From b017f48eaa7f36495afa1057b79a557a2fbb73a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Kali Kaneko (leap communications)" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 17:38:42 -0400
Subject: [pkg] move bitmask.js to new path

 src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/bitmask.js  | 259 ----------------------------
 src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/color.js    |  65 -------
 src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/colors.js   | 289 --------------------------------
 src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/common.js   |   7 -
 src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/validate.js |  82 ---------
 5 files changed, 702 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/bitmask.js
 delete mode 100644 src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/color.js
 delete mode 100644 src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/colors.js
 delete mode 100644 src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/common.js
 delete mode 100644 src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/validate.js

(limited to 'src')

diff --git a/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/bitmask.js b/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/bitmask.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 03b6c7b..0000000
--- a/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/bitmask.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-// bitmask.js
-// Copyright (C) 2016 LEAP
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- * bitmask object
- *
- * Contains all the bitmask API mapped by sections
- * - user. User management like login, creation, ...
- * - mail. Email service control.
- * - keys. Keyring operations.
- * - events. For registering to events.
- *
- * Every function returns a Promise that will be triggered once the request is
- * finished or will fail if there was any error. Errors are always user readable
- * strings.
- */
-var bitmask = function(){
-    var event_handlers = {};
-    function call(command) {
-        var url = '/API/' + command.slice(0, 2).join('/');
-        var data = JSON.stringify(command.slice(2));
-        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
-            var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
-  'POST', url);
-            req.onload = function() {
-                if (req.status == 200) {
-                    parseResponse(req.response, resolve, reject);
-                }
-                else {
-                    reject(Error(req.statusText));
-                }
-            };
-            req.onerror = function() {
-                reject(Error("Network Error"));
-            };
-            req.send(data);
-        });
-    };
-    function parseResponse(raw_response, resolve, reject) {
-        var response = JSON.parse(raw_response);
-        if (response.error === null) {
-            resolve(response.result);
-        } else {
-            reject(response.error);
-        }
-    };
-    function event_polling() {
-        call(['events', 'poll']).then(function(response) {
-            if (response !== null) {
-                evnt = response[0];
-                content = response[1];
-                if (evnt in event_handlers) {
-                    event_handlers[evnt](evnt, content);
-                }
-            }
-            event_polling();
-        }, function(error) {
-            setTimeout(event_polling, 5000);
-        });
-    };
-    event_polling();
-    function private_str(priv) {
-        if (priv) {
-            return 'private'
-        }
-        return 'public'
-    };
-    return {
-        /**
-         * uids are of the form
-         */
-        user: {
-            /**
-             * Check which user is active
-             *
-             * @return {Promise<string>} The uid of the active user
-             */
-            active: function() {
-                return call(['user', 'active']);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Register a new user
-             *
-             * @param {string} uid The uid to be created
-             * @param {string} password The user password
-             */
-            create: function(uid, password) {
-                return call(['user', 'create', uid, password]);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Login
-             *
-             * @param {string} uid The uid to log in
-             * @param {string} password The user password
-             */
-            auth: function(uid, password) {
-                return call(['user', 'authenticate', uid, password]);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Logout
-             *
-             * @param {string} uid The uid to log out.
-             *                     If no uid is provided the active user will be used
-             */
-            logout: function(uid) {
-                if (typeof uid !== 'string') {
-                    uid = "";
-                }
-                return call(['user', 'logout', uid]);
-            }
-        },
-        mail: {
-            /**
-             * Check the status of the email service
-             *
-             * @return {Promise<string>} User readable status
-             */
-            status: function() {
-                return call(['mail', 'status']);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Get the token of the active user.
-             *
-             * This token is used as password to authenticate in the IMAP and SMTP services.
-             *
-             * @return {Promise<string>} The token
-             */
-            get_token: function() {
-                return call(['mail', 'get-token']);
-            }
-        },
-        /**
-         * A KeyObject have the following attributes:
-         *   - address {string} the email address for wich this key is active
-         *   - fingerprint {string} the fingerprint of the key
-         *   - length {number} the size of the key bits
-         *   - private {bool} if the key is private
-         *   - uids {[string]} the uids in the key
-         *   - key_data {string} the key content
-         *   - validation {string} the validation level which this key was found
-         *   - expiry_date {string} date when the key expires
-         *   - refreshed_at {string} date of the last refresh of the key
-         *   - audited_at {string} date of the last audit (unused for now)
-         *   - sign_used {bool} if has being used to checking signatures
-         *   - enc_used {bool} if has being used to encrypt
-         */
-        keys: {
-            /**
-             * List all the keys in the keyring
-             *
-             * @param {boolean} priv Should list private keys?
