From c1903d399b724f5b911129eeb723be7c6bfca536 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kali Kaneko <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 05:39:13 -0400
Subject: flags use the memstore

* add new/dirty deferred dict to notify when written to disk
* fix eventual duplication after copy
* fix flag flickering on first retrieval.
 mail/src/leap/mail/imap/      |  70 ++++++---
 mail/src/leap/mail/imap/  | 265 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 mail/src/leap/mail/imap/ |  72 ++++++---
 mail/src/leap/mail/imap/     | 162 ++++++++++++-------
 mail/src/leap/mail/imap/ |  35 ++++-
 mail/src/leap/mail/       |   8 +-
 mail/src/leap/mail/             |   9 ++
 7 files changed, 479 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
index 5e16b4b..108d0da 100644
--- a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
+++ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from leap.common import events as leap_events
 from import IMAP_UNREAD_MAIL
 from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type
 from leap.mail.decorators import deferred
+from leap.mail.utils import empty
 from leap.mail.imap.fields import WithMsgFields, fields
 from leap.mail.imap.messages import MessageCollection
 from leap.mail.imap.messageparts import MessageWrapper
@@ -475,8 +476,17 @@ class SoledadMailbox(WithMsgFields, MBoxParser):
         Remove all messages flagged \\Deleted
+        print "EXPUNGE!"
         if not self.isWriteable():
             raise imap4.ReadOnlyMailbox
+        mstore = self._memstore
+        if mstore is not None:
+            deleted = mstore.all_deleted_uid_iter(self.mbox)
+            print "deleted ", list(deleted)
+            for uid in deleted:
+                mstore.remove_message(self.mbox, uid)
+        print "now deleting from soledad"
         d = self.messages.remove_all_deleted()
@@ -709,21 +719,21 @@ class SoledadMailbox(WithMsgFields, MBoxParser):
             msg = self.messages.get_msg_by_uid(msg_id)
             if not msg:
+            # We duplicate the set operations here
+            # to return the result because it's less costly than
+            # retrieving the flags again.
+            newflags = set(msg.getFlags())
             if mode == 1:
+                newflags = newflags.union(set(flags))
             elif mode == -1:
+                newflags.difference_update(flags)
             elif mode == 0:
-            result[msg_id] = msg.getFlags()
-        # After changing flags, we want to signal again to the
-        # UI because the number of unread might have changed.
-        # Hoever, we should probably limit this to INBOX only?
-        # this should really be called as a final callback of
-        # the do_STORE method...
-        from twisted.internet import reactor
-        deferLater(reactor, 1, self.signal_unread_to_ui)
+                newflags = set(flags)
+            result[msg_id] = newflags
         return result
     # ISearchableMailbox
@@ -780,6 +790,7 @@ class SoledadMailbox(WithMsgFields, MBoxParser):
         from twisted.internet import reactor
         uid_next = self.getUIDNext()
         msg = messageObject
+        memstore = self._memstore
         # XXX should use a public api instead
         fdoc = msg._fdoc
@@ -787,20 +798,35 @@ class SoledadMailbox(WithMsgFields, MBoxParser):
         if not fdoc:
             logger.debug("Tried to copy a MSG with no fdoc")
         new_fdoc = copy.deepcopy(fdoc.content)
-        new_fdoc[self.UID_KEY] = uid_next
-        new_fdoc[self.MBOX_KEY] = self.mbox
-        self._memstore.create_message(
-            self.mbox, uid_next,
-            MessageWrapper(
-                new_fdoc, hdoc.content))
-        # XXX use memory store !!!
-        if hasattr(hdoc, 'doc_id'):
-            self.messages.add_hdocset_docid(hdoc.doc_id)
-        deferLater(reactor, 1, self.notify_new)
+        fdoc_chash = new_fdoc[fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY]
+        dest_fdoc = memstore.get_fdoc_from_chash(
+            fdoc_chash, self.mbox)
+        exist = dest_fdoc and not empty(dest_fdoc.content)
+        if exist:
+            print "Destination message already exists!"
+        else:
+            print "DO COPY MESSAGE!"
+            new_fdoc[self.UID_KEY] = uid_next
+            new_fdoc[self.MBOX_KEY] = self.mbox
+            # XXX set recent!
+            print "****************************"
+            print "copy message..."
