require 'spec_helper' describe_provider :vcsrepo, :git, :resource => {:path => '/tmp/vcsrepo'} do context 'creating' do resource_with :source do resource_with :ensure => :present do context "with a revision that is a remote branch", :resource => {:revision => 'only/remote'} do it "should execute 'git clone' and 'git checkout -b'" do provider.expects(:git).with('clone', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path)) expects_chdir provider.expects(:update_submodules) provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision)) provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision)) provider.create end end context "with a revision that is not a remote branch", :resource => {:revision => 'a-commit-or-tag'} do it "should execute 'git clone' and 'git reset --hard'" do provider.expects(:git).with('clone', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path)) expects_chdir provider.expects(:update_submodules) provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision)) provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision)) provider.create end end resource_without :revision do it "should execute 'git clone' and submodule commands" do provider.expects(:git).with('clone', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path)) provider.expects(:update_submodules) provider.create end end end resource_with :ensure => :bare do resource_with :revision do it "should just execute 'git clone --bare'" do provider.expects(:git).with('clone', '--bare', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path)) provider.create end end resource_without :revision do it "should just execute 'git clone --bare'" do provider.expects(:git).with('clone', '--bare', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path)) provider.create end end end end context "when a source is not given" do resource_with :ensure => :present do context "when the path does not exist" do it "should execute 'git init'" do expects_mkdir expects_chdir expects_directory?(false) provider.expects(:bare_exists?).returns(false) provider.expects(:git).with('init') provider.create end end context "when the path is a bare repository" do it "should convert it to a working copy" do provider.expects(:bare_exists?).returns(true) provider.expects(:convert_bare_to_working_copy) provider.create end end context "when the path is not a repository" do it "should raise an exception" do provider.expects(:path_exists?).returns(true) proc { provider.create }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end end resource_with :ensure => :bare do context "when the path does not exist" do it "should execute 'git init --bare'" do expects_chdir expects_mkdir expects_directory?(false) provider.expects(:working_copy_exists?).returns(false) provider.expects(:git).with('init', '--bare') provider.create end end context "when the path is a working copy repository" do it "should convert it to a bare repository" do provider.expects(:working_copy_exists?).returns(true) provider.expects(:convert_working_copy_to_bare) provider.create end end context "when the path is not a repository" do it "should raise an exception" do expects_directory?(true) proc { provider.create }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end end end end context 'destroying' do it "it should remove the directory" do expects_rm_rf provider.destroy end end context "checking the revision property" do resource_with :revision do before do expects_chdir provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', 'HEAD').returns('currentsha') end context "when its SHA is not different than the current SHA" do it "should return the ref" do provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', 'origin') # FIXME provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', '--tags', 'origin') provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', resource.value(:revision)).returns('currentsha') provider.expects(:git).with('tag', '-l').returns("Hello") provider.revision.should == resource.value(:revision) end end context "when its SHA is different than the current SHA" do it "should return the current SHA" do provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', 'origin') # FIXME provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', '--tags', 'origin') provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', resource.value(:revision)).returns('othersha') provider.expects(:git).with('tag', '-l').returns("Hello") provider.revision.should == 'currentsha' end end end end context "setting the revision property" do before do expects_chdir end context "when it's an existing local branch", :resource => {:revision => 'feature/foo'} do it "should use 'git fetch' and 'git reset'" do provider.expects(:update_submodules) provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision)) provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision)) provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision)) provider.expects(:git).with('reset', '--hard', "origin/#{resource.value(:revision)}") provider.revision = resource.value(:revision) end end context "when it's a remote branch", :resource => {:revision => 'only/remote'} do it "should use 'git fetch' and 'git reset'" do provider.expects(:update_submodules) provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision)) provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision)) provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision)) provider.expects(:git).with('reset', '--hard', "origin/#{resource.value(:revision)}") provider.revision = resource.value(:revision) end end context "when it's a commit or tag", :resource => {:revision => 'a-commit-or-tag'} do it "should use 'git fetch' and 'git reset'" do provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(fixture(:git_branch_a)) provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision)) provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(fixture(:git_branch_a)) provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(fixture(:git_branch_a)) provider.expects(:git).with('submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive') provider.revision = resource.value(:revision) end end end context "updating references" do it "should use 'git fetch --tags'" do expects_chdir provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', 'origin') provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', '--tags', 'origin') provider.update_references end end context "checking if revision" do before do expects_chdir provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(fixture(:git_branch_a)) end context "is a local branch" do context "when it's listed in 'git branch -a'", :resource => {:revision => 'feature/foo'} do it "should return true" do provider.should be_local_branch_revision end end context "when it's not listed in 'git branch -a'" , :resource => {:revision => 'feature/notexist'}do it "should return false" do provider.should_not be_local_branch_revision end end end context "is a remote branch" do context "when it's listed in 'git branch -a' with an 'origin/' prefix", :resource => {:revision => 'only/remote'} do it "should return true" do provider.should be_remote_branch_revision end end context "when it's not listed in 'git branch -a' with an 'origin/' prefix" , :resource => {:revision => 'only/local'}do it "should return false" do provider.should_not be_remote_branch_revision end end end end end