-             *                       If it's not provided the public ones will be listed.
-             *
-             * @return {Promise<[KeyObject]>} List of keys in the keyring
-             */
-            list: function(priv) {
-                return call(['keys', 'list', private_str(priv)]);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Export key
-             *
-             * @param {string} address The email address of the key
-             * @param {boolean} priv Should get the private key?
-             *                       If it's not provided the public one will be fetched.
-             *
-             * @return {Promise<KeyObject>} The key
-             */
-            exprt: function(address, priv) {
-                return call(['keys', 'export', address, private_str(priv)]);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Insert key
-             *
-             * @param {string} address The email address of the key
-             * @param {string} rawkey The key material
-             * @param {string} validation The validation level of the key
-             *                            If it's not provided 'Fingerprint' level will be used.
-             *
-             * @return {Promise<KeyObject>} The key
-             */
-            insert: function(address, rawkey, validation) {
-                if (typeof validation !== 'string') {
-                    validation = 'Fingerprint';
-                }
-                return call(['keys', 'insert', address, validation, rawkey]);
-            },
-            /**
-             * Delete a key
-             *
-             * @param {string} address The email address of the key
-             * @param {boolean} priv Should get the private key?
-             *                       If it's not provided the public one will be deleted.
-             *
-             * @return {Promise<KeyObject>} The key
-             */
-            del: function(address, priv) {
-                return call(['keys', 'delete', address, private_str(priv)]);
-            }
-        },
-        events: {
-            /**
-             * Register func for an event
-             *
-             * @param {string} evnt The event to register
-             * @param {function} func The function that will be called on each event.
-             *                        It has to be like: function(event, content) {}
-             *                        Where content will be a list of strings.
-             */
-            register: function(evnt, func) {
-                event_handlers[evnt] = func;
-                return call(['events', 'register', evnt])
-            },
-            /**
-             * Unregister from an event
-             *
-             * @param {string} evnt The event to unregister
-             */
-            unregister: function(evnt) {
-                delete event_handlers[evnt];
-                return call(['events', 'unregister', evnt])
-            }
-        }
-    };
-module.exports = bitmask
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/color.js b/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/color.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b1dfee..0000000
--- a/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/color.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// Color.hsv().css
-// RGB values are 0..255
-// HSV values are 0..1
-function compose(value)
-  return [
-    Math.round(value * 255),
-    Math.round(value * 255),
-    Math.round(value * 255)
-  }
-class Color {
-  constructor(r, g, b, a) {
-    this.r = r
-    this.g = g
-    this.b = b
-    this.a = a
-  }
-  //
-  // alternate hsv factory
-  //
-  static hsv(h,s,v) {
-    let out = null
-    h = h % 360;
-    s = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, s))
-    v = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, v))
-    if (s == 0) {
-      let grey = Math.ceil(v*255)
-      out = [grey, grey, grey]
-    }
-    let b = ((1 - s) * v);
-    let vb = v - b;
-    let hm = h % 60;
-    switch((h/60)|0) {
-      case 0:
-        out = compose(v, vb * h / 60 + b, b); break
-      case 1:
-        out = compose(vb * (60 - hm) / 60 + b, v, b); break
-      case 2:
-        out = compose(b, v, vb * hm / 60 + b); break
-      case 3:
-        out = compose(b, vb * (60 - hm) / 60 + b, v); break
-      case 4:
-        out = compose(vb * hm / 60 + b, b, v); break
-      case 5:
-        out = compose(v, b, vb * (60 - hm) / 60 + b); break
-    }
-    return new Color(...out)
