require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'../templatewrapperwlv') Puppet::Parser::Functions::newfunction(:templatewlv, :type => :rvalue, :arity => -2, :doc => "A wrapper around puppet's template function. See [the templating docs]( for the basic functionality. Additionally, you can pass a hash, as the last argument, which will be turned into local variables and available to the template itself. This will allow you to define variables in a template and pass them down to a template you include in the current template. An example: scope.function_templatewlv(['sub_template', { 'local_var' => 'value' }]) Note that if multiple templates are specified, their output is all concatenated and returned as the output of the function.") do |vals| if vals.last.is_a?(Hash) local_vars = vals.last local_vals = vals[0..-2] else local_vars = {} local_vals = vals end result = nil local_vals.collect do |file| # Use a wrapper, so the template can't get access to the full # Scope object. debug "Retrieving template #{file}" wrapper =,local_vars) wrapper.file = file begin wrapper.result rescue => detail info = detail.backtrace.first.split(':') raise Puppet::ParseError, "Failed to parse template #{file}:\n Filepath: #{info[0]}\n Line: #{info[1]}\n Detail: #{detail}\n" end end.join("") end