • digest_algo (str) – The hash digest to use. Again, to see which +hashes your GnuPG is capable of using, do: +$ gpg –with-colons –list-config digestname. +The default, if unspecified, is 'SHA512'.
  • +
  • compress_algo (str) – The compression algorithm to use. Can be one +of 'ZLIB', 'BZIP2', 'ZIP', or 'Uncompressed'.
  • +

See also



+ +
+export_keys(keyids, secret=False, subkeys=False)

Export the indicated keyids.

+ +++ + + + +
  • keyids (str) – A keyid or fingerprint in any format that GnuPG will +accept.
  • +
  • secret (bool) – If True, export only the secret key.
  • +
  • subkeys (bool) – If True, export the secret subkeys.
  • +
+ +

Generate a GnuPG key through batch file key generation. See +GPG.gen_key_input() for creating the control input.

>>> import gnupg
+>>> gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir="doctests")
+>>> key_input = gpg.gen_key_input()
+>>> key = gpg.gen_key(key_input)
+>>> assert key.fingerprint
+ +++ + + + + + +
Parameters:input (dict) – A dictionary of parameters and values for the new +key.
Returns:The result mapping with details of the new key, which is a +GenKey object.
+ +
+gen_key_input(separate_keyring=False, save_batchfile=False, testing=False, **kwargs)

Generate a batch file for input to gen_key().


The GnuPG batch file key generation feature allows unattended key +generation by creating a file with special syntax and then providing it +to: gpg –gen-key –batch. Batch files look like this:

Name-Real: Alice
Expire-Date: 2014-04-01
Key-Type: RSA
Key-Length: 4096
Key-Usage: cert
Subkey-Type: RSA
Subkey-Length: 4096
Subkey-Usage: encrypt,sign,auth
Passphrase: sekrit
%pubring foo.gpg
%secring sec.gpg

which is what this function creates for you. All of the available, +non-control parameters are detailed below (control parameters are the +ones which begin with a ‘%’). For example, to generate the batch file +example above, use like this:

>>> import gnupg
+GnuPG logging disabled...
+>>> from __future__ import print_function
+>>> gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir='doctests')
+>>> alice = { 'name_real': 'Alice',
+...     'name_email': '',
+...     'expire_date': '2014-04-01',
+...     'key_type': 'RSA',
+...     'key_length': 4096,
+...     'key_usage': '',
+...     'subkey_type': 'RSA',
+...     'subkey_length': 4096,
+...     'subkey_usage': 'encrypt,sign,auth',
+...     'passphrase': 'sekrit'}
+>>> alice_input = gpg.gen_key_input(**alice)
+>>> print(alice_input)
+Key-Type: RSA
+Subkey-Type: RSA
+Subkey-Usage: encrypt,sign,auth
+Expire-Date: 2014-04-01
+Passphrase: sekrit
+Name-Real: Alice
+Key-Length: 4096
+Subkey-Length: 4096
+%pubring ./doctests/alice.pubring.gpg
+%secring ./doctests/alice.secring.gpg
+>>> alice_key = gpg.gen_key(alice_input)
+>>> assert alice_key is not None
+>>> assert alice_key.fingerprint is not None
+>>> message = "no one else can read my sekrit message"
+>>> encrypted = gpg.encrypt(message, alice_key.fingerprint)
+>>> assert isinstance(, str)
+ +++ + + + + + + + +
  • separate_keyring (bool) – Specify for the new key to be written to +a separate pubring.gpg and secring.gpg. If True, +gen_key() will automatically rename the separate +keyring and secring to whatever the fingerprint of the generated +key ends up being, suffixed with ‘.pubring’ and ‘.secring’ +respectively.
  • +
  • save_batchfile (bool) – Save a copy of the generated batch file to +disk in a file named <name_real>.batch, where <name_real> is the +name_real parameter stripped of punctuation, spaces, and +non-ascii characters.
  • +
  • testing (bool) – Uses a faster, albeit insecure random number +generator to create keys. This should only be used for testing +purposes, for keys which are going to be created and then soon +after destroyed, and never for the generation of actual use keys.
  • +
  • name_real (str) – The name field of the UID in the generated key.
  • +
  • name_comment (str) – The comment in the UID of the generated key.
  • +
  • name_email (str) – The email in the UID of the generated key. +(default: $USER @ hostname ) Remember to use UTF-8 +encoding for the entirety of the UID. At least one of +name_real, name_comment, or name_email must be +provided, or else no user ID is created.
  • +
  • key_type (str) – One of ‘RSA’, ‘DSA’, ‘ELG-E’, or ‘default’. +(default: ‘RSA’, if using GnuPG v1.x, otherwise ‘default’) Starts +a new parameter block by giving the type of the primary key. The +algorithm must be capable of signing. This is a required +parameter. The algorithm may either be an OpenPGP algorithm number +or a string with the algorithm name. The special value ‘default’ +may be used for algo to create the default key type; in this case +a key_usage should not be given and ‘default’ must also be +used for subkey_type.
  • +
  • key_length (int) – The requested length of the generated key in +bits. (Default: 4096)
  • +
  • key_grip (str) – hexstring This is an optional hexidecimal string +which is used to generate a CSR or certificate for an already +existing key. key_length will be ignored if this parameter +is given.
  • +
  • key_usage (str) – Space or comma delimited string of key +usages. Allowed values are ‘encrypt’, ‘sign’, and ‘auth’. This is +used to generate the key flags. Please make sure that the +algorithm is capable of this usage. Note that OpenPGP requires +that all primary keys are capable of certification, so no matter +what usage is given here, the ‘cert’ flag will be on. If no +‘Key-Usage’ is specified and the ‘Key-Type’ is not ‘default’, all +allowed usages for that particular algorithm are used; if it is +not given but ‘default’ is used the usage will be ‘sign’.
  • +
  • subkey_type (str) – This generates a secondary key +(subkey). Currently only one subkey can be handled. See also +key_type above.
  • +
  • subkey_length (int) – The length of the secondary subkey in bits.
  • +
  • subkey_usage (str) – Key usage for a subkey; similar to +key_usage.
  • +
  • expire_date (int or str) – Can be specified as an iso-date or as +<int>[d|w|m|y] Set the expiration date for the key (and the +subkey). It may either be entered in ISO date format (2000-08-15) +or as number of days, weeks, month or years. The special notation +“seconds=N” is also allowed to directly give an Epoch +value. Without a letter days are assumed. Note that there is no +check done on the overflow of the type used by OpenPGP for +timestamps. Thus you better make sure that the given value make +sense. Although OpenPGP works with time intervals, GnuPG uses an +absolute value internally and thus the last year we can represent +is 2105.
  • +
  • creation_date (str) – Set the creation date of the key as stored +in the key information and which is also part of the fingerprint +calculation. Either a date like “1986-04-26” or a full timestamp +like “19860426T042640” may be used. The time is considered to be +UTC. If it is not given the current time is used.
  • +
  • passphrase (str) – The passphrase for the new key. The default is +to not use any passphrase. Note that GnuPG>=2.1.x will not allow +you to specify a passphrase for batch key generation – GnuPG will +ignore the passphrase parameter, stop, and ask the user for +the new passphrase. However, we can put the command +%no-protection into the batch key generation file to allow a +passwordless key to be created, which can then have its passphrase +set later with --edit-key.
  • +
  • preferences (str) – Set the cipher, hash, and compression +preference values for this key. This expects the same type of +string as the sub-command ‘setpref’ in the –edit-key menu.
  • +
  • revoker (str) – Should be given as ‘algo:fpr’ (case sensitive). +Add a designated revoker to the generated key. Algo is the public +key algorithm of the designated revoker (i.e. RSA=1, DSA=17, etc.) +fpr is the fingerprint of the designated revoker. The optional +‘sensitive’ flag marks the designated revoker as sensitive +information. Only v4 keys may be designated revokers.
  • +
  • keyserver (str) – This is an optional parameter that specifies the +preferred keyserver URL for the key.
  • +
  • handle (str) – This is an optional parameter only used with the +status lines KEY_CREATED and KEY_NOT_CREATED. string may +be up to 100 characters and should not contain spaces. It is +useful for batch key generation to associate a key parameter block +with a status line.
  • +
Return type:



A suitable input string for the GPG.gen_key() method, +the latter of which will create the new keypair.


See this GnuPG Manual section for more details.

+ +

Import the key_data into our keyring.

>>> import shutil
+>>> shutil.rmtree("doctests")
+>>> gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir="doctests")
+>>> inpt = gpg.gen_key_input()
+>>> key1 = gpg.gen_key(inpt)
+>>> print1 = str(key1.fingerprint)
+>>> pubkey1 = gpg.export_keys(print1)
+>>> seckey1 = gpg.export_keys(print1,secret=True)
+>>> key2 = gpg.gen_key(inpt)
+>>> print2 = key2.fingerprint
+>>> seckeys = gpg.list_keys(secret=True)
+>>> pubkeys = gpg.list_keys()
+>>> assert print1 in seckeys.fingerprints
+>>> assert print1 in pubkeys.fingerprints
+>>> str(gpg.delete_keys(print1))
+'Must delete secret key first'
+>>> str(gpg.delete_keys(print1,secret=True))
+>>> str(gpg.delete_keys(print1))
+>>> pubkeys = gpg.list_keys()
+>>> assert not print1 in pubkeys.fingerprints
+>>> result = gpg.import_keys(pubkey1)
+>>> pubkeys = gpg.list_keys()
+>>> seckeys = gpg.list_keys(secret=True)
+>>> assert not print1 in seckeys.fingerprints
+>>> assert print1 in pubkeys.fingerprints
+>>> result = gpg.import_keys(seckey1)
+>>> assert result
+>>> seckeys = gpg.list_keys(secret=True)
+>>> assert print1 in seckeys.fingerprints
+ +

Returns true if using GnuPG <= 1.x.

+ +

Returns true if using GnuPG >= 2.x.

+ +

List the keys currently in the keyring.


The GnuPG option ‘–show-photos’, according to the GnuPG manual, “does +not work with –with-colons”, but since we can’t rely on all versions +of GnuPG to explicitly handle this correctly, we should probably +include it in the args.

>>> import shutil
+>>> shutil.rmtree("doctests")
+>>> gpg = GPG(homedir="doctests")
+>>> input = gpg.gen_key_input()
+>>> result = gpg.gen_key(input)
+>>> print1 = result.fingerprint
+>>> result = gpg.gen_key(input)
+>>> print2 = result.fingerprint
+>>> pubkeys = gpg.list_keys()
+>>> assert print1 in pubkeys.fingerprints
+>>> assert print2 in pubkeys.fingerprints
+ +

List the packet contents of a file.

+ +

Get the signatures for each of the keyids.

>>> import gnupg
+>>> gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir="doctests")
+>>> key_input = gpg.gen_key_input()
+>>> key = gpg.gen_key(key_input)
+>>> assert key.fingerprint
+ +++ + + + + + +
Return type:dict
Returns:A dictionary whose keys are the original keyid parameters, +and whose values are lists of signatures.
+ +
+recv_keys(*keyids, **kwargs)

Import keys from a keyserver.

>>> gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir="doctests")
+>>> key = gpg.recv_keys('hkp://', '3FF0DB166A7476EA')
+>>> assert key
+ +++ + + + +
  • keyids (str) – Each keyids argument should be a string +containing a keyid to request.
  • +
  • keyserver (str) – The keyserver to request the keyids from; +defaults to gnupg.GPG.keyserver.
  • +
+ +
+sign(data, **kwargs)

Create a signature for a message string or file.


