diff options
30 files changed, 1012 insertions, 363 deletions
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ pkg/ Gemfile.lock vendor/ -spec/fixtures/ +spec/fixtures/manifests/ +spec/fixtures/modules/ .vagrant/ .bundle/ coverage/ diff --git a/.rubocop.yml b/.rubocop.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5aadd1b --- /dev/null +++ b/.rubocop.yml @@ -0,0 +1,508 @@ +require: rubocop-rspec +AllCops: + TargetRubyVersion: 1.9 + Include: + - ./**/*.rb + Exclude: + - vendor/**/* + - .vendor/**/* + - pkg/**/* + - spec/fixtures/**/* +Lint/ConditionPosition: + Enabled: True + +Lint/ElseLayout: + Enabled: True + +Lint/UnreachableCode: + Enabled: True + +Lint/UselessComparison: + Enabled: True + +Lint/EnsureReturn: + Enabled: True + +Lint/HandleExceptions: + Enabled: True + +Lint/LiteralInCondition: + Enabled: True + +Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: + Enabled: True + +Lint/LiteralInInterpolation: + Enabled: True + +Style/HashSyntax: + Enabled: True + +Style/RedundantReturn: + Enabled: True + +Lint/AmbiguousOperator: + Enabled: True + +Lint/AssignmentInCondition: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceBeforeComment: + Enabled: True + +Style/AndOr: + Enabled: True + +Style/RedundantSelf: + Enabled: True + +# Method length is not necessarily an indicator of code quality +Metrics/MethodLength: + Enabled: False + +# Module length is not necessarily an indicator of code quality +Metrics/ModuleLength: + Enabled: False + +Style/WhileUntilModifier: + Enabled: True + +Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral: + Enabled: True + +Lint/Eval: + Enabled: True + +Lint/BlockAlignment: + Enabled: True + +Lint/DefEndAlignment: + Enabled: True + +Lint/EndAlignment: + Enabled: True + +Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods: + Enabled: True + +Lint/Loop: + Enabled: True + +Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression: + Enabled: True + +Lint/RescueException: + Enabled: True + +Lint/StringConversionInInterpolation: + Enabled: True + +Lint/UnusedBlockArgument: + Enabled: True + +Lint/UnusedMethodArgument: + Enabled: True + +Lint/UselessAccessModifier: + Enabled: True + +Lint/UselessAssignment: + Enabled: True + +Lint/Void: + Enabled: True + +Style/AccessModifierIndentation: + Enabled: True + +Style/AccessorMethodName: + Enabled: True + +Style/Alias: + Enabled: True + +Style/AlignArray: + Enabled: True + +Style/AlignHash: + Enabled: True + +Style/AlignParameters: + Enabled: True + +Metrics/BlockNesting: + Enabled: True + +Style/AsciiComments: + Enabled: True + +Style/Attr: + Enabled: True + +Style/BracesAroundHashParameters: + Enabled: True + +Style/CaseEquality: + Enabled: True + +Style/CaseIndentation: + Enabled: True + +Style/CharacterLiteral: + Enabled: True + +Style/ClassAndModuleCamelCase: + Enabled: True + +Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: + Enabled: False + +Style/ClassCheck: + Enabled: True + +# Class length is not necessarily an indicator of code quality +Metrics/ClassLength: + Enabled: False + +Style/ClassMethods: + Enabled: True + +Style/ClassVars: + Enabled: True + +Style/WhenThen: + Enabled: True + +Style/WordArray: + Enabled: True + +Style/UnneededPercentQ: + Enabled: True + +Style/Tab: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceBeforeSemicolon: + Enabled: True + +Style/TrailingBlankLines: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceInsideBlockBraces: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceInsideBrackets: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceInsideParens: + Enabled: True + +Style/LeadingCommentSpace: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceBeforeFirstArg: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceAfterColon: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceAfterComma: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceAfterMethodName: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceAfterNot: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceAfterSemicolon: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceAroundOperators: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceBeforeComma: + Enabled: True + +Style/CollectionMethods: + Enabled: True + +Style/CommentIndentation: + Enabled: True + +Style/ColonMethodCall: + Enabled: True + +Style/CommentAnnotation: + Enabled: True + +# 'Complexity' is very relative +Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: + Enabled: False + +Style/ConstantName: + Enabled: True + +Style/Documentation: + Enabled: False + +Style/DefWithParentheses: + Enabled: True + +Style/PreferredHashMethods: + Enabled: True + +Style/DotPosition: + EnforcedStyle: trailing + +Style/DoubleNegation: + Enabled: True + +Style/EachWithObject: + Enabled: True + +Style/EmptyLineBetweenDefs: + Enabled: True + +Style/IndentArray: + Enabled: True + +Style/IndentHash: + Enabled: True + +Style/IndentationConsistency: + Enabled: True + +Style/IndentationWidth: + Enabled: True + +Style/EmptyLines: + Enabled: True + +Style/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier: + Enabled: True + +Style/EmptyLiteral: + Enabled: True + +# Configuration parameters: AllowURI, URISchemes. +Metrics/LineLength: + Enabled: False + +Style/MethodCallParentheses: + Enabled: True + +Style/MethodDefParentheses: + Enabled: True + +Style/LineEndConcatenation: + Enabled: True + +Style/TrailingWhitespace: + Enabled: True + +Style/StringLiterals: + Enabled: True + +Style/TrailingCommaInArguments: + Enabled: True + +Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral: + Enabled: True + +Style/GlobalVars: + Enabled: True + +Style/GuardClause: + Enabled: True + +Style/IfUnlessModifier: + Enabled: True + +Style/MultilineIfThen: + Enabled: True + +Style/NegatedIf: + Enabled: True + +Style/NegatedWhile: + Enabled: True + +Style/Next: + Enabled: True + +Style/SingleLineBlockParams: + Enabled: True + +Style/SingleLineMethods: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpecialGlobalVars: + Enabled: True + +Style/TrivialAccessors: + Enabled: True + +Style/UnlessElse: + Enabled: True + +Style/VariableInterpolation: + Enabled: True + +Style/VariableName: + Enabled: True + +Style/WhileUntilDo: + Enabled: True + +Style/EvenOdd: + Enabled: True + +Style/FileName: + Enabled: True + +Style/For: + Enabled: True + +Style/Lambda: + Enabled: True + +Style/MethodName: + Enabled: True + +Style/MultilineTernaryOperator: + Enabled: True + +Style/NestedTernaryOperator: + Enabled: True + +Style/NilComparison: + Enabled: True + +Style/FormatString: + Enabled: True + +Style/MultilineBlockChain: + Enabled: True + +Style/Semicolon: + Enabled: True + +Style/SignalException: + Enabled: True + +Style/NonNilCheck: + Enabled: True + +Style/Not: + Enabled: True + +Style/NumericLiterals: + Enabled: True + +Style/OneLineConditional: + Enabled: True + +Style/OpMethod: + Enabled: True + +Style/ParenthesesAroundCondition: + Enabled: True + +Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: + Enabled: True + +Style/PerlBackrefs: + Enabled: True + +Style/PredicateName: + Enabled: True + +Style/RedundantException: + Enabled: True + +Style/SelfAssignment: + Enabled: True + +Style/Proc: + Enabled: True + +Style/RaiseArgs: + Enabled: True + +Style/RedundantBegin: + Enabled: True + +Style/RescueModifier: + Enabled: True + +# based on https://github.com/voxpupuli/modulesync_config/issues/168 +Style/RegexpLiteral: + EnforcedStyle: percent_r + Enabled: True + +Lint/UnderscorePrefixedVariableName: + Enabled: True + +Metrics/ParameterLists: + Enabled: False + +Lint/RequireParentheses: + Enabled: True + +Style/SpaceBeforeFirstArg: + Enabled: True + +Style/ModuleFunction: + Enabled: True + +Lint/Debugger: + Enabled: True + +Style/IfWithSemicolon: + Enabled: True + +Style/Encoding: + Enabled: True + +Style/BlockDelimiters: + Enabled: True + +Style/MultilineBlockLayout: + Enabled: True + +# 'Complexity' is very relative +Metrics/AbcSize: + Enabled: False + +# 'Complexity' is very relative +Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: + Enabled: False + +Lint/UselessAssignment: + Enabled: True + +Style/ClosingParenthesisIndentation: + Enabled: False + +# RSpec + +# We don't use rspec in this way +RSpec/DescribeClass: + Enabled: False + +# Example length is not necessarily an indicator of code quality +RSpec/ExampleLength: + Enabled: False + +RSpec/NamedSubject: + Enabled: False diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 588fb5b..4e549bf 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -3,18 +3,36 @@ sudo: false language: ruby cache: bundler -bundler_args: --without system_tests script: "bundle exec rake validate lint spec" matrix: fast_finish: true include: - - rvm: 2.1.6 - env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 4.0" STRICT_VARIABLES="yes" + - rvm: 2.3.1 + dist: trusty + env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_set=docker/ubuntu-14.04 + script: bundle exec rake beaker + services: docker + sudo: required + - rvm: 2.3.1 + dist: trusty + env: PUPPET_INSTALL_TYPE=agent BEAKER_debug=true BEAKER_set=docker/centos-7 + script: bundle exec rake beaker + services: docker + sudo: required + - rvm: 2.3.1 + bundler_args: --without system_tests + env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 4.0" + - rvm: 2.1.9 + bundler_args: --without system_tests + env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 4.0" - rvm: 2.1.5 + bundler_args: --without system_tests env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 3.0" FUTURE_PARSER="yes" - rvm: 2.1.5 + bundler_args: --without system_tests env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 3.0" - rvm: 1.9.3 + bundler_args: --without system_tests env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 3.0" notifications: email: false diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 9aac1e5..73abff4 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,105 +1,144 @@ # Change Log + All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). -## [1.3.2] - Supported Release -###Summary +## [1.4.0] - 2015-09-06 Supported Release + +### Summary + +Small release for a new feature and added compatibility. + +### Features + +- Git repositories can be cloned as mirror or bare repos. +- Added STDERR to Puppet's output. +- Added Debian 8 and Ubuntu 16.04 compatibility. + +## [1.3.2] - 2015-12-08 Supported Release + +### Summary Small release for support of newer PE versions. This increments the version of PE in the metadata.json file. ## [1.3.1] - 2015-07-28 Supported Release -###Summary -This release includes a number of bugfixes along with some test updates. + +### Summary + +This release includes a number of bugfixes and test updates. ### Fixed -- Fix for detached HEAD on git 2.4+ -- Git provider doesn't ignore revision property when depth is used (MODULES-2131) -- Test fixes -- Check if submodules == true before calling update_submodules + +- Fix for detached HEAD on git 2.4+. +- Git provider doesn't ignore revision property when depth is used (MODULES-2131). +- Tests fixed. +- Check if submodules == true before calling update_submodules. ## [1.3.0] - 2015-05-19 Supported Release + ### Summary + This release adds git provider remote handling, svn conflict resolution, and fixes the git provider when /tmp is mounted noexec. ### Added -- `source` property now takes a hash of sources for the git provider's remotes -- Add `submodules` parameter to skip submodule initialization for git provider -- Add `conflict` to svn provider to resolve conflicts -- Add `branch` parameter to specify clone branch -- Readme rewrite + +- `source` property now takes a hash of sources for the git provider's remotes. +- Added `submodules` parameter to skip submodule initialization for the git provider. +- Added `conflict` to the svn provider to resolve conflicts. +- Added `branch` parameter to specify clone branch. +- Readme rewritten. ### Fixed -- The git provider now works even if `/tmp` is noexec + +- The git provider now works even if `/tmp` is noexec. ## [1.2.0] - 2014-11-04 Supported Release + ### Summary + This release includes some improvements for git, mercurial, and cvs providers, and fixes the bug where there were warnings about multiple default providers. ### Added + - Update git and mercurial providers to set UID with `Puppet::Util::Execution.execute` instead of `su` - Allow git excludes to be string or array - Add `user` feature to cvs provider ### Fixed + - No more warnings about multiple default providers! (MODULES-428) ## [1.1.0] - 2014-07-14 Supported Release + ### Summary + This release adds a Perforce provider\* and corrects the git provider behavior when using `ensure => latest`. \*(Only git provider is currently supported.) ### Added -- New Perforce provider + +- New Perforce provider. ### Fixed -- (MODULES-660) Fix behavior with `ensure => latest` and detached HEAD -- Spec test fixes + +- Fix behavior with `ensure => latest` and detached HEAD. (MODULES-660) +- Spec test fixes. ## [1.0.2] - 2014-06-30 Supported Release + ### Summary + This supported release adds SLES 11 to the list of compatible OSs and documentation updates for support. ## [1.0.1] - 2014-06-17 Supported Release + ### Summary + This release is the first supported release of vcsrepo. The readme has been greatly improved. ### Added -- Updated and expanded readme to follow readme template + +- Updated and expanded readme to follow readme template. ### Fixed -- Remove SLES from compatability metadata -- Unpin rspec development dependencies -- Update acceptance level testing + +- Remove SLES from compatability metadata. +- Unpin rspec development dependencies. +- Update acceptance level testing. ## [1.0.0] - 2014-06-04 + ### Summary This release focuses on a number of bugfixes, and also has some new features for Bzr and Git. ### Added + - Bzr: - - Call set_ownership + - Call set_ownership. - Git: - - Add ability for shallow clones - - Use -a and desired for HARD resets - - Use rev-parse to get tag canonical revision + - Add ability for shallow clones. + - Use -a and desired for HARD resets. + - Use rev-parse to get tag canonical revision. ### Fixed + - HG: - - Only add ssh options when it's talking to the network + - Only add ssh options when it's talking to the network. - Git: - - Fix for issue with detached HEAD - - force => true will now destroy and recreate repo - - Actually use the remote parameter - - Use origin/master instead of origin/HEAD when on master + - Fix for issue with detached HEAD. + - `force => true` will now destroy and recreate repo. + - Actually use the remote parameter. + - Use origin/master instead of origin/HEAD when on master. - SVN: - - Fix svnlook behavior with plain directories + - Fix svnlook behavior with plain directories. ## 0.2.0 - 2013-11-13 + ### Summary This release mainly focuses on a number of bugfixes, which should @@ -107,8 +146,9 @@ significantly improve the reliability of Git and SVN. Thanks to our many contributors for all of these fixes! ### Added + - Git: - - Add autorequire for Package['git'] + - Add autorequire for `Package['git']`. - HG: - Allow user and identity properties. - Bzr: @@ -120,6 +160,7 @@ our many contributors for all of these fixes! - Allow for setting the CVS_RSH environment variable. ### Fixed + - Handle Puppet::Util[::Execution].withenv for 2.x and 3.x properly. - Change path_empty? to not do full directory listing. - Overhaul spec tests to work with rspec2. @@ -131,7 +172,7 @@ our many contributors for all of these fixes! - Use git checkout --force instead of short -f everywhere. - Update git provider to handle checking out into an existing (empty) dir. - SVN: - - Handle force property. for svn. + - Handle force property. - Adds support for changing upstream repo url. - Check that the URL of the WC matches the URL from the manifest. - Changed from using "update" to "switch". diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index bfeaa70..3c3f1e7 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -208,11 +208,9 @@ review. Additional Resources ==================== -* [Getting additional help](http://puppetlabs.com/community/get-help) +* [Getting additional help](http://puppet.com/community/get-help) -* [Writing tests](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/wiki/Development_Writing_Tests) - -* [Patchwork](https://patchwork.puppetlabs.com) +* [Writing tests](https://docs.puppet.com/guides/module_guides/bgtm.html#step-three-module-testing) * [General GitHub documentation](http://help.github.com/) @@ -2,37 +2,46 @@ source ENV['GEM_SOURCE'] || "https://rubygems.org" -def location_for(place, version = nil) - if place =~ /^(git[:@][^#]*)#(.*)/ - [version, { :git => $1, :branch => $2, :require => false}].compact - elsif place =~ /^file:\/\/(.*)/ - ['>= 0', { :path => File.expand_path($1), :require => false}] +def location_from_env(env, default_location = []) + if location = ENV[env] + if location =~ /^((?:git|https?)[:@][^#]*)#(.*)/ + [{ :git => $1, :branch => $2, :require => false }] + elsif location =~ /^file:\/\/(.*)/ + ['>= 0', { :path => File.expand_path($1), :require => false }] + else + [location, { :require => false }] + end else - [place, version, { :require => false}].compact + default_location end end group :development, :unit_tests do - gem 'json', :require => false - gem 'metadata-json-lint', :require => false - gem 'puppet_facts', :require => false - gem 'puppet-blacksmith', :require => false - gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper', :require => false - gem 'rspec-puppet', '>= 2.3.2', :require => false - gem 'simplecov', :require => false + gem 'metadata-json-lint' + gem 'puppet_facts' + gem 'puppet-blacksmith', '>= 3.4.0' + gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper', '>= 1.2.1' + gem 'rspec-puppet', '>= 2.3.2' + gem 'rspec-puppet-facts' + gem 'simplecov' + gem 'parallel_tests' + gem 'rubocop', '0.41.2' if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0.0' + gem 'rubocop' if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0.0' + gem 'rubocop-rspec', '~> 1.6' if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.3.0' + gem 'json_pure', '<= 2.0.1' if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0.0' end group :system_tests do - gem 'beaker-rspec', *location_for(ENV['BEAKER_RSPEC_VERSION'] || '>= 3.4') - gem 'beaker', *location_for(ENV['BEAKER_VERSION']) - gem 'serverspec', :require => false - gem 'beaker-puppet_install_helper', :require => false - gem 'master_manipulator', :require => false - gem 'beaker-hostgenerator', *location_for(ENV['BEAKER_HOSTGENERATOR_VERSION']) + gem 