2013-11-13 - Version 0.2.0 Summary: This release mainly focuses on a number of bugfixes, which should significantly improve the reliability of Git and SVN. Thanks to our many contributors for all of these fixes! Features: - Git: - Add autorequire for Package['git'] - HG: - Allow user and identity properties. - Bzr: - "ensure => latest" support. - SVN: - Added configuration parameter. - Add support for master svn repositories. - CVS: - Allow for setting the CVS_RSH environment variable. Fixes: - Handle Puppet::Util[::Execution].withenv for 2.x and 3.x properly. - Change path_empty? to not do full directory listing. - Overhaul spec tests to work with rspec2. - Git: - Improve Git SSH usage documentation. - Add ssh session timeouts to prevent network issues from blocking runs. - Fix git provider checkout of a remote ref on an existing repo. - Allow unlimited submodules (thanks to --recursive). - Use git checkout --force instead of short -f everywhere. - Update git provider to handle checking out into an existing (empty) dir. - SVN: - Handle force property. for svn. - Adds support for changing upstream repo url. - Check that the URL of the WC matches the URL from the manifest. - Changed from using "update" to "switch". - Handle revision update without source switch. - Fix svn provider to look for '^Revision:' instead of '^Last Changed Rev:'. - CVS: - Documented the "module" attribute.