Note that this method is not for signing other keys. (In GnuPG’s +terms, what we all usually call ‘keysigning’ is actually termed +‘certification’...) Even though they are cryptographically the same +operation, GnuPG differentiates between them, presumedly because these +operations are also the same as the decryption operation. If the +key_usage``s ``C (certification), S (sign), and E +(encrypt), were all the same key, the key would “wear down” through +frequent signing usage – since signing data is usually done often – +meaning that the secret portion of the keypair, also used for +decryption in this scenario, would have a statistically higher +probability of an adversary obtaining an oracle for it (or for a +portion of the rounds in the cipher algorithm, depending on the family +of cryptanalytic attack used).


In simpler terms: this function isn’t for signing your friends’ keys, +it’s for something like signing an email.

+ +++ + + + +
  • data (str or file) – A string or file stream to sign.
  • +
  • default_key (str) – The key to sign with.
  • +
  • passphrase (str) – The passphrase to pipe to stdin.
  • +
  • clearsign (bool) – If True, create a cleartext signature.
  • +
  • detach (bool) – If True, create a detached signature.
  • +
  • binary (bool) – If True, do not ascii armour the output.
  • +
  • digest_algo (str) – The hash digest to use. Again, to see which +hashes your GnuPG is capable of using, do: +$ gpg –with-colons –list-config digestname. +The default, if unspecified, is 'SHA512'.
  • +
+ +

Verify the signature on the contents of the string data.

>>> gpg = GPG(homedir="doctests")
+>>> input = gpg.gen_key_input(Passphrase='foo')
+>>> key = gpg.gen_key(input)
+>>> assert key
+>>> sig = gpg.sign('hello',keyid=key.fingerprint,passphrase='bar')
+>>> assert not sig
+>>> sig = gpg.sign('hello',keyid=key.fingerprint,passphrase='foo')
+>>> assert sig
+>>> verify = gpg.verify(
+>>> assert verify
+ +
+verify_file(file, sig_file=None)

Verify the signature on the contents of a file or file-like +object. Can handle embedded signatures as well as detached +signatures. If using detached signatures, the file containing the +detached signature should be specified as the sig_file.

+ +++ + + + +
  • file (file) – A file descriptor object. Its type will be checked +with _util._is_file().
  • +
  • sig_file (str) – A file containing the GPG signature data for +file. If given, file is verified via this detached +signature.
  • +
+ +
+ +

meta module


Contains the meta and base classes which gnupg.GPG inherits +from. Mostly, you shouldn’t ever need to touch anything in here, unless you’re +doing some serious hacking.


Meta and base classes for hiding internal functions, and controlling +attribute creation and handling.

+class GPGMeta[source]

Bases: type


Metaclass for changing the :meth:GPG.__init__ initialiser.


Detects running gpg-agent processes and the presence of a pinentry +program, and disables pinentry so that python-gnupg can write the +passphrase to the controlled GnuPG process without killing the agent.

+ +++ + + + + +
Attr _agent_proc:
 If a gpg-agent process is currently running +for the effective userid, then _agent_proc will be +set to a psutil.Process for that process.
+static __new__(name, bases, attrs)[source]

Construct the initialiser for GPG

+ +
+classmethod _find_agent()[source]

Discover if a gpg-agent process for the current euid is running.


If there is a matching gpg-agent process, set a psutil.Process +instance containing the gpg-agent process’ information to +cls._agent_proc.

+ +++ + + + +
Returns:True if there exists a gpg-agent process running under the +same effective user ID as that of this program. Otherwise, +returns None.
+ +
+ +
+class GPGBase(binary=None, home=None, keyring=None, secring=None, use_agent=False, default_preference_list=None, verbose=False, options=None)[source]

Bases: object


Base class for storing properties and controlling process initialisation.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
Const _result_map:
 A dict containing classes from +_parsers, used for parsing results +obtained from GnuPG commands.
Const _decode_errors:
 How to handle encoding errors.

Create a GPGBase.


This class is used to set up properties for controlling the behaviour +of configuring various options for GnuPG, such as setting GnuPG’s +homedir , and the paths to its binary and keyring .

+ +++ + + + + + +
Const binary:

(str) The full path to the GnuPG binary.

  • homedir – (InheritableProperty) The full +path to the current setting for the GnuPG +--homedir.
  • +
  • _generated_keys – (InheritableProperty) +Controls setting the directory for storing any +keys which are generated with +gen_key().
  • +
  • keyring (str) – The filename in homedir to use as the keyring +file for public keys.
  • +
  • secring (str) – The filename in homedir to use as the keyring +file for secret keys.
  • +
+__init__(binary=None, home=None, keyring=None, secring=None, use_agent=False, default_preference_list=None, verbose=False, options=None)[source]

Create a GPGBase.


This class is used to set up properties for controlling the behaviour +of configuring various options for GnuPG, such as setting GnuPG’s +homedir , and the paths to its binary and keyring .

+ +++ + + + + + +
Const binary:

(str) The full path to the GnuPG binary.

  • homedir – (InheritableProperty) The full +path to the current setting for the GnuPG +--homedir.
  • +
  • _generated_keys – (InheritableProperty) +Controls setting the directory for storing any +keys which are generated with +gen_key().
  • +
  • keyring (str) – The filename in homedir to use as the keyring +file for public keys.
  • +
  • secring (str) – The filename in homedir to use as the keyring +file for secret keys.
  • +
+ +
+__remove_path__(prog=None, at_exit=True)[source]

Remove the directories containing a program from the system’s +$PATH. If GPGBase.binary is in a directory being removed, it +is linked to :file:’./gpg‘ in the current directory.

+ +++ + + + +
  • prog (str) – The program to remove from $PATH.
  • +
  • at_exit (bool) – Add the program back into the $PATH when the +Python interpreter exits, and delete any symlinks +to GPGBase.binary which were created.
  • +
+ +

Get the default preference list.

+ +

Get the current keyserver setting.

+ +

Get the directory currently being used as GnuPG’s homedir.


If unspecified, use ~/.config/python-gnupg/

+ +++ + + + + + +
Return type:str
Returns:The absolute path to the current GnuPG homedir.
+ +

Set the directory to use as GnuPG’s homedir.