'beaker', *location_from_env('BEAKER_VERSION', []) if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.3.0' + gem 'beaker', *location_from_env('BEAKER_VERSION', ['< 3']) if RUBY_VERSION < '2.3.0' + gem 'beaker-rspec', *location_from_env('BEAKER_RSPEC_VERSION', ['>= 3.4']) + gem 'serverspec' + gem 'beaker-puppet_install_helper' + gem 'master_manipulator' + gem 'beaker-hostgenerator', *location_from_env('BEAKER_HOSTGENERATOR_VERSION', []) end -gem 'facter', *location_for(ENV['FACTER_GEM_VERSION']) -gem 'puppet', *location_for(ENV['PUPPET_GEM_VERSION']) - +gem 'facter', *location_from_env('FACTER_GEM_VERSION') +gem 'puppet', *location_from_env('PUPPET_GEM_VERSION') if File.exists? "#{__FILE__}.local" eval(File.read("#{__FILE__}.local"), binding) diff --git a/README.markdown b/README.markdown index ffc2d7e..ee4fedd 100644 --- a/README.markdown +++ b/README.markdown @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -#vcsrepo +# vcsrepo -####Table of Contents +#### Table of contents 1. [Overview](#overview) 2. [Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful](#module-description) @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ * [CVS](#cvs) * [Mercurial](#mercurial) * [Perforce](#perforce) - * [Subversion](#subversion) + * [Subversion](#subversion) 5. [Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how](#reference) * [Type: vcsrepo](#type-vcsrepo) * [Providers](#providers) @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ 5. [Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.](#limitations) 6. [Development - Guide for contributing to the module](#development) -##Overview +## Overview The vcsrepo module lets you use Puppet to easily deploy content from your version control system (VCS). -##Module Description +## Module description The vcsrepo module provides a single type with providers to support the following version control systems: @@ -37,38 +37,38 @@ The vcsrepo module provides a single type with providers to support the followin * [Perforce](#perforce) * [Subversion](#subversion) -**Note:** `git` is the only vcs provider officially [supported by Puppet Labs](https://forge.puppetlabs.com/supported). +**Note:** `git` is the only vcs provider officially [supported by Puppet Inc.](https://forge.puppet.com/supported) -##Setup +## Setup -###Setup Requirements +### Setup requirements -The `vcsrepo` module does not install any VCS software for you. You must install a VCS before you can use this module. +The vcsrepo module does not install any VCS software for you. You must install a VCS before you can use this module. -Like Puppet in general, the `vcsrepo` module does not automatically create parent directories for the files it manages. Make sure to set up any needed directory structures before you get started. +Like Puppet in general, the vcsrepo module does not automatically create parent directories for the files it manages. Set up any needed directory structures before you start. -###Beginning with vcsrepo +### Beginning with vcsrepo To create and manage a blank repository, define the type `vcsrepo` with a path to your repository and supply the `provider` parameter based on the [VCS you're using](#usage). -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => git, } ~~~ -##Usage +## Usage -**Note:** `git` is the only vcsrepo provider officially [supported by Puppet Labs](https://forge.puppetlabs.com/supported). +**Note:** `git` is the only vcsrepo provider officially [supported by Puppet Inc.](https://forge.puppet.com/supported) -###Git +### Git -####Create a blank repository +#### Create a blank repository -To create a blank repository, suitable for use as a central repository, define `vcsrepo` without `source` or `revision`: +To create a blank repository suitable for use as a central repository, define `vcsrepo` without `source` or `revision`: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => git, @@ -77,16 +77,16 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': If you're managing a central or official repository, you might want to make it a bare repository. To do this, set `ensure` to 'bare': -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => bare, provider => git, } ~~~ -####Clone/pull a repository +#### Clone/pull a repository -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => git, @@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': } ~~~ -If you want to clone your repository as bare or mirror, you can set `ensure` to 'bare' or 'mirror': +To clone your repository as bare or mirror, you can set `ensure` to 'bare' or 'mirror': -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => mirror, provider => git, @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ By default, `vcsrepo` will use the HEAD of the source repository's master branch Branch name: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => git, @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': SHA: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => git, @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': Tag: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => git, @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': To check out a branch as a specific user, supply the `user` parameter: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => git, @@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': To keep the repository at the latest revision, set `ensure` to 'latest'. -**WARNING:** this overwrites any local changes to the repository: +**WARNING:** This overwrites any local changes to the repository. -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => latest, provider => git, @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': To clone the repository but skip initializing submodules, set `submodules` to 'false': -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => latest, provider => git, @@ -175,55 +175,56 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': } ~~~ -####Use multiple remotes with a repository +#### Use multiple remotes with a repository + In place of a single string, you can set `source` to a hash of one or more name => URL pairs: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => git, remote => 'origin' source => { - 'origin' => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-vcsrepo.git', + 'origin' => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-vcsrepo.git', 'other_remote' => 'https://github.com/other_user/puppetlabs-vcsrepo.git' }, } ~~~ -**Note:** if you set `source` to a hash, one of the names you specify must match the value of the `remote` parameter. That remote serves as the upstream of your managed repository. +**Note:** If you set `source` to a hash, one of the names you specify must match the value of the `remote` parameter. That remote serves as the upstream of your managed repository. -####Connect via SSH +#### Connect via SSH -To connect to your source repository via SSH (e.g., 'username@server:…'), we recommend managing your SSH keys with Puppet and using the [`require`](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html#require) metaparameter to make sure they are present before the `vcsrepo` resource is applied. +To connect to your source repository via SSH (such as 'username@server:…'), we recommend managing your SSH keys with Puppet and using the [`require`](http://docs.puppet.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html#require) metaparameter to make sure they are present before the `vcsrepo` resource is applied. To use SSH keys associated with a user, specify the username in the `user` parameter: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': - ensure => latest, - provider => git, - source => 'git://username@example.com/repo.git', - user => 'toto', #uses toto's $HOME/.ssh setup - require => File['/home/toto/.ssh/id_rsa'], + ensure => latest, + provider => git, + source => 'git://username@example.com/repo.git', + user => 'toto', #uses toto's $HOME/.ssh setup + require => File['/home/toto/.ssh/id_rsa'], } ~~~ -###Bazaar +### Bazaar -####Create a blank repository +#### Create a blank repository To create a blank repository, suitable for use as a central repository, define `vcsrepo` without `source` or `revision`: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => bzr, } ~~~ -####Branch from an existing repository +#### Branch from an existing repository -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => bzr, @@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': To branch from a specific revision, set `revision` to a valid [Bazaar revision spec](http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrRevisionSpec): -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => bzr, @@ -242,36 +243,36 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': } ~~~ -####Connect via SSH +#### Connect via SSH -To connect to your source repository via SSH (e.g., `'bzr+ssh://...'` or `'sftp://...,'`), we recommend using the [`require`](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html#require) metaparameter to make sure your SSH keys are present before the `vcsrepo` resource is applied: +To connect to your source repository via SSH (such as `'bzr+ssh://...'` or `'sftp://...,'`), we recommend using the [`require`](http://docs.puppet.