require 'puppet/provider/parsedfile' sudoers = "/etc/sudoers" # # crontab does the same thing, it uses a comment to specify uniqueness # Puppet::Type.type(:sudoers).provide( :parsed, :parent => Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile, :default_target => '/etc/sudoers', :filetype => :flat ) do desc "The sudoers provider that uses the ParsedFile class" commands :visudo => 'visudo' # this is just copied from hosts text_line :comment, :match => %r{^#}, :post_parse => proc { |record| # shameful NAMEVAR hack :( if record[:line] =~ /Puppet NAMEVAR (.+)\s*$/ record[:name] = $1 end } text_line :blank, :match => /^\s*$/; # # parse lines as either a Defaults, Alias, or User spec. # # match everything and process entire line record_line :parsed, :fields => %w{line}, :match => /(.*)/, :post_parse => proc { |hash| Puppet.debug("sudoers post_parse for line #{hash[:line]}") # create records for aliases parsed = Puppet::Type.type(:sudoers).provider(:parsed) if (hash[:line] =~ /^\s*((User|Runas|Host|Cmnd)_Alias)\s+(\S+)\s*=\s*(.+)$/) Puppet.debug("parsed line as Alias") parsed.parse_alias($1, $3, $4, hash) elsif (hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(Defaults\S*)\s*(.*)$/) Puppet.debug("parsed line as Defaults") parsed.parse_defaults($1, $2, hash) elsif (hash[:line] =~ /^\s*(.*)?=(.*)$/) Puppet.debug("parsed line as User Spec") parsed.parse_user_spec($1, $2, hash) else raise Puppet::Error, "invalid line #{hash[:line]}" end # puts hash.to_yaml # hash } # parse alias lines def self.parse_alias(sudo_alias, name, items, hash) hash[:type] = 'alias' hash[:sudo_alias] = sudo_alias hash[:name] = name hash[:items] = clean_list(items) hash end # parse existing user spec lines from sudoers def self.parse_user_spec(users_hosts, commands, hash) hash[:type] = 'user_spec' #hash[:name] = user #hash[:hosts] = hosts.gsub(/\s/, '').split(',') hash[:commands] = clean_list(commands) hash_array = users_hosts.split(',') # every element will be a user until the hit the delim currentsymbol = :users hash[:users] = hash[:hosts] = # parsing users and hosts is kind of complicated, sorry hash_array.each do |element| #puts "!! #{element}" # the element that splits users and hosts will be 2 white space delimited strings if element =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/ user, host = $1, $2 if currentsymbol == :hosts raise Exception, 'found more than one whitespace delim in users_hosts' end # sweet we found the delim between user and host hash[currentsymbol] << user.gsub(/\s/, '') # now everything else will be a host currentsymbol=:hosts hash[currentsymbol] << host.gsub(/\s/, '') elsif element =~ /\s*\S+\s*/ hash[currentsymbol] << element.gsub(/\s/, '') else raise Exception, "Malformed user spec line lhs: #{lhs}" end end end # create record for defaults line def self.parse_defaults(default, parameters, hash) hash[:name] = default hash[:type] = 'default' hash[:parameters] = parameters.gsub(/\s/, '').split(',') end # can I override this? def type=(value) raise Puppet::Error, 'not supporting switching NAMEVAR between record types' end # I could use prefetch_hook to support multi-line entries # will use the prefetch_hook to determine if # the line before us is a commented namevar line # only used for user spec. # Most of this code is shameless taken from provider crontab.rb # NAMEVAR comments leave me in need of a shower, but it seems to be the only way. def self.prefetch_hook(records) # store comment name vars when we find them name=nil results = records.each do |record| if(record[:record_type] == :comment) # if we are a namevar comment #puts "found a comment: #{record.to_yaml}" if record[:name] #puts "found a comment with :name" name = record[:name] record[:skip] = true end # if we are a spec record, check the namevar elsif record[:type] == 'user_spec' if name #puts "adding to a record" record[:name] = name name = nil else "spec record not created by puppet" # probably a pre-exting record not created by puppet end end end.reject{|record| record[:skip]} results end # overriding how lines are written to the file def self.to_line(hash) #puts "\nEntering self.to_line for #{hash[:name]}" #puts "\n#{hash.to_yaml}\n" # # dynamically call a function based on the value of hash[:type] if(hash[:record_type] == :blank || hash[:record_type] == :comment) hash[:line] elsif(hash[:type] == 'alias') self.alias_to_line(hash) elsif(hash[:type] == 'user_spec') self.spec_to_line(hash) elsif(hash[:type] == 'default') self.default_to_line(hash) else raise Puppet::Error, "dont understand how to write out record \n|#{hash.to_yaml}\n|" end end # write line for user spec records def self.spec_to_line(hash) #puts hash.to_yaml #required #users=self.array_convert(hash[:users]) # required hosts=self.array_convert(hash[:hosts]) users=self.array_convert(hash[:users]) # required commands=self.array_convert(hash[:commands]) str = "#Puppet NAMEVAR #{hash[:name]}" str << "\n#{users} #{hosts}=#{commands}" Puppet.notice "adding line: #{str}" str end # write line for alias records def self.alias_to_line(hash) # do I need to ensure that the required elements are here? # shouldnt the type do that? check file, its similar # since different attributes make sense based on ensure value (dir/file/symlink) items=self.array_convert(hash[:items]) str = "#{hash[:sudo_alias]} #{hash[:name]}=#{items}" Puppet.notice "adding line: #{str}" str end # write line for default records # this is not implemented yet. def self.default_to_line(hash) parameters=self.array_convert(hash[:parameters]) str = "#{hash[:name]} #{parameters}" Puppet.notice "Adding line #{str}" str end # convert arrays into to , joined lists def self.array_convert(list) if list.class == Array list.join(',') else list end end # split a list on delim, trim leading and trailing white-spaces def self.clean_list(list, delim=',') list.split(delim).collect do |x| x.gsub(/\s*(.*)?\s*/, '\1') end end # used to verify files with visudo before they are flushed # flush seems to be called more than one time? def self.flush_target(target)"We are flushing #{target}") # a little pre-flush hot visudo action #puts visudo("-cf", target) unless ( or !File.exists?(target)) super(target) end end