If unspecified, use $HOME/.config/python-gnupg. If specified, ensure +that the directory does not contain various shell escape +characters. If directory is not found, it will be automatically +created. Lastly, the direcory will be checked that the EUID has +read and write permissions for it.

+ +++ + + + + + +
Parameters:directory (str) – A relative or absolute path to the directory to +use for storing/accessing GnuPG’s files, including +keyrings and the trustdb.
Raises:RuntimeError if unable to find a suitable +directory to use.
+ +
+ +

Get the homedir subdirectory for storing generated keys.

+ +++ + + + + + +
Return type:str
Returns:The absolute path to the current GnuPG homedir.
+ +

Set the directory for storing generated keys.


If unspecified, use +homedir()/generated-keys. If specified, +ensure that the directory does not contain various shell escape +characters. If directory isn’t found, it will be automatically +created. Lastly, the directory will be checked to ensure that the +current EUID has read and write permissions for it.

+ +++ + + + + + +
Parameters:directory (str) – A relative or absolute path to the directory to +use for storing/accessing GnuPG’s files, including keyrings and +the trustdb.
Raises:RuntimeError if unable to find a suitable +directory to use.
+ +
+ +
+_make_args(args, passphrase=False)[source]

Make a list of command line elements for GPG.


The value of args will be appended only if it passes the checks in +gnupg._parsers._sanitise(). The passphrase argument needs to +be True if a passphrase will be sent to GnuPG, else False.

+ +++ + + + +
  • args (list) – A list of strings of options and flags to pass to +GPG.binary. This is input safe, meaning that +these values go through strict checks (see +parsers._sanitise_list) before being passed to to +the input file descriptor for the GnuPG process. +Each string should be given exactly as it would be on +the commandline interface to GnuPG, +e.g. [“–cipher-algo AES256”, “–default-key +A3ADB67A2CDB8B35”].
  • +
  • passphrase (bool) – If True, the passphrase will be sent to the +stdin file descriptor for the attached GnuPG +process.
  • +
+ +
+_open_subprocess(args=None, passphrase=False)[source]

Open a pipe to a GPG subprocess and return the file objects for +communicating with it.

+ +++ + + + +
  • args (list) – A list of strings of options and flags to pass to +GPG.binary. This is input safe, meaning that +these values go through strict checks (see +parsers._sanitise_list) before being passed to to +the input file descriptor for the GnuPG process. +Each string should be given exactly as it would be on +the commandline interface to GnuPG, +e.g. [“–cipher-algo AES256”, “–default-key +A3ADB67A2CDB8B35”].
  • +
  • passphrase (bool) – If True, the passphrase will be sent to the +stdin file descriptor for the attached GnuPG +process.
  • +
+ +
+_read_response(stream, result)[source]

Reads all the stderr output from GPG, taking notice only of lines +that begin with the magic [GNUPG:] prefix.


Calls methods on the response object for each valid token found, with +the arg being the remainder of the status line.

+ +++ + + + +
  • stream – A byte-stream, file handle, or a +subprocess.PIPE for parsing the status codes +from the GnuPG process.
  • +
  • result – The result parser class from _parsers ― +the handle_status() method of that class will be +called in order to parse the output of stream.
  • +
+ +
+_read_data(stream, result)[source]

Incrementally read from stream and store read data.


All data gathered from calling will be concatenated +and stored as

+ +++ + + + +
  • stream – An open file-like object to read() from.
  • +
  • result – An instance of one of the result parsing classes from _result_map.
  • +
+ +
+_collect_output(process, result, writer=None, stdin=None)[source]

Drain the subprocesses output streams, writing the collected output +to the result. If a writer thread (writing to the subprocess) is given, +make sure it’s joined before returning. If a stdin stream is given, +close it before returning.

+ +
+_handle_io(args, file, result, passphrase=False, binary=False)[source]

Handle a call to GPG - pass input data, collect output data.

+ +
+_recv_keys(keyids, keyserver=None)[source]

Import keys from a keyserver.

+ +++ + + + +
  • keyids (str) – A space-delimited string containing the keyids to +request.
  • +
  • keyserver (str) – The keyserver to request the keyids from; +defaults to gnupg.GPG.keyserver.
  • +
+ +
+_sign_file(file, default_key=None, passphrase=None, clearsign=True, detach=False, binary=False, digest_algo='SHA512')[source]

Create a signature for a file.

+ +++ + + + +
  • file – The file stream (i.e. it’s already been open()’d) to sign.
  • +
  • default_key (str) – The key to sign with.
  • +
  • passphrase (str) – The passphrase to pipe to stdin.
  • +
  • clearsign (bool) – If True, create a cleartext signature.
  • +
  • detach (bool) – If True, create a detached signature.
  • +
  • binary (bool) – If True, do not ascii armour the output.
  • +
  • digest_algo (str) – The hash digest to use. Again, to see which +hashes your GnuPG is capable of using, do: +$ gpg --with-colons --list-config +digestname. The default, if unspecified, is +'SHA512'.
  • +
+ +
+_encrypt(data, recipients, default_key=None, passphrase=None, armor=True, encrypt=True, symmetric=False, always_trust=True, output=None, cipher_algo='AES256', digest_algo='SHA512', compress_algo='ZLIB')[source]

Encrypt the message read from the file-like object data.

+ +++ + + + +
  • data (str) – The file or bytestream to encrypt.
  • +
  • recipients (str) – The recipients to encrypt to. Recipients must +be specified keyID/fingerprint.
  • +



Care should be taken in Python2 to make sure that the +given fingerprints for recipients are in fact strings +and not unicode objects.