-  }
-  css() {
-    return `rgba(${this.r}, ${this.g}, ${this.b}, ${this.a})`
-  }
-export default Color
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/colors.js b/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/colors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d86ca0a..0000000
--- a/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/colors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-// a palette from google's material design
-export const red50 = '#ffebee';
-export const red100 = '#ffcdd2';
-export const red200 = '#ef9a9a';
-export const red300 = '#e57373';
-export const red400 = '#ef5350';
-export const red500 = '#f44336';
-export const red600 = '#e53935';
-export const red700 = '#d32f2f';
-export const red800 = '#c62828';
-export const red900 = '#b71c1c';
-export const redA100 = '#ff8a80';
-export const redA200 = '#ff5252';
-export const redA400 = '#ff1744';
-export const redA700 = '#d50000';
-export const pink50 = '#fce4ec';
-export const pink100 = '#f8bbd0';
-export const pink200 = '#f48fb1';
-export const pink300 = '#f06292';
-export const pink400 = '#ec407a';
-export const pink500 = '#e91e63';
-export const pink600 = '#d81b60';
-export const pink700 = '#c2185b';
-export const pink800 = '#ad1457';
-export const pink900 = '#880e4f';
-export const pinkA100 = '#ff80ab';
-export const pinkA200 = '#ff4081';
-export const pinkA400 = '#f50057';
-export const pinkA700 = '#c51162';
-export const purple50 = '#f3e5f5';
-export const purple100 = '#e1bee7';
-export const purple200 = '#ce93d8';
-export const purple300 = '#ba68c8';
-export const purple400 = '#ab47bc';
-export const purple500 = '#9c27b0';
-export const purple600 = '#8e24aa';
-export const purple700 = '#7b1fa2';
-export const purple800 = '#6a1b9a';
-export const purple900 = '#4a148c';
-export const purpleA100 = '#ea80fc';
-export const purpleA200 = '#e040fb';
-export const purpleA400 = '#d500f9';
-export const purpleA700 = '#aa00ff';
-export const deepPurple50 = '#ede7f6';
-export const deepPurple100 = '#d1c4e9';
-export const deepPurple200 = '#b39ddb';
-export const deepPurple300 = '#9575cd';
-export const deepPurple400 = '#7e57c2';
-export const deepPurple500 = '#673ab7';
-export const deepPurple600 = '#5e35b1';
-export const deepPurple700 = '#512da8';
-export const deepPurple800 = '#4527a0';
-export const deepPurple900 = '#311b92';
-export const deepPurpleA100 = '#b388ff';
-export const deepPurpleA200 = '#7c4dff';
-export const deepPurpleA400 = '#651fff';
-export const deepPurpleA700 = '#6200ea';
-export const indigo50 = '#e8eaf6';
-export const indigo100 = '#c5cae9';
-export const indigo200 = '#9fa8da';
-export const indigo300 = '#7986cb';
-export const indigo400 = '#5c6bc0';
-export const indigo500 = '#3f51b5';
-export const indigo600 = '#3949ab';
-export const indigo700 = '#303f9f';
-export const indigo800 = '#283593';
-export const indigo900 = '#1a237e';
-export const indigoA100 = '#8c9eff';
-export const indigoA200 = '#536dfe';
-export const indigoA400 = '#3d5afe';
-export const indigoA700 = '#304ffe';
-export const blue50 = '#e3f2fd';
-export const blue100 = '#bbdefb';
-export const blue200 = '#90caf9';
-export const blue300 = '#64b5f6';
-export const blue400 = '#42a5f5';
-export const blue500 = '#2196f3';
-export const blue600 = '#1e88e5';
-export const blue700 = '#1976d2';
-export const blue800 = '#1565c0';
-export const blue900 = '#0d47a1';
-export const blueA100 = '#82b1ff';
-export const blueA200 = '#448aff';
-export const blueA400 = '#2979ff';
-export const blueA700 = '#2962ff';
-export const lightBlue50 = '#e1f5fe';
-export const lightBlue100 = '#b3e5fc';
-export const lightBlue200 = '#81d4fa';
-export const lightBlue300 = '#4fc3f7';
-export const lightBlue400 = '#29b6f6';
-export const lightBlue500 = '#03a9f4';
-export const lightBlue600 = '#039be5';
-export const lightBlue700 = '#0288d1';
-export const lightBlue800 = '#0277bd';
-export const lightBlue900 = '#01579b';
-export const lightBlueA100 = '#80d8ff';
-export const lightBlueA200 = '#40c4ff';
-export const lightBlueA400 = '#00b0ff';
-export const lightBlueA700 = '#0091ea';
-export const cyan50 = '#e0f7fa';
-export const cyan100 = '#b2ebf2';
-export const cyan200 = '#80deea';
-export const cyan300 = '#4dd0e1';
-export const cyan400 = '#26c6da';
-export const cyan500 = '#00bcd4';
-export const cyan600 = '#00acc1';
-export const cyan700 = '#0097a7';
-export const cyan800 = '#00838f';
-export const cyan900 = '#006064';
-export const cyanA100 = '#84ffff';
-export const cyanA200 = '#18ffff';
