# unattended\_upgrades [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/puppet-community/puppet-unattended_upgrades.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/puppet-community/puppet-unattended_upgrades) [![Puppet Forge Version](http://img.shields.io/puppetforge/v/puppet/unattended_upgrades.svg)](https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppet/unattended_upgrades) [![Puppet Forge Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/puppetforge/dt/puppet/unattended_upgrades.svg)](https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppet/unattended_upgrades) ## Overview The unattended\_upgrades module allows for the installation and configuration of automatic security (and other) updates through apt. This functionality used to be part of the puppetlabs-apt module but was split off into its own module. ## Module Description The unattended\_upgrades module automates the configuration of apt package updates. ## Setup ### What unattended\_upgrades affects: * Package/configuration for unattended\_upgrades ### Beginning with unattended\_upgrades All you need to do is include the apt module, `include apt`, and this module, `include unattended_upgrades` for it to work. This module relies on the [apt](https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/apt) module and will not work without it. ## Usage Using unattended\_upgrades simply consists of including the module and if needed altering some of the default settings. ## Reference ### Classes * `unattended_upgrades`: Main class, installs the necessary packages and writes the configuration. ### Parameters #### unattended\_upgrades * `age` (`{}`): A hash of settings with two possible keys: * `min` (`2`): Minimum age of a cache package file. File younger than `min` will not be deleted. * `max` (`0`): Maximum allowed age of a cache package file. File older than `max` will be deleted. Any of these keys can be specified and will be merged into the defaults: ```puppet class { 'unattended_upgrades': age => { 'max' => 10 }, } ``` * `auto` `({}`): A hash of settings with three possible keys: * `fix_interrupted_dpkg`(`true`): Try to fix package installation state. * `reboot`(`false`): Reboot system after package update installation. * `remove`(`true`): Remove unneeded dependencies after update installation. Any of these keys can be specified and will be merged into the defaults: ```puppet class { 'unattended_upgrades': auto => { 'reboot' => true }, } ``` * `backup` (`{}`): A hash with two possible keys: * `archive_internal` (`0`): Backup after n-days if archive contents changed. * `level` (`3`): Backup level. Any of these keys can be specified and will be merged into the defaults: ```puppet class { 'unattended_upgrades': backup => { 'level' => 5 }, } ``` * `blacklist`(`[]`): A list of packages to **not** automatically upgrade. * `dl_limit`(`undef`): Use a bandwidth limit for downloading, specified in kb/sec. * `enable` (`1`): Enable the automatic installation of updates. * `install_on_shutdown` (`false`): Install updates on shutdown instead of in the background. * `legacy_origin` (`false`): Use the legacy `Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins` setting or the modern `Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern`. * `mail`: A hash to configure email behaviour with two possible keys: * `only_on_error` (`true`): Only send mail when something went wrong * `to` (`undef`): Email address to send email too If the default for `to` is kept you will not receive any mail at all. You'll likely want to set this parameter. Any of these keys can be specified and will be merged into the defaults: ```puppet class { 'unattended_upgrades': mail => { 'to' => 'admin@domain.tld', }, } ``` * `minimal_steps` (`true`): Split the upgrade process into sections to allow shutdown during upgrade. * `origins`: The repositories from which to automatically upgrade included packages. * `package_ensure` (`installed`): The ensure state for the 'unattended-upgrades' package. * `size` (`0`): Maximum size of the cache in MB. * `update` (`1`): Do "apt-get update" automatically every n-days. * `upgrade` (`1`): Run the "unattended-upgrade" security upgrade script every n-days. * `upgradeable_packages` (`{}`): A hash with two possible keys: * `download_only` (`0`): Do "apt-get upgrade --download-only" every n-days. * `debdelta` (`1`): Use debdelta-upgrade to download updates if available. Any of these keys can be specified and will be merged into the defaults: ```puppet class { 'unattended_upgrades': upgradeable_packages => { 'debdelta' => 1, }, } ``` * `verbose` (`0`): Send report mail to root. ## Limitations This module should work across all versions of Debian/Ubuntu. ## License The original code for this module comes from Evolving Web and was licensed under the MIT license. Code added since the fork of that module into puppetlabs-apt is covered under the Apache License version 2 as is any code added since it was split off into this separate unattended\_upgrades module. The LICENSE contains both licenses.