0.4.1 - xxx +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please add lines to this file, they will be moved to the CHANGELOG.rst during the next release. There are two template lines for each category, use them as reference. I've added a new category `Misc` so we can track doc/style/packaging stuff. Features ~~~~~~~~ - `#7656 `_: Emit multi-user aware events. - `#4008 `_: Add token-based authentication to local IMAP/SMTP services. - `#7889 `_: Use cryptography instead of pycryptopp to reduce dependencies. - Use twisted.cred to authenticate IMAP users. - `#1234 `_: Description of the new feature corresponding with issue #1234. - New feature without related issue number. Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - `#1235 `_: Description for the fixed stuff corresponding with issue #1235. - Fix the get_body logic for corner-cases in which body is None (yet-to-be synced docs, mainly). - Bugfix without related issue number. Misc ~~~~ - `#1236 `_: Description of the new feature corresponding with issue #1236. - Some change without issue number. Known Issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `#1236 `_: Description of the known issue corresponding with issue #1236.