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html#require) metaparameter to make sure your SSH keys are present before the `vcsrepo` resource is applied: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': - ensure => latest, - provider => bzr, - source => 'bzr+ssh://bzr.example.com/some/path', - user => 'toto', #uses toto's $HOME/.ssh setup - require => File['/home/toto/.ssh/id_rsa'], + ensure => latest, + provider => bzr, + source => 'bzr+ssh://bzr.example.com/some/path', + user => 'toto', #uses toto's $HOME/.ssh setup + require => File['/home/toto/.ssh/id_rsa'], } ~~~ -###CVS +### CVS -####Create a blank repository +#### Create a blank repository -To create a blank repository, suitable for use as a central repository, define `vcsrepo` without `source` or `revision`: +To create a blank repository suitable for use as a central repository, define `vcsrepo` without `source` or `revision`: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => cvs, } ~~~ -####Checkout/update from a repository +#### Checkout/update from a repository -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/workspace': ensure => present, provider => cvs, @@ -281,8 +282,8 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/workspace': To get a specific module on the current mainline, supply the `module` parameter: -~~~ -vcsrepo {'/vagrant/lockss-daemon-source': +~~~ puppet +vcsrepo { '/vagrant/lockss-daemon-source': ensure => present, provider => cvs, source => ':pserver:anonymous@lockss.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/lockss', @@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ vcsrepo {'/vagrant/lockss-daemon-source': To set the GZIP compression levels for your repository history, use the `compression` parameter: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/workspace': ensure => present, provider => cvs, @@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/workspace': To get a specific revision, set `revision` to the revision number. -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/workspace': ensure => present, provider => cvs, @@ -315,7 +316,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/workspace': You can also set `revision` to a tag: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/workspace': ensure => present, provider => cvs, @@ -325,38 +326,38 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/workspace': } ~~~ -####Connect via SSH +#### Connect via SSH -To connect to your source repository via SSH, we recommend using the [`require`](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html#require) metaparameter to make sure your SSH keys are present before the `vcsrepo` resource is applied: +To connect to your source repository via SSH, we recommend using the [`require`](http://docs.puppet.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html#require) metaparameter to make sure your SSH keys are present before the `vcsrepo` resource is applied: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': - ensure => latest, - provider => cvs, - source => ':pserver:anonymous@example.com:/sources/myproj', - user => 'toto', #uses toto's $HOME/.ssh setup - require => File['/home/toto/.ssh/id_rsa'], + ensure => latest, + provider => cvs, + source => ':pserver:anonymous@example.com:/sources/myproj', + user => 'toto', #uses toto's $HOME/.ssh setup + require => File['/home/toto/.ssh/id_rsa'], } ~~~ -###Mercurial +### Mercurial -####Create a blank repository +#### Create a blank repository -To create a blank repository, suitable for use as a central repository, define `vcsrepo` without `source` or `revision`: +To create a blank repository suitable for use as a central repository, define `vcsrepo` without `source` or `revision`: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => hg, } ~~~ -####Clone/pull & update a repository +#### Clone/pull and update a repository To get the default branch tip: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => hg, @@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': For a specific changeset, use `revision`: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => hg, @@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': You can also set `revision` to a tag: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => hg, @@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': To check out as a specific user: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => hg, @@ -399,7 +400,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': To specify an SSH identity key: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => hg, @@ -410,51 +411,51 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': To specify a username and password for HTTP Basic authentication: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': - ensure => latest, - provider => hg, - source => 'http://hg.example.com/myrepo', + ensure => latest, + provider => hg, + source => 'http://hg.example.com/myrepo', basic_auth_username => 'hgusername', basic_auth_password => 'hgpassword', } ~~~ -####Connect via SSH +#### Connect via SSH -To connect to your source repository via SSH (e.g., `'ssh://...'`), we recommend using the [`require` metaparameter](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html#require) to make sure your SSH keys are present before the `vcsrepo` resource is applied: +To connect to your source repository via SSH (such as `'ssh://...'`), we recommend using the [`require` metaparameter](http://docs.puppet.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html#require) to make sure your SSH keys are present before the `vcsrepo` resource is applied: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': - ensure => latest, - provider => hg, - source => 'ssh://hg.example.com//path/to/myrepo', - user => 'toto', #uses toto's $HOME/.ssh setup - require => File['/home/toto/.ssh/id_rsa'], + ensure => latest, + provider => hg, + source => 'ssh://hg.example.com//path/to/myrepo', + user => 'toto', #uses toto's $HOME/.ssh setup + require => File['/home/toto/.ssh/id_rsa'], } ~~~ -###Perforce +### Perforce -####Create an empty workspace +#### Create an empty workspace -To set up the connection to your Perforce service, set `p4config` to the location of a valid Perforce [config file](http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4guide/chapter.configuration.html#configuration.settings.configfiles) stored on the node: +To set up the connection to your Perforce service, set `p4config` to the location of a valid Perforce [config file](http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4guide/chapter.configuration.html#configuration.process.configfiles) stored on the node: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': - ensure => present, - provider => p4, - p4config => '/root/.p4config' + ensure => present, + provider => p4, + p4config => '/root/.p4config' } ~~~ -**Note:** If you don't include the `P4CLIENT` setting in your config file, the provider generates a workspace name based on the digest of `path` and the node's hostname (e.g., `puppet-91bc00640c4e5a17787286acbe2c021c`): +**Note:** If you don't include the `P4CLIENT` setting in your config file, the provider generates a workspace name based on the digest of `path` and the node's hostname (such as `puppet-91bc00640c4e5a17787286acbe2c021c`). -####Create/update and sync a Perforce workspace +#### Create/update and sync a Perforce workspace To sync a depot path to head, set `ensure` to 'latest': -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => latest, provider => p4, @@ -464,7 +465,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': To sync to a specific changelist, specify its revision number with the `revision` parameter: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => p4, @@ -475,7 +476,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': You can also set `revision` to a label: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => p4, @@ -484,22 +485,22 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': } ~~~ -###Subversion +### Subversion -####Create a blank repository +#### Create a blank repository -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => svn, } ~~~ -####Check out from an existing repository +#### Check out from an existing repository Provide a `source` pointing to the branch or tag you want to check out: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => svn, @@ -509,7 +510,7 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': You can also designate a specific revision: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => svn, @@ -518,11 +519,11 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': } ~~~ -####Use a specific Subversion configuration directory +#### Use a specific Subversion configuration directory Use the `configuration` parameter to designate the directory that contains your Subversion configuration files (typically, '/path/to/.subversion'): -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => svn, @@ -531,76 +532,76 @@ vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': } ~~~ -####Connect via SSH +#### Connect via SSH -To connect to your source repository via SSH (e.g., `'svn+ssh://...'`), we recommend using the [`require` metaparameter](http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html#require) to make sure your SSH keys are present before the `vcsrepo` resource is applied: +To connect to your source repository via SSH (such as `'svn+ssh://...'