-export const cyanA400 = '#00e5ff';
-export const cyanA700 = '#00b8d4';
-export const teal50 = '#e0f2f1';
-export const teal100 = '#b2dfdb';
-export const teal200 = '#80cbc4';
-export const teal300 = '#4db6ac';
-export const teal400 = '#26a69a';
-export const teal500 = '#009688';
-export const teal600 = '#00897b';
-export const teal700 = '#00796b';
-export const teal800 = '#00695c';
-export const teal900 = '#004d40';
-export const tealA100 = '#a7ffeb';
-export const tealA200 = '#64ffda';
-export const tealA400 = '#1de9b6';
-export const tealA700 = '#00bfa5';
-export const green50 = '#e8f5e9';
-export const green100 = '#c8e6c9';
-export const green200 = '#a5d6a7';
-export const green300 = '#81c784';
-export const green400 = '#66bb6a';
-export const green500 = '#4caf50';
-export const green600 = '#43a047';
-export const green700 = '#388e3c';
-export const green800 = '#2e7d32';
-export const green900 = '#1b5e20';
-export const greenA100 = '#b9f6ca';
-export const greenA200 = '#69f0ae';
-export const greenA400 = '#00e676';
-export const greenA700 = '#00c853';
-export const lightGreen50 = '#f1f8e9';
-export const lightGreen100 = '#dcedc8';
-export const lightGreen200 = '#c5e1a5';
-export const lightGreen300 = '#aed581';
-export const lightGreen400 = '#9ccc65';
-export const lightGreen500 = '#8bc34a';
-export const lightGreen600 = '#7cb342';
-export const lightGreen700 = '#689f38';
-export const lightGreen800 = '#558b2f';
-export const lightGreen900 = '#33691e';
-export const lightGreenA100 = '#ccff90';
-export const lightGreenA200 = '#b2ff59';
-export const lightGreenA400 = '#76ff03';
-export const lightGreenA700 = '#64dd17';
-export const lime50 = '#f9fbe7';
-export const lime100 = '#f0f4c3';
-export const lime200 = '#e6ee9c';
-export const lime300 = '#dce775';
-export const lime400 = '#d4e157';
-export const lime500 = '#cddc39';
-export const lime600 = '#c0ca33';
-export const lime700 = '#afb42b';
-export const lime800 = '#9e9d24';
-export const lime900 = '#827717';
-export const limeA100 = '#f4ff81';
-export const limeA200 = '#eeff41';
-export const limeA400 = '#c6ff00';
-export const limeA700 = '#aeea00';
-export const yellow50 = '#fffde7';
-export const yellow100 = '#fff9c4';
-export const yellow200 = '#fff59d';
-export const yellow300 = '#fff176';
-export const yellow400 = '#ffee58';
-export const yellow500 = '#ffeb3b';
-export const yellow600 = '#fdd835';
-export const yellow700 = '#fbc02d';
-export const yellow800 = '#f9a825';
-export const yellow900 = '#f57f17';
-export const yellowA100 = '#ffff8d';
-export const yellowA200 = '#ffff00';
-export const yellowA400 = '#ffea00';
-export const yellowA700 = '#ffd600';
-export const amber50 = '#fff8e1';
-export const amber100 = '#ffecb3';
-export const amber200 = '#ffe082';
-export const amber300 = '#ffd54f';
-export const amber400 = '#ffca28';
-export const amber500 = '#ffc107';
-export const amber600 = '#ffb300';
-export const amber700 = '#ffa000';
-export const amber800 = '#ff8f00';
-export const amber900 = '#ff6f00';
-export const amberA100 = '#ffe57f';
-export const amberA200 = '#ffd740';
-export const amberA400 = '#ffc400';
-export const amberA700 = '#ffab00';
-export const orange50 = '#fff3e0';
-export const orange100 = '#ffe0b2';
-export const orange200 = '#ffcc80';
-export const orange300 = '#ffb74d';
-export const orange400 = '#ffa726';
-export const orange500 = '#ff9800';
-export const orange600 = '#fb8c00';
-export const orange700 = '#f57c00';
-export const orange800 = '#ef6c00';
-export const orange900 = '#e65100';
-export const orangeA100 = '#ffd180';
-export const orangeA200 = '#ffab40';
-export const orangeA400 = '#ff9100';
-export const orangeA700 = '#ff6d00';
-export const deepOrange50 = '#fbe9e7';
-export const deepOrange100 = '#ffccbc';
-export const deepOrange200 = '#ffab91';
-export const deepOrange300 = '#ff8a65';
-export const deepOrange400 = '#ff7043';
-export const deepOrange500 = '#ff5722';
-export const deepOrange600 = '#f4511e';
-export const deepOrange700 = '#e64a19';
-export const deepOrange800 = '#d84315';
-export const deepOrange900 = '#bf360c';
-export const deepOrangeA100 = '#ff9e80';
-export const deepOrangeA200 = '#ff6e40';
-export const deepOrangeA400 = '#ff3d00';
-export const deepOrangeA700 = '#dd2c00';
-export const brown50 = '#efebe9';
-export const brown100 = '#d7ccc8';
-export const brown200 = '#bcaaa4';
-export const brown300 = '#a1887f';
-export const brown400 = '#8d6e63';
-export const brown500 = '#795548';
-export const brown600 = '#6d4c41';
-export const brown700 = '#5d4037';
