Using vcsrepo with Subversion ============================= To create a blank repository ---------------------------- To create a blank repository suitable for use as a central repository, define a `vcsrepo` without a `source` or `revision`: vcsrepo { "/path/to/repo": ensure => present, provider => svn } To checkout from a repository ----------------------------- Provide a `source` qualified to the branch/tag you want: vcsrepo { "/path/to/repo": ensure => present, provider => svn, source => "svn://svnrepo/hello/branches/foo" } You can provide a specific `revision`: vcsrepo { "/path/to/repo": ensure => present, provider => svn, source => "svn://svnrepo/hello/branches/foo", revision => '1234' } For sources that use SSH (eg, `svn+ssh://...`) ---------------------------------------------- Manage your SSH keys with Puppet and use `require` in your `vcsrepo` to ensure they are present. For more information, see the `require` metaparameter documentation[1]. More Examples ------------- For examples you can run, see `examples/svn/` [1]: