module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:generate_onion_key, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS Generates or loads a rsa private key for an onion service, returns they onion onion address and the private key content. Requires a location to load and store the private key, as well an identifier, which will be used as a filename in the location. Example: res = generate_onion_key('/tmp','my_secret_key') notice "Onion Address: \${res[0]" notice "Priavte Key: \${res[1]" It will also store the onion address under /tmp/my_secret_key.hostname. If /tmp/my_secret_key.key exists, but not the hostname file. Then the function will be loaded and the onion address will be generated from it. EOS ) do |args| location = args.shift identifier = args.shift raise(Puppet::ParseError, "generate_onion_key(): requires 2 arguments") unless [location,identifier].all?{|i| !i.nil? } raise(Puppet::ParseError, "generate_onion_key(): requires location (#{location}) to be a directory") unless path = File.join(location,identifier) private_key = if File.exists?(kf="#{path}.key") pk = raise(Puppet::ParseError, "generate_onion_key(): key in path #{kf} must have a length of 1024bit") unless (pk.n.num_bytes * 8) == 1024 pk else # 1024 is hardcoded by tor pk = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(1024),'w'){|f| f << pk.to_s } pk end onion_address = if File.exists?(hf="#{path}.hostname") else oa = function_onion_address([private_key]),'w'){|f| f << oa.to_s } oa end [ onion_address, private_key.to_s ] end end