+            print "new fdoc ", new_fdoc
+            print "hdoc: ", hdoc
+            print "****************************"
+            self._memstore.create_message(
+                self.mbox, uid_next,
+                MessageWrapper(
+                    new_fdoc, hdoc.content))
+            deferLater(reactor, 1, self.notify_new)
     # convenience fun
diff --git a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
index f0bdab5..f0c0d4b 100644
--- a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
+++ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
@@ -21,10 +21,13 @@ import contextlib
 import logging
 import weakref
+from twisted.internet import defer
 from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
+from twisted.python import log
 from zope.interface import implements
 from leap.mail import size
+from leap.mail.utils import empty
 from leap.mail.messageflow import MessageProducer
 from leap.mail.imap import interfaces
 from leap.mail.imap.fields import fields
@@ -34,6 +37,8 @@ from leap.mail.imap.messageparts import ReferenciableDict
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 def set_bool_flag(obj, att):
@@ -79,7 +84,8 @@ class MemoryStore(object):
     WRITING_FLAG = "_writing"
-    def __init__(self, permanent_store=None, write_period=60):
+    def __init__(self, permanent_store=None,
+                 write_period=SOLEDAD_WRITE_PERIOD):
         Initialize a MemoryStore.
@@ -92,10 +98,23 @@ class MemoryStore(object):
         self._permanent_store = permanent_store
         self._write_period = write_period
-        # Internal Storage
+        # Internal Storage: messages
         self._msg_store = {}
+        # Internal Storage: payload-hash
+        """
+        {'phash': weakreaf.proxy(dict)}
+        """
         self._phash_store = {}
+        # Internal Storage: content-hash:fdoc
+        """
+        {'chash': {'mbox-a': weakref.proxy(dict),
+                   'mbox-b': weakref.proxy(dict)}
+        }
+        """
+        self._chash_fdoc_store = {}
         # TODO ----------------- implement mailbox-level flags store too! ----
         self._rflags_store = {}
         self._hdocset_store = {}
@@ -103,7 +122,9 @@ class MemoryStore(object):
         # New and dirty flags, to set MessageWrapper State.
         self._new = set([])
+        self._new_deferreds = {}
         self._dirty = set([])
+        self._dirty_deferreds = {}
         # Flag for signaling we're busy writing to the disk storage.
         setattr(self, self.WRITING_FLAG, False)
@@ -141,48 +162,141 @@ class MemoryStore(object):
     # We would have to add a put_flags operation to modify only
     # the flags doc (and set the dirty flag accordingly)
-    def create_message(self, mbox, uid, message):
+    def create_message(self, mbox, uid, message, notify_on_disk=True):
         Create the passed message into this MemoryStore.
         By default we consider that any message is a new message.
+        :param mbox: the mailbox
+        :type mbox: basestring
+        :param uid: the UID for the message
+        :type uid: int
+        :param message: a to be added
+        :type message: MessageWrapper
+        :param notify_on_disk:
+        :type notify_on_disk: bool
+        :return: a Deferred. if notify_on_disk is True, will be fired
+                 when written to the db on disk.
+                 Otherwise will fire inmediately
+        :rtype: Deferred
         print "adding new doc to memstore %s (%s)" % (mbox, uid)
         key = mbox, uid
+        d = defer.Deferred()
+        d.addCallback(lambda result: log.msg("message save: %s" % result))
+        self._new_deferreds[key] = d
+        self._add_message(mbox, uid, message, notify_on_disk)
+        print "create message: ", d
+        return d
-        msg_dict = message.as_dict()
-        self._msg_store[key] = msg_dict
+    def put_message(self, mbox, uid, message, notify_on_disk=True):
+        """
+        Put an existing message.
-        cdocs = message.cdocs
+        :param mbox: the mailbox
+        :type mbox: basestring
+        :param uid: the UID for the message
+        :type uid: int
+        :param message: a to be added
+        :type message: MessageWrapper
+        :param notify_on_disk:
+        :type notify_on_disk: bool
-        dirty = key in self._dirty
-        new = key in self._new
+        :return: a Deferred. if notify_on_disk is True, will be fired
+                 when written to the db on disk.
+                 Otherwise will fire inmediately
+        :rtype: Deferred
+        """
+        key = mbox, uid
+        d = defer.Deferred()
+        d.addCallback(lambda result: log.msg("message save: %s" % result))
+        self._dirty.add(key)
+        self._dirty_deferreds[key] = d
+        self._add_message(mbox, uid, message, notify_on_disk)
+        return d
-        # XXX should capture this in log...
+    def _add_message(self, mbox, uid, message, notify_on_disk=True):
+        # XXX have to differentiate between notify_new and notify_dirty
+        key = mbox, uid
+        msg_dict = message.as_dict()
+        print "ADDING MESSAGE..."
