== Class: unbound The unbound class manages unbound, the reqursive caching DNS resolver. It manages the package, service, configuration file, control keys and support files. Supported operating systems are OpenBSD, Debian and Ubuntu. Tested on OpenBSD 5.2 with Puppet 2.7.14 and Debian Sid with Puppet 2.7.18-2. The configuration file is concatenated from samples of server et. al., stub-zone and forward-zone. The latter two are created independently from the server settings, by defines which can be used by other classes and modules. Control keys can be created with the unbound-control-setup program, and is enabled by default. These are neccessary to be able to control unbound (restart, reload etc) with the unbound-control program. The auto-trust-anchor-file 'root.key' can be created with the unbound-anchor program, and is enabled by default. The root-hints files named.cache can be managed, but have to be provided by the user. See the documentation in manifests/root_hints.pp for how to proceede. This functionality is not enabled by default. === Parameters [*settings*] Hash containing the settings as key value pairs. [*ssl*] Mange unbound-control certificates? True or false, true by default. [*anchor*] Manage root.key? True or false, true by default. [*root_hints*] Manage named.cache? True or false, false by default. === Examples class { 'unbound': root_hints => true, settings => { server => { verbosity => '1', interface => [ '', '::1', $::ipaddress, ], outgoing-interface => $::ipaddress, access-control => [ ' allow', '::1 allow', ' allow', ], root-hints => '"/var/unbound/etc/named.cache"', private-address => [ '', '', '', ], private-domain => "\"$::domain\"", auto-trust-anchor-file => '"/var/unbound/etc/root.key"', }, python => { }, remote-control => { control-enable => 'yes', control-interface => [ '', '::1', ], }, } } See manifests/stub.pp and manifests/forward.pp for examples on how to create sub zones and forward zones repectively.