`), we recommend using the [`require` metaparameter](http://docs.puppet.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html#require) to make sure your SSH keys are present before the `vcsrepo` resource is applied: -~~~ +~~~ puppet vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': - ensure => latest, - provider => svn, - source => 'svn+ssh://svnrepo/hello/branches/foo', - user => 'toto', #uses toto's $HOME/.ssh setup - require => File['/home/toto/.ssh/id_rsa'], + ensure => latest, + provider => svn, + source => 'svn+ssh://svnrepo/hello/branches/foo', + user => 'toto', #uses toto's $HOME/.ssh setup + require => File['/home/toto/.ssh/id_rsa'], } ~~~ -##Reference +## Reference -###Type: vcsrepo +### Type: vcsrepo The vcsrepo module adds only one type with several providers. Each provider abstracts a different VCS, and each provider includes a set of features according to its needs. -####Providers +#### Providers **Note:** Not all features are available with all providers. -#####`git` - Supports the Git VCS. +##### `git` - Supports the Git VCS. Features: `bare_repositories`, `depth`, `multiple_remotes`, `reference_tracking`, `ssh_identity`, `submodules`, `user` Parameters: `depth`, `ensure`, `excludes`, `force`, `group`, `identity`, `owner`, `path`, `provider`, `remote`, `revision`, `source`, `user` -#####`bzr` - Supports the Bazaar VCS. +##### `bzr` - Supports the Bazaar VCS. Features: `reference_tracking` Parameters: `ensure`, `excludes`, `force`, `group`, `owner`, `path`, `provider`, `revision`, `source` -#####`cvs` - Supports the CVS VCS. +##### `cvs` - Supports the CVS VCS. Features: `cvs_rsh`, `gzip_compression`, `modules`, `reference_tracking`, `user` Parameters: `compression`, `cvs_rsh`, `ensure`, `excludes`, `force`, `group`, `module`, `owner`, `path`, `provider` -#####`hg` - Supports the Mercurial VCS. +##### `hg` - Supports the Mercurial VCS. Features: `reference_tracking`, `ssh_identity`, `user` Parameters: `ensure`, `excludes`, `force`, `group`, `identity`, `owner`, `path`, `provider`, `revision`, `source`, `user` -#####`p4` - Supports the Perforce VCS. +##### `p4` - Supports the Perforce VCS. Features: `p4config`, `reference_tracking` Parameters: `ensure`, `excludes`, `force`, `group`, `owner`, `p4config`, `path`, `provider`, `revision`, `source` -#####`svn` - Supports the Subversion VCS. +##### `svn` - Supports the Subversion VCS. Features: `basic_auth`, `configuration`, `conflict`, `depth`, `filesystem_types`, `reference_tracking` Parameters: `basic_auth_password`, `basic_auth_username`, `configuration`, `conflict`, `ensure`, `excludes`, `force`, `fstype`, `group`, `owner`, `path`, `provider`, `revision`, `source`, `trust_server_cert` -####Features +#### Features **Note:** Not all features are available with all providers. * `bare_repositories` - Differentiates between bare repositories and those with working copies. (Available with `git`.) -* `basic_auth` - Supports HTTP Basic authentication. (Available with `svn`.) +* `basic_auth` - Supports HTTP Basic authentication. (Available with `svn`.) * `conflict` - Lets you decide how to resolve any conflicts between the source repository and your working copy. (Available with `svn`.) * `configuration` - Lets you specify the location of your configuration files. (Available with `svn`.) * `cvs_rsh` - Understands the `CVS_RSH` environment variable. (Available with `cvs`.) -* `depth` - Supports shallow clones in `git` or sets scope limit in `svn`. (Available with `git` and `svn`.) +* `depth` - Supports shallow clones in `git` or sets the scope limit in `svn`. (Available with `git` and `svn`.) * `filesystem_types` - Supports multiple types of filesystem. (Available with `svn`.) * `gzip_compression` - Supports explicit GZip compression levels. (Available with `cvs`.) * `modules` - Lets you choose a specific repository module. (Available with `cvs`.) @@ -611,148 +612,148 @@ Parameters: `basic_auth_password`, `basic_auth_username`, `configuration`, `conf * `p4config` - Supports setting the `P4CONFIG` environment. (Available with `p4`.) * `submodules` - Supports repository submodules which can be optionally initialized. (Available with `git`.) -####Parameters +#### Parameters All parameters are optional, except where specified otherwise. ##### `basic_auth_password` -Specifies the password for HTTP Basic authentication. (Requires the `basic_auth` feature.) Valid options: a string. Default: none. +Specifies the password for HTTP Basic authentication. (Requires the `basic_auth` feature.) Valid options: a string. Default: none. ##### `basic_auth_username` -Specifies the username for HTTP Basic authentication. (Requires the `basic_auth` feature.) Valid options: a string. Default: none. +Specifies the username for HTTP Basic authentication. (Requires the `basic_auth` feature.) Valid options: a string. Default: none. ##### `compression` -Sets the GZIP compression level for the repository history. (Requires the `gzip_compression` feature.) Valid options: an integer between 0 and 6. Default: none. +Sets the GZIP compression level for the repository history. (Requires the `gzip_compression` feature.) Valid options: an integer between 0 and 6. Default: none. ##### `configuration` -Sets the configuration directory to use. (Requires the `configuration` feature.) Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: none. +Sets the configuration directory to use. (Requires the `configuration` feature.) Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: none. ##### `conflict` -Tells Subversion how to resolve any conflicts between the source repository and your working copy. (Requires the `conflict` feature.) Valid options: 'base', 'mine-full', 'theirs-full', and 'working'. Default: none. +Tells Subversion how to resolve any conflicts between the source repository and your working copy. (Requires the `conflict` feature.) Valid options: 'base', 'mine-full', 'theirs-full', and 'working'. Default: none. ##### `cvs_rsh` -Provides a value for the `CVS_RSH` environment variable. (Requires the `cvs_rsh` feature.) Valid options: a string. Default: none. +Provides a value for the `CVS_RSH` environment variable. (Requires the `cvs_rsh` feature.) Valid options: a string. Default: none. ##### `depth` -In `git` sets the number of commits to include when creating a shallow clone. (Requires the `depth` feature.) Valid options: an integer. Default: none. +In `git`, `depth` sets the number of commits to include when creating a shallow clone. (Requires the `depth` feature.) Valid options: an integer. Default: none. -In `svn` instructs Subversion to limit the scope of an operation to a particular tree depth. (Requires the `depth` feature.) Valid options: 'empty', 'files', 'immediates', 'infinity'. Default: none. +In `svn`, `depth` limits the scope of an operation to the specified tree depth. (Requires the `depth` feature.) Valid options: 'empty', 'files', 'immediates', 'infinity'. Default: none. ##### `ensure` -Specifies whether the repository should exist. Valid options: 'present', 'bare', 'absent', and 'latest'. Default: 'present'. +Specifies whether the repository should exist. Valid options: 'present', 'bare', 'absent', and 'latest'. Default: 'present'. ##### `excludes` -Lists any files the repository shouldn't track (similar to .gitignore). Valid options: a string (separate multiple values with the newline character). Default: none. +Lists any files the repository shouldn't track (similar to .gitignore). Valid options: a string (separate multiple values with the newline character). Default: none. ##### `force` -Specifies whether to delete any existing files in the repository path if creating a new repository. **Use with care.** Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'false'. +Specifies whether to delete any existing files in the repository path if creating a new repository. **Use with care.** Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'false'. ##### `fstype` -Sets the filesystem type. (Requires the `filesystem_types` feature.) Valid options: 'fsfs' or 'bdb'. Default: none. +Sets the filesystem type. (Requires the `filesystem_types` feature.) Valid options: 'fsfs' or 'bdb'. Default: none. ##### `group` -Specifies a group to own the repository files. Valid options: a string containing a group name or GID. Default: none. +Specifies a group to own the repository files. Valid options: a string containing a group name or GID. Default: none. ##### `identity` -Specifies an identity file to use for SSH authentication. (Requires the `ssh_identity` feature.) Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: none. +Specifies an identity file to use for SSH authentication. (Requires the `ssh_identity` feature.) Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: none. ##### `module` -Specifies the repository module to manage. (Requires the `modules` feature.) Valid options: a string containing the name of a CVS module. Default: none. +Specifies the repository module to manage. (Requires the `modules` feature.) Valid options: a string containing the name of a CVS module. Default: none. ##### `owner` -Specifies a user to own the repository files. Valid options: a string containing a username or UID. Default: none. +Specifies a user to own the repository files. Valid options: a string containing a username or UID. Default: none. ##### `p4config` -Specifies a config file that contains settings for connecting to the Perforce service. (Requires the `p4config` feature.) Valid options: a string containing the absolute path to a valid [Perforce config file](http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4guide/chapter.configuration.html#configuration.settings.configfiles). Default: none. +Specifies a config file that contains settings for connecting to the Perforce service. (Requires the `p4config` feature.) Valid options: a string containing the absolute path to a valid [Perforce config file](http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4guide/chapter.configuration.html#configuration.process.configfiles). Default: none. ##### `path` -Specifies a location for the managed repository. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: the title of your declared resource. +Specifies a location for the managed repository. Valid options: a string containing an absolute path. Default: the title of your declared resource. ##### `provider` -*Required.* Specifies the backend to use for this vcsrepo resource. Valid options: 'bzr', 'cvs', 'git', 'hg', 'p4', and 'svn'. +*Required.* Specifies the backend to use for this vcsrepo resource. Valid options: 'bzr', 'cvs', 'git', 'hg', 'p4', and 'svn'. ##### `remote` -Specifies the remote repository to track. (Requires the `multiple_remotes` feature.) Valid options: a string containing one of the remote names specified in `source`. Default: 'origin'. +Specifies the remote repository to track. (Requires the `multiple_remotes` feature.) Valid options: a string containing one of the remote names specified in `source`. Default: 'origin'. ##### `revision` Sets the revision of the repository. Valid options vary by provider: -* `git` - a string containing a Git branch name, or a commit SHA or tag -* `bzr` - a string containing a Bazaar [revision spec](http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrRevisionSpec) -* `cvs` - a string containing a CVS [tag or revision number](http://www.thathost.com/wincvs-howto/cvsdoc/cvs_4.html) -* `hg` - a string containing a Mercurial [changeset ID](http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/ChangeSetID) or [tag](http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Tag) -* `p4` - a string containing a Perforce [change number, label name, client name, or date spec](http://www.perforce.com/perforce/r12.1/manuals/cmdref/o.fspecs.html) -* `svn` - a string containing a Subversion [revision number](http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.basic.in-action.html#svn.basic.in-action.revs), [revision keyword, or revision date](http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.tour.revs.specifiers.html) +* `git` - A string containing a Git branch name, or a commit SHA or tag. +* `bzr` - A string containing a Bazaar [revision spec](http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrRevisionSpec). +* `cvs` - A string containing a CVS [tag or revision number](http://www.thathost.com/wincvs-howto/cvsdoc/cvs_4.html). +* `hg` - A string containing a Mercurial [changeset ID](https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/ChangeSetID) or [tag](https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Tag). +* `p4` - A string containing a Perforce [change number, label name, client name, or date spec](http://www.perforce.com/perforce/r12.1/manuals/cmdref/o.fspecs.html). +* `svn` - A string containing a Subversion [revision number](http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.basic.in-action.html#svn.basic.in-action.revs), [revision keyword, or revision date](http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.tour.revs.specifiers.html). -Default: none. +Default: none. ##### `source` Specifies a source repository to serve as the upstream for your managed repository. Default: none. Valid options vary by provider: -* `git` - a string containing a [Git repository URL](https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-clone.html#_git_urls_a_id_urls_a) or a hash of name => URL mappings. See also [`remote`](#remote). -* `bzr` - a string containing a Bazaar branch location -* `cvs` - a string containing a CVS root -* `hg` - a string containing the local path or URL of a Mercurial repository -* `p4` - a string containing a Perforce depot path -* `svn` - a string containing a Subversion repository URL +* `git` - A string containing a [Git repository URL](https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-clone.html#_git_urls_a_id_urls_a) or a hash of `name => URL` mappings. See also [`remote`](#remote). +* `bzr` - A string containing a Bazaar branch location. +* `cvs` - A string containing a CVS root. +* `hg` - A string containing the local path or URL of a Mercurial repository. +* `p4` - A string containing a Perforce depot path. +* `svn` - A string containing a Subversion repository URL. -Default: none. +Default: none. ##### `submodules` -Specifies whether to initialize and update each submodule in the repository. (Requires the `submodules` feature.) Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'true'. +Specifies whether to initialize and update each submodule in the repository. (Requires the `submodules` feature.) Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'true'. ##### `trust_server_cert` -Instructs Subversion to accept SSL server certificates issued by unknown certificate authorities. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'false'. +Instructs Subversion to accept SSL server certificates issued by unknown certificate authorities. Valid options: 'true' and 'false'. Default: 'false'. ##### `user` Specifies the user to run as for repository operations. (Requires the `user` feature.) Valid options: a string containing a username or UID. Default: none. -##Limitations +## Limitations -Git is the only VCS provider officially [supported](https://forge.puppetlabs.com/supported) by Puppet Labs. +Git is the only VCS provider officially [supported by Puppet Inc.](https://forge.puppet.com/supported) This module has been tested with Puppet 2.7 and higher. The module has been tested on: * CentOS 5/6/7 -* Debian 6/7 +* Debian 6/7/8 * Oracle 5/6/7 * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5/6/7 * Scientific Linux 5/6/7 * SLES 10/11/12 -* Ubuntu 10.04/12.04/14.04 +* Ubuntu 10.04/12.04/14.04/16.04 Testing on other platforms has been light and cannot be guaranteed. -##Development +## Development -Puppet Labs modules on the Puppet Forge are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great. We can't access the huge number of platforms and myriad of hardware, software, and deployment configurations that Puppet is intended to serve. +Puppet Inc. modules on the Puppet Forge are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great. We can't access the huge number of platforms and myriad of hardware, software, and deployment configurations that Puppet is intended to serve. We want to keep it as easy as possible to contribute changes so that our modules work in your environment. There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow so that we can have a chance of keeping on top of things. -You can read the complete module contribution guide [on the Puppet Labs wiki.](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/module-site/wiki/Module_contributing) +You can read the complete module contribution guide [on the Puppet documentation site.](https://docs.puppet.com/guides/module_guides/bgtm.html) @@ -2,13 +2,9 @@ require 'puppet_blacksmith/rake_tasks' require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint' require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/rake_tasks' -PuppetLint.configuration.fail_on_warnings = true PuppetLint.configuration.send('relative') -PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_80chars') -PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_class_inherits_from_params_class') PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_documentation') PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_single_quote_string_with_variables') -PuppetLint.configuration.ignore_paths = ["spec/**/*.pp", "pkg/**/*.pp"] desc 'Generate pooler nodesets' task :gen_nodeset do diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/cvs.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/cvs.rb index 7a8f6ef..e5bde7a 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/cvs.