#!/usr/bin/env ruby # CLI client for Trocla. # require 'rubygems' require 'trocla' require 'optparse' require 'yaml' options = { :config_file => nil, :ask_password => true } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on("--version", "-V", "Version information") do puts Trocla::VERSION::STRING exit end opts.on("--config CONFIG", "-c", "Configuration file") do |v| if File.exist?(v) options[:config_file] = v else STDERR.puts "Cannot find config file: #{v}" exit 1 end end opts.on("--no-random") do options['random'] = false end opts.on("--length LENGTH") do |v| options['length'] = v.to_i end opts.on("--password PASSWORD", "-p", "Provide password at command line") do |pass| options[:ask_password] = false options[:password] = pass end opts.on("--pwd-from-stdin") do options[:ask_password] = false end end.parse! def create(options) miss_format unless options[:trocla_format] Trocla.new(options.delete(:config_file)).password( options.delete(:trocla_key), options.delete(:trocla_format), options.merge(YAML.load(options.delete(:other_options).shift.to_s)||{}) ) end def get(options) miss_format unless options[:trocla_format] Trocla.new(options.delete(:config_file)).get_password( options.delete(:trocla_key), options.delete(:trocla_format) ) end def set(options) miss_format unless options[:trocla_format] if options.delete(:ask_password) require 'highline/import' password = ask("Enter your password: ") { |q| q.echo = "x" } pwd2 = ask("Repeat password: ") { |q| q.echo = "x" } unless password == pwd2 STDERR.puts "Passwords did not match, exiting!" exit 1 end else # FIXME: I don't know if we have to delete other options here. password = options.delete(:password) password = STDIN.read if not password end Trocla.new(options.delete(:config_file)).set_password( options.delete(:trocla_key), options.delete(:trocla_format), password ) "" end def reset(options) miss_format unless options[:trocla_format] Trocla.new(options.delete(:config_file)).reset_password( options.delete(:trocla_key), options.delete(:trocla_format), options.merge(YAML.load(options.delete(:other_options).shift.to_s)||{}) ) end def delete(options) Trocla.new(options.delete(:config_file)).delete_password( options.delete(:trocla_key), options.delete(:trocla_format) ) end def miss_format STDERR.puts "Missing format, exiting..." exit 1 end actions=['create','get','set','reset','delete'] if !(ARGV.length < 2) && (action=ARGV.shift) && actions.include?(action) options[:trocla_key] = ARGV.shift options[:trocla_format] = ARGV.shift options[:other_options] = ARGV begin if result = send(action,options) puts result.is_a?(String) ? result : result.inspect end rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "Action failed with the following message: #{e.message}" unless e.message == 'exit' exit 1 end else STDERR.puts "Please supply one of the following actions: #{actions.join(', ')}" exit 1 end