+        import pprint; pprint.pprint(msg_dict)
+        # XXX use the enum as keys
+        try:
+            store = self._msg_store[key]
+        except KeyError:
+            self._msg_store[key] = {'fdoc': {},
+                                    'hdoc': {},
+                                    'cdocs': {},
+                                    'docs_id': {}}
+            store = self._msg_store[key]
+        print "In store (before):"
+        import pprint; pprint.pprint(store)
+        #self._msg_store[key] = msg_dict
+        fdoc = msg_dict.get('fdoc', None)
+        if fdoc:
+            if not store.get('fdoc', None):
+                store['fdoc'] = ReferenciableDict({})
+            store['fdoc'].update(fdoc)
+            # content-hash indexing
+            chash = fdoc.get(fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY)
+            chash_fdoc_store = self._chash_fdoc_store
+            if not chash in chash_fdoc_store:
+                chash_fdoc_store[chash] = {}
+            chash_fdoc_store[chash][mbox] = weakref.proxy(
+                store['fdoc'])
+        hdoc = msg_dict.get('hdoc', None)
+        if hdoc:
+            if not store.get('hdoc', None):
+                store['hdoc'] = ReferenciableDict({})
+            store['hdoc'].update(hdoc)
+        docs_id = msg_dict.get('docs_id', None)
+        if docs_id:
+            if not store.get('docs_id', None):
+                store['docs_id'] = {}
+            store['docs_id'].update(docs_id)
+        cdocs = message.cdocs
         for cdoc_key in cdocs.keys():
-            print "saving cdoc"
-            cdoc = self._msg_store[key]['cdocs'][cdoc_key]
+            if not store.get('cdocs', None):
+                store['cdocs'] = {}
-            # FIXME this should be done in the MessageWrapper constructor
-            # instead...
+            cdoc = cdocs[cdoc_key]
             # first we make it weak-referenciable
             referenciable_cdoc = ReferenciableDict(cdoc)
-            self._msg_store[key]['cdocs'][cdoc_key] = MessagePartDoc(
-                new=new, dirty=dirty, store="mem",
-                part=MessagePartType.cdoc,
-                content=referenciable_cdoc)
+            store['cdocs'][cdoc_key] = referenciable_cdoc
             phash = cdoc.get(fields.PAYLOAD_HASH_KEY, None)
             if not phash:
             self._phash_store[phash] = weakref.proxy(referenciable_cdoc)
-    def put_message(self, mbox, uid, msg):
-        """
-        Put an existing message.
-        """
-        return NotImplementedError()
+        def prune(seq, store):
+            for key in seq:
+                if key in store and empty(store.get(key)):
+                    store.pop(key)
+        prune(('fdoc', 'hdoc', 'cdocs', 'docs_id'), store)
+        #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
+        print "after appending to store: ", key
+        import pprint; pprint.pprint(self._msg_store[key])
     def get_message(self, mbox, uid):
@@ -203,7 +317,13 @@ class MemoryStore(object):
         Remove a Message from this MemoryStore.
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        try:
+            key = mbox, uid
+            self._new.discard(key)
+            self._dirty.discard(key)
+            self._msg_store.pop(key, None)
+        except Exception as exc:
+            logger.exception(exc)
     # IMessageStoreWriter
@@ -211,12 +331,15 @@ class MemoryStore(object):
         Write the message documents in this MemoryStore to a different store.
-        # XXX pass if it's writing (ie, the queue is not empty...)
-        # See how to make the writing_flag aware of the queue state...
-        print "writing messages to producer..."
+        # For now, we pass if the queue is not empty, to avoid duplication.
+        # We would better use a flag to know when we've already enqueued an
+        # item.
+        if not self.producer.is_queue_empty():
+            return
+        print "Writing messages to Soledad..."
         with set_bool_flag(self, self.WRITING_FLAG):
-            for msg_wrapper in self.all_msg_iter():
+            for msg_wrapper in self.all_new_dirty_msg_iter():
     # MemoryStore specific methods.
@@ -247,12 +370,14 @@ class MemoryStore(object):
         return len(self._new)
-    def get_by_phash(self, phash):
+    def get_cdoc_from_phash(self, phash):
         Return a content-document by its payload-hash.
         doc = self._phash_store.get(phash, None)
+        # XXX return None for consistency?