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/cvs.rb @@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provide(:cvs, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Vcsrepo) if @resource.value(:user) and @resource.value(:user) != Facter['id'].value Puppet.debug "Running as user " + @resource.value(:user) - Puppet::Util::Execution.execute([:cvs, *args], :uid => @resource.value(:user), :custom_environment => e) + Puppet::Util::Execution.execute([:cvs, *args], :uid => @resource.value(:user), :custom_environment => e, :combine => true) else - Puppet::Util::Execution.execute([:cvs, *args], :custom_environment => e) + Puppet::Util::Execution.execute([:cvs, *args], :custom_environment => e, :combine => true) end end end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git.rb index 9d18b47..80fa2f0 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git.rb @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provide(:git, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Vcsrepo) end elsif @resource.value(:user) and @resource.value(:user) != Facter['id'].value env = Etc.getpwnam(@resource.value(:user)) - Puppet::Util::Execution.execute("git #{args.join(' ')}", :uid => @resource.value(:user), :failonfail => true, :custom_environment => {'HOME' => env['dir']}) + Puppet::Util::Execution.execute("git #{args.join(' ')}", :uid => @resource.value(:user), :failonfail => true, :custom_environment => {'HOME' => env['dir']}, :combine => true) else git(*args) end diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/hg.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/hg.rb index 294c2a9..b426963 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/hg.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/hg.rb @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provide(:hg, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Vcsrepo) d end if @resource.value(:user) and @resource.value(:user) != Facter['id'].value args.map! { |a| if a =~ /\s/ then "'#{a}'" else a end } # Adds quotes to arguments with whitespaces. - Puppet::Util::Execution.execute("hg #{args.join(' ')}", :uid => @resource.value(:user), :failonfail => true) + Puppet::Util::Execution.execute("hg #{args.join(' ')}", :uid => @resource.value(:user), :failonfail => true, :combine => true) else hg(*args) end diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/vcsrepo.rb b/lib/puppet/type/vcsrepo.rb index e2ef0b7..f35bb18 100644 --- a/lib/puppet/type/vcsrepo.rb +++ b/lib/puppet/type/vcsrepo.rb @@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:vcsrepo) do return is == :bare when :mirror return is == :mirror + when :absent + return is == :absent end end diff --git a/metadata.json b/metadata.json index c505faa..11acb59 100644 --- a/metadata.json +++ b/metadata.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "puppetlabs-vcsrepo", - "version": "1.3.2", + "version": "1.4.0", "author": "Puppet Labs", "summary": "Puppet module providing a type to manage repositories from various version control systems", "license": "GPL-2.0+", @@ -64,16 +64,13 @@ "operatingsystemrelease": [ "10.04", "12.04", - "14.04" + "14.04", + "16.04" ] } ], "requirements": [ { - "name": "pe", - "version_requirement": ">= 3.0.0 < 2015.4.0" - }, - { "name": "puppet", "version_requirement": ">= 3.0.0 < 5.0.0" } diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-59-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-59-x64.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 2ad90b8..0000000 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-59-x64.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -HOSTS: - centos-59-x64: - roles: - - master - platform: el-5-x86_64 - box : centos-59-x64-vbox4210-nocm - box_url : http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/centos-59-x64-vbox4210-nocm.box - hypervisor : vagrant -CONFIG: - type: git diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-64-x64-pe.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-64-x64-pe.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 7d9242f..0000000 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-64-x64-pe.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -HOSTS: - centos-64-x64: - roles: - - master - - database - - dashboard - platform: el-6-x86_64 - box : centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm - box_url : http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm.box - hypervisor : vagrant -CONFIG: - type: pe diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-64-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-64-x64.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 05540ed..0000000 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-64-x64.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -HOSTS: - centos-64-x64: - roles: - - master - platform: el-6-x86_64 - box : centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm - box_url : http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm.box - hypervisor : vagrant -CONFIG: - type: foss diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-65-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-65-x64.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 4e2cb80..0000000 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-65-x64.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -HOSTS: - centos-65-x64: - roles: - - master - platform: el-6-x86_64 - box : centos-65-x64-vbox436-nocm - box_url : http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/centos-65-x64-virtualbox-nocm.box - hypervisor : vagrant -CONFIG: - type: foss diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-7-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-7-x64.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5eebdef --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/centos-7-x64.yml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +HOSTS: + centos-7-x64: + roles: + - agent + - default + platform: el-7-x86_64 + hypervisor: vagrant + box: puppetlabs/centos-7.2-64-nocm +CONFIG: + type: foss diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-607-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-607-x64.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 43df6a5..0000000 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-607-x64.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -HOSTS: - debian-607-x64: - roles: - - master - platform: debian-6-amd64 - box : debian-607-x64-vbox4210-nocm - box_url : http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/debian-607-x64-vbox4210-nocm.box - hypervisor : vagrant -CONFIG: - type: foss diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-73-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-73-x64.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 5b87870..0000000 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-73-x64.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -HOSTS: - debian-73-x64: - roles: - - master - platform: debian-7-amd64 - box : debian-73-x64-virtualbox-nocm - box_url : http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/debian-73-x64-virtualbox-nocm.box - hypervisor : vagrant -CONFIG: - type: foss diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-8-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-8-x64.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fef6e63 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/debian-8-x64.yml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +HOSTS: + debian-8-x64: + roles: + - agent + - default + platform: debian-8-amd64 + hypervisor: vagrant + box: puppetlabs/debian-8.2-64-nocm +CONFIG: + type: foss diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/default.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/default.yml index 05540ed..dba339c 100644 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/default.yml +++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/default.yml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ HOSTS: - centos-64-x64: + ubuntu-1404-x64: roles: - - master - platform: el-6-x86_64 - box : centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm - box_url : http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm.box - hypervisor : vagrant + - agent + - default + platform: ubuntu-14.04-amd64 + hypervisor: vagrant + box: puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm CONFIG: type: foss diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/docker/centos-7.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/docker/centos-7.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3333aa --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/docker/centos-7.yml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +HOSTS: + centos-7-x64: + platform: el-7-x86_64 + hypervisor: docker + image: centos:7 + docker_preserve_image: true + docker_cmd: '["/usr/sbin/init"]' + # install various tools required to get the image up to usable levels + docker_image_commands: + - 'yum install -y crontabs tar wget openssl sysvinit-tools iproute which initscripts' +CONFIG: + trace_limit: 200 diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/docker/debian-8.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/docker/debian-8.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df5c319 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/docker/debian-8.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +HOSTS: + debian-8-x64: + platform: debian-8-amd64 + hypervisor: docker + image: debian:8 + docker_preserve_image: true + docker_cmd: '["/sbin/init"]' + docker_image_commands: + - 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y net-tools wget locales strace lsof && echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen' +CONFIG: + trace_limit: 200 diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/docker/ubuntu-14.04.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/docker/ubuntu-14.04.