Puppet::Type.newtype(:sudoers) do @doc = "Manage the contents of /etc/sudoers Author:: Dan Bode (dan@reductivelabs.com) Copyright:: BLAH!! License:: GPL3 = Summary The sudoers type supports managing individual lines from the sudoers file. Supports present/absent. supports purging. = Record Types There are 3 types of records that are supported: == Aliases: Manages an alias line of a sudoers file. Example: sudoers{'ALIAS_NAME': ensure => present, sudo_alias => 'Cmnd', items => ['/bin/true', '/usr/bin/su - bob'], } creates the following line: Cmnd_Alias ALIAS_NAME=/bin/true,/usr/bin/su - bob == User Specification sudoers line that specifies how users can run commands. This there is no way to clearly determine uniqueness, a comment line is added above user spec lines that contains the namevar. Example: sudoers{'NAME': ensure => present, users => ['dan1', 'dan2'], hosts => 'ALL', commands => [ '(root) /usr/bin/su - easapp', '(easapp)/usr/local/eas-ts/bin/appctl', ], } creates the following line: #Puppet NAMEVAR NAME dan1,dan2 ALL=(root) /usr/bin/su - easapp,(easapp)/usr/local/eas-ts/bin/appctl Defaults: the default name is used to determine uniqueness. sudoers{'Defaults@host': parameters => ['x=y', 'one=1', 'two=2'], } Defaults@host x=y,one=1,two=2 == Notes: - parsing of multi-line sudoers records is not currently supported. - ordering only applies when records are created. " # support absent and present (also purge -> true) ensurable newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do desc "Either the name of the alias, default, or arbitrary unique string for user specifications" munge do |value| #puts "params \n#{resource.original_parameters.to_yaml}\n" value end # this fails for existing resources, just dont use fake_namevar stuff! validate do |name| # please forgive this dirty hack, but only managed lines can # have lines if (name =~ /^fake_namevar_\d+/ and resource.line) raise Puppet::Error, "cannot use reserved namevar #{name}" end end end # # I changed this to be required. this will allow me to # do more param checking based on type. # newproperty(:type) do desc "optional parameter used to determine what the record type is" # why isnt this working? validate do |my_type| unless my_type =~ /(default|alias|user_spec)/ raise Puppet::Error, "unexpected sudoers type #{my_type}" end end isrequired end newproperty(:sudo_alias) do desc "Type of alias. Options are Cmnd, Host, User, and Runas" newvalue(/^(Cmnd|Host|User|Runas)(_Alias)?$/) # add _Alias if it was ommitted munge do |value| if(value =~ /^(Cmnd|Host|User|Runas)$/) value << '_Alias' end value end # this is now an alias type end newproperty(:items, :array_matching => :all) do desc "list of items applied to an alias" end newproperty(:target) do desc "Location of the shells file" defaultto do if @resource.class.defaultprovider.ancestors.include?(Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile) @resource.class.defaultprovider.default_target else nil end end end # single user is namevar newproperty(:users, :array_matching => :all) do desc "list of users for user spec" validate do |value| if value =~ /^\s*Defaults/ raise Puppet::Error, 'Cannot specify user named Defaults in sudoers' end end end newproperty(:hosts, :array_matching => :all) do desc "list of hosts for user spec" end newproperty(:commands, :array_matching => :all) do desc "commands to run" end newproperty(:parameters, :array_matching => :all) do desc "default parameters" end # I should check that this is not /PUPPET NAMEVAR/ newproperty(:comment) do defaultto '' end # make sure that we only have attributes for either default, alias, or user_spec # I need to think about this... This prevents users from being able # to set resource defaults... # SUDOERS_DEFAULT = [:parameters] SUDOERS_ALIAS = [:sudo_alias, :items] SUDOERS_SPEC = [:users, :hosts, :commands] # # this does not work both ways for some reason # # validate do # this if ensure if a little hackish - # balically, when initialize is called from self.instances # none of the attributes are actually set (including type) # the best way to tell if I was called by self.instances # is to check if ensure has a value? if self[:ensure] if self.value(:type) == 'default' checkprops(SUDOERS_DEFAULT) elsif self.value(:type) == 'alias' checkprops(SUDOERS_ALIAS) elsif self.value(:type) == 'user_spec' checkprops(SUDOERS_SPEC) elsif ! self[:type] # this is only during purging (self.instances) raise Puppet::Error, 'attribute type must be set for sudoers type' end else # this occurs with self.instances # is there a better way? end end private def checkprops(props) props.each do |prop| unless self[prop.to_s] raise Puppet::Error, "missing attribute #{prop} for type #{self[:type]}" end end end # if self[:sudo_alias] # self[:type] = 'alias' # checkprops(SUDOERS_DEFAULT, SUDOERS_SPEC) # elsif self[:parameters] # self[:type] = 'default' # checkprops(SUDOERS_ALIAS, SUDOERS_SPEC) # elsif self[:users] # self[:type] = 'user_spec' # checkprops(SUDOERS_ALIAS, SUDOERS_DEFAULT) # else # # these are parsed records, do nothing # end #puts self.should('sudo_alias') #puts self.to_yaml #puts self.eachproperty do |x| puts x end # end # private # check that we dont have any conflicting attributes # def checkprops(array_one, array_two) # combined = Array.new.concat(array_one).concat(array_two) # combined.each do |item| # if self[item.to_sym] # raise Puppet::Error, "Unexpected attribute #{item} for sudo record type #{self[:type]}" # end # end # end end