         # XXX have to keep a mapping between phash and its linkage
         # info, to know if this payload is been already saved or not.
         # We will be able to get this from the linkage-docs,
@@ -262,7 +387,40 @@ class MemoryStore(object):
         return MessagePartDoc(
             new=new, dirty=dirty, store="mem",
-            content=doc)
+            content=doc,
+            doc_id=None)
+    def get_fdoc_from_chash(self, chash, mbox):
+        """
+        Return a flags-document by its content-hash and a given mailbox.
+        :return: MessagePartDoc, or None.
+        """
+        docs_dict = self._chash_fdoc_store.get(chash, None)
+        fdoc = docs_dict.get(mbox, None) if docs_dict else None
+        print "GETTING FDOC BY CHASH:", fdoc
+        # a couple of special cases.
+        # 1. We might have a doc with empty content...
+        if empty(fdoc):
+            return None
+        # ...Or the message could exist, but being flagged for deletion.
+        # We want to create a new one in this case.
+        # Hmmm what if the deletion is un-done?? We would end with a
+        # duplicate...
+        if fdoc and fields.DELETED_FLAG in fdoc[fields.FLAGS_KEY]:
+            return None
+        # XXX get flags
+        new = True
+        dirty = False
+        return MessagePartDoc(
+            new=new, dirty=dirty, store="mem",
+            part=MessagePartType.fdoc,
+            content=fdoc,
+            doc_id=None)
     def all_msg_iter(self):
@@ -271,6 +429,25 @@ class MemoryStore(object):
         return (self.get_message(*key)
                 for key in sorted(self._msg_store.keys()))
+    def all_new_dirty_msg_iter(self):
+        """
+        Return geneator that iterates through all new and dirty messages.
+        """
+        return (self.get_message(*key)
+                for key in sorted(self._msg_store.keys())
+                if key in self._new or key in self._dirty)
+    def all_deleted_uid_iter(self, mbox):
+        """
+        Return generator that iterates through the UIDs for all messags
+        with deleted flag in a given mailbox.
+        """
+        all_deleted = (
+            msg['fdoc']['uid'] for msg in self._msg_store.values()
+            if msg.get('fdoc', None)
+            and fields.DELETED_FLAG in msg['fdoc']['flags'])
+        return all_deleted
     # new, dirty flags
     def _get_new_dirty_state(self, key):
@@ -289,9 +466,35 @@ class MemoryStore(object):
         Remove the key value from the `new` set.
-        print "******************"
-        print "UNSETTING NEW FOR: %s" % str(key)
+        print "Unsetting NEW for: %s" % str(key)
+        deferreds = self._new_deferreds
+        d = deferreds.get(key, None)
+        if d:
+            # XXX use a namedtuple for passing the result
+            # when we check it in the other side.
+            d.callback('%s, ok' % str(key))
+            deferreds.pop(key)
+    def set_dirty(self, key):
+        """
+        Add the key value to the `dirty` set.
+        """
+        self._dirty.add(key)
+    def unset_dirty(self, key):
+        """
+        Remove the key value from the `dirty` set.
+        """
+        print "Unsetting DIRTY for: %s" % str(key)
+        self._dirty.discard(key)
+        deferreds = self._dirty_deferreds
+        d = deferreds.get(key, None)
+        if d:
+            # XXX use a namedtuple for passing the result
+            # when we check it in the other side.
+            d.callback('%s, ok' % str(key))
+            deferreds.pop(key)
     def is_writing(self):
diff --git a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
index 42eef02..b43bc37 100644
--- a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
+++ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
@@ -65,15 +65,13 @@ and sometimes to a part in particular only.
   we have modified its state in memory, so we need to put_doc instead while
   dumping the MemoryStore contents.
   `dirty` attribute would only apply to flags-docs and linkage-docs.
-  XXX this is still not implemented!
+* `doc_id` is the identifier for the document in the u1db database, if any.
 MessagePartDoc = namedtuple(
-    ['new', 'dirty', 'part', 'store', 'content'])
+    ['new', 'dirty', 'part', 'store', 'content', 'doc_id'])
 class ReferenciableDict(dict):
@@ -96,6 +94,7 @@ class MessageWrapper(object):
     FDOC = "fdoc"
     HDOC = "hdoc"
     CDOCS = "cdocs"
+    DOCS_ID = "docs_id"
     # XXX can use this to limit the memory footprint,
     # or is it too premature to optimize?
@@ -105,12 +104,17 @@ class MessageWrapper(object):
     def __init__(self, fdoc=None, hdoc=None, cdocs=None,
                  from_dict=None, memstore=None,
-                 new=True, dirty=False):
+                 new=True, dirty=False, docs_id={}):
+        """
+        Initialize a MessageWrapper.
+        """
+        # TODO add optional reference to original message in the incoming
         self._dict = {}
         self.memstore = memstore
         self._new = new
         self._dirty = dirty
         self._storetype = "mem"
         if from_dict is not None:
@@ -122,6 +126,7 @@ class MessageWrapper(object):
                 self._dict[self.HDOC] = ReferenciableDict(hdoc)
             if cdocs is not None:
                 self._dict[self.CDOCS] = ReferenciableDict(cdocs)
+        self._dict[self.DOCS_ID] = docs_id
     # properties
@@ -153,10 +158,28 @@ class MessageWrapper(object):
                    doc="The `new` flag for this MessageWrapper")
     def _get_dirty(self):
+        """
+        Get the value for the `dirty` flag.
+        """
         return self._dirty
     def _set_dirty(self, value=True):
+        """
+        Set the value for the `dirty` flag, and propagate it
+        to the memory store if any.
+        """
         self._dirty = value
+        if self.memstore:
+            mbox = self.fdoc.content['mbox']
+            uid = self.fdoc.content['uid']
+            key = mbox, uid
+            fun = [self.memstore.unset_dirty,
+                   self.memstore.set_dirty][int(value)]
+            fun(key)
+        else:
+            logger.warning("Could not find a memstore referenced from this "
+                           "MessageWrapper. The value for new will not be "
+                           "propagated")
     dirty = property(_get_dirty, _set_dirty)
@@ -173,7 +196,9 @@ class MessageWrapper(object):
         return MessagePartDoc(, dirty=self.dirty,
-                              content=content_ref)
+                              content=content_ref,
+                              doc_id=self._dict[self.DOCS_ID].get(
+                                  self.FDOC, None))
     def hdoc(self):
@@ -186,7 +211,9 @@ class MessageWrapper(object):
         return MessagePartDoc(, dirty=self.dirty,
-                              content=content_ref)
+                              content=content_ref,
+                              doc_id=self._dict[self.DOCS_ID].get(
+                                  self.HDOC, None))
     def cdocs(self):
@@ -201,21 +228,18 @@ class MessageWrapper(object):
         Generator that iterates through all the parts, returning
-        yield self.fdoc
-        yield self.hdoc
+        if self.fdoc is not None:
+            yield self.fdoc
+        if self.hdoc is not None:
+            yield self.hdoc
         for cdoc in self.cdocs.values():
-            # XXX this will break ----
-            #content_ref = weakref.proxy(cdoc)
-            #yield MessagePartDoc(, dirty=self.dirty,
-                                 #store=self._storetype,
-                                 #part=MessagePartType.cdoc,
-                                 #content=content_ref)
-            # the put is handling this for us, so
-            # we already have stored a MessagePartDoc
-            # but we should really do it while adding in the
-            # constructor or the from_dict method
-            yield cdoc
+            if cdoc is not None:
+                content_ref = weakref.proxy(cdoc)
+                yield MessagePartDoc(, dirty=self.dirty,
+                                     store=self._storetype,
+                                     part=MessagePartType.cdoc,
+                                     content=content_ref,
+                                     doc_id=None)
     # i/o
@@ -234,9 +258,9 @@ class MessageWrapper(object):
         fdoc, hdoc, cdocs = map(
             lambda part: msg_dict.get(part, None),
             [self.FDOC, self.HDOC, self.CDOCS])
-        self._dict[self.FDOC] = fdoc
-        self._dict[self.HDOC] = hdoc
-        self._dict[self.CDOCS] = cdocs
+        for t, doc in ((self.FDOC, fdoc), (self.HDOC, hdoc),
+                       (self.CDOCS, cdocs)):
+            self._dict[t] = ReferenciableDict(doc) if doc else None
 class MessagePart(object):
diff --git a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
index 94bd714..c212472 100644
--- a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
+++ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type
 from leap.common.decorators import memoized_method
 from leap.common.mail import get_email_charset
 from leap.mail import walk
-from leap.mail.utils import first, find_charset, lowerdict
+from leap.mail.utils import first, find_charset, lowerdict, empty
 from leap.mail.decorators import deferred
 from leap.mail.imap.index import IndexedDB
 from leap.mail.imap.fields import fields, WithMsgFields
@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@ class LeapMessage(fields, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         self.__chash = None
         self.__bdoc = None
+    # XXX make these properties public
     def _fdoc(self):
@@ -154,8 +156,9 @@ class LeapMessage(fields, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         if self._container is not None:
             hdoc = self._container.hdoc
-            if hdoc:
+            if hdoc and not empty(hdoc.content):
                 return hdoc
+        # XXX cache this into the memory store !!!
