require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'vcsrepo') Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provide(:hg, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Vcsrepo) do desc "Supports Mercurial repositories" optional_commands :hg => 'hg', :su => 'su' has_features :reference_tracking, :ssh_identity, :user def create if !@resource.value(:source) create_repository(@resource.value(:path)) else clone_repository(@resource.value(:revision)) end update_owner end def working_copy_exists?, '.hg')) end def exists? working_copy_exists? end def destroy FileUtils.rm_rf(@resource.value(:path)) end def latest? at_path do return self.revision == self.latest end end def latest at_path do begin hg_wrapper('incoming', '--branch', '.', '--newest-first', '--limit', '1', { :remote => true })[/^changeset:\s+(?:-?\d+):(\S+)/m, 1] rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure # If there are no new changesets, return the current nodeid self.revision end end end def revision at_path do current = hg_wrapper('parents')[/^changeset:\s+(?:-?\d+):(\S+)/m, 1] desired = @resource.value(:revision) if desired # Return the tag name if it maps to the current nodeid mapped = hg_wrapper('tags')[/^#{Regexp.quote(desired)}\s+\d+:(\S+)/m, 1] if current == mapped desired else current end else current end end end def revision=(desired) at_path do begin hg_wrapper('pull', { :remote => true }) rescue end begin hg_wrapper('merge') rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure # If there's nothing to merge, just skip end hg_wrapper('update', '--clean', '-r', desired) end update_owner end private def create_repository(path) hg_wrapper('init', path) end def clone_repository(revision) args = ['clone'] if revision args.push('-u', revision) end args.push(@resource.value(:source), @resource.value(:path)) args.push({ :remote => true }) hg_wrapper(*args) end def update_owner if @resource.value(:owner) or @resource.value(:group) set_ownership end end def hg_wrapper(*args) options = { :remote => false } if args.length > 0 and args[-1].is_a? Hash options.merge!(args.pop) end if options[:remote] and @resource.value(:identity) args += ["--ssh", "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -i #{@resource.value(:identity)}"] end if @resource.value(:user) and @resource.value(:user) != Facter['id'].value! { |a| if a =~ /\s/ then "'#{a}'" else a end } # Adds quotes to arguments with whitespaces. su(@resource.value(:user), '-c', "hg #{args.join(' ')}") else hg(*args) end end end