class tor::daemon ( $data_dir = '/var/lib/tor', $config_file = '/etc/tor/torrc', $use_bridges = 0, $automap_hosts_on_resolve = 0, $log_rules = [ 'notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log' ], ) inherits tor { # constants $spool_dir = '/var/lib/puppet/modules/tor' # packages, user, group Service['tor'] { subscribe => File["${config_file}"], } Package[ 'tor' ] { require => File["${data_dir}"], } group { 'debian-tor': ensure => present, allowdupe => false, } user { 'debian-tor': ensure => present, allowdupe => false, comment => 'tor user,,,', home => "${data_dir}", shell => '/bin/false', gid => 'debian-tor', require => Group['debian-tor'], } # directories file { "${data_dir}": ensure => directory, mode => '0700', owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', require => User['debian-tor'], } file { '/etc/tor': ensure => directory, mode => '0755', owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', require => User['debian-tor'], } file { "${spool_dir}": ensure => absent, recurse => true, force => true, } # tor configuration file concat { "${config_file}": mode => '0600', owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', } # config file headers concat::fragment { '00.header': ensure => present, content => template('tor/torrc.header.erb'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 00, target => "${config_file}", } # global configurations concat::fragment { '': content => template('tor/'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 01, target => "${config_file}", } # socks definition define socks( $port = 0, $listen_addresses = [], $policies = [] ) { concat::fragment { '02.socks': content => template('tor/torrc.socks.erb'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 02, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } } # relay definition define relay( $port = 0, $listen_addresses = [], $outbound_bindaddresses = [], $bandwidth_rate = '', # KB/s, defaulting to using tor's default: 5120KB/s $bandwidth_burst = '', # KB/s, defaulting to using tor's default: 10240KB/s $relay_bandwidth_rate = 0, # KB/s, 0 for no limit. $relay_bandwidth_burst = 0, # KB/s, 0 for no limit. $accounting_max = 0, # GB, 0 for no limit. $accounting_start = [], $contact_info = '', $my_family = '', # TODO: autofill with other relays $address = "tor.${domain}", $bridge_relay = 0, $ensure = present ) { $nickname = $name if $outbound_bindaddresses == [] { $real_outbound_bindaddresses = $listen_addresses } else { $real_outbound_bindaddresses = $outbound_bindaddresses } concat::fragment { '03.relay': ensure => $ensure, content => template('tor/torrc.relay.erb'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 03, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } } # control definition define control( $port = 0, $hashed_control_password = '', $cookie_authentication = 0, $cookie_auth_file = '', $cookie_auth_file_group_readable = '', $ensure = present ) { if $cookie_authentication == '0' and $hashed_control_password == '' and $ensure != 'absent' { fail('You need to define the tor control password') } if $cookie_authentication == 0 and ("${cookie_auth_file}" != '' or "${cookie_auth_file_group_readable}" != '') { notice('You set a tor cookie authentication option, but do not have cookie_authentication on') } concat::fragment { '04.control': ensure => $ensure, content => template('tor/torrc.control.erb'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0600', order => 04, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } } # hidden services definition define hidden_service( $ports = [], $data_dir = "${tor::daemon::data_dir}", $ensure = present ) { concat::fragment { "05.hidden_service.${name}": ensure => $ensure, content => template('tor/torrc.hidden_service.erb'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 05, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } } # directory advertising define directory ( $port = 0, $listen_addresses = [], $port_front_page = '/etc/tor/tor.html', $ensure = present ) { concat::fragment { '': ensure => $ensure, content => template('tor/'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 06, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } file { '/etc/tor/tor.html': ensure => $ensure, source => 'puppet:///modules/tor/tor.html', require => File['/etc/tor'], owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', } } # exit policies define exit_policy( $accept = [], $reject = [], $reject_private = 1, $ensure = present ) { concat::fragment { "07.exit_policy.${name}": ensure => $ensure, content => template('tor/torrc.exit_policy.erb'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 07, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } } # DNS definition define dns( $port = 0, $listen_addresses = [], $ensure = present ) { concat::fragment { "08.dns.${name}": ensure => $ensure, content => template('tor/torrc.dns.erb'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 08, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } } # Transparent proxy definition define transparent( $port = 0, $listen_addresses = [], $ensure = present ) { concat::fragment { "09.transparent.${name}": ensure => $ensure, content => template('tor/torrc.transparent.erb'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 09, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } } # Bridge definition define bridge( $ip, $port, $fingerprint = false, $ensure = present ) { concat::fragment { "10.bridge.${name}": ensure => $ensure, content => template('tor/torrc.bridge.erb'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 10, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } } # map address definition define map_address( $address = '', $newaddress = '') { concat::fragment { "08.map_address.${name}": ensure => $ensure, content => template('tor/torrc.map_address.erb'), owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 08, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } } # Arbitrary torrc snippet definition define snippet( $content = '', $ensure = present ) { concat::fragment { "99.snippet.${name}": ensure => $ensure, content => "${content}", owner => 'debian-tor', group => 'debian-tor', mode => '0644', order => 99, target => "${tor::daemon::config_file}", } } }