require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/rake_tasks' require 'rake' task 'beaker:test',[:host,:type] => :set_beaker_variables do |t,args| Rake::Task['beaker-rspec:test'].invoke(args) if File.exists?('./acceptance') Dir.chdir('./acceptance') exec(build_beaker_command args) Dir.chdir('../') else puts "No acceptance directory found, not running beaker tests" end end desc "Run beaker rspec tasks against pe"'beaker-rspec:test',[:host,:type]=>:set_beaker_variables) do |t,args| t.pattern = 'spec/acceptance' t.rspec_opts = '--color' t.verbose = true end desc "Run beaker and beaker-rspec tasks" task 'beaker:test:pe',:host do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:type=> 'pe') Rake::Task['beaker:test'].invoke(args[:host],args[:type]) end task 'beaker:test:git',:host do |t,args| args.with_defaults({:type=> 'git'}) Rake::Task['beaker:test'].invoke(args[:host],args[:type]) end task :set_beaker_variables do |t,args| puts 'Setting environment variables for testing' if args[:host] ENV['BEAKER_set'] = args[:host] puts "Host to test #{ENV['BEAKER_set']}" end ENV['BEAKER_IS_PE'] = args[:type] == 'pe'? "true": "false" end def build_beaker_command(args) cmd = ["beaker"] cmd << "--type #{args[:type]}" unless !args[:type] if File.exists?("./.beaker-#{args[:type]}.cfg") cmd << "--options-file ./.beaker-#{args[:type]}.cfg" end if File.exists?("config/#{args[:host]}.cfg") cmd << "--hosts config/#{args[:host]}.cfg" end if File.exists?("./tests") cmd << "--tests ./tests" end cmd.join(" ") end