require 'base32' module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:onion_address, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS Generates an onion address from a 1024-bit RSA private key. Example: onion_address("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MII.... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----") Returns the onionadress for that key, *without* the .onion suffix. EOS ) do |args| key = args.shift raise(Puppet::ParseError, "onion_address(): requires 1 argument") unless key && args.empty? private_key = key.is_a?(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA) ? key : # the onion address are a base32 encoded string of the first half of the sha1 over the # der format of the public key # # We can skip the first 22 bits of the der format as they are ignored by tor # # public_key_der = private_key.public_key.to_der Base32.encode(Digest::SHA1.digest(public_key_der[22..-1]))[0..15].downcase end end