+ +++ + + + +
  • default_key (str) – The keyID/fingerprint of the key to use for +signing. If given, data will be encrypted +and signed.
  • +
  • passphrase (str) – If given, and default_key is also given, +use this passphrase to unlock the secret +portion of the default_key to sign the +encrypted data. Otherwise, if +default_key is not given, but symmetric +is True, then use this passphrase as the +passphrase for symmetric encryption. Signing +and symmetric encryption should not be +combined when sending the data to other +recipients, else the passphrase to the secret +key would be shared with them.
  • +
  • armor (bool) – If True, ascii armor the output; otherwise, the +output will be in binary format. (Default: True)
  • +
  • encrypt (bool) – If True, encrypt the data using the +recipients public keys. (Default: True)
  • +
  • symmetric (bool) – If True, encrypt the data to recipients +using a symmetric key. See the passphrase +parameter. Symmetric encryption and public key +encryption can be used simultaneously, and will +result in a ciphertext which is decryptable +with either the symmetric passphrase or one +of the corresponding private keys.
  • +
  • always_trust (bool) – If True, ignore trust warnings on +recipients keys. If False, display trust +warnings. (default: True)
  • +
  • output (str) – The output file to write to. If not specified, the +encrypted output is returned, and thus should be +stored as an object in Python. For example:
  • +
>>> import shutil
+>>> import gnupg
+>>> if os.path.exists("doctests"):
+...     shutil.rmtree("doctests")
+>>> gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir="doctests")
+>>> key_settings = gpg.gen_key_input(key_type='RSA',
+...                                  key_length=1024,
+...                                  key_usage='ESCA',
+...                                  passphrase='foo')
+>>> key = gpg.gen_key(key_settings)
+>>> message = "The crow flies at midnight."
+>>> encrypted = str(gpg.encrypt(message, key.printprint))
+>>> assert encrypted != message
+>>> assert not encrypted.isspace()
+>>> decrypted = str(gpg.decrypt(encrypted))
+>>> assert not decrypted.isspace()
+>>> decrypted
+'The crow flies at midnight.'
+ +++ + + + +
  • cipher_algo (str) – The cipher algorithm to use. To see available +algorithms with your version of GnuPG, do: +$ gpg –with-colons –list-config +ciphername. The default cipher_algo, if +unspecified, is 'AES256'.
  • +
  • digest_algo (str) – The hash digest to use. Again, to see which +hashes your GnuPG is capable of using, do: +$ gpg –with-colons –list-config +digestname. The default, if unspecified, is +'SHA512'.
  • +
  • compress_algo (str) – The compression algorithm to use. Can be one +of 'ZLIB', 'BZIP2', 'ZIP', or +'Uncompressed'.
  • +
+ +
+ +

parsers module


These are classes for parsing both user inputs and status file descriptor +flags from GnuPG’s output. The latter are used in order to determine what our +GnuPG process is doing and retrieve information about its operations, which +are stored in corresponding classes in +_result_map. Some status flags aren’t handled yet +– information on all of the flags (well, at least the documented ones…) can +be found in the docs/DETAILS file in GnuPG’s source, which has been +included here as well.


Classes for parsing GnuPG status messages and sanitising commandline +options.

+exception ProtectedOption[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception


Raised when the option passed to GPG is disallowed.

+ +
+exception UsageError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception


Raised when incorrect usage of the API occurs..

+ +

Check that a given keyserver is a known protocol and does not contain +shell escape characters.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
Parameters:location (str) – A string containing the default keyserver. This +should contain the desired keyserver protocol which +is supported by the keyserver, for example, the +default is 'hkp://wwwkeys'.
Return type:str or None
Returns:A string specifying the protocol and keyserver hostname, if the +checks passed. If not, returns None.
+ +
+_check_preferences(prefs, pref_type=None)[source]

Check cipher, digest, and compression preference settings.


MD5 is not allowed. This is not 1994. SHA1 is allowed grudgingly.

+ +

Find characters used to escape from a string into a shell, and wrap them in +quotes if they exist. Regex pilfered from Python3 shlex module.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:shell_input (str) – The input intended for the GnuPG process.
+ +
+_hyphenate(input, add_prefix=False)[source]

Change underscores to hyphens so that object attributes can be easily +tranlated to GPG option names.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
  • input (str) – The attribute to hyphenate.
  • +
  • add_prefix (bool) – If True, add leading hyphens to the input.
  • +
Return type:



The input with underscores changed to hyphens.

+ +

Check that an option or argument given to GPG is in the set of allowed +options, the latter being a strict subset of the set of all options known +to GPG.

+ +++ + + + + + + + + + + + +

input (str) – An input meant to be parsed as an option or flag to the +GnuPG process. Should be formatted the same as an option +or flag to the commandline gpg, i.e. “–encrypt-files”.

  • gnupg_options (frozenset) – All known GPG options and flags.
  • +
  • allowed (frozenset) – All allowed GPG options and flags, e.g. all GPG +options and flags which we are willing to +acknowledge and parse. If we want to support a +new option, it will need to have its own parsing +class and its name will need to be added to this +set.
  • +

UsageError if input is not a subset of the hard-coded +set of all GnuPG options in _get_all_gnupg_options().


ProtectedOption if input is not in the set of allowed +options.

Return type:



The original input parameter, unmodified and unsanitized, if +no errors occur.

+ +

Check that a string is hexidecimal, with alphabetic characters +capitalized and without whitespace.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:string (str) – The string to check.
+ +

Python character arrays are a mess.


If Python2, check if thing is an unicode or a str. +If Python3, check if thing is a str.

+ +++ + + + + + +
Parameters:thing – The thing to check.
Returns:True if thing is a string according to whichever version +of Python we’re running in.
+ +

Take an arg or the key portion of a kwarg and check that it is in the +set of allowed GPG options and flags, and that it has the correct +type. Then, attempt to escape any unsafe characters. If an option is not +allowed, drop it with a logged warning. Returns a dictionary of all +sanitised, allowed options.


Each new option that we support that is not a boolean, but instead has +some additional inputs following it, i.e. “–encrypt-file foo.txt”, will +need some basic safety checks added here.


GnuPG has three-hundred and eighteen commandline flags. Also, not all +implementations of OpenPGP parse PGP packets and headers in the same way, +so there is added potential there for messing with calls to GPG.