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1efa58 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/docker/ubuntu-14.04.yml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +HOSTS: + ubuntu-1404-x64: + platform: ubuntu-14.04-amd64 + hypervisor: docker + image: ubuntu:14.04 + docker_preserve_image: true + docker_cmd: '["/sbin/init"]' + docker_image_commands: + # ensure that upstart is booting correctly in the container + - 'rm /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d && rm /sbin/initctl && dpkg-divert --rename --remove /sbin/initctl && apt-get update && apt-get install -y net-tools wget && locale-gen en_US.UTF-8' +CONFIG: + trace_limit: 200 diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-10044-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-10044-x64.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 5ca1514..0000000 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-10044-x64.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -HOSTS: - ubuntu-server-10044-x64: - roles: - - master - platform: ubuntu-10.04-amd64 - box : ubuntu-server-10044-x64-vbox4210-nocm - box_url : http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/ubuntu-server-10044-x64-vbox4210-nocm.box - hypervisor : vagrant -CONFIG: - type: foss diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-12042-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-12042-x64.yml deleted file mode 100644 index d065b30..0000000 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-12042-x64.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -HOSTS: - ubuntu-server-12042-x64: - roles: - - master - platform: ubuntu-12.04-amd64 - box : ubuntu-server-12042-x64-vbox4210-nocm - box_url : http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/ubuntu-server-12042-x64-vbox4210-nocm.box - hypervisor : vagrant -CONFIG: - type: foss diff --git a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-1404-x64.yml b/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-1404-x64.yml deleted file mode 100644 index cba1cd0..0000000 --- a/spec/acceptance/nodesets/ubuntu-server-1404-x64.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -HOSTS: - ubuntu-server-1404-x64: - roles: - - master - platform: ubuntu-14.04-amd64 - box : puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm - box_url : https://vagrantcloud.com/puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-nocm - hypervisor : vagrant -CONFIG: - log_level : debug - type: git diff --git a/spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/cvs_spec.rb b/spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/cvs_spec.rb index 2e18149..d7edd1d 100644 --- a/spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/cvs_spec.rb +++ b/spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/cvs_spec.rb @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provider(:cvs_provider) do resource[:source] = ':ext:source@example.com:/foo/bar' resource[:revision] = 'an-unimportant-value' expects_chdir('/tmp') - Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, '-d', resource.value(:source), 'checkout', '-r', 'an-unimportant-value', '-d', 'test', 'bar'], :custom_environment => {}) + Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, '-d', resource.value(:source), 'checkout', '-r', 'an-unimportant-value', '-d', 'test', 'bar'], :custom_environment => {}, :combine => true) provider.create end @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provider(:cvs_provider) do resource[:revision] = 'an-unimportant-value' resource[:user] = 'muppet' expects_chdir('/tmp') - Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, '-d', resource.value(:source), 'checkout', '-r', 'an-unimportant-value', '-d', 'test', 'bar'], :uid => 'muppet', :custom_environment => {}) + Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, '-d', resource.value(:source), 'checkout', '-r', 'an-unimportant-value', '-d', 'test', 'bar'], :uid => 'muppet', :custom_environment => {}, :combine => true) provider.create end it "should just execute 'cvs checkout' without a revision" do resource[:source] = ':ext:source@example.com:/foo/bar' resource.delete(:revision) - Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, '-d', resource.value(:source), 'checkout', '-d', File.basename(resource.value(:path)), File.basename(resource.value(:source))], :custom_environment => {}) + Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, '-d', resource.value(:source), 'checkout', '-d', File.basename(resource.value(:path)), File.basename(resource.value(:source))], :custom_environment => {}, :combine => true) provider.create end @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provider(:cvs_provider) do resource[:source] = ':ext:source@example.com:/foo/bar' resource[:compression] = '3' resource.delete(:revision) - Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, '-d', resource.value(:source), '-z', '3', 'checkout', '-d', File.basename(resource.value(:path)), File.basename(resource.value(:source))], :custom_environment => {}) + Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, '-d', resource.value(:source), '-z', '3', 'checkout', '-d', File.basename(resource.value(:path)), File.basename(resource.value(:source))], :custom_environment => {}, :combine => true) provider.create end end @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provider(:cvs_provider) do context "when a source is not given" do it "should execute 'cvs init'" do resource.delete(:source) - Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, '-d', resource.value(:path), 'init'], :custom_environment => {}) + Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, '-d', resource.value(:path), 'init'], :custom_environment => {}, :combine => true) provider.create end end @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provider(:cvs_provider) do it "should use 'cvs update -dr'" do expects_chdir - Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, 'update', '-dr', @tag, '.'], :custom_environment => {}) + Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with([:cvs, 'update', '-dr', @tag, '.'], :custom_environment => {}, :combine => true) provider.revision = @tag end end diff --git a/spec/unit/puppet/type/vcsrepo_spec.rb b/spec/unit/puppet/type/vcsrepo_spec.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0070f49 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/unit/puppet/type/vcsrepo_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env ruby +require 'spec_helper' + +describe Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo) do + + before :each do + Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).stubs(:defaultprovider).returns(providerclass) + end + + let(:providerclass) do + described_class.provide(:fake_vcsrepo_provider) do + attr_accessor :property_hash + def create; end + def destroy; end + def exists? + get(:ensure) != :absent + end + mk_resource_methods + end + end + + let(:provider) do + providerclass.new(:name => 'fake-vcs') + end + + let(:resource) do + described_class.new(:name => '/repo', + :ensure => :present, + :provider => provider) + end + + let(:ensureprop) do + resource.property(:ensure) + end + + properties = [ :ensure ] + + properties.each do |property| + it "should have a #{property} property" do + expect(described_class.attrclass(property).ancestors).to be_include(Puppet::Property) + end + end + + parameters = [ :ensure ] + + parameters.each do |parameter| + it "should have a #{parameter} parameter" do + expect(described_class.attrclass(parameter).ancestors).to be_include(Puppet::Parameter) + end + end + + describe 'default resource with required params' do + it 'should have a valid name parameter' do + expect(resource[:name]).to eq('/repo') + end + + it 'should have ensure set to present' do + expect(resource[:ensure]).to eq(:present) + end + + it 'should have path set to /repo' do + expect(resource[:path]).to eq('/repo') + end + + defaults = { + :owner => nil, + :group => nil, + :user => nil, + :revision => nil, + } + + defaults.each_pair do |param, value| + it "should have #{param} parameter set to #{value}" do + expect(resource[param]).to eq(value) + end + end + end + + describe 'when changing the ensure' do + it 'should be in sync if it is :absent and should be :absent' do + ensureprop.should = :absent + expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:absent)).to eq(true) + end + + it 'should be in sync if it is :present and should be :present' do + ensureprop.should = :present + expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:present)).to eq(true) + end + + it 'should be out of sync if it is :absent and should be :present' do + ensureprop.should = :present + expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:absent)).not_to eq(true) + end + + it 'should be out of sync if it is :present and should be :absent' do + ensureprop.should = :absent + expect(ensureprop.safe_insync?(:present)).not_to eq(true) + end + end + + describe 'when running the type it should autorequire packages' do + before :each do + @catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new + ['git', 'git-core', 'mercurial'].each do |pkg| + @catalog.add_resource(Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => pkg)) + end + end + + it 'should require package packages' do + @resource = described_class.new(:name => '/foo', :provider => provider) + @catalog.add_resource(@resource) + req = @resource.autorequire + expect(req.size).to eq(3) + end + end +end |