import re try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import getaddresses from collections import namedtuple from copy import deepcopy from memoryhole.gpg import Gnupg from memoryhole.rfc3156 import ( PGPEncrypted, MultipartEncrypted, RFC3156CompliantGenerator, MultipartSigned, PGPSignature, encode_base64_rec ) class ProtectConfig(object): Replace = namedtuple("Replace", ("force_display", "replacement")) REPLACED_HEADERS = { "subject": Replace(True, "encrypted email"), "message-id": Replace(True, "C@memoryhole.example"), "date": Replace(True, "Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000"), "in-reply-to": Replace(False, None), "references": Replace(False, None), "user-agent": Replace(False, None), } def __init__(self, openpgp=None, replaced_headers=REPLACED_HEADERS, skipped_headers=[]): """ Configuration parameters for the protection. Every header will be included in the memory hole protected headers part unless is in the skipped_headers list. For encrypted emails the header will be replaced if they are present in the replaced_headers list. Each header will be putted in the MIMEpart headers unless 'force_display' is True. Top level headers will be replaced by 'replacement' unless 'replacement' is None, in which case the header will be removed completely from the top level headers. All header names need to be in lower case. :param openpgp: the implementation of openpgp to use for encryption and/or signature :type openpgp: IOpenPGP :param replaced_headers: a dict of headers to be replaced :type replaced_headers: {str: Header} :param skipped_headers: list of headers to skip :type skipped_headers: [str] """ if openpgp is None: openpgp = Gnupg() self.openpgp = openpgp self.skipped_headers = skipped_headers self.replaced_headers = replaced_headers def protect(msg, encrypt=True, config=None): """ Protect an email with memory hole. It will protect the config.protected_headers and will obscure the config.obscured_headers :param msg: the email to be protected :type msg: Message :param encrypt: should the message be encrypted :type encrypt: bool :return: an encrypted and/or signed email :rtype: Message """ if config is None: config = ProtectConfig() if encrypt: return _encrypt_mime(msg, config) return _sign_mime(msg, config) def _encrypt_mime(msg, config): encraddr = _recipient_addresses(msg) newmsg, part = _protect_headers( msg, MultipartEncrypted('application/pgp-encrypted'), config) if config.replaced_headers: newmsg, part = _replace_headers(newmsg, part, config) encstr = config.openpgp.encrypt(part.as_string(unixfrom=False), encraddr) encmsg = MIMEApplication( encstr, _subtype='octet-stream', _encoder=lambda x: x) encmsg.add_header('content-disposition', 'attachment', filename='msg.asc') # create meta message metamsg = PGPEncrypted() metamsg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment') # attach pgp message parts to new message newmsg.attach(metamsg) newmsg.attach(encmsg) return newmsg def _sign_mime(msg, config): newmsg, part = _protect_headers( msg, MultipartSigned('application/pgp-signature', 'pgp-sha512'), config) # apply base64 content-transfer-encoding encode_base64_rec(part) # get message text with headers and replace \n for \r\n fp = StringIO() g = RFC3156CompliantGenerator(fp, mangle_from_=False, maxheaderlen=76) g.flatten(part) msgtext = re.sub('\r?\n', '\r\n', fp.getvalue()) # make sure signed message ends with \r\n as per OpenPGP stantard. if msg.is_multipart() and not msgtext.endswith("\r\n"): msgtext += "\r\n" signature = config.openpgp.sign(msgtext) sigmsg = PGPSignature(signature) # attach original message and signature to new message newmsg.attach(part) newmsg.attach(sigmsg) return newmsg def _replace_headers(msg, part, config): headers = "" for header, value in msg.items(): h = header.lower() if (h in config.replaced_headers and config.replaced_headers[h].force_display): headers += header + ": " + value + "\n" headerspart = MIMEText(headers, 'rfc822-headers') # TODO: should this be an attachment???? newpart = MIMEMultipart('mixed', _subparts=[headerspart, part]) for header, value in config.replaced_headers.items(): if header in msg: del(msg[header]) if value.replacement is not None: msg.add_header(header, value.replacement) return msg, newpart def _protect_headers(oldmsg, newmsg, config): part = deepcopy(oldmsg) for header, value in part.items(): newmsg.add_header(header, value) if header.lower() in config.skipped_headers: del(part[header]) return newmsg, part def _recipient_addresses(msg): recipients = [] for header in ('to', 'cc', 'bcc'): recipients += msg.get_all(header, []) return [r[1] for r in getaddresses(recipients)]