For information on the PGP message format specification, see +RFC 1991.


If you’re asking, “Is this really necessary?”: No, not really – we could +just follow the security precautions recommended by this xkcd.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
Parameters:args (str) – (optional) The boolean arguments which will be passed to +the GnuPG process.
Return type:str
+ +

A generator for iterating through a list of gpg options and sanitising +them.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
Parameters:arg_list (list) – A list of options and flags for GnuPG.
Return type:generator
Returns:A generator whose next() method returns each of the items in +arg_list after calling _sanitise() with that item as a +parameter.
+ +

Get a specific group of options which are allowed.

+ +

Get all GnuPG options and flags.


This is hardcoded within a local scope to reduce the chance of a tampered +GnuPG binary reporting falsified option sets, i.e. because certain options +(namedly the --no-options option, which prevents the usage of gpg.conf +files) are necessary and statically specified in +gnupg._meta.GPGBase._make_args(), if the inputs into Python are +already controlled, and we were to summon the GnuPG binary to ask it for +its options, it would be possible to receive a falsified options set +missing the --no-options option in response. This seems unlikely, and +the method is stupid and ugly, but at least we’ll never have to debug +whether or not an option actually disappeared in a different GnuPG +version, or some funny business is happening.


These are the options as of GnuPG 1.4.12; the current stable branch of the +2.1.x tree contains a few more – if you need them you’ll have to add them +in here.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
Variables:gnupg_options – All known GPG options and flags.
Return type:frozenset
+ +

Translate NODATA status codes from GnuPG to messages.

+ +

Translate PROGRESS status codes from GnuPG to messages.

+ +
+class GenKey(gpg)[source]

Bases: object


Handle status messages for key generation.


Calling the __str__() method of this class will return the generated +key’s fingerprint, or a status string explaining the results.

+type = None

‘P’:= primary, ‘S’:= subkey, ‘B’:= both

+ +
+keyring = None

This will store the key’s public keyring filename, if +gen_key_input() was called with +separate_keyring=True.

+ +
+secring = None

This will store the key’s secret keyring filename, if : +gen_key_input() was called with +separate_keyring=True.

+ +
+_handle_status(key, value)[source]

Parse a status code from the attached GnuPG process.

+ +++ + + + +
Raises:ValueError if the status message is unknown.
+ +
+ +
+class DeleteResult(gpg)[source]

Bases: object


Handle status messages for –delete-keys and –delete-secret-keys

+problem_reason = {'1': 'No such key', '3': 'Ambigious specification', '2': 'Must delete secret key first'}
+ +
+_handle_status(key, value)[source]

Parse a status code from the attached GnuPG process.

+ +++ + + + +
Raises:ValueError if the status message is unknown.
+ +
+ +
+class Sign(gpg)[source]

Bases: object


Parse GnuPG status messages for signing operations.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:gpg – An instance of gnupg.GPG.
+sig_type = None

The type of signature created.

+ +
+sig_algo = None

The algorithm used to create the signature.

+ +
+sig_hash_also = None

The hash algorithm used to create the signature.

+ +
+fingerprint = None

The fingerprint of the signing keyid.

+ +
+timestamp = None

The timestamp on the signature.

+ +
+what = None

xxx fill me in

+ +
+_handle_status(key, value)[source]

Parse a status code from the attached GnuPG process.

+ +++ + + + +
Raises:ValueError if the status message is unknown.
+ +
+ +
+class ListKeys(gpg)[source]

Bases: list


Handle status messages for –list-keys.


Handles pub and uid (relating the latter to the former). Don’t care about +the following attributes/status messages (from doc/DETAILS):

crt = X.509 certificate
crs = X.509 certificate and private key available
ssb = secret subkey (secondary key)
uat = user attribute (same as user id except for field 10).
sig = signature
rev = revocation signature
pkd = public key data (special field format, see below)
grp = reserved for gpgsm
rvk = revocation key
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+_handle_status(key, value)[source]
+ +
+ +
+class ImportResult(gpg)[source]

Bases: object


Parse GnuPG status messages for key import operations.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:gpg (gnupg.GPG) – An instance of gnupg.GPG.
+_ok_reason = {'17': 'Contains private key', '16': 'Contains private key', '1': 'Entirely new key', '0': 'Not actually changed', '2': 'New user IDs', '4': 'New signatures', '8': 'New subkeys'}
+ +
+_problem_reason = {'1': 'Invalid Certificate', '0': 'No specific reason given', '3': 'Certificate Chain too long', '2': 'Issuer Certificate missing', '4': 'Error storing certificate'}
+ +
+_fields = ['count', 'no_user_id', 'imported', 'imported_rsa', 'unchanged', 'n_uids', 'n_subk', 'n_sigs', 'n_revoc', 'sec_read', 'sec_imported', 'sec_dups', 'not_imported']
+ +
+_counts = OrderedDict([('count', 0), ('no_user_id', 0), ('imported', 0), ('imported_rsa', 0), ('unchanged', 0), ('n_uids', 0), ('n_subk', 0), ('n_sigs', 0), ('n_revoc', 0), ('sec_read', 0), ('sec_imported', 0), ('sec_dups', 0), ('not_imported', 0)])
+ +
+fingerprints = []

A list of strings containing the fingerprints of the GnuPG keyIDs +imported.

+ +
+results = []

A list containing dictionaries with information gathered on keys +imported.

+ +
+_handle_status(key, value)[source]

Parse a status code from the attached GnuPG process.

+ +++ + + + +
Raises:ValueError if the status message is unknown.
+ +
+ +
+x = 12
+ +
+ +
+class Verify(gpg)[source]

Bases: object


Parser for status messages from GnuPG for certifications and signature +verifications.


People often mix these up, or think that they are the same thing. While it +is true that certifications and signatures are the same cryptographic +operation – and also true that both are the same as the decryption +operation – a distinction is made for important reasons.