         return self._get_headers_doc()
@@ -248,7 +251,13 @@ class LeapMessage(fields, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         doc.content[self.SEEN_KEY] = self.SEEN_FLAG in flags
         doc.content[self.DEL_KEY] = self.DELETED_FLAG in flags
-        if getattr(doc, 'store', None) != "mem":
+        if self._collection.memstore is not None:
+            self._collection.memstore.put_message(
+                self._mbox, self._uid,
+                MessageWrapper(fdoc=doc.content, new=False, dirty=True,
+                               docs_id={'fdoc': doc.doc_id}))
+        else:
+            # fallback for non-memstore initializations.
     def addFlags(self, flags):
@@ -547,20 +556,18 @@ class LeapMessage(fields, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         # phash doc...
         if self._container is not None:
-            bdoc = self._container.memstore.get_by_phash(body_phash)
+            bdoc = self._container.memstore.get_cdoc_from_phash(body_phash)
             print "bdoc from container -->", bdoc
             if bdoc and bdoc.content is not None:
                 return bdoc
                 print "no doc or not bdoc content for that phash found!"
-        print "nuthing. soledad?"
         # no memstore or no doc found there
         if self._soledad:
             body_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index(
                 fields.TYPE_CONTENT_VAL, str(body_phash))
-            print "returning body docs...", body_docs
             return first(body_docs)
             logger.error("No phash in container, and no soledad found!")
@@ -581,32 +588,32 @@ class LeapMessage(fields, MailParser, MBoxParser):
     # setters
     # XXX to be used in the messagecopier interface?!
-    def set_uid(self, uid):
-        """
-        Set new uid for this message.
-        :param uid: the new uid
-        :type uid: basestring
-        """
+    #def set_uid(self, uid):
+        #"""
+        #Set new uid for this message.
+        #:param uid: the new uid
+        #:type uid: basestring
+        #"""
         # XXX dangerous! lock?
-        self._uid = uid
-        d = self._fdoc
-        d.content[self.UID_KEY] = uid
-        self._soledad.put_doc(d)
-    def set_mbox(self, mbox):
-        """
-        Set new mbox for this message.
-        :param mbox: the new mbox
-        :type mbox: basestring
-        """
+        #self._uid = uid
+        #d = self._fdoc
+        #d.content[self.UID_KEY] = uid
+        #self._soledad.put_doc(d)
+    #def set_mbox(self, mbox):
+        #"""
+        #Set new mbox for this message.
+        #:param mbox: the new mbox
+        #:type mbox: basestring
+        #"""
         # XXX dangerous! lock?
-        self._mbox = mbox
-        d = self._fdoc
-        d.content[self.MBOX_KEY] = mbox
-        self._soledad.put_doc(d)
+        #self._mbox = mbox
+        #d = self._fdoc
+        #d.content[self.MBOX_KEY] = mbox
+        #self._soledad.put_doc(d)
     # destructor
@@ -614,14 +621,13 @@ class LeapMessage(fields, MailParser, MBoxParser):
     def remove(self):
         Remove all docs associated with this message.
+        Currently it removes only the flags doc.
         # XXX For the moment we are only removing the flags and headers
         # docs. The rest we leave there polluting your hard disk,
         # until we think about a good way of deorphaning.
         # Maybe a crawler of unreferenced docs.
-        # XXX remove from memory store!!!
         # XXX implement elijah's idea of using a PUT document as a
         # token to ensure consistency in the removal.
@@ -632,13 +638,35 @@ class LeapMessage(fields, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         #bd = self._get_body_doc()
         #docs = [fd, hd, bd]
-        docs = [fd]
+        try:
+            memstore = self._collection.memstore
+        except AttributeError:
+            memstore = False
+        if memstore and hasattr(fd, "store", None) == "mem":
+            key = self._mbox, self._uid
+            if
+                # it's a new document, so we can remove it and it will not
+                # be writen. Watch out! We need to be sure it has not been
+                # just queued to write!