-export const brown800 = '#4e342e';
-export const brown900 = '#3e2723';
-export const blueGrey50 = '#eceff1';
-export const blueGrey100 = '#cfd8dc';
-export const blueGrey200 = '#b0bec5';
-export const blueGrey300 = '#90a4ae';
-export const blueGrey400 = '#78909c';
-export const blueGrey500 = '#607d8b';
-export const blueGrey600 = '#546e7a';
-export const blueGrey700 = '#455a64';
-export const blueGrey800 = '#37474f';
-export const blueGrey900 = '#263238';
-export const grey50 = '#fafafa';
-export const grey100 = '#f5f5f5';
-export const grey200 = '#eeeeee';
-export const grey300 = '#e0e0e0';
-export const grey400 = '#bdbdbd';
-export const grey500 = '#9e9e9e';
-export const grey600 = '#757575';
-export const grey700 = '#616161';
-export const grey800 = '#424242';
-export const grey900 = '#212121';
-export const black = '#000000';
-export const white = '#ffffff';
-export const transparent = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
-export const fullBlack = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)';
-export const darkBlack = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)';
-export const lightBlack = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)';
-export const minBlack = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)';
-export const faintBlack = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)';
-export const fullWhite = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)';
-export const darkWhite = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87)';
-export const lightWhite = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.54)';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/common.js b/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/common.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 14a30c3..0000000
--- a/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/common.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- * pollute the global namespace with some useful utils
- */
-import React from 'react'
-window.elem = React.createElement
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/validate.js b/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/validate.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e672e8..0000000
--- a/src/leap/bitmask_js/app/lib/validate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-var DOMAIN_RE = /^((?:(?:(?:\w[\.\-\+]?)*)\w)+)((?:(?:(?:\w[\.\-\+]?){0,62})\w)+)\.(\w{2,6})$/
-var USER_RE   = /^[a-z0-9_-]{1,200}$/
-var USER_INT_RE = /^[\.@a-z0-9_-]*$/
-// Validations returns an error message or false if no errors
-class Validations {
-  domain(input) {
-    if (!input.match(DOMAIN_RE)) {
-      return "Not a domain name"
-    } else {
-      return null
-    }
-  }
-  usernameInteractive(input) {
-    if (!input.match(USER_INT_RE)) {
-      return "Username contains an invalid character"
-    }
-    return false
-  }
-  username(input) {
-    if (!input.match(USER_INT_RE)) {
-      return "Username contains an invalid character"
-    }
-    if (!input.match('@')) {
-      return "Username must be in the form username@domain"
-    }
-    let parts      = input.split('@')
-    let userpart   = parts[0]
-    let domainpart = parts[1]
-    if (!userpart.match(USER_RE)) {
-      return "Username contains an invalid character"
-    } else if (!domainpart.match(DOMAIN_RE)) {
-      return "Username must include a valid domain name."
-    }
-    return false
-  }
-  passwordStrength(passwd) {
-    if (typeof(zxcvbn) == 'function') {
-      // zxcvbn performs very slow on long strings, so we cap
-      // the calculation at 30 characters
-      return zxcvbn(passwd.substring(0,30))
-    } else {
-      return null
-    }
-  }
-  //
-  // loads the zxcvbn library. because this library is big, we don't load it
-  // every time, just when needed.
-  //
-  // this is the webpack way to do this:
-  //
-  //    require.ensure([], function () {
-  //      var zxcvbn = require('zxcvbn');
-  //    });
-  //
-  // that works, but requires that we also process the original coffeescript
-  // source if we want to avoid warning messages.
-  //
-  loadPasswdLib(onload) {
-    var id = "zxcvbn-script"
-    if (!document.getElementById(id)) {
-      var script = document.createElement('script')
- = id
-      script.onload = onload
-      script.src = './js/zxcvbn.js'
-      document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0].appendChild(script)
-    }
-  }
-var Validate = new Validations()
-export default Validate
cgit v1.2.3