A certification:
  • is made on a key,
  • +
  • can help to validate or invalidate the key owner’s identity,
  • +
  • can assign trust levels to the key (or to uids and/or subkeys that +the key contains),
  • +
  • and can be used in absense of in-person fingerprint checking to try +to build a path (through keys whose fingerprints have been checked) +to the key, so that the identity of the key’s owner can be more +reliable without having to actually physically meet in person.
  • +
A signature:
  • is created for a file or other piece of data,
  • +
  • can help to prove that the data hasn’t been altered,
  • +
  • and can help to prove that the data was sent by the person(s) in +possession of the private key that created the signature, and for +parsing portions of status messages from decryption operations.
  • +

There are probably other things unique to each that have been +scatterbrainedly omitted due to the programmer sitting still and staring +at GnuPG debugging logs for too long without snacks, but that is the gist +of it.


Create a parser for verification and certification commands.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:gpg – An instance of gnupg.GPG.
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+valid = None

True if the signature is valid, False otherwise.

+ +
+status = None

A string describing the status of the signature verification. +Can be one of signature bad, signature good, +signature valid, signature error, decryption failed, +no public key, key exp, or key rev.

+ +
+fingerprint = None

The fingerprint of the signing keyid.

+ +
+pubkey_fingerprint = None

The fingerprint of the corresponding public key, which may be +different if the signature was created with a subkey.

+ +
+key_id = None

The keyid of the signing key.

+ +
+signature_id = None

The id of the signature itself.

+ +
+creation_date = None

The creation date of the signing key.

+ +
+timestamp = None

The timestamp of the purported signature, if we are unable to parse +and/or validate it.

+ +
+sig_timestamp = None

The timestamp for when the valid signature was created.

+ +
+username = None

The userid of the signing key which was used to create the +signature.

+ +
+expire_timestamp = None

When the signing key is due to expire.

+ +
+trust_level = None

An integer 0-4 describing the trust level of the signature.

+ +
+trust_text = None

The string corresponding to the trust_level number.

+ +
+_handle_status(key, value)[source]

Parse a status code from the attached GnuPG process.

+ +++ + + + +
Raises:ValueError if the status message is unknown.
+ +
+ +
+class Crypt(gpg)[source]

Bases: gnupg._parsers.Verify


Parser for internal status messages from GnuPG for --encrypt, +--decrypt, and --decrypt-files.

+data = None

A string containing the encrypted or decrypted data.

+ +
+ok = None

True if the decryption/encryption process turned out okay.

+ +
+status = None

A string describing the current processing status, or error, if one +has occurred.

+ +
+_handle_status(key, value)[source]

Parse a status code from the attached GnuPG process.

+ +++ + + + +
Raises:ValueError if the status message is unknown.
+ +
+ +
+class ListPackets(gpg)[source]

Bases: object


Handle status messages for –list-packets.

+status = None

A string describing the current processing status, or error, if one +has occurred.

+ +
+need_passphrase = None

True if the passphrase to a public/private keypair is required.

+ +
+need_passphrase_sym = None

True if a passphrase for a symmetric key is required.

+ +
+userid_hint = None

The keyid and uid which this data is encrypted to.

+ +
+_handle_status(key, value)[source]

Parse a status code from the attached GnuPG process.

+ +++ + + + +
Raises:ValueError if the status message is unknown.
+ +
+ +

util module


You shouldn’t really need to mess with this module either, it mostly deals +with low-level IO and file handling operations, de-/en- coding issues, and +setting up basic package facilities such as logging.


Extra utilities for python-gnupg.

+find_encodings(enc=None, system=False)[source]

Find functions for encoding translations for a specific codec.

+ +++ + + + + + +
  • enc (str) – The codec to find translation functions for. It will be +normalized by converting to lowercase, excluding +everything which is not ascii, and hyphens will be +converted to underscores.
  • +
  • system (bool) – If True, find encodings based on the system’s stdin +encoding, otherwise assume utf-8.
  • +

:exc:LookupError if the normalized codec, enc, cannot be +found in Python’s encoding translation map.

+ +
+author_info(name, contact=None, public_key=None)[source]

Easy object-oriented representation of contributor info.

+ +++ + + + +
  • name (str) – The contributor´s name.
  • +
  • contact (str) – The contributor´s email address or contact +information, if given.
  • +
  • public_key (str) – The contributor´s public keyid, if given.
  • +
+ +
+_copy_data(instream, outstream)[source]

Copy data from one stream to another.

+ +++ + + + +
  • instream (io.BytesIO or io.StringIO or file) – A byte stream or open file to read from.
  • +
  • outstream (file) – The file descriptor of a tmpfile to write to.
  • +
+ +

Create the specified directory, if necessary.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
Parameters:directory (str) – The directory to use.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if no errors occurred and the directory was created or +existed beforehand, False otherwise.
+ +
+create_uid_email(username=None, hostname=None)[source]

Create an email address suitable for a UID on a GnuPG key.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
  • username (str) – The username portion of an email address. If None, +defaults to the username of the running Python +process.
  • +
  • hostname (str) – The FQDN portion of an email address. If None, the +hostname is obtained from gethostname(2).
  • +
Return type:



A string formatted as <username>@<hostname>.

+ +
+_deprefix(line, prefix, callback=None)[source]

Remove the prefix string from the beginning of line, if it exists.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
  • line (string) – A line, such as one output by GnuPG’s status-fd.
  • +
  • prefix (string) – A substring to remove from the beginning of +line. Case insensitive.
  • +
  • callback (callable) – Function to call if the prefix is found. The signature to +callback will be only one argument, the line without the prefix, i.e. +callback(line).
  • +
Return type:



If the prefix was found, the line without the prefix is +returned. Otherwise, the original line is returned.

+ +

Find the absolute path to the GnuPG binary.


Also run checks that the binary is not a symlink, and check that +our process real uid has exec permissions.