+                memstore.remove_message(*key)
+            if fd.dirty:
+                doc_id = fd.doc_id
+                doc = self._soledad.get_doc(doc_id)
+                try:
+                    self._soledad.delete_doc(doc)
+                except Exception as exc:
+                    logger.exception(exc)
-        for d in filter(None, docs):
+        else:
+            # we just got a soledad_doc
-                self._soledad.delete_doc(d)
+                doc_id = fd.doc_id
+                latest_doc = self._soledad.get_doc(doc_id)
+                self._soledad.delete_doc(latest_doc)
             except Exception as exc:
-                logger.error(exc)
+                logger.exception(exc)
         return uid
     def does_exist(self):
@@ -786,8 +814,10 @@ class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         # okay, all in order, keep going...
         self.mbox = self._parse_mailbox_name(mbox)
+        # XXX get a SoledadStore passed instead
         self._soledad = soledad
-        self._memstore = memstore
+        self.memstore = memstore
         self.__rflags = None
         self.__hdocset = None
@@ -913,13 +943,21 @@ class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         :type chash: basestring
         :return: False, if it does not exist, or UID.
-        exist = self._get_fdoc_from_chash(chash)
+        exist = False
+        if self.memstore is not None:
+            exist = self.memstore.get_fdoc_from_chash(chash, self.mbox)
+        if not exist:
+            exist = self._get_fdoc_from_chash(chash)
+        print "FDOC EXIST?", exist
         if exist:
             return exist.content.get(fields.UID_KEY, "unknown-uid")
             return False
-    @deferred
+    # not deferring to thread cause this now uses deferred asa retval
+    #@deferred
     def add_msg(self, raw, subject=None, flags=None, date=None, uid=1):
         Creates a new message document.
@@ -945,6 +983,7 @@ class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         # TODO add the linked-from info !
         # TODO add reference to the original message
+        print "ADDING MESSAGE..."
         logger.debug('adding message')
         if flags is None:
@@ -956,11 +995,14 @@ class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         # check for uniqueness.
         if self._fdoc_already_exists(chash):
+            print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
+            print
+            print
             logger.warning("We already have that message in this mailbox.")
             # note that this operation will leave holes in the UID sequence,
             # but we're gonna change that all the same for a local-only table.
             # so not touch it by the moment.
-            return False
+            return defer.succeed('already_exists')
         fd = self._populate_flags(flags, uid, chash, size, multi)
         hd = self._populate_headr(msg, chash, subject, date)
@@ -999,7 +1041,16 @@ class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         # TODO ---- add reference to original doc, to be deleted
         # after writes are done.
         msg_container = MessageWrapper(fd, hd, cdocs)
-        self._memstore.create_message(self.mbox, uid, msg_container)
+        # XXX Should allow also to dump to disk directly,
+        # for no-memstore cases.
+        # we return a deferred that, by default, will be triggered when
+        # saved to disk
+        d = self.memstore.create_message(self.mbox, uid, msg_container)
+        print "defered-add", d
+        print "adding message", d
+        return d
     def _remove_cb(self, result):
         return result
@@ -1247,17 +1298,13 @@ class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
                  or None if not found.
         :rtype: LeapMessage
-        print "getting msg by id!"
-        msg_container = self._memstore.get_message(self.mbox, uid)
-        print "msg container", msg_container
+        msg_container = self.memstore.get_message(self.mbox, uid)
         if msg_container is not None:
-            print "getting LeapMessage (from memstore)"
             # We pass a reference to soledad just to be able to retrieve
             # missing parts that cannot be found in the container, like
             # the content docs after a copy.
             msg = LeapMessage(self._soledad, uid, self.mbox, collection=self,
-            print "got msg:", msg
             msg = LeapMessage(self._soledad, uid, self.mbox, collection=self)
         if not msg.does_exist():
@@ -1303,8 +1350,8 @@ class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
                            fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox)])
-        if self._memstore is not None:
-            mem_uids = self._memstore.get_uids(self.mbox)
+        if self.memstore is not None:
+            mem_uids = self.memstore.get_uids(self.mbox)
             uids = db_uids.union(set(mem_uids))
             uids = db_uids
@@ -1328,19 +1375,22 @@ class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         Return a dict with all flags documents for this mailbox.
