require 'spec_helper' describe_provider :vcsrepo, :bzr, :resource => {:path => '/tmp/vcsrepo'} do describe 'creating' do resource_with :source do resource_with :revision do it "should execute 'bzr clone -r' with the revision" do provider.expects(:bzr).with('branch', '-r', resource.value(:revision), resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path)) provider.create end end resource_without :revision do it "should just execute 'bzr clone' without a revision" do provider.expects(:bzr).with('branch', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path)) provider.create end end end resource_without :source do it "should execute 'bzr init'" do provider.expects(:bzr).with('init', resource.value(:path)) provider.create end end end describe 'destroying' do it "it should remove the directory" do expects_rm_rf provider.destroy end end describe "checking existence" do it "should check for the directory" do expects_directory?(true, File.join(resource.value(:path), '.bzr')) provider.exists? end end describe "checking the revision property" do before do expects_chdir provider.expects(:bzr).with('version-info').returns(fixture(:bzr_version_info)) @current_revid = '' end context "when given a non-revid as the resource revision", :resource => {:revision => '2634'} do context "when its revid is not different than the current revid" do before do provider.expects(:bzr).with('revision-info', resource.value(:revision)).returns("#{resource.value(:revision)}\n") end it "should return the ref" do provider.revision.should == resource.value(:revision) end end context "when its revid is different than the current revid", :resource => {:revision => '2636'} do it "should return the current revid" do provider.expects(:bzr).with('revision-info', resource.value(:revision)).returns("2635 foo\n") provider.revision.should == @current_revid end end end context "when given a revid as the resource revision" do context "when it is the same as the current revid", :resource => {:revision => ''} do before do provider.expects(:bzr).with('revision-info', resource.value(:revision)).returns("1234 #{resource.value(:revision)}\n") end it "should return it" do provider.revision.should == resource.value(:revision) end end context "when it is not the same as the current revid", :resource => {:revision => ''} do it "should return the current revid" do provider.expects(:bzr).with('revision-info', resource.value(:revision)).returns("2636 foo\n") provider.revision.should == @current_revid end end end end describe "setting the revision property" do it "should use 'bzr update -r' with the revision" do revision = 'somerev' provider.expects(:bzr).with('update', '-r', revision, resource.value(:path)) provider.revision = revision end end end