+ +++ + + + + + + + + + +
Parameters:binary (str) – The path to the GnuPG binary.
Raises:RuntimeError if it appears that GnuPG is not +installed.
Return type:str
Returns:The absolute path to the GnuPG binary to use, if no exceptions +occur.
+ +

Determine if the real uid/gid of the executing user has read and write +permissions for a directory or a file.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
Parameters:path (str) – The path to the directory or file to check permissions +for.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if real uid/gid has read+write permissions, False otherwise.
+ +

Check that the size of the thing which is supposed to be a filename has +size greater than zero, without following symbolic links or using +:func:os.path.isfile.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
Parameters:filename – An object to check.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if filename is file-like, False otherwise.
+ +

Check that the input is a byte stream.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
Parameters:input – An object provided for reading from or writing to.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if :param:input is a stream, False if otherwise.
+ +

Check that instance is a list or tuple.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
Parameters:instance – The object to type check.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if instance is a list or tuple, False otherwise.
+ +

Returns True if using GnuPG version 1.x.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:version (tuple) – A tuple of three integers indication major, minor, +and micro version numbers.
+ +

Returns True if using GnuPG version 2.x.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:version (tuple) – A tuple of three integers indication major, minor, +and micro version numbers.
+ +
+_make_binary_stream(s, encoding)[source]

xxx fill me in

+ +
+_make_passphrase(length=None, save=False, file=None)[source]

Create a passphrase and write it to a file that only the user can read.


This is not very secure, and should not be relied upon for actual key +passphrases.

+ +++ + + + +
  • length (int) – The length in bytes of the string to generate.
  • +
  • file (file) – The file to save the generated passphrase in. If not +given, defaults to ‘passphrase-<the real user id>-<seconds since +epoch>’ in the top-level directory.
  • +
+ +

Returns a random lowercase, uppercase, alphanumerical string.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:length (int) – The length in bytes of the string to generate.
+ +

Sort a binary version string into major, minor, and micro integers.

+ +++ + + + +
Parameters:version (str) – A version string in the form x.x.x
+ +

Get the date of today plus one year.

+ +++ + + + + + +
Return type:str
Returns:The date of this day next year, in the format ‘%Y-%m-%d’.
+ +

Get a timestamp for right now, formatted according to ISO 8601.

+ +

Split the line, and return (first_word, the_rest).

+ +
+_threaded_copy_data(instream, outstream)[source]

Copy data from one stream to another in a separate thread.


Wraps _copy_data() in a threading.Thread.

+ +++ + + + +
  • instream (io.BytesIO or io.StringIO) – A byte stream to read from.
  • +
  • outstream (file) – The file descriptor of a tmpfile to write to.
  • +
+ +

Get the seconds since epoch.

+ +
+_which(executable, flags=1)[source]

Borrowed from Twisted’s :mod:twisted.python.proutils .


Search PATH for executable files with the given name.


On newer versions of MS-Windows, the PATHEXT environment variable will be +set to the list of file extensions for files considered executable. This +will normally include things like ”.EXE”. This fuction will also find files +with the given name ending with any of these extensions.


On MS-Windows the only flag that has any meaning is os.F_OK. Any other +flags will be ignored.


Note: This function does not help us prevent an attacker who can already +manipulate the environment’s PATH settings from placing malicious code +higher in the PATH. It also does happily follows links.

+ +++ + + + + + + + +
  • name (str) – The name for which to search.
  • +
  • flags (int) – Arguments to L{os.access}.
  • +
Return type:



A list of the full paths to files found, in the order in which +they were found.

+ +
+_write_passphrase(stream, passphrase, encoding)[source]

Write the passphrase from memory to the GnuPG process’ stdin.

+ +++ + + + +
  • stream (file, BytesIO, or StringIO) – The input file descriptor to write the password to.
  • +
  • passphrase (str) – The passphrase for the secret key material.
  • +
  • encoding (str) – The data encoding expected by GnuPG. Usually, this +is sys.getfilesystemencoding().
  • +
+ +
+class InheritableProperty(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None)[source]

Bases: object


Based on the emulation of PyProperty_Type() in Objects/descrobject.c

+ +
+class Storage[source]

Bases: dict


A dictionary where keys are stored as class attributes.


For example, can be used in addition to obj['foo']:

>>> o = Storage(a=1)
+>>> o.a
+>>> o['a']
+>>> o.a = 2
+>>> o['a']
+>>> del o.a
+>>> o.a
+ +

About this fork


This is a modified version of python-gnupg, (forked from version 0.3.2) which +was created by Vinay Sajip, which itself is a modification of written +by Steve Traugott, which in turn is a modification of the pycrypto GnuPG +interface written by A.M. Kuchling.


This version is patched to sanitize untrusted inputs, due to the necessity of +executing subprocess.Popen([...], shell=True) in order to communicate with +GnuPG. Several speed improvements were also made based on code profiling, and +the API has been cleaned up to support an easier, more Pythonic, interaction.


Previous Authors’ Documentation

Steve Traugott’s documentation:

Portions of this module are derived from A.M. Kuchling’s well-designed
+, using Richard Jones’ updated version 1.3, which can be found in
the pycrypto CVS repository on Sourceforge:

+ +

This module is not forward-compatible with amk’s; some of the old
interface has changed. For instance, since I’ve added decrypt
functionality, I elected to initialize with a ‘gpghome’ argument instead
of ‘keyring’, so that gpg can find both the public and secret keyrings.
I’ve also altered some of the returned objects in order for the caller to
not have to know as much about the internals of the result classes.

While the rest of ISconf is released under the GPL, I am releasing this
single file under the same terms that A.M. Kuchling used for pycrypto.

Steve Traugott,
Thu Jun 23 21:27:20 PDT 2005
Vinay Sajip’s documentation:

This version of the module has been modified from Steve Traugott’s version
+ +
Vinay Sajip to make use of the subprocess module (Steve’s version uses
os.fork() and so does not work on Windows). Renamed to to avoid
confusion with the previous versions.

A unittest harness ( has also been added.

Modifications Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Vinay Sajip. All rights reserved.
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3