module Puppet::Util::TroclaHelper def trocla(trocla_func,has_options,*args) # Functions called from puppet manifests that look like this: # lookup("foo", "bar") # internally in puppet are invoked: func(["foo", "bar"]) # # where as calling from templates should work like this: # scope.function_lookup("foo", "bar") # # Therefore, declare this function with args '*args' to accept any number # of arguments and deal with puppet's special calling mechanism now: if args[0].is_a?(Array) args = args[0] end key = args[0] || raise(Puppet::ParseError, "You need to pass at least a key as an argument!") format = args[1] || 'plain' options = args[2] || {} if options.is_a?(String) require 'yaml' options = YAML.load(options) end configfile = File.join(File.dirname(Puppet.settings[:config]), "troclarc.yaml") raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Trocla config file #{configfile} is not readable") unless File.exist?(configfile) raise(Puppet::ParseError, "You need rubygems to use Trocla") unless Puppet.features.rubygems? require 'rubygems' require 'trocla' has_options ?, key, format, options) :, key, format) end module_function :trocla end