         # XXX get all from memstore and cache it there
+        # FIXME should get all uids, get them fro memstore,
+        # and get only the missing ones from disk.
         all_flags = dict(((
             doc.content[self.FLAGS_KEY]) for doc in
                 fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox)))
-        if self._memstore is not None:
+        if self.memstore is not None:
             # XXX
-            uids = self._memstore.get_uids(self.mbox)
-            fdocs = [(uid, self._memstore.get_message(self.mbox, uid).fdoc)
-                     for uid in uids]
-            for uid, doc in fdocs:
-                all_flags[uid] = doc.content[self.FLAGS_KEY]
+            uids = self.memstore.get_uids(self.mbox)
+            docs = ((uid, self.memstore.get_message(self.mbox, uid))
+                    for uid in uids)
+            for uid, doc in docs:
+                all_flags[uid] = doc.fdoc.content[self.FLAGS_KEY]
         return all_flags
@@ -1378,8 +1428,8 @@ class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
         count = self._soledad.get_count_from_index(
             fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox)
-        if self._memstore is not None:
-            count += self._memstore.count_new()
+        if self.memstore is not None:
+            count += self.memstore.count_new()
         return count
     # unseen messages
diff --git a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
index d36acae..b321da8 100644
--- a/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
+++ b/mail/src/leap/mail/imap/
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ class ContentDedup(object):
         if len(header_docs) != 1:
             logger.warning("Found more than one copy of chash %s!"
                            % (chash,))
-        logger.debug("Found header doc with that hash! Skipping save!")
+        # XXX re-enable
+        #logger.debug("Found header doc with that hash! Skipping save!")
         return True
     def _content_does_exist(self, doc):
@@ -105,7 +106,8 @@ class ContentDedup(object):
         if len(attach_docs) != 1:
             logger.warning("Found more than one copy of phash %s!"
                            % (phash,))
-        logger.debug("Found attachment doc with that hash! Skipping save!")
+        # XXX re-enable
+        #logger.debug("Found attachment doc with that hash! Skipping save!")
         return True
@@ -215,6 +217,7 @@ class SoledadStore(ContentDedup):
                 # If everything went well, we can unset the new flag
                 # in the source store (memory store)
        = False
+                msg_wrapper.dirty = False
             empty = queue.empty()
@@ -261,6 +264,9 @@ class SoledadStore(ContentDedup):
             # item is expected to be a MessagePartDoc
             for item in msg_wrapper.walk():
                 if item.part == MessagePartType.fdoc:
+                    # FIXME add content duplication for HEADERS too!
+                    # (only 1 chash per mailbox!)
                     yield dict(item.content), call
                 elif item.part == MessagePartType.hdoc:
@@ -276,18 +282,31 @@ class SoledadStore(ContentDedup):
                         yield dict(item.content), call
+        # For now, the only thing that will be dirty is
+        # the flags doc.
+        elif msg_wrapper.dirty is True:
+            print "DIRTY DOC! ----------------------"
+            call = self._soledad.put_doc
+            # item is expected to be a MessagePartDoc
+            for item in msg_wrapper.walk():
+                doc_id = item.doc_id  # defend!
+                doc = self._soledad.get_doc(doc_id)
+                doc.content = item.content
+                if item.part == MessagePartType.fdoc:
+                    print "Will PUT the doc: ", doc
+                    yield dict(doc), call
+                # XXX also for linkage-doc
         # TODO should write back to the queue
         # with the results of the operation.
         # We can write there:
         # (*) MsgWriteACK  --> Should remove from incoming queue.
         #                      (We should do this here).
         # Implement using callbacks for each operation.
-        # TODO should check for elements with the dirty state
-        # TODO if new == False and dirty == True, put_doc
-        # XXX for puts, we will have to retrieve
-        # the document, change the content, and
-        # pass the whole document under "content"
             logger.error("Cannot put/delete documents yet!")
diff --git a/mail/src/leap/mail/ b/mail/src/leap/mail/
index ed6abcd..b7fc030 100644
--- a/mail/src/leap/mail/
+++ b/mail/src/leap/mail/
@@ -126,9 +126,15 @@ class MessageProducer(object):
         again after the addition of new items.
-        if self._queue.empty():
+        if self.is_queue_empty():
+    def is_queue_empty(self):
+        """
+        Return True if queue is empty, False otherwise.
+        """
+        return self._queue.empty()
     # public methods: IMessageProducer
     def push(self, item):
diff --git a/mail/src/leap/mail/ b/mail/src/leap/mail/
index 64af04f..bae2898 100644
--- a/mail/src/leap/mail/
+++ b/mail/src/leap/mail/
@@ -36,6 +36,15 @@ def first(things):
         return None
+def empty(thing):
+    """
+    Return True if a thing is None or its length is zero.
+    """
+    if thing is None:
+        return True
+    return len(thing) == 0
 def maybe_call(thing):
     Return the same thing, or the result of its invocation